View Full Version : In Omnia Paratus

Darth Viscera
Jul 23rd, 2005, 04:52:13 PM
Shortly after the events of Imperium Invictus (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38561)...

Espaa stood now in the Imperial Palace, his mood somber. The Palace, once the reflection of all the might and majesty of the First Galactic Empire, was now a place of dust and ash. He had observed, mere broken glimpses, out of sequence and psychotic, had watched from this Palace as dawn had set on the Empire, had been powerless to intervene. He had opened his mouth to speak, but his attempts had been in vain, for no words would come out.

He spotted a red hue, moved towards the transparisteel window, curious as to what new dire fate had befallen the throneworld of the Empire. As he reached the window, he beheld a disconcerting site. Instead of the sprawling cityscape of Coruscant, there was only a crater, which seemed to extend as far as the eye could see.

He thought, No, This cannot be...

It felt as though his eyes opened at that instant, yet as far as he knew, he had been standing there, in the throne room of the Star Destroyer Invictus, staring out its transparisteel viewport for hours, gazing at the stars.

He opened his mind to the force, reached out to the Star Destroyer which traveled alongside the Invictus, to the man with whom he wished to speak.

Executor Sevon, I would speak with you.

Khendon Sevon
Jul 24th, 2005, 06:41:37 PM
Khendon’s bridge crew was perhaps the most disciplined in the entire navy. Each officer monitored those members assigned to him or her with the concentration of a master painter watching his or her apprentices apply fine strokes to extremely delicate pieces. Communication was brusque and strictly military. All hands new that the Executor expected the best—and they were more than willing to indulge him.

A murmur in the Force caught Khendon’s ear and whispered with intent. For a moment, the Executor pursed his lips and thought. Stone-like eyes looking into the cold, hard vacuum of space for an indeterminate amount of time.

“Leyard,” rumbled Khendon’s voice, “you have the bridge. No one is allowed into the war room until I leave it. Understood?”

The Officer looked at the Executor for a moment and only a moment before speaking, “As you command, My Lord.” To delay in response to Khendon’s inquiries was to take you life in your own hands, this Leyard knew. He stood tall and saluted stiffly as the Dark Soldier marched to the back of the bridge and disappeared from site.

Khendon entered the war room and shut the blast door. The lights within the chamber were dim and mildly tinted red—“ready at a moment’s notice” was the Executor’s creed. A simple, blue hologram depicted the Death Advocate’s current course and progress through hyperspace. Other wedges on the 3D space signified the ships in the small fleet.

With a trained hand, the Executor called up the communication array and set about specifying encryption ratings. In only a short time a secure holo transmitter began its feed. “This is Executor Sevon.” Khendon’s voice sounded like impending thunder. Although it generally had a menacing tone, it seemed to be, at this moment, less threatening and more intrigued.

Darth Viscera
Jul 24th, 2005, 07:07:42 PM
Espaa activated his transmitter, turned to face the holocam.

"Executor Sevon. I see you got my message."

He paused, remembered his...dream? Vision, perhaps.

"Executor Sevon, in light of the murder of our master, have you yet perceived the certain doom which awaits the Empire if such as we do not step forth to protect it?"

Khendon Sevon
Jul 24th, 2005, 07:19:29 PM
The light of the large holo cast a mildly eerie, azure glow on the details of the room. Khendon’s face remained somewhat sour looking as his mind churned the comment over. There had been a sensation somewhere deep in his subconscious thought for some time now.

The Executor’s silver eyes never blinked as he stared at the large projected face of Espaa. When he spoke each word had been tried over already in the acrid waters of Khendon’s mind. “I have sensed the shifting of uncertainty in the Empire. It wanders ships’ corridors like an infinite mist.

“Every bureaucrat, soldier, and commander appears as a shrouded apparition. They are neither here or there. Rather, each’s mind is filled with haze. It corrodes the foundation that is the Empire. Instead, it instills chaos and disorder.

“I foresee, if this mist is not abated, the Empire’s decay upon us.”

Darth Viscera
Jul 24th, 2005, 07:40:23 PM
Espaa turned and reached down to a console. He tapped a button, and a holorecording (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=38499#post722954) appeared before him. He spoke as the recording played out for the Executor.

"This is a security recording from the Imperial Palace, Office of the Chancellor. It was taken several weeks ago, and this copy of it has since come into my possession. The robed figure you see before Chancellor Anar is none other than Darth Decepis, a Sith Lord.

"Lord Decepis was once a peer of our master in the court of Darth Plagueis the Wise, until one night when Decepis murdered him in his sleep. For years he watched our master from the shadows, envious of his power, and plotted to supplant him when the time was right. This the Emperor told me.

You see, Executor Sevon, already the enemies of the Empire have designs on it."

Khendon Sevon
Jul 24th, 2005, 07:52:51 PM
Khendon watched the recording play out. Each individual, like an actor in a play, seemed perfect for his part. The Executor shook his head from side to side slowly and contracted the muscles of his visage.

Like a tornado approaching, Khendon’s voice started soft them boomed, “What an outrage! Anar is weak!” His words spit forth from his mouth with enmity, “I will not see this Empire ruined by underhanded politicians and serpents with forked tongues!

“I have worked too hard, shed too much blood to allow some petty weakling in the Force gain a title he does not deserve! The Emperor was strong, vicious, and capable! This worm is not but a black robe and smooth voice. He will quake in my presence! And, when I am done with him, he shall understand the true meaning of the Dark Side.”

Darth Viscera
Jul 25th, 2005, 06:09:57 PM
"Yes, Chancellor Anar is weak," Espaa agreed with Khendon.

"But he could be controlled, for a time, until those who possess the ability and the strength to grasp the reins of leadership could do so without him. And that time is not yet upon us."

Khendon Sevon
Jul 25th, 2005, 06:45:51 PM
Unimaginably, Khendon’s face seemed to grow harder. “I do not like the idea of using such a foolish and foul creature. Yet, I understand the importance of such actions. I can only hope the time will come soon enough.

“The Empire needs strong leadership right now. Not these weak minded fools!”