View Full Version : Shadow Squadron Roster & Ship Information
Bette Davis
Jun 1st, 2005, 01:13:28 PM
Shadow Squadron based out of ISD II Admonisher
Commanding Officer: Cmdr. Bette Davis
Executive Officers: Lt. Cmdr. Tannis V'larr, Lt. Cmdr. Saul Karzai
The Shadows
Lt. Cmdr. Tannis "Professor" V'larr
2nd Lt. Zethra "Decoy" Kaine
Cmdr. Bette "Shooter" Davis
Lt. Cmdr. Saul "Sithspit" Karzai (NPC)
1st Lt. Malick "Schitzo" Raine
2nd Lt. Ulrhik "Dragon" Godsend (NPC)
Ens. Sango "Frack" Kariudo (NPC)
Ens. Kerryna "****" Kapst
1st Lt. Aliya "Chipper" Vahlshalynn
Ens. Zachariah "Jackal" Jak'el (NPC)
2nd Lt. Nagal "Naga" Aursoni
1st Lt. Tod "Maniac" Marr
Current Flight Groups
1st Flight
Flight Commander: Shadow 1 - Lt. Cmdr. Tannis "Professor" V'larr
Pilot: Shadow 5 - 1st Lt. Malick "Schitzo" Raine
Pilot: Shadow 11 - 2nd Lt. Nagal "Naga" Aursoni
Pilot: Shadow 7 - Ens. Sango "Frack" Kariudo (NPC)
2nd Flight
Flight Commander: Shadow 3 - Cmdr. Bette "Shooter" Davis
Pilot: Shadow 12 - 1st Lt. Tod "Maniac" Marr
Pilot: Shadow 6 - 2nd Lt. Ulrhik "Dragon" Godsend (NPC)
Pilot: Shadow 8 - Ens. Kerryna "****" Kapst
3rd Flight
Flight Commander: Shadow 9 - 1st Lt. Aliya "Chipper" Vahlshalynn
Pilot: Shadow 4 - Lt. Cmdr. Saul "Sithspit" Karzai (NPC)
Pilot: Shadow 2 - 2nd Lt. Zethra "Decoy" Kaine
Pilot: Shadow 10 - Ens. Zachariah "Jackal" Jak'el (NPC)
Standby Pilots
2nd Lt. Daina "Wrench" Balades (NPC)
Ens. Milo "Ox" Fairfield (NPC)
Ens. Draphte "Slag" D'Suka (NPC)
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Bette Davis
Aug 14th, 2006, 12:07:54 AM
Commanding Officer
Name: Kellison, Tal
Species/Sex: human/male
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 170 lbs
Age: 32 standard years
Alliance: Empire
Biography: Though never witness to the clone wars or any resulting violence himself, he was indoctrinated to support without question the Republic, and later the Empire, by his father, who defined himself by his patriotism. In fact, during the clone wars, his home was a “droid free zone,” and his father credited everything good in their lives to “those brave boys in white,” referring to the Clone Troopers. When the Imperial Navy opened its doors to new recruits, he jumped at the chance, even lying about his age so he could enlist two years early. Rising quickly through the ranks thanks to his boot licking skills and ability to pass blame on to other people, he was recently promoted to the rank of commander and soon after captain, serving upon the VSD Termagant. He is a firm believer in fate after two close calls with death and is the commanding officer directly responsible for Shadow Squadron.
Shadow Three
Name: Davis, Bette "Shooter"
Species/Sex: human female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 110 lbs
Age: 26 standard years
Alliance: Empire, Shadow Squadron
Biography : Born on Chandrila to loyalist parents, Bette Davis was a disappointment to her father from the beginning. He wanted a son, and tomboy Bette was the closest to one that he could get. He taught her how to fly, shoot straight, took her hunting, and when she expressed a desire to attend the fighter pilot academy on Carida, he pulled as many strings as he could to get her in. Fatherly desire only took her that far, however, and Bette soon made a reputation for herself as a by-the-book straight arrow student. Being a woman meant things were tougher on her, but after she put three male students in the med ward after an attempted hazing she attracted the attention of her superiors, and won a prized spot on a squadron in the Imperial Navy upon graduation. Once in place, Bette has worked her way up to Flight Commander on the elite Shadow Squadron, the highest ranked female pilot in the Navy.
