View Full Version : Finally Breaking the Mold

Khendon Sevon
Jul 23rd, 2005, 10:36:06 AM
This is a completely OOC discussion designed to facilitate good relations between Tear and myself (IC actions can be used to discuss the characters). I’m going to attempt to break down the wall of hatred and see what can be done. I invite any that wish to comment to do so. (I would appreciate Viscera, S'il, Anar, or Silus's comments especially, they are great RPers who understand me to a degree. Only wish Lash could post, too :) )

This is not a flame war. It should not be viewed as one or used as one. Instead, it’s a simple “what I don’t like that you do, and what you could do about it” thread.

Additionally, the character and the player must be separated. Tear, make sure you note if you are commenting on me (the RPer) or my character (Khendon).

Thank you in advance for your participation and for working with me.

Jul 23rd, 2005, 01:10:10 PM
First of all my post in the command thread wasn't directed as a flame or in anyway relating to the fact that your a "non sov-member". It was sticking up for someone i've seen kicked around these forums way to often, especially when he was only trying to contribute.

Im not out to try and "burn" you Khendon.

As for the humor it wasn't that bad and i did find it mildly amusing. I do think Telan over reacted by deleting his posts, like he usually does when hes offended. But you both know him and you both know how he would react. Especially in the context of him doing something serious.

Warning: Khendon and to anyone else who is going to read this I havent walked around any toes or gone about this in a hugely sensitive manner.

As for you Khendon and the wall of hate? I dont like roleplaying with you. At all. Now this is just your character because I talked with you online and I saw there was an actual different person there who wasn't that bad to hold a conversation with. Although everytime you brought up your character or your elite elite b.s stormsguardsmen i cringed.

It started with the first time i had a thread with you in it. The main problem i had with you was your "advanced technology" which in my opinion was b.s. I dont mind new ships or new devices but you took it to the extreme.

Basically your technology, in my opinion, was god moding and i have no idea why someone hadn't called you on it. Maybe it was the huge posts you made describing your technology and no one wanted to read through it all so we just took it for granted.

Too much power and not enough weakness if any at all. Is how i would some up other aspects of Khendon. I found myself god moding when i had to write with you simply because i refused to put up with it. Which is obscenely obvious in the latest thread with our characters together.

Although I admit i did over react but you simply showed up and started raising hell with a thread I was working on. Dae never told me she invited you.

Another thing i dont like is how your character/characters/technology whatever can go beyond the realm of fair play to where you've surrounded yourself by the most elite of elite superior troops that've been in thousands of campaigns and are crazy sob's etc but you bitch and moan instantly when someone does something you dont like. I think thats by far my biggest irk with you because its disgustingly ironic that you call foul on me in particular when im only reacting in the same spectrum of some post you wrote.

Now im by far the perfect writer in fact im probably on the lower end of the scale on these boards. As i wrote this i do recognize some of it in my writing and how i like to make tear beat his chest as it were and be all superior. But i do try to break away from the habit and make him vulnerable.

Khendon Sevon
Jul 23rd, 2005, 02:01:02 PM
Originally posted by Tear
As for you Khendon and the wall of hate? I dont like roleplaying with you. At all. Now this is just your character because I talked with you online and I saw there was an actual different person there who wasn't that bad to hold a conversation with.

Ah, that’s very good to hear.

Now, to the elite comments:

When a Jedi reaches the rank of Master he gains an authority that allows him to use new abilities and maintain a level of power above those that have not achieved Master rank. Amongst those that are masters there are individuals that are even more powerful due to their character’s history and level of training.

Khendon first started as a Sith Apprentice at TSE in 2000. He quickly rose to the rank of Sith Warrior under the Sith Knight (and eventual Lord) Summoner. The character began his research carrier here and developed the TIE Executioner and laser gatling for the group. (The laser gatling was much like Varlon’s turbolaser gatling; however, it was a separate technology).

