View Full Version : Unbearable (closed)

Yurza Magus
Jul 4th, 2005, 08:57:19 AM
Twenty four days ago...

Yurza shoveled coal into the furnace, using the Force to spread the flame as to make it grow. He could already feel the heat of the fire on his body. He looked over at the door and nodded, pushing it closed through the Force. He would do this alone and right, or he would die trying.

He looked down at the two crystals before him and called them into the air. These were to be the heart of his new lightsaber. His last one, lost when he was captured by rebels. He put them onto a small rack on the open furnace and the closed the door. He would be with them for the next week or so as he molded them with his mind. The heat from the fire would fuel his rage and give him more control over the Force. It was as his late master had taught him.

Use your anger Yurza. Your emotions make you strong, therefore do not deny them.

A faint trace of a smile came to his face. It was almost as if he could hear his master's lectures now. But then again that could just be a hallucination from the heat that was rising to tempatures that would soon kill him if he was not careful.

Yurza Magus
Jul 4th, 2005, 11:14:07 AM
Twenty one days ago...

He struggled to stay straight as the heat over took him. He no longer knew time or space. Hunger and tiredness had already been loss to the madness. He needed to sleep soon or face insanity, but he still pressed on. He only moved to take enough water so that he would not die.

They're almost ready. Yes we can feel them, he thought to himself as he felt the crystals. Another two days and they would be perfect. But how long that could be he didn't know. Already he felt like he had been in there for years but his mind kept screaming that that wasn't possible. I don't know. We don't know. Fix the crystals...that's my job...fix the shinies...

Yurza Magus
Jul 4th, 2005, 01:56:41 PM
Seventeen days ago...

Yurza stumbled out of his room and down the hall. He didn't know what time of day it was, but it was sun out so the mess hall had to be open. He sniffed the air and his mouth began drooling. Yes...yes...food is ready. I can smells it!

Though he had been out of the furnace for more than three days now, he still had had little to no sleep. His crystals were done and now he had to mold the handle of his lightsaber to his desires and that would take just as long if not longer. Already he had the pommel to the perfect size. Now he only needed to cut the entricate designs he wanted to show on the handle. Something he would think about while he ate.

But by the time he had finished thinking about it and looked to see where he was going, he already held a small bag of food and was on his way back to his room. He notice others giving himm odd stares but he only shrugged them off. Soon I will be ready. Soon...

Yurza Magus
Jul 4th, 2005, 06:07:54 PM
Hours later...

"Fif...fifteen...yes that is it...it's been fifteen days," Yurza exclaimed from the floor. His vision blurred around the edges as unconciousness overtook him. His body was no longer his to control.

Fourteen days ago...

For three days, seventy-two standard hours, the young blonde Sith lay on his floor, motionless until his body spasamed and he woke. "Where am I? What..what am I doing?"

It took him a few moments to get his bearings before the memory of the past week came flooding back to him. He had been constructing his lightsaber and had slipped into unconciousness. He quickly scrambled to the worktable and sighed with relief. All the parts were still there and he was doing good. His pommel's designs were almost done ad after that he could start on the weapon's circuitry. Something that shouldn't take more than a day or two.

Yurza Magus
Jul 10th, 2005, 08:22:07 AM
Eight days ago...

Yurza had finished his pommel and looked at the two sides as he sighed with relief. It had been long and painful but finally he had managed to cut the small designs and make the small cylinder hit his hands perfectly.

The pommel was mostly black with a few gold rings and a golden power switch. Also around the base and the top of the weapon where the blade would extend from was wrapped by silver rings. Soon his weapon would be complete and he would be able to take it out into the training area for a real workout session.