Shadow Four
Name: Karzai, Saul "Sithspit"
Species/Sex: Human/Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 190 lbs
Age: 27 standard years
Alliance: Empire, Shadow Squadron
Biography: Born on Kuat, but raised on Coruscant, Karzai is the son of retired Imperial General Pax Karzai. Although his father was a war hero, the younger Karzai joined the Navy (instead of the Army) as a way to distinguish himself from the elder. Early in his career Saul served with both 'Shooter' and Val Torre over Hoth. Outside of being exceptional pilot, Saul is known for an incident on Corellia where he spat upon a Sith Apprentice during a bar argument. Enraged, the apprentice beat Saul, knocking him out of action for almost a year.
Shadow Five
Name: Raine, Malick "Schitzo"
Species/Sex: Human Male
Height: 5’11"
Weight: 167 lbs
Age: 25 standard years
Alliance: The Galactic Empire - Shadow Squadron
Biography: Born on Balmorra. He was the second highest ranking cadet in the Balmorrian academy under one Jason Mcgraves Jr. (aka Jason Dreggs). He was assigned to Death Squadron where as Jason Dreggs was assigned to Shadow Squadron. Half way through his tour a major family dispute broke out on Balmorra where he was given LOA to deal with it. While on leave his tour time Lapsed and Lieutenant Raine was free from his contract with the empire. For a time he slipped into obscurity only reappearing entering illegal fighter pilot competitions. Chipper found him at one of these events and convinced him to return and take over his old friend Jason Dreggs spot on Shadow squadron. Malick agreed because being amongst the stars is his true home. He took on Jason call sign in the mans memory. Oddly there are a few that think that he looks like dreggs himself if anyone could remember what dreggs looked like. (Secretly Malick Raine is Jason Dreggs with help of Slicer his records where changed as well as his name.)
Shadow Six
Name: Godsend, Ulrhik "Dragon"
Species/Sex: Human/Male
Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 27 standard years
Alliance: Empire, Shadow Squadron
Biography: Ulrhik was born on Coruscant, son to an Imperial Navy officer. His family name earned his way into the Naval Academy which is where Ulrhik's talent for piloting led him further. Surviving skirmish after skirmish, Ulrhik, known as Dragon for his attitude as a pilot and his aggresive nature while flying, continued to come back unscathed. His record earned him his credentials into Shadow Squadron.
Shadow Eight
Name: Zachariah Jak'el
Species/Sex: human male
Height: 5 ft, 8 in
Weight: 180 lb
Age: 25
Alliance: The Empire
Biography: Born on Coruscant. The young Zachariah, or Zak for short, always dreamed of flying. As nephew of a small Imperial Moff and son of an imperial captain and the daughter of a respectable imperial family; Zak was raised as every imperial was. He was sent to the Academy as soon as he was old enough. His uncle lost his position as Moff while Zak was studying at the academy. He graduated with the highest scores of his class and was instantly stationed on one of the star destroyers stationed at the battle of Endor. Half his squadron was blown apart by the rebels and he was transferred over to the elitist group known as Shadow Squadron. Although he doubts that he should be within such an elite squadron; he is determined to do his best and earn the honor as he goes.
Shadow Nine
Name: Vahlshalynn, Aliya "Chipper"
Species/Sex: Human female
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 120 lbs
Age: 20 standard years
Alliance: The Galactic Empire - Shadow Squadron
Biography: Born on Ralltiir, Aliya only had one dream ... to be a fighter pilot. Watching the TIE's fly in formation and practice manuevers captivated the young girl. Though women were extremely rare in the Imperial Navy, that fact didn't deter her in the least. Accepted because she tested well, her time in the Academy was brutul. The instructors showed nothing but contempt and forced her to work three times as hard as the other recruits. Her passion protected her, as did her father, a man of considerable political influence in the Ralltiir system. When that didn't work, her fists proved her point. They had no choice but to graduate her to be rid of her. Now she flies for Shadow Squadron as the new kid on the block.
Shadow Ten
Name: V'larr, Tannis "Professor"
Species/Sex: human/Sikarran male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Age: 26 standard years
Alliance: Empire, Shadow Squadron pilot
Biography: Tannis V'larr graduated second in his class at the Imperial Flight Academy, with honors. His textbook flight style and rigorous discipline has earned him the approval of many a flight commander, but his wingmates usually find him rigid and standoffish. In his short career he has ascended to the head of Watcher Squadron and, following its decimation at the Battle of Endor, was assigned to the illustrious Shadow Squadron to replace Shadow Ten. However, despite his success, his mixed heritage often proves to be a stumbling block for colleagues and superiors alike.
