View Full Version : APPLICATION: Alexis Biede

Alexis Biede
Jul 4th, 2005, 07:10:21 PM
Character name: Alexis Biede

Character Profile: Alert all the time. She seems a bit paranoid even at how quickly she will react to noises or things happening. Pretty quiet but can be a fire cracker when angered. If she is doing something and someone/thing distracts her, she tends to get annoyed by it. She is very untrusting but once you have gained her trust, she is loyal to you until death or otherwise.

Character History: Alexis was raised on Naboo as a twin. She was born years before the purge of the jedi. A little after birth, her twin sister was taken by the jedi because she registered as having force power strong in her. Alexis on the other had seemed to have failed this even though the sisters were identical. In truth, she had just as much power, it just came later than her sister's power.

Her mother and father were two politicial leaders on Naboo and thus were away from her for long periods of time. During those times, she was left alone with nothing but the servants to keep her company. Her parents did not keep it secret to her that her sister was a jedi while she had failed the tests. When Alexis's powers did surface, she took great pleasure in using them to punish her parents for there disdane for her.

She started out in small ways, making things disappear right out from under her parent's noses by using the force to move them, going from untesils at the dinner table to important documents on their desks. Harmless tricks at first. But slowly she elevated high and higher up in her skills. The final stroke for her parents to realise what was going on was she choaked her mother's favorite pet bird as her mother held it from ten feet away. She was nearly 14 when she did this.

After that, her parents sent her away to some school on Coruscant. Someone found out about her being in this school and her powers and kidnapped her one day. All she remembers is a needle being shoved into her arm and then darkness. That was during the time of the Purge.

Years later, just after the first death star was destroyed, she awoke within a tube of liquid, a gas mask over her mouth to alow her to breath. She peered out of the glass tube only to see a corpse proped up against a chair. She reconised it as the man, the scientist, that had kidnapped her. She remembered his face clearly because she had slept for the entire time and his face was drilled into her head by the dreams that haunted her.

She concentrated on the glass tube around her. It was thick but she continued to stare at it, trying to figure out how to open it. After a moment, it suddenly shattered and she fell to her hands and knees onto the small pedistool that the tube was on. She found her strength quickly and walked over to a computer consol nearby, looking it over. The date was nearly twenty years after she had been kidnapped. She looked around and found some darkend glass. Looking at her reflection, she found she had only aged about 4 years older. What ever these scientists had done, it had slowed her aging down significantly.

Alexis soon found some clothing and a few weapons and continued out into the universe to figure everything out. It has been a few years sense then and she has not changed much in appearance. Her fighting skills have greatly improved due to slight modifications to her strength and dexterity from the scientists. Other things were twisted as well such as her eyes are now able to see in the dark and she is able to run faster. Unfortunetly with these modifications also came some downfalls. She tires rather quickly. Her endurance is not very high.

(Sorry about the length. Got a bit carried away and did not want to let my work go.)

Character Motivations: Angered by the love her parents showed to her twin sister, who is now dead because of the purge, but that they did not show to her.

Character Skills: Telekenetic force powers. Force Attuned senses, stronger and faster than a normal human of her body mass, Martial Artist, gymnist.

Why should we accept you: Skills could be put to better use by the order than by herself. She could be much more deadly trained by a master than untrained.

Roleplaying example: (Character is Ashe Sieris.)

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Yes

Have you read the rules: Yes

Yurza Magus
Jul 4th, 2005, 07:29:45 PM
Unless the rules changed then I believe I am allowed to cast a vote and after reading and re-reading your application. I would have to vote...Yes.

Sasha Kovalev
Jul 5th, 2005, 01:00:43 PM
YES from me

Jul 6th, 2005, 09:11:27 AM

Lady Vader
Jul 8th, 2005, 01:24:13 PM

Jorshal Vuntana
Jul 9th, 2005, 10:17:38 PM
And I make the 5th Yes... Welcome to the Order. Feel free to post around and establish your character here or look for a master.

Yurza Magus
Jul 10th, 2005, 08:10:08 AM
Welcome :)

Lady Vader
Jul 11th, 2005, 06:01:10 PM
Access granted to the Sith Catacomb, as well as being given a new title. :)