Now, Khendon was given command of his first collection of GMA ships on 12/29/00 by Darth Viscera and ranked at Captain level. The force was the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet designed to invade planets and increase the Empire’s holdings.

By 01/31/01 Khendon was already an established Admiral. He was involved with the selecting of tactics and strategies. Additionally, he was a contributing researcher. However, his views differed from TSE’s and he quit their ranks to focus on his military career at GMA.

On 02/25/01 The Admiral became the Moff of Imperial Center. He was charged with its defense and assigned to command its allotted offensive forces. Through this time several military engagements, some small (dealing with Dark Jedi vessels) and others large (planning assaults on TSE, assaulting the Vong [sad day], fighting Gue—that was a funny RP), were conducted.

Around this time, Khendon’s Guild group became official. It was a military group heavily oriented around technology.

09/25/01 saw Khendon achieve the rank of Vice-Diktat of the Empire. He was one of two and was given the prestigious position of being in charge of all offensive actions and situations outside the Empire. The Guild was merged with GMA.

Soon after United Imperial Technologies was created. It was a merger between Lebron and Khendon to produce new technology to feed the Empire and other groups.

Around 12/14/02 The unofficial Imperial breakup became official. OOC I was instructed to try and keep the several remnant groups relatively equal so that fleeting would be facilitated. However, no one did anything. Khendon continued his research and military broodings and training. I did a few lone RPs, occasionally had the great RP with S’ilancy or Piett, and waited… and waited…

At the time of the breakup, Khendon was the highest-ranking Imperial other than Viscera. He answered only to the Diktat.

If Khendon had spent all of his time as a Jedi or a Sith he would be well into the master level. Basically, he’s a Master Fleeter and Researcher. His Force powers are roughly on par with a Knight.

Is it God Moding to have spent so much time developing a character? His technology (which he currently does not posses) was one of his focuses (like a Jedi Master can focus on telekinesis). It was an IC element designed through time and consideration.

Tear, I see where you’re coming from. I would agree with you if it weren’t for the actual seniority of the character. He is an extremely veteran combatant, he is an extremely respected individual.

Just as other non-fleeters were allowed to carry their character’s skills over I have carried Khendon’s over. He is still a strategist and tactician (that’s why he’s able to lead entire fleets and command soldiers), he is interested in research (why the stormguardsmen have cool tech.), and, in terms of Force skills, he still is at Knight level.

That is why a character that possesses mediocre Force skills and isn’t a combat guru would not be able to defeat him one-on-one and in the pure usage of those elements. He has boarded ships and fought hand-to-hand, commanded vessels into dire action, acted as a warrior fighting rogues and Jedi.

He has the established and backed abilities. Yes, he has weaknesses. Look at what happened after Stolen. Khendon was emotionally broken!

Additionally, just because you can’t beat him one-on-one using hand-to-hand and the Force doesn’t mean others can’t. If he versed Viscera in anything the battle would be decided by the flip of a coin. Khendon would have a great probability of losing against a Jedi Master. If multiple commanders got together and created a well thought out attack that utilized superior forces configured in a decisively superior manner, Khendon would lose in a fleet engagement.

The character is elite. He isn’t unbeatable. Simply, Khendon is powerful. That’s why he’s RP’d that way.

At SWF you cannot just appear and take on a high rank and assume skills that require intricate ability and knowledge. That is why a new RPer, one-on-one, has a difficult, if not impossible, time defeating Khendon.

Make sense?

Telan Desaria
Jul 23rd, 2005, 08:00:32 PM
If I may interject. There is no Sov/non-sov wall or elite club you are not permitted to join. Tear and I have rped on numerous occassions and I value him as an IC friend and OOC as well. He was, in your Ami parlance, sticking up for me. I am touched, honestly. You know that I react, I admit, a bit poorly when the things I do seriously are derided and destroyed.

As for Khendon IC - I have to agree with Tear. All Fed tech - ALL - was super imperious and I admire the dedication that went into it. However the threads we did together fizzled out when I realized that no matter I did there was no way around the technology of it. No weaknesses were ever provided for. If you will notice on almost all of my r and ds, I include a weakness simply so it is NOT perceived as being god moded.

