View Full Version : Rich people take things for granted!

Kraehe Branwen
Jul 31st, 2005, 09:20:06 AM
Ok, I live in a very nice apartment complex that's pretty pricey compared to what I'm used to(we pay $725 a month for this place, has a pool and secrurity cameras). We can barely afford it so we dont get the luxery of shopping too often. But there's a bunch of somewhat rich people living here who take everything they own for granted. Here's a list of stuff that I've found laying next to the garbage(not in it, I never dig inside of the garbage bin):

A Computer(works fine, in fact, I'm on said computer right now)

A Baby Bouncer(BRAND NEW! Still had the tags on it and everything, I'm guessing someone may have lost their baby and threw everything out *shrugs* But I looked into how much it costs and it's a $35 bouncer. Can't believe someone would leave that laying on a desk next to the dump)

A Kitchen Table (Perfectly fine except for a few stains on the glass that wont come off, completely unnoticable though with the stuff I put on it)

An end table(in which one of the hamsters is sitting on)

A small laptap desk type thing(using that for the microwave, was too small for a computer)

All of our furniture except for our desks, the bed, the dresser, and a bookshelf were given to us or we found it. I can't believe how much people take this stuff for granted. Perfectly good things that aren't damaged or anything and they just throw it out! Thank God they're also lazy and don't actually throw these things in the bin where it belongs lmao Or else I wouldn't have them!

Seriously, our whole house has been outfitted as if we had the money to do so. Too bad no one ever tossed a crib out there, that was something we needed months ago but didn't get until recently.

With a few touches, wiping down of Pledge or washing it in with the laundry, everything we have shines like new. :p God I love how stupid people are in this apartment complex!

Anyone else ever find something someone stupidly got rid of? Such as this computer, which is like the crown of our finds. We only needed to buy the keyboard and mouse for it.

Kraehe Branwen
Jul 31st, 2005, 08:50:26 PM
Someone just gave us a printer. Still in the box, brand spanking new. They bought it thinking their old printer was broken and found out it wasnt but didnt want to bother with bringing the new one back to the store. Woot! Free printer and free ink!

Boba Fett
Aug 1st, 2005, 07:33:13 AM
Nice! Congrats on your finds.

A got a free scanner that way. The owner couldn't get it to work on his computer, so he gave it to me. I plugged it in and downloaded the software and it worked perfectly.

Kraehe Branwen
Aug 1st, 2005, 07:59:54 AM
I need a new scanner. My old one got destroyed because I've moved so many times. Wish someone would give me one of those lol.

What I don't understand is why they don't just go to the Goodwill that is right around the corner! Some people that can't afford much could really use the clothes and what not. I've been to that place looking for a crib, and although they didnt have one, they had some really nice stuff.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 1st, 2005, 09:03:41 AM
Well, I always feel that if people take for granted the things that they have, you can take advantage of their ignorance and/or materialism. Think of it like you've got your own private goodwill outlet right down the hall :)

Kraehe Branwen
Aug 1st, 2005, 10:59:40 AM
Yeah but I dont use everything that they all toss out, especially if it does make its way into the bin. I noticed when I threw out a garbage bag full last night that someone had thrown out bedsheets and clothes that were perfectly fine. I just don't take anything that has made it's way into the bin cuz that feels gross. lol

Heck, even donating to a church would be good. There are homeless people that could make good use of those clothes instead of them piling up in a garbage dump. >.<

And I know there are people that could use that stuff more than we could. So it's a shame there's furniture and clothes out there in the rain with nothing but a dump awaiting them.

Lady Vader
Aug 3rd, 2005, 12:09:29 PM
Good golly... where the heck do you live? I mean, for starters, $725/month for an apartment would be a dream for me and my husband. And if that's considered very nice, then even more so.

And the fact you have well-to-do ppl living in the complex that throw out good stuff is just perplexing (mostly cause I never throw something out unless it's garbage or beyond repair).

I must say, congrats on all the freebies! Don't take it for granted like the ppl around you. ;)

Boba Fett
Aug 3rd, 2005, 12:59:54 PM
Over here, apartments start at about $1000 and up. And that is just for a one-bedroom.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 3rd, 2005, 01:08:54 PM
I rent a house for $360 a month. Granted, my living expenses as far as rent have decreased dramatically (with pay increasing with every job, woohoo!) since my days in Seattle, where myself and two other roomates were paying $1350 a month for a two bedroom two bath apartment on the waterfront.

