View Full Version : Fleet Combat Training 1.0

Darth Viscera
Jul 2nd, 2005, 11:44:46 AM
Prospective Imperial officers, this is an exercise which is designed to help your superiors assess your strengths and weaknesses in the area of fleet combat, if this is the area you have chosen to participate in. In order to participate, you must first have been accepted for recruitment (http://www.swforums.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=136) and allowed to join the ranks of the Galactic Empire.

If you choose to participate in this exercise, please start a new thread titled "<your name>'s Fleet Combat Training".


Officer, you will be commanding an Imperial taskforce. The quantity and types of ships assigned to your task force is entirely up to you, but please specify them.

You are currently blockading an Imperial World that is in the process of uprising against Imperial Rule. The World is called Ghorman.

Before your ships can deploy their troops planetside to restore order to the world, and supplement the Imperial Garrison which is already in place, a Rebel taskforce arrives at the edge of the system. The quantity and types of rebel ships is entirely up to you, but please specify them.

The enemy fleet begins to move to challenge your blockade of the planet. Their main objective in this battle is to deliver rebel troops to Ghorman, and secure the planet for themselves.

Now, take charge of the battle, and secure Ghorman for the empire.