Shadow Twelve
Name: Marr, Tod "Maniac"
Bette Davis
Aug 16th, 2006, 12:00:50 AM
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Imperial Nicknames for Rebel Fighters
A-wings - specks
B-Wings - crosses
Y-Wings - wishbones, bones
X-Wings - strikes
Rebel Fighter Information
taken from <a href=>here</a>
A Wing
It was designed from the beginning to outrun any ship in the Imperial Fleet. Its speed comes at a price however. It is very fragile and easily damaged. It also requires constant maintenance, as one hit is often enough to cause critical system failures, or destroy it outright. The ship is only 9.6 meters long, leaving almost no room for extra equipment.
They do have enough to survive though. They have two pivoting laser cannons, with a 120-degree field of fire. The A-Wing can also be fitted with concussion-missile launchers if the mission requires them. It also has a sensor-jamming array, which allowed them to do hit and run missions very effectively. A-Wings were by far the most maneuverable fighters in the Rebel Fleet.
The B-Wing was developed by Commander (now Admiral [now deceased]) Ackbar. It was developed to be a powerful heavy-assault starfighter, in which it excelled.
The Rebels were light on credits, but they needed the firepower of a capital ship. The B-Wing was only four meters longer than an X-Wing, but it had much more firepower than even many Imperial ships. The B-Wing was essentially a single long wing, with the cockpit on one end. When in combat situations, it would open up its S-foil wings to increase its field of fire.
B-Wings are difficult to handle, so only a few pilots were qualified to fly it. Those who did would frequently get attached to their ships. The B-Wing was stocked with weapons. In its standard configuration, it held three ion cannons, a high power laser cannon, two proton-torpedo launchers, and a pair of auto-blasters.
Of the many fighters, the Y-Wing came first. This fighter was renowned for its durability and abilities in close-quarters combat. It consists of three major parts. They are the armored cockpit, a reinforced central spar, and a cross-wing. The cockpit contains weapons control and the pilot. The cross-wing supports the two engines, giving the Y-Wing its name.
The Y-Wing has room for two pilots and one R2 or R4 astromech droid. It also has a pair of laser cannons, a pair of proton-torpedo launchers (with eight rounds each), and a small ion cannon.
The Y-Wing was the main fighter in the Rebel arsenal until the superior X-Wing fighter was introduced.
The X-Wing was very advanced for its day. It was a small, single pilot fighter. The pilot controls everything from the direction to the weapons, unlike in the Y-Wing, which can have a separate gunner. For weapons, the X-Wing had four laser cannons, which could be fired individually, in pairs, or all at once. It also had a pair of proton-torpedo launchers with a magazine of three torpedoes each.
The X-Wing was known for its durability, since it had a reinforced hull and powerful shield generators. It also had a full ejection system, for the safety of the pilot. The X-Wing was commonly used for dog fighting, transport, and escort duties.
Alliance Nicknames for Imperial Fighters
Standard TIE - eyeballs
TIE Bombers - dupes
Interceptors - squints
Advanced - brights
Defenders - trips
Imperial Fighter Information:
<a href=>TIE Fighter</a>
According to canon, the TIE fighter was manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems and cost 60,000 Imperial Credits (the standard currency of the Empire) to build, which is apparently cheap for a fighter. The design was based on the older Advanced Jedi starfighter and the Sith Infiltrator.
While highly maneuverable, TIE fighters had minimal or no shielding and were easily destroyed. The TIE Pilots themselves, had to trust their adept flying and combat skills to compensate for these weaknesses. They did not carry missile tubes in standard configurations, but these were sometimes added as necessary. The fighters had no landing gear and were launched from specialized racks, although they are structurally capable of sitting on their wings. Life-support systems were not included, so each pilot had a fully-sealed flight suit (of superior construction to that of his Rebel counterpart).
Contrary to popular belief, the ships did possess ejection seats, as evidenced in Episode V, but the nature of space warfare resulted in pilots preferring to ride their craft to a swift end rather than eject and risk slow death by oxygen starvation.
