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Miranda Tarkin
Jul 2nd, 2005, 02:40:12 PM
Two Days After Prince Xizor's Death

The Kasajian Exchange

Several generations back, Sorsha's family created the Exchange to appease their paranoia when dealing with the average bank. They felt them exploitable and easily broken into, and the Kasajian's had a great many secrets that they wished to stay secret, considering most of their acquired wealth was not gained through legitimate means.

With their vast contacts, it was simple to call in a few favors for building space and have their proposal to pass. Now the massive fortress, which rivals the old Jedi Temple in size, was a means for the elite to bank and store valuable items in a secure location without having to sweat at night.

The design of the building is rather simple, but it strikingly stands out in the business district because of the lack of scenery around it, and being one of the first structures to see, the sleek black octagonal tower never went unnoticed.

Miranda Tarkin's face was often seen here to do personal business or to see her childhood friend, Sorsha Kasajian. Today's visit was for the former reason, and she waiting for the female attendant to return from the inventory database to finish her transaction. She had purchased a gift for her lover and wanted to cut through some red tape to have the item arrive at the Exchange with little hassle.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 8th, 2005, 01:53:15 PM
:: Sorsha was unaware that Miranda was here yet, and was busy looking through an extensive database that contained the names of black sun operatives, along with their holdings. It also contained information on the Hutt Syndicates and pirate gangs ::

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 9th, 2005, 02:18:27 PM
The teller had returned with a set of datapads that needed Miranda's approval, "Here we go Miss Tarkin."

She pushed the first datapad forward, "This is to acknowledge your new safety deposit box. We were fortunate to have some of our smaller ones open up that fit the dimensions you required. This signature releases the credits to the account you gave us."

Pleased, Miranda signed both datapads, "Excellent. And what about my other request?"

The woman smiled weakly and lowered her tone, as she noticed a Twi'lek couple was inquiring about how to open an account three booths down, "I was able to skirt around a few protocols like you usually ask me to, but it will still be a two week process for the item."

Miranda tapped at the counter, unimpressed.

"Miss Tarkin, please," the teller pleaded, "Even with my special privileges, bringing in this item will cause a delay. I was able to knock off three weeks considering it's ... delicate nature though."

"Is there anyway to knock it down to days?"

"You know of a way," the teller shrugged.

"Defeats the purpose of it being a gift," she sighed defeated. Miranda had hoped the item could be procured before Sorsha's birthday but the gift was contraband. It took months of haggling with the Rodian government to part with the weapon and the Empire to approve of it. "All right. When Sorsha gets back planet side, make sure that she signs all the documents pertaining to it," she pointed a finger at the teller, "but tell me before she does. I want to be there."

Now the teller held a cocky smile, "You can tell her yourself."

Miranda blinked, confused, "Pardon?"

"She's here already," she pointed upwards. "Miss Kasajian returned yesterday and has been in her condo since then. Shall I contact her?"

"Yes." Miranda was already making her way towards the elevator, "Inform her I'm on my way up."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 12th, 2005, 03:22:33 PM
:: Sorsha smiled as she got the message and sat naked in her favorite chair as Miranda entered the room. She never wore clothes in private, only dressing when there was business to conduct ::

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 12th, 2005, 03:36:19 PM
It didn't come as a shock to Miranda when she saw Sorsha undressed. In fact, she rather expected it. The only surprise here was that Sorsha was present on Imperial Center; Miranda hadn't expected to see her for another few days.

She strode around the desk with a smile on her face and leaned down to place a longing kiss upon Sorsha's lips. Miranda pulled away slowly, "I've missed you."

Pushing a stack of datapads aside, Miranda sat down on top of the desk. "Hrmp," she raised a brow and feigned being hurt by what she saw, "Something's been keeping you busy. So busy you forgot to tell me you were here."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 13th, 2005, 03:00:56 PM
:: She caught Miranda's hand and looked at her with sadness ::

"I've been in mourning."

:: The sadness melted away as she laughed ::

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 13th, 2005, 03:18:17 PM
"Ah yes," she wove her fingers between Sorsha's and smiled, "Xizor. Still, I did not think his death would have brought you back so soon."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 13th, 2005, 03:30:12 PM
"Time is moving, and so is everyone else. But please forgive me for not contacting you. There were urgent matters to set into play."

:: the holoscreen on the wall beeped as if in response ::

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 13th, 2005, 03:35:37 PM
She said nothing in response to the apology, but her attention was keenly focused on the viewscreen and waited for the explanation.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 20th, 2005, 03:23:44 PM
"The head of the Leukish council had an unfortunate accident. He stabbed himself in the eye. I've been chosen as his successor."

:: A map of the Baji Sector comes up, and spreads out into the air in three dimensions. Sorsha noted the look on her lover's face and grinned ::

"The Tenloss Syndicate belongs to us."

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 20th, 2005, 05:52:34 PM
Her eyes lit up and a smirk began to creep along the left side of her face, "It pleases me that they came to their senses and voted you into power. A lot of mess was avoided."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 21st, 2005, 04:12:49 PM
"Yes. I've given everyone a little bonus, and incentive to bring in profits by endweek. The deadline is two hours after 12 noon, Imperial Standard Time, of course."

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 22nd, 2005, 03:47:59 PM
"Glad my money is being put to good use." She crossed her arms, eyeing the monitor intently at the area carved out by the coup, "I would have hated to charge you interest if this hadn't of worked."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 26th, 2005, 12:00:28 PM
"I can assure you, the credits that roll in from this takeover will pay for the Skiprays by the end of the year."