As for Andrew - you are a brilliant person and very close to my own age. Giving the small distance between us, I have been inviting you to dinner for sometime if only to meet my enemy face to face. Hehehe.

I am afraid I do not have the exact dates as I am on another matter mentally right now, but Desaria is as follows.

Sometime, late 2000, joins GMA/TGE - taken under the wing of Jeseth Cloak/Admiral Zorin Hexes. Made Line Captain after the war with the Vong - Battle of Belkadan I think.

2001 - works way to Admiral, then Fleet Admiral and Inspector General of the Destoryerate.

2001 - as per orders of Viscera after his departure, made full Grand Admiral and given Thyferra.

2001-2005 - the Sovereignty.

I remember when SWF was an ezboard faction. I cannot boast to have the same lineage with TIE and such that these men do, but I have built up Desaria and made him into quite a ahcaracter if I do say so myself. And since the destruction of all that we worked for with the reset, I have felt a bit...jaded. However, I am working on that. I commit a great deal of personal energy to my rps and that no one reads them hurts considerably. But that is another matter.

I have had the pleasure of rping with excellent people here on SWF and some not-so-great. I have risen and fallen countless times over and I would not trade you for anything in the world.....well maybe my family and Germany, but thats about it.

Any questions for me?

Khendon Sevon
Jul 23rd, 2005, 08:40:27 PM
:) Telan, no one reads my threads, either. It's what we fleeters pay for RPing the way we love.

Darth Viscera
Jul 24th, 2005, 06:46:14 AM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Sometime, late 2000, joins GMA/TGE - taken under the wing of Jeseth Cloak/Admiral Zorin Hexes. Made Line Captain after the war with the Vong - Battle of Belkadan I think.

2001 - works way to Admiral, then Fleet Admiral and Inspector General of the Destoryerate.

2001 - as per orders of Viscera after his departure, made full Grand Admiral and given Thyferra.

2001-2005 - the Sovereignty.

You're misremembering. You joined TGE July 9th, 2001 (http://www.swforums.net/archive/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17891)

You were promoted to Captain on August 2nd 2001 by myself. (http://www.swforums.net/archive/showthread.php?threadid=18157#post283407)

Then you were promoted to Commodore after the Vong situation sometime around August 31st 2001, by Vice Admiral Zorin Hexes.

You were promoted to Admiral on September 9th, 2001 (http://www.swforums.net/archive/showthread.php?threadid=17883#post281798) by Vice Admiral Zorin Hexes.

You were apparently promoted to Fleet Admiral on October 15th, 2001 (http://www.swforums.net/archive/showthread.php?threadid=18132#post283214) by Vice Admiral Zorin Hexes.

You were promoted to Grand Admiral by myself and the Imperial Sovereignty was brought into existance on June 16th, 2002 (http://www.swforums.net/archive/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19894).

Telan Desaria
Jul 24th, 2005, 09:11:05 AM
I do not, contrary to popular beliefs, live on the forum. Thank you for the research. Yes, Hexes was my mentor. I learned a great deal from him.

Jul 25th, 2005, 01:15:18 AM
No, it makes sense but that history of Khendon isn't what I have a problem with. Im not challenging his credentials or his ability as a force user.

Khendon and Tear only came face to face in one thread. Which I saw you as entering purely to start a fight. Dae hadn't told me she invited you so I saw you as coming in to distrupt things which i didnt like. The fight between them im in agree with thats pretty much how it would go down. Tear relying less on his force powers and more ingenuity since he couldnt match Khendons skill in the force.

That problem i have is that even though Khendon is a veteran any has so much under his belt why do you feel the need to inflate every thing else that surrounds him?

The Technology for one even if you did have a forum or guild or whatever dedicated to creating new technologies it doesnt excuse the fact some if not most of the stuff you make is out of check within the norms of fair play.