<a href=>TIE Interceptor</a>
The TIE interceptor, or T/I, is an improved version of the TIE fighter that is identifiable by its bent-wing and arrow-shaped side wing panels, as distinct from the hexagonal ones on its predecessor craft. The interceptor is also blue while the older TIE fighter is grey.
Like its predecessor, the TIE fighter, the TIE interceptor carries no shielding but has superb acceleration and maneuverability. Improved avionics have been implemented and the radiator-panels have a cut-out notch to improve lateral visibility. The official materials place one laser cannon mounted on each of the four wingtips for a total of four cannons, but some fans (including notably Dr. Curtis Saxton in his Star Wars Technical Commentaries) have claimed the TIE interceptor has ten cannons, including an additional cannon mounted at the end of each wingtip and two more in the command pod hardpoints.
The interceptor existed at the time of the Battle of Yavin, where an Imperial Star Destroyer's six TIE squadrons consisted of four squadrons of standard TIE fighters, one squadron of TIE bombers, and one of TIE interceptors. By the Battle of Endor, an additional squadron of interceptors replaced one of the TIE fighter squadrons.
Ours are modified for shields, although after a few direct hits you'll lose your protection and will have to route power from engines (decreased speed), inertial dampners (er... squish the pilot! not reccomended when you're actually moving), or weapons (ya lose yer guns).
<a href=>TIE Avenger</a>
<i>TIE Advanced</i>
Oddly, however, while Darth Vader's prototype craft resembles a single pod TIE Bomber, the TIE Avenger's wings and body are very similar to the TIE Defender, although the Avenger features the traditional bi-wing configuration instead of the revolutionary tri-wing of the Defender. The finished TIE Avenger featured Novaldex shields and an extended twin ion engine propulsion system. It also featured a hyperdrive, enabling it to operate independently of capital ships. A SFS I-s3a ionization reactor powered the fighter, and twin P-sx7.4 ion engines propelled it through space. It featured a pair of L-s9.3 laser cannons, and could be outfitted with a pair of warhead launchers which could accommodate concussion missiles or proton torpedoes. In the TIE Fighter game, the Avenger could also carry a tractor beam which enabled it to snare enemy fighters. New Republic pilot slang christened these fighters "brights" due to their great speed.
<a href=>TIE Defender</a>
Unlike most standard TIE craft, the TIE Defender has both a deflector shield and hyperdrive. It carries a formidable array of weaponry, with four laser cannons, two ion cannons and two warhead launchers each capable of holding eight missiles (both proton and concussion). According to the novel Isard's Revenge, the Defender also sported a small tractor beam. (In the games, it could be equipped with a tractor beam which is used to snare enemy agile starfighters, although it was not standard equipment.) Its triple wing design and powerful engines make the craft faster and more agile than any other starfighter in Imperial service, even breaking the mark set by the preceding TIE Avenger. It was also very expensive, costing 300,000 credits for a single unit, which is five times the cost of a standard TIE fighter. Even an organization as wealthy as the Imperial Starfleet could not hope to mass-deploy such a fighter (or even the almost as capable TIE Avenger) so only elite pilots flew them, and then only for missions of the utmost importance (such as to prevent the rogue Grand Admiral Zaarin's coup d'état).
The craft featured 4 wingtip laser cannons, 2 wingtip Ion Cannons, and an adaptable Proton Torpedo/Concussion Missile launcher. Although the ship is very rare, it is rumored that a squadron of TIE Defenders fought in the Battle of Endor (named Onyx Squadron by the Decipher Star Wars CCG).
<a href=>TIE Bomber</a>
The TIE bomber is a larger, less maneuverable version of the TIE Fighter used for destroying larger Rebel ships and pinpoint planetary bombardment. It can carry large numbers of torpedoes, bombs, orbital mines or thermal detonators. The bomber is also slow and not very maneuverable and must be protected by fighters.
The TIE bomber has two hulls next to each other; one carries the pilot and the other carries a universal warhead launcher, enabling them to carry a variety of weapons tailored for the mission. The bomber is much more heavily built-up than the "fighter"-series of TIEs; it carries more sophisticated sensors to penetrate capital ship jamming and presumably stronger engines to move all of those warheads.
TIE Shuttle
bomber variant
A variant of the bomber replaced the warhead bay with a small cargo bay that could hold two passengers. This craft could ferry important personnel from one ship to another or from a ship to a planetary base. In The Empire Strikes Back, Captain Needa used a shuttle of this type to personally apologize to Darth Vader for losing track of the Millennium Falcon.
