View Full Version : Telan

Darth Viscera
Jul 24th, 2005, 07:55:51 AM
Ok Matt, here's the thing. At TGE, everybody is happy with one another. We all play nice with each other, we all plan the best methods of taking over non-Imperial planets and brutally subjugating them, and we all rip on each other to show our love for one another. It's good for the soul, and it helps us get past tough times such as these, when everybody's underactive and Hyfe (peace be upon him) hasn't posted a funny in 3 years.

Now then, here are some examples of behavior which you should strive to emulate in order to better acclimate to the general atmosphere of the Empire.

*Telan is hungry. Flanked by his stormtroopers, he enters a deli, which inexplicably, contains an Italian chef.*

Telan: Good day, Shopkeep! I am rather famished. Fetch me a turkey sandwich, won't you? In monetary recompense, I shall supply you with an appropriate number of credit chips.
Italian Chef: ah, you-so spicy meat-a-ball, eh?! *shakes his fist in an amiable fashion*
Telan: What?! Well, Italian Chef, I had considered you a friend, but now our relationship is permanently altered! Our financial transaction is aborted! I release you from all treaties in which you were obligated to prepare for me a Turkey sandwich, and take my leave of you forever!
*Telan storms out of the deli*

no no no, that's not what you should do. HERE is what you should have done:

*Telan is hungry. Flanked by his stormtroopers, he enters a deli, which inexplicably, contains an Italian chef. He is wearing a cape!*

Telan: Good day, Shopkeep! I am rather famished. Fetch me a turkey sandwich, won't you? In monetary recompense, I shall supply you with an appropriate number of credit chips.
Italian Chef: ah, you-so spicy meat-a-ball, eh?! *shakes his fist in an amiable fashion*
Telan: I...see. This insurrection shall not go unpunished! Guards! *Telan snaps his fingers, and points to the doomed chef.*
Italian Chef: mamma mia! *dies*
Telan: *Commandeers a turkey sandwich from a nearby patron* were you a witness to these events?
Patron: *cries* nooo! I didn't see anything! I won't tell anyone, I swear!
Telan: Very well then. *begins to walk out of the deli, then pauses at the door, snaps his fingers, and points at the now sandwichless patron*
Telan: That's a risk I'm not willing to take! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHA!

much better! not only did Telan deal with his conundrum in a humorous fashion, he also wore a cape, and emerged from this situation not sandwichless.

And the moral of the story is, if somebody rips on you, you rip on them right back.

Also, when you get pissed off, don't edit the living crap out of your posts.

Telan Desaria
Jul 25th, 2005, 03:05:05 PM
Why is this here??? Strategic Command is not the place for such idicoy

Darth Viscera
Jul 25th, 2005, 03:13:53 PM
If somebody teases you, tease them back. That's it.