Anyway Telan covered that and in this new universe it seems its mostly in the past now.

The one question I do have is that even though Khendon has been around a long time hes master force user, brilliant tactician, veteran of many battles, is surrounded by the best of the best elite storms guardsmen that you love to bring up ever so often....but why does he have to be?

I Think its just the way you like to write and the universe you like your character to live in. Some people dont mind that and some people probably incourage it but..

Im not like that. Or at least I try not to be. I dont like writing without any slack between the characters. I like the give and take between writers. Thats probably why I will never willfully write with you because our perspectives on how we do things are so vastly different.

Khendon Sevon
Jul 25th, 2005, 06:43:37 PM
Originally posted by Tear
That problem i have is that even though Khendon is a veteran any has so much under his belt why do you feel the need to inflate every thing else that surrounds him?

The Technology for one even if you did have a forum or guild or whatever dedicated to creating new technologies it doesnt excuse the fact some if not most of the stuff you make is out of check within the norms of fair play.

Fair play dictates that, over time, technology can improve.

Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
Khendon first started as a Sith Apprentice at TSE in 2000. He quickly rose to the rank of Sith Warrior under the Sith Knight (and eventual Lord) Summoner. The character began his research carrier here and developed the TIE Executioner and laser gatling for the group. (The laser gatling was much like Varlon’s turbolaser gatling; however, it was a separate technology).

Meant to say career here, by the way. Now, as you can see, in 2000 Khendon began his long stretch as a researcher. Initially, his technological innovations were minor upgrades to existing technology—the shield compensator, energy compensator, gatling, and eventual development of new engines are examples of some of the beginning technologies.

Khendon became a designer for GMA and, eventually, known by the fleeting community at SWF as an expert researcher. The Guild (a military group started by Khendon and supported by several RPing friends) allowed further IC funding and OOC fun.

As time progressed, so did the technology. Most of the first researches, and many of the intermediary technologies, were simply upgrades to existing frames and concepts. However, as time progressed new ships came into being. The Defensive Banks were considered a great leap forward in defense against fighters.

Eventually, new frames and capital vessels began being designed. The Guild-class star destroyer was an upgraded SD but the Nihilist-class took the destroyer to a new level of achievement. Technology continued to develop throughout the stagnant periods.

Now, with this level of “historical” background, even more advanced tech. could be achieved. The Federacy spent a large portion of its income on advances.

So, those are the IC and OOC reasons supporting the tech. around Khendon. Simply, it had developed for a prolonged time, was occasionally supported by RP’s, had been reviewed by mods here (neural technology was posted in the Mod-only board so review), etc.

The technology is powerful. Yet, there are ways around it. It prevents one from taking a simple route—the use of brute force and lack of intelligent planning and tactics—from winning the day.

I have always said this: technology is an RP element. Anyone can beat technology with tactics or ingenuity. It’s that simple.

Originally posted by Tear
The one question I do have is that even though Khendon has been around a long time hes master force user, brilliant tactician, veteran of many battles, is surrounded by the best of the best elite storms guardsmen that you love to bring up ever so often....but why does he have to be?

I’m not sure I understood the question. I think there are two ways to interpret it so I’ll answer both: (If you’re asking about the need for stormguardsmen)

Khendon cannot be everywhere at once. The stormguardsmen, in this reset, act as his agents on far off worlds. They ensure the loyalty of others and are prepared to die at the Executor’s word.

Pre-reset the stormguardsmen were elite fighters. They fought alongside Khendon. If you read the It’s War thread (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37321) you’ll notice that the stormguardsmen do save his life.

However, they were not just bodyguards for Khendon. They protected his wife, technology installations, and were present on many of the Federacy’s vessels. They were involved in offensives, defensive actions, and could be seen on any occupied or protected world.

(If you’re asking why Khendon has to be so powerful)

Khendon is and always will be one of the key leaders of the Empire. IC: Khendon has always believed leaders should be strong. He will not respect one that cannot engage him in combat and have a hope of surviving. This is one of the reasons that the character would never allow a puppet or politician to rule the government.