Bette Davis
Aug 16th, 2006, 12:48:23 PM
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Other Starfighters
taken from <a href=>here</a>
Z-95 Headhunter
The Z-95 Headhunter is a starfighter that was designed jointly by Incom Corporation and Subpro Industries several decades before the Clone Wars. Considered one of the most capable fighters of its day, it boasted a distinctive bubble canopy and two sets of blasters mounted at the ends of its two wings. Its sleek, yet rugged, design was attributed to Seti Ashgad, an engineer in Incom's Hyperdrive Design Division.
The Z-95 is smaller in size than its successors: the ARC-170, designed during the Clone Wars; and the T-65 X-wing, designed shortly before the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War. While the Z-95 still enjoyed considerable use in the years following the establishment of the New Republic, it was clearly outclassed by fighters developed in the decades since its original release. When compared to the T-65, it is slower, less-maneuverable, has lighter armor and shielding, and is not as heavily armed. Yet it is fairly inexpensive and reliable, making it a favorite amongst smugglers, Outer Rim organizations, local system defense forces and bright-eyed youngsters with dreams of becoming fighter jockeys.
Owing to its longevity, it is not surprising that many variants of the Z-95 have come into existence due to the efforts of starship mechanics and hotrod pilots throughout the galaxy; these include a split-wing version, a courier version that can accommodate a single passenger, variants with various alternative weapons loadouts, and a trainer version that was commonly used by the Rebel Alliance until replaced by the T-65X, the trainer variant of the X-wing.
Preybird-class starfighter
The SoroSuub Preybird is a fictional model of medium starfighter. It is a capable craft for attack and defense purposes, mounting a heavy laser cannon on each wing. Production commenced shortly before the Battle of Endor and continued for a number of years. The design was primarily meant for export, rather than use in Sullust's own defense forces. Late in the Galactic Civil War, the Imperial Remnant procured Preybirds for its fighter wings because it could not devote manufacturing facilities to build TIE fighters; those facilities were dedicated to building starships for the Remnant's naval forces.
I-7 Howlrunner
The I-7 Howlrunner is made by Incom Corporation to show the Empire that it could produce a fighter that was comparable with the main fighter in the Empire. Unlike normal Imperial starfighters, it has shields. However, most Star Destroyer captains did not choose the fighter. It is thought that top advisors in the Empire had a liking for it, however; for example, Palpatine's Dark Side elite used exclusively I-7 Howlrunners.
Though it has shields, it does not (in standard configuration) have a hyperdrive (conforming to Imperial Doctrine). They are more expensive than TIE fighters and produced by a company that had been in the Imperial's bad graces since they allowed the X-Wing designs to be leaked to the Rebellion. The fighter was a less than perfect success.
Hornet Interceptor
The Hornet Interceptor is a starship frequently used by smugglers, pirates and other fringe groups. Named for its insectoid appearance, Hornets were cheap, yet capable starfighters. Unfortunately the fighters were vulnerable in atmosphere due to their poor aerodynamics.
CloakShape Starfighter
The CloakShape fighter is a craft produced by Kuat Drive Yards. The CloakShape is one of the most enduring fighter designs ever developed by a single company. Designed decades before the Clone Wars and used more or less ever since, the CloakShape fighter was originally intended to serve as an atmospheric and short range space fighter craft. Armed with 2 medium laser cannons and a concussion missile launcher, they are adequate assault craft but best for planetary defence. They have no deflector shield generator or hyperdrive systems, however.
The CloakShape enjoys such widespread popularity because it is an incredibly easy craft to modify and upgrade to almost any specifactions. Capitalising on this design feature, Kuat Drive Yards has introduced several upgrade kits intended specifically for the starfighter. These include one that adds on a maneuvring fin at the back to increase handling in atmosphere - this has become so popular that many people believe that it was part of the original design specifications. Many others include ones that improve such systems as the sensors, targeting computer or power generator. Like the Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter and Eta-2 Actis Interceptor also produced by Kuat Drive Yards or its subdsidiaries, the CloakShape can also dock with a specially designed hyperdrive ring.
