View Full Version : Do the dead ever stay dead?

Jen Katrina
Jul 3rd, 2005, 07:57:38 PM
It was early in the day, just after dawn. The slim cloaked figure made its way down one of the narrow side streets as silently as a ghost. The city was waking up, though really it never was fully asleep to begin with. The figure stopped and lifted its head to look up in the direction of the Governer's Palace. She smiled, faintly so, and tinted with something less than amiable.

A thin patch made of some black material covered her left eye. The end of a thin scar coming out from beneath it was indication enough she'd lost it some time ago. The other, sharp and calculating, remained a deep green.

A sudden noise off in the alley behind her drew her attention. Quickly spinning around, her cloak had been flipped back, and a gloved hand lay poised milimeters from the lightsaber on her hip.
After a few moments of listening, and stretching out with all her senses, she relaxed her shoulders.

Shaking her head, she chided herself. "You're getting jumpy in your old age, Katrina."

Pulling her hood further down over her face, she continued in the direction of the Palace. Hopefully her old friend, Lady Vader would be up for a visit.

Javus Parr
Jul 8th, 2005, 02:59:13 PM
"Sir? There is a woman in the main lobby wishing to speak to a Lady Vader?"

Javus looked up from a data pad he'd been studying to regard the holo-intercom where his aid's visage stared back at him quizically. No one knew as of yet the existance of Lady Vader or of TSO. Not even his closest comrades and co-workers.

"Hmm. Have her sent up. I will see if I can get a clearer image of what she is asking for."

"Yes sir." The aid's visage vanished as she went about the command given her.

He sat back in his chair, removing the data pad he'd been reviewing and stuffing it away in a drawer, leaving his mahogony desk clear of any work-related items.

Mistress Daijo, or rather, Lady Vader, as she was now known as, taking the name after he had announced to her the passing of the Emperor and Darth Vader, had once told him that there were those that knew of her existance and may come looking for her on Corellia. And now he had one of those individuals knocking at the front door to the Govenor's Palace, a place once known as the Daijo Estate.

It would be interesting to know what this woman knew. For the time being, he would play the ignorance card.

Jen Katrina
Jul 8th, 2005, 03:11:32 PM
Katrina was amused, though not surprised. Underlings were rarely told anything of any sort of monumental importance. If things hadn't changed completely since last they met, Jen was sure Lady Vader still jealously guarded knowledge of her whereabouts.

When shown into Parr's office, she removed her hood, clasping her hands behind her back, arching an eyebrow as if in expectation.

"My appreciation, Governor. Your aide was rather reluctant to heed my request."

Javus Parr
Jul 8th, 2005, 04:10:33 PM
Javus stood in greeting to the ladies entrance into his office, gesturing for her to take a seat in one of the crescent shaped plush chairs across from his desk. "She was only following orders. I do hope she was not rude."

He only sat after the woman had made herself comfortable.

Getting straight to business was one of his good qualities, and he did just that. "To what does Corellia have the honor of your visit, Miss...?"

Jen Katrina
Jul 9th, 2005, 02:07:50 AM
Seeing as he was not one to waste time, Katrina was not about to indulge in that particular thing herself. Taking a moment to lace her fingers together in front, resting her elbows on the chair arms, and her chin on her hands, she arched a brow.

"Your aide did not inform you? I came to see Lady Vader."

She knew he was implying a desire to know her name. It was not something she released lightly.

"As for myself, I am an old friend with whom she has spilled blood."

He may not, no, likely did not understand the choice of words. They were bonding words among Sith of the old days. To speak of spilling blood together was allusion to a strong tie of friendship, loyalty even. But first and foremost, it was a sign of belonging to the same Order.

Javus Parr
Jul 20th, 2005, 12:17:47 PM
His aide had indeed told him why she was here, but he skirted over that fact, and instead continued with the conversation.

"Ah, so then your bond definitely has strength to it." LV had been good enough to tell him of certain things he should know about Sith and their culture. It was in the very case that someone may come looking for her.

"Unfortunately, the one you seek is not here. However, I can have a message sent to her." He didn't yet have permission from LV to mention her by her new name in public, nor did he use her alias as that was only reserved for when she needed to be someone else other than LV. He pulled at his uniform. "You are more than welcome to stay here at the mansion."