Additionally, Khendon is the type of military commander that leads from the front. He does not sit around and wait for his soldiers to finish off the enemy. Instead, he is in the first wave or directly in the thick of battle. This is evident in the It’s War thread.

His research is a great and fun story element that has brought me joy (as well as others). Lash is one RPer that has interacted with Khendon in regards to technology. I believe S’il/Kyry and Khendon have had some swapping of… erm, research and production .

In regards to his strength in the Force: An element of strength, which is required for leadership, is the Force (at least, in this Universe). It helps to shape Khendon’s mental elements and explains one of the IC reasons he was chosen to be trained by the Emperor.

You can find more about Khendon’s reset Force background in the Root of Evil thread (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38608)

So, really, they’re all IC reasons.

Originally posted by Tear
I Think its just the way you like to write and the universe you like your character to live in. Some people dont mind that and some people probably incourage it but..

Im not like that. Or at least I try not to be. I dont like writing without any slack between the characters.

Interesting that you observe it that way. I have to disagree. No offense, but Tear, at his current stage of Force development and presence at SWF, would have a very slim chance of defeating Khendon in hand-to-hand, fleet combat, fighter combat, or with the Force unless there was great writing behind it and it was reasonable.

Simply, (and don’t take this the wrong) way, just because Tear hasn’t beaten Khendon and probably couldn’t, it doesn’t mean others would have the same small probability. You’ve only been here so long, there are limitations.

I can rattle off a list of people that have beaten Khendon (S’ilancy, Kyry, Warren, Nichos Marr, Summoner to name a few). I can also rattle off a list of people who could defeat Khendon (S’ilancy, almost all of the Jedi Knights, Masters of the Dark Arts or Light, Viscera, Piett, etc.)

It’s been said a thousand times: no one may join SWF and instantly have abilities. They must slowly cultivate their technique and presence. To do otherwise is simply to devalue any action done.

If you take your time, develop your character, and spend a significant amount of time working on Tear, you will one day be able to defeat Khendon with ease. SWF is part game and part storytelling forum. The game aspect is rarely mentioned unless it’s to prevent a young, rebellious writer from acting too powerful.

Originally posted by Tear
I like the give and take between writers. Thats probably why I will never willfully write with you because our perspectives on how we do things are so vastly different.

On the contrary, I believe our perspectives are too similar. I view Khendon as not being able to be defeated by Tear unless by a very well written, thought out, and ingenious method. You view Tear as not being able to be defeated by Khendon at all.

You are correct in that there is not a give and a take between us; however, I believe you’re looking in the wrong places for answers as to why.

Darth Viscera
Jul 25th, 2005, 07:45:12 PM
I've got something to say.

"Hrk!" Tears hands reacted instinctivly, clutching at his throat in a desperate act to stop the attack before realizing what was happening.

Struggling through clenched teeth Tear managed to spit, "You always were a fool Sevon."

A moment past. Not a long one but long enough for frustration to set in. Long enough to find the rage he needed to fuel his body and fuel his body it did. Like an explosion Tears body burned literally, a single hand struck out toward his attacker. Khendon, and everything around him was suddenly torn up from its roots and sent violently in the other direction.

The Inquisitor fell to his knees, a violent bout of coughing took him spattering the floor infont of him lightly in blood. The coughing quickly changed to laughter as Tear stood up a smile spread over his bloody lips.

A small metallic cylinder quickly found itself in the Inquisitors palm. Blue eyes watched the cloud of swirling dust and debris that Khendon had been a part of, in there somewhere.

Now I don't know if you guys have worked this out between you since that post was written, but oy, was that moding.

First off, you're an untrained force sensitive, not The Human bloody Torch. Likewise with the force push, that's beyond your capacity. Also likewise with using the force to draw a small metallic cylinder to you.