The CloakShape's main drawback is its small power generator. It is too small to keep the craft running for extended periods of time, especially during battles. However, due to the easiness of the upgrading of this craft, even novice mechanics can fit a larger generator, more weapons, better engines or a deflector shield generator to allow this craft to seve as part of many militaries and mercenary group's space starfighter services for years to come.
These fighters would be very old at this point in the timeline, but due to their popularity I would assume there are still many out there in use by smugglers and the like.
Chir'daki (Death Seed)
The Chir'daki (better known outside of Ryloth as the Death Seed) is a unique design of starfighter developed and used exclusively by the Twi'lek species. The fighter is actually an "Ugly" design, having been built using components from both the TIE/ln and the X-wing. Unlike typical "Uglies", which were haphazardly cobbled together from whatever parts were available, the Chir'daki was built according to a specific design and apparently had no more variation from one fighter to the next than would a factory-built craft. The S-foils of the X-Wing fighter are attached to a gyroscopic mount that is then mounted onto the main pod of a TIE fighter. The Death Seed uses the twin ion engines of the TIE for propulsion, and relies on the X-wing engines to power the lasers, hyperdrive, and shields. The resulting craft has a bit better maneuverability than the standard TIE, but is a little slower. The S-Foils do give the Death Seed the X-Wing's firepower, which is a grade higher than that of the TIE. The Twi'leks decided not to incorporate any concussion missile or proton torpedo launchers into the design, as those weapons were very difficult to acquire. All in all, the Death Seed is not a bad starfighter for a composite craft. It is unknown how many of these craft the Twi'lek have built, but it is not thought to be many.
Bette Davis
Aug 16th, 2006, 12:49:23 PM
<a href=/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38483>Post Script: The Battle of Endor</a>
Three hours after the Rebels retreat the Shadows are sent out to recon the battlefield, and look for survivors... and traps.
Our Fallen Comrades (
Five days after Endor, Shadow Squadron recieves a week of shore leave on Coruscant. The first night they meet at a bar to toast to the memory of their fallen squadmates.
Rally Round (
An assasination attempt is made on Tiberius Anar, the emerging political leader of a struggling Empire.
The Battle of Bakura (
Shadow Squadron is assigned escort duty as the ISD Termagant brings an Imperial ambassador to the neutral Bakuran system. Rogue Squadron is conducting a recon mission in the same area. Two guesses as to what happens, and the first one doesn't count.
Reviewing the Troops (
During a standard escort mission for the ISD Termagant Shadow Squadron decides to play some practical jokes on Capt. Tal 'Lucky' Kellison. Unfortunately for her, Miranda Tarkin is one of the visitors on board while the hijinks are going down.
The Best Damn Drunkards in the Galaxy (
Bette Davis, on a week of leave, visits Cloud City and runs into Mike Brand (a Rebel) and Mirko "Spenny" Spendrim.
The Officer's Lounge (
Bette Davis, Saul Karzai and other Shadow Squadron pilots get a little down time between missions, with plenty of drink, and cards.
Project Eidolon (
Tannis V'larr presents his design for a new stealth TIE to Imperial R&D.
Malick Raine
Jan 3rd, 2010, 08:13:16 AM
Shadow Five - Lieutenant Jason "Outcast" Dreggs (NPC)
He will be making his return under this name soon enough.
Should read:
Shadow Five - Lieutenant Malick "Schitzo" Raine
Shadow Five
Name: Malick Raine "Outcast"
Species/Sex: Human Male
Height: 5’11"
Weight: 167 lbs
Age: 25 standard years
Alliance: The Galactic Empire - Shadow Squadron
Biography: Born on Balmorra. He was the second highest ranking cadet in the Balmorrian academy under one Jason Mcgraves Jr. (aka Jason Dreggs). He was assigned to Death Squadron where as Jason Dreggs was assigned to Shadow Squadron. Half way through his tour a major family dispute broke out on Balmorra where he was given LOA to deal with it. While on leave his tour time Lapsed and Lieutenant Raine was free from his contract with the empire. For a time he slipped into obscurity only reappearing entering illegal fighter pilot competitions. Chipper found him at one of these events and convinced him to return and take over his old friend Jason Dreggs spot on Shadow squadron. Malick agreed because being amongst the stars is his true home. He took on Jason call sign in the mans memory. Oddly there are a few that think that he looks like dreggs himself if anyone could remember what dreggs looked like. (Secretly Malick Raine is Jason Dreggs with help of Slicer his records where changed as well as his name.)
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