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 26th, 2005, 02:47:56 PM
She chuckled and leaned over, kissing the top of Sorsha's head lightly, "And I thought you always knew when I was joking."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 26th, 2005, 02:49:56 PM
:: She lays her head in Miranda's lap and closes her eyes, but her mind was racing and scheming. It only stopped when she was dreaming ::

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 26th, 2005, 03:00:52 PM
"Ah, ah, ah." Miranda cued up the documents that the teller had been trying to work on from downstairs. "I do need your help."

She sighed as every bit of detailed information about the transferred item was displayed. Sorsha's gift was stuck in customs. A fully restored, pre-Clone War, lightsaber that had found it's way onto Rodia.

"Happy birthday," she muttered. "Was supposed to get here in time for the security checks but your precious Rodians kept pushing back the deal."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 26th, 2005, 03:27:15 PM
:: Her eyes snap open as she sits up. She looked bewildered, then amused ::

"Thank you. I suppose it's time to start teaching you the business."

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 26th, 2005, 03:30:55 PM
"You would think after four years of being together you should, but I do have a reputation to uphold."

Then she looked perplexed, "Why are you interested in this now?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 26th, 2005, 03:50:46 PM
:: She stood and stretched, looking over the documents. Then an incoming message lit up the screen. She gave Miranda a kiss on the cheek ::

"One moment."

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 26th, 2005, 04:01:24 PM
Miranda pushed herself off the desk and moved out of visual range. She wasn't sure who was on the otherside of this call and didn't want to chance a complication.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 27th, 2005, 03:46:31 PM
:: Varla appeared on the viewscreen. She was a member of the Courtesan's Guild and a longtime friend of Sorsha's ::

"The assassin from Nebari Prime has arrived, as you requested."

:: Sorsha's eyes sparkled like faerie fires at the news ::

"Splendid. Meet me at the Manarai tonight."

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 27th, 2005, 04:00:27 PM
Ah it was Varla. Miranda relaxed and went back to her little perch on Sorsha's desk, listening intently to their conversation. She was curious as to who the hit was.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 27th, 2005, 04:30:58 PM
:: Varla nodded, then signed off. Sorsha turned back to Miranda again, noting her curiosity ::

"Vigo Clezo intends to assassinate Naavik and intall a puppet to assume control of the Chattza Clan. So I've got a little suprise for him."

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 27th, 2005, 04:34:32 PM
"Let me guess," she grinned, "A Nebari Assassin?"

Miranda chuckled with approval. "Naavik will owe you his life of course."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 27th, 2005, 04:41:29 PM
"You learn quickly. I've always liked that about you."

:: She moved over to the bar and opened a bottle of cognac ::

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 27th, 2005, 04:51:21 PM
"Only like?" With a small laugh, she wrapped an arm around Sorsha's waist and pressed her lips against the nape of her lover's neck.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 27th, 2005, 05:02:48 PM
:: Sorsha giggled, leaning in to steal a kiss before pouring drinks ::

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 27th, 2005, 05:25:04 PM
She took the offered glass and drank heavily from it, licking her lips with a pleasant sigh. The flavor of the liquor was quite refreshing, which mixed well with the lingering fragrance of Sorsha's perfume. It was simply divine.

Then an unpleasant thought crossed her mind, "You don't think we're celebrating too early? I don't question your plan. It won't fail, but I'm leery of Sasseeri. She's certain to have designs upon you."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 28th, 2005, 03:39:41 PM
"Fear not, I'm not taking anyone for granted. Not Durga, not Savan, and certainly not Sasseeri."

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 28th, 2005, 03:43:25 PM
She considered Sorsha's words, "How certain? The lot of you might stumble over each other's messes."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 28th, 2005, 03:53:41 PM
"The anthill has already been kicked over. What are you worried about?"

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 28th, 2005, 03:57:04 PM
"You, mainly." She shook her head, "I can't explain it. I just have a bad feeling about you and Sasseeri bumping heads."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 28th, 2005, 04:07:55 PM
:: She noted the concern in Mira's eyes, and touched her cheek ::

"I have several irons in the fire as we speak. Tenloss Syndicate and the Chattza Clan are only a few of the resources I'm pooling together."

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 28th, 2005, 04:24:50 PM
She acknowledged her with a sigh, "You've thought of everything it seems."

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 3rd, 2005, 02:51:31 PM

:: She sat down on one of the barstools ::

"Two minds are always better than one. If you feel I'm taking things too lightly, tell me so."

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 3rd, 2005, 03:26:17 PM
"It's not that." Miranda took the other stool opposite of Sorsha. "I'm concerned about my investment and it being traced back to me. Hence my worries about the Cizerack."

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 4th, 2005, 03:40:52 PM
"Not to worry. Varla has seen to that personally, and I trust her like a Sister."

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 4th, 2005, 04:01:07 PM
Miranda nodded, accepting that answer before swallowing what was left of her drink. She licked her teeth and set the glass down harder then usual. She felt foolish for acting paranoid and it bothered her that she didn't know where that feeling even originated from. "I apologize for my doubts. I should know better since I trust you implicitly."

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 10th, 2005, 04:20:19 PM
"Look at me."

:: she catches Mira's hand again ::

"We're doing this together, so I need that wonderful Tarkin mind to start thinking about what kinds of investments we should make, corporate, criminal, or otherwise."

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 10th, 2005, 04:46:30 PM
"I know," she grinned and squeezed Sorsha's hand tightly. The odd insecurity that Miranda had shown before had completely disappeared. "Just make sure I get copies of your information so I can do my own research in places you aren't privvy to."