Basically, the only thing that an untrained force sensitive should be able to do is remark on how he has a vague, tingly feeling at opportune moments, and have good luck from time to time.

Can you produce proof of training?

Jul 25th, 2005, 11:02:13 PM
I think your misinterpreting my arguement. Again im not disagree'ing with your credentials, your characters background the IC reasons for this and that.

Fair play dictates that, over time, technology can improve.

That seems only logical as it does in the real world but how in how much time should technology improve? Because given enough time your technology would become completely unfair to anyone else on the boards. Which it was pretty much at the point before the reset.

The technology is powerful. Yet, there are ways around it. It prevents one from taking a simple route—the use of brute force and lack of intelligent planning and tactics—from winning the day.

I have always said this: technology is an RP element. Anyone can beat technology with tactics or ingenuity. It’s that simple.

How does someone use tactics or ingenuity when the designer has sat down and thought up of all the ways his technology could be defeated and came up with a defense for it? Good way to design things but its also god moding. Maybe thats not what you did but your technology felt like thats what was done.

This is especially true since no large scale fleeting was allowed. So most encounters with Federacy ships would be on a one on one or even 3 on 3 sort of basis. Not to mention you write every pilot, every crewman and every captain/admiral or whatever as the best of the best. Constantly.

Khendon’s bridge crew was perhaps the most disciplined in the entire navy. Each officer monitored those members assigned to him or her with the concentration of a master painter watching his or her apprentices apply fine strokes to extremely delicate pieces. Communication was brusque and strictly military. All hands new that the Executor expected the best—and they were more than willing to indulge him.

I found this funny because it suits you so well. You want the best and surround yourself with it. Even though its more then likely that your bridge crew isnt as good or as disciplined as say the Grand Admirals? But whatever its just writing.

If multiple commanders got together and created a well thought out attack that utilized superior forces configured in a decisively superior manner, Khendon would lose in a fleet engagement.

This reinforces my point that Federacy tech was out of line if you think it would take multiple people and a larger fleet to defeat you.

I’m not sure I understood the question. I think there are two ways to interpret it so I’ll answer both: (If you’re asking about the need for stormguardsmen)

It was more toward the latter to an extent and again im not arguing with your IC reasons. Im arguing with you, the writer and why you choose to write your characters the way you do. In other words you dont always need to be the best to get noticed or have the shiniest ships or the best trained troops consistantly. Why do you feel the need to have it all?

Interesting that you observe it that way. I have to disagree. No offense, but Tear, at his current stage of Force development and presence at SWF, would have a very slim chance of defeating Khendon in hand-to-hand, fleet combat, fighter combat, or with the Force unless there was great writing behind it and it was reasonable.

Ever hear the term "Jack of all trades master of none?" Well Khendon looks to be a jack of all trades master of all trades. That's pretty much my point. Its how you like your character.

If you take your time, develop your character, and spend a significant amount of time working on Tear, you will one day be able to defeat Khendon with ease. SWF is part game and part storytelling forum. The game aspect is rarely mentioned unless it’s to prevent a young, rebellious writer from acting too powerful.

That applys mostly to exactly that, young rebellious writers. I may be rebellious sometimes but im not that young. This is a hobby as it is probably yours. Im here to write interesting stories not to play a game where I have to match Khendons 12 strength, 7 Intelligence and 2 Stamina to Tears 8 Strength, 1 Intelligence and 140 Stamina.:p

Thats where we differ. I dont like playing the stat game. Character's pasts are important but I dont ring up every victory ive had or every accomplishment Ive achieved and display it on a table and tell my opponent, "I win because i've done this."

You view Tear as not being able to be defeated by Khendon at all.

Do I? I've never said Tear could or couldn't beat Khendon. You say Tear has a very slim chance to beat Khendon because of his history and the things he's done. Because of his stats he will win. Only a fool thinks victory is certain.

Where I think the writing should decide the victor. history only explains the things you can accomplish not what you can do consistantly. I enjoy a sense of realism even if it is sci fi storytelling. With realism comes a chain of uncertainty, possibilitys etc.

