View Full Version : Assoupi Mémoire (Karl Valten, Project Nightmare)

Danni Reyok
Jun 27th, 2005, 09:49:23 PM
The mid levels of Coruscant, where the loud screaming of speeder engines, the shouts of drunken aliens, and the music of the local cantina’s is the best place someone can go for entertainment, also one of the best places to lay low and travel undetected.

In one of the local