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Jackson Mcgraves
Jul 11th, 2005, 10:52:49 AM
Name: Jackson mcgraves
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170 lbs
Age: 20
Alliance: Jedi
Birthplace: On a moon of Balmorra

Brother- Jason mcgraves (imp intel)
Brother- Allex Mcgraves (smuggler)
Nephew- Jason Dreggs (shadow squadron)
Neice - Nicky Huu (smuggler)

The youngest in the mcgraves family born 15 years after his twin brothers Allex and Jason. The purge was over when Jacksons brother Allex took him away from the family to escape his brother Jasons wrath. Jason wanted control of the family fortune so he claimed his family was rebel simpythizers as the imps came for the family Allex and fled with Jackson only ten at the time.

A half a year later Allex came across a former Jedi knight on one of his smuggling runs who told them them they both had potential. Yet the jedi told Allex he was to old to train but if he would allow it he would take Jackson under his wing. Allex agree to it thinking his brother would be safe under the Jedi's protection.

Jackson then began his training only reaching a the mid level of Jedi apprentice by the age of 12 before the imps caught up to them and killed his jedi master. Jackson narrowly excaped on a frieghter headed for coruscant. While on coruscant he became a begger until the age of 16 when he finally met up with a smuggler named Nicky huu who told him that they where related and that she could take him to his brother Allex. For the past four years he has been a smuggler with his brother and niece forsaking the force and his training.