Believe it or not but Masters can be killed by a simple storm trooper with a well aimed shot. Look at order 66 if you want a movie reference. Most of those Jedi were masters and were taken down quickly sometimes with one shot. Most didnt go down taking scores of storm troopers with them, even though they were masters.

Generals can be killed by privates and often are when the general see's fit to join battle. He's just another man to a bullet.

Now im not saying your wrong to do so or write I suppose its your right to do so. (Although I do think the tech was out of what it should be) What I am saying is I dont like to write with someone who works that way.

Jul 25th, 2005, 11:12:57 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
I've got something to say.

Now I don't know if you guys have worked this out between you since that post was written, but oy, was that moding.

First off, you're an untrained force sensitive, not The Human bloody Torch. Likewise with the force push, that's beyond your capacity. Also likewise with using the force to draw a small metallic cylinder to you.

Basically, the only thing that an untrained force sensitive should be able to do is remark on how he has a vague, tingly feeling at opportune moments, and have good luck from time to time.

Can you produce proof of training?

I've already explained this. Read the comments about me over reacting because I wasnt informed.

The cylinder was produced off his person not from somewhere in the room. Sorry if that was vague.

No I dont have any training. I joined this forum as an Imperial not as a Jedi or A sith but I wanted to play a force sensitive. Ive talked to the mods about it and they didnt see it as a problem.

As such ive roleplayed my characters abilities as ive seen sensible.Above learner but below knight. The only times ive gone beyond what I seen as sensible is when Khendon arrives on scene.

The only person with a problem with my characters force sensitivity since ive joined these boards has been Khendon. Pretty much because I hate writing with him. Which has been on two occasions.

Once in the Stolen thread. Which Ive admitted to several people if not in a thread on the Imp boards themselves to god moding because I refused to comply with his tech crap.

And the Second is the most recent which you've pointed out and ive already admitted repeatedly in this thread alone.

Darth Viscera
Jul 25th, 2005, 11:34:24 PM
Originally posted by Tear
That applys mostly to exactly that, young rebellious writers. I may be rebellious sometimes but im not that young. This is a hobby as it is probably yours. Im here to write interesting stories not to play a game where I have to match Khendons 12 strength, 7 Intelligence and 2 Stamina to Tears 8 Strength, 1 Intelligence and 140 Stamina.:p

Thats where we differ. I dont like playing the stat game. Character's pasts are important but I dont ring up every victory ive had or every accomplishment Ive achieved and display it on a table and tell my opponent, "I win because i've done this."

This sounds reasonable at first, but look again at your FAQ and you'll see that it's just not the way swfans.net works.

FAQ- III-A-2 Rank and/or Status:
New members who presume their prowess over other roleplayers without yet establishing themselves here are not very popular and may often times be ignored. Please remember, there are many people who have been here for a very long time, and they have worked hard to establish good story lines and high ranks. Newcomers will always have to establish themselves and earn credibility in due time. Apprentices will not have the abilities equivalent to a Master. Everyone must work their way up, here.

The best roleplayers learn as they play. They slowly develop their characters, allowing them to grow over time. This adds fun and realism to the whole experience.

No I dont have any training... As such ive roleplayed my characters abilities as ive seen sensible.Above learner but below knight.

FAQ- III-A-5 The Force:
Just as in Star Wars, Force powers rule here. Other powers may be used as well, but Force powers override all. Do not forget, this is Star Wars roleplaying. Again, if you are an apprentice, you will not be more Force powerful than a Master. Build up your force powers; train yourself and learn.

Do you see the conflict here? You can't RP that your character is above learner but below knight, without doing any training. It directly defies the FAQ.

Jul 26th, 2005, 12:05:40 AM

Originally posted by Tear
That applys mostly to exactly that, young rebellious writers. I may be rebellious sometimes but im not that young. This is a hobby as it is probably yours. Im here to write interesting stories not to play a game where I have to match Khendons 12 strength, 7 Intelligence and 2 Stamina to Tears 8 Strength, 1 Intelligence and 140 Stamina.

