View Full Version : Wishing to Return Home

Oolana Taine
Jul 31st, 2005, 12:11:10 AM
Oolana looked around, seeing the changes that have occured since she was last home. Taking everything in she smiled,

Home sweet home, as always

No matter how long she had ever been away, or where she had gone, the only place in the galaxy she belonged was right here, with the Sith Order.

Oolana Taine
Aug 1st, 2005, 06:49:48 PM
Years had to be spent offworld correcting the wrongs done to her by her own family. The Clan that sold this abnormal twi'lek-halfing to be used as desired, had to be....educated on the buisness of slavery.

Oolana smiled as she remembered the last scene of her visit before she left that god forsaken hovel on Ryloth for the last time.

The Clan elders' heads piled up on the floor as the others looked on. "Continue your ways or don't, it's up to you. But remember this," Oolana let her saber lite up the pile of bodies, lekku, and heads. "If any of the events from my life are repeated with ANY of the children, I will be back"

She was confident now, personal issues aside, that she could finally return home and give her full resources to the use of the Order. Oolana took in the view of the outpost's entrance way one more time, then she started off into it's depths hoping to see the faces of those she had left behind.

Jorshal Vuntana
Aug 1st, 2005, 10:44:26 PM
"Can I help you?" Jorshal said coldly to the woman before him. Instinct and experience told him to be wary of Twi'leks and he was. He sized her up and deduced he could handle a fight with her, as was the case with everyone he met.

Oolana Taine
Aug 2nd, 2005, 05:46:42 PM
"Yes, you're definitely of the Order." Oolana laughed at the cocky attitude of the member before her, she was feeling at home already.

"Actually I could use some help, things have changed quite a bit since I was last home. Would you be willing to show a fellow Sith around?"

Jorshal Vuntana
Aug 3rd, 2005, 10:51:10 AM
Jorshal tried hard to place her face amongst those of the order, he wasn't entirely sure she was Sith. She had to be, the look and feel he got from her told him she belonged amongst the Order. He still couldn't reason why he didn't remember her that well.

"Yeah, I guess." He said. "Umm... this is the outpost on Corellia." Obviously. He wasn't much of a tour guide nor recruiter, as was the task he had been assigned to for the week. "Upstairs is the governor's palace. I don't really know much about that place, so..." He trailed off. "I'm sure you want the access codes to the Sith Palace on Korriban, right?"

Oolana Taine
Aug 4th, 2005, 12:32:01 PM
"Sure" Oolana replied. Noticing his hesitation with her and questioning looks, she remebered she hadn't introduced herself.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Oolana. Oolana Taine Sith Knight. I've been gone for a few years taking care of some personal buisness, but now that that's all over I've come home."

"I left not too long after I became a knight. I'd wouldn't be surprised if there were quite a few who didn't remember me, The only few I remember are Southstar, Sasha, Lady Vader, and my old master, Dyzm. I don't remember your face at all. Are you new to the Order?"

Lady Vader
Aug 4th, 2005, 03:26:42 PM
OOC: If you hadn't already noticed, now might be a good time to let you know that we have actually undergone a restart, so to speak. For instance, Warlock is no longer part of the Order and in this current Universe, never existed. The TSO you knew has had a slight history alteration... most of it can be surmized from LV's character profile in the Sith Library. Jorshal can guide you if you get lost, though.


Oolana Taine
Aug 4th, 2005, 03:40:00 PM
OOC: Thanks I'll go read that to get updated. :-)

Jorshal Vuntana
Aug 4th, 2005, 10:13:01 PM
OOC: I was going to get to that...

IC: "No. I've been here since I was a kid." He corrected her. "But I was easy to miss then." He lead her forward to the front room where they took recruits once they've been accepted by the greeter at the outpost. Traditionally, the greeter would present the applicant over the holo to the elders on Korriban. "I just need you to stay in here for a moment why the droids identify you... you can't be to careful."

A non-humanoid looking droid rolled out from the back chambers and scanned her. Come on... make a move. He silently hoped to himself. A little action might spice up his time as greeter for the Sith Order. He doubted anything really would happen though.

"Most of who you remember are still around..." He said to try and lighten the air a little. "You said you knew Southstar?"

Oolana Taine
Aug 5th, 2005, 12:10:50 AM
"Yeah, Southstar and I started training and were both knighted around the same times. We had a few missions together, you could say we were friends... I guess. Just because of our similar levels and stuff we were thrown together alot and got to know each other."

Watching his intense gaze on the droids while they completed their scan she could already see similarities between the two Sith. Poor kid, must've be stuck with him alot. He even acts like him.

She smiled as she reminisced and compared their mannerisms. This position as greeter didn't seem very eventful. Oolana held back from making their meeting interesting, even though she wanted too.

Anything to make her return run smoother would help, and causing trouble with her entrance, even just in fun, would only be bad.

Jorshal Vuntana
Aug 5th, 2005, 11:24:29 AM
"Well he's dead." He said monotnously as he studied the droid. Then turning to Oolana, "He was my master, in case you're wondering..." The droid whirred and whistled and returned to the back chambers. "You're clear." He said into the silence without surprise. "I don't remember you, but I can't say I was all that observant. You've apparantly got a file with the Order."

He lead her out of the back room and stood in front of her. "The droids will upload what you'll need to get to Korriban on your ship. So unless you need me for anything else, you can get going."

Oolana Taine
Aug 5th, 2005, 03:29:54 PM
The news of Southstar's death took a second to sink in, but it was to be expected with the kind of circles the Sith dealt in. She really didn't know what to say, she had pleny of questions, but there would be time to learn what had happened. Plenty of time now that she was home.

Oolana turned to Jirshal and smiled, "Yeah, I could tell you were connected with him somehow. You remind me of him, how he behaved when we first joined. Well I know you don't know me, but any loss hurts. You ever need to talk, just come and find me. I'd like to know how he was doing here and what happened, but there'll be other times for that."

She started to leave, then turned back to him, "Plus I'll have to see his handywork, how well he did with you. We'll have to spar sometime."

Jorshal Vuntana
Aug 5th, 2005, 09:10:34 PM
He never took challanges, nor taunts, very well. You'll be dead by my saber, woman. He thought rabidly and began to chase after her. I'm twice as good as her, probably better. I could take her any...

"Day." He said quietly when he realized he had lost her. "Damn..." He turned back to the main hall where he was supposed to be waiting for anyone else to arrive. He took a seat and slouched down. A Sith from the times of his master... interesting, considering she was the only one left.