Blade Bacquin
Aug 3rd, 2005, 01:09:09 PM
Glad I live in South Dakota for once standerd of living is so low the nicest apartments will cost you 800 tops. The one I live in which is just a old house turned into an apartment building but still very spacous 180 a month.

Yet your right rich people do take allot for granted.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 3rd, 2005, 01:20:46 PM
$180 a month for an apartment?! :eek

That's amazing.

And we bought our house. :mneh But the payments are about $1100 a month. We get to refinance in a little over a year. Wheee!

Sanis Prent
Aug 3rd, 2005, 03:50:03 PM
I'm shopping out a 3 bedroom apartment right now for about $550 a month.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 3rd, 2005, 04:05:22 PM

I hate living outside of chicago now

Jaime Tomahawk
Aug 3rd, 2005, 04:13:19 PM
WTF, I'm going to be moving soon to a full three bedroom on acreage by the looks of it for 1000 a month?!? I thought that was expensive till I see the rates your paying -_-

Kraehe Branwen
Aug 3rd, 2005, 04:39:46 PM
lol This is nice for down here... Well... somewhat nice. It's a heck of a lot better than the crack house down the street. >.< Not as good as the gated communities which can cost anywhere from $1000 to $3000 a month. Where I come from the amount we pay rent for this place could rent us a three or four bedroom house.

OUr apartment is one bedroom, teeny kitchen, and a bathroom with no window. We have a huge cockroach problem even though they spray for bugs on a montly basis but at least we have a pool and the place is kept up with. The last place we lived wanted us to pay them $750 a month for an apartment that was much smaller, in a bad neighborhood, no pool, with the same cockroach problem. We moved out quickly. Which was hell cuz I was pregnant at the time. I got so sick from the move but it was worth it. I hated the old apartment cuz there was a pedophile downstairs and REALLY loud neighbors. Now we only have to put up with one loud neighbor who has hundreds of kids over at her place all the time.

Aug 3rd, 2005, 06:00:53 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
And we bought our house. :mneh But the payments are about $1100 a month. We get to refinance in a little over a year. Wheee!

Egads! :eek I guess it's sad to say we pay $1400+ for our two-bed/two-bath apartment... and it's not even a waterfront! :x

Mu Satach
Aug 3rd, 2005, 08:33:10 PM
ok, you all just made me feel a lot better about my rent of $425 :p

:) :) :)

Morgan Evanar
Aug 3rd, 2005, 09:22:14 PM
Originally posted by Nevlonniel
Egads! :eek I guess it's sad to say we pay $1400+ for our two-bed/two-bath apartment... and it's not even a waterfront! :x Heh, I think my parents are paying about $1200 for morgage payments, 1700sqft, 4/2.

Serena Laran
Aug 4th, 2005, 12:33:28 AM
we're 3/1 + an extra room over the garage.

Rie - that's what you get for living where you live. I told you you should move to Oregon. In Washington it's even cheaper because the property taxes are much much lower.

Aug 4th, 2005, 01:21:39 AM
I only pay $350 a month to rent part of my friend's 3 bedroom condo, and I get a garage, cable TV, cable internet, and all my utilities and part of my food included in that. That, and I get to hang out with my friends all the time. Sweet deal by me.

Boba Fett
Aug 4th, 2005, 07:25:53 AM
I have a four-bedroom, two story house w/basement and pay a little over $1000 for it, but I live on the outskirts of Atlanta.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 4th, 2005, 07:32:16 AM
No matter how cheap or expensive all ya'lls places are, I still win the Creepiest House Belonging to a Forum Goer :)

Boba Fett
Aug 4th, 2005, 07:37:36 AM
Why creepiest house?

By the exterior looks of it, or is there actually something in there that goes bump in the night??

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 4th, 2005, 07:46:28 AM
It's an older house, and rests on a weird foundation. Has a huge front and back porch that spans the length of the house, and a porch swing in the front. No real driveway to speak of, just a dirt path wide enough for a car. It's right next to two barns, so it's not uncommon to hear horses making noise, and the streetlamp constantly flickers, so when I leave at night it's not unommon to be thrown into pitch blackness halfway down the stairs. It creaks, the door doesn't stay locked at times, and yes - there are alot of crazy noises to be heard at night.