Thats where we differ. I dont like playing the stat game. Character's pasts are important but I dont ring up every victory ive had or every accomplishment Ive achieved and display it on a table and tell my opponent, "I win because i've done this."

This sounds reasonable at first, but look again at your FAQ and you'll see that it's just not the way swfans.net works..

I never said it was the way it works at Swfans.net


Now im not saying your wrong to do so or write I suppose its your right to do so.(Although I do think the tech was out of what it should be) What I am saying is I dont like to write with someone who works that way.

Its just my opinion.

FAQ- III-A-5 The Force:
Just as in Star Wars, Force powers rule here. Other powers may be used as well, but Force powers override all. Do not forget, this is Star Wars roleplaying. Again, if you are an apprentice, you will not be more Force powerful than a Master. Build up your force powers; train yourself and learn.

Do you see the conflict here? You can't RP that your character is above learner but below knight, without doing any training. It directly defies the FAQ.

So in my three years here as a force user its not conceivble he would reach that level through his own experiances? Plus im pretty sure im the only force user on these boards with any sort of large disadvantage when Tear actually use the force it harms himself.

But if you and the other mods find it prudent to enforce an apprentice level force ability feel free.

Darth Viscera
Jul 26th, 2005, 12:20:15 AM
Originally posted by Tear
So in my three years here as a force user its not conceivble he would reach that level through his own experiances? Plus im pretty sure im the only force user on these boards with any sort of large disadvantage when Tear actually use the force it harms himself.

But if you and the other mods find it prudent to enforce an apprentice level force ability feel free.

IMO, it's not conceivable that he would reach that level through his own experiences. If his experiences involved seeking out a Sith Knight or a Sith Master and being trained by that person, then yes, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Latent force ability does not a Dark Jedi Knight make. That's why training is such a large part of RPing as a force sensitive here on swfans.

I'm sure it would be an easy enough process to contact a staff moderator, request that they conduct an audit on your character with regards to the force, and then they would resolve the issue of your force status.

Also, 1 year and 9 months, no? It says you registered 10/22/03.

Jul 26th, 2005, 12:44:19 AM
Morgan said 3 I just took his word for it.

Tear's no sith though not that it makes a difference but he wouldnt search one out to train. Since he doesnt believe in such mystical things. Its a scientific tool or skill to him.

And go ahead makes no difference to me.

Telan Desaria
Jul 26th, 2005, 05:52:37 AM
Tear is Grand Inquisitor as well as one of the most powerful IC officers in the Empire, being a man more visible and more feared than an Executor because he IS the Imperial Justice system. As well as the man leading the fight to eradicate the Jedi.

I have many plans to rp with him and he and I have rped well together in the past. You two cannot get along - -fine, then don't rp. When Kracken and I could not get along we simple did not rp together - -and all was well with the world.

Khendon Sevon
Jul 26th, 2005, 02:59:18 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Tear is Grand Inquisitor as well as one of the most powerful IC officers in the Empire, being a man more visible and more feared than an Executor because he IS the Imperial Justice system.

Yet again, Telan, I point out that the Executor is a rank higher than Grand Inquisitor or Grand Admiral. If you’d like to settle this IC, we can do so.

Originally posted by Tear
It was more toward the latter to an extent and again im not arguing with your IC reasons. Im arguing with you, the writer and why you choose to write your characters the way you do. In other words you dont always need to be the best to get noticed or have the shiniest ships or the best trained troops consistantly. Why do you feel the need to have it all?

See my above explanations. I already addressed everything.

Jul 26th, 2005, 04:02:51 PM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
Yet again, Telan, I point out that the Executor is a rank higher than Grand Inquisitor or Grand Admiral. If you’d like to settle this IC, we can do so.


See my above explanations. I already addressed everything.

Diddo. Im pretty done with this thread.