Of course, let's not forget the fact that there is a cemetary not a hundred yards from my doorstep, and cornfields about 75 yards away. Plus, the house sits in a hollow, so mist/fog collects around the place like some sort of environmental mecca, just adding to the creepiness.

I'll try to get new pictures this weekend.

Kraehe Branwen
Aug 4th, 2005, 09:06:32 AM
If I still lived in the old apartment I'd have you beat. The whole time I was pregnant there was someone that loved to mess with me. I didnt like staying in the house alone because of it. I'd be taking a nap, all alone in the house(and at this time my fiance left the house for work at 4:30 am) then out of nowhere, I'd hear someone breathing right behind me or laugh maniacly above my head(we lived on the top floor so we don't have neighbors up there). And I'd always get that freaky feeling that someone was standing behind me in the shower.

And towards the end before we moved whatever it was started to suck the energy out of people. You could be in a perfect mood, feel completely fine and everything. But the moment you walked into our apartment you'd feel completely angry, depressed, and sick to your stomach or have a headache. The moment you walked out the door, you'd feel fine again. We tested it on several people we know and they all confirmed. o.o Someone nearly fainted when they walked in for no reason. We brought her outside and she felt fine.

We were afraid it was going to follow us cuz it appeared out of nowhere, but it didn't. Nothing here but the baby and me when my fiance's out to work.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 4th, 2005, 09:17:34 AM
Aye, that would scare the patooties out of me. My old apartment in Dallas was alot like that. I used to get sleep paralysis on a regular basis if I slept in the bedroom, so I ended up always sleeping on the futon in the living room. It got so bad that even looking into the bedroom was something I had to force myself to do.

Eventually I got fed up and wrote out these (http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/rules.html). It got alot better after that, since adding the sarcastic humor element really made me less nervous. Though to be honest I still didn't go into the bedroom if I didn't have to.

My whole problem though is the expectaion, suspense, and general bad vibes/hairs-on-end feelings, even if nothing happens. That's what puts me on edge. Not to mention I always have this stupid tendency to read the ghost story/creepy images threads on SA . Even though I sleep during the day, I still have reservations about going to bed. I still remember the dream about Shaye St. John I had after seeing her website again >_< :x

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 4th, 2005, 01:09:11 PM
What do you mean by 'sleep paralysis?'

When I start dweliing on creepy things in my head I can't get to sleep unless every bit of me is under a blanket except for my head, and I have my back against something like a wall or my husband. ^_^;

Lady Vader
Aug 4th, 2005, 02:09:34 PM
Rie - that's what you get for living where you live. I told you you should move to Oregon. In Washington it's even cheaper because the property taxes are much much lower.

I know, I know. And I have thought about it. But then I always come to the question, "What's out in OR that I would like?" I also don't like the idea of moving far from my family as god only knows I'll want their help when Joe and I start a family.

Soraya Taveres
Aug 21st, 2005, 07:03:35 AM
i live in a 7-bedroom house and i don't have to pay a thing.


Ebon Dir
Aug 24th, 2005, 01:24:31 AM
Back to the topic at hand, I was in the same boat you are with my last few apartments. The school I went to was populated by a lot of little rich kids who had their way paid by mommy and daddy and, thus, had no appreciation for tha value of a dollar. Every year my roomate and eye combed the garbage rooms in our building and the dumpsters in back, ending up with furnature and appliances galore. Hell, one year we got a fully functional steam cleaner.

Aug 24th, 2005, 05:21:23 AM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
Of course, let's not forget the fact that there is a cemetary not a hundred yards from my doorstep, and cornfields about 75 yards away. Plus, the house sits in a hollow, so mist/fog collects around the place like some sort of environmental mecca, just adding to the creepiness.Can... can I come visit now? :love

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 24th, 2005, 05:30:26 AM

Kraehe Branwen
Aug 24th, 2005, 05:10:36 PM
Originally posted by Soraya Taveres
i live in a 7-bedroom house and i don't have to pay a thing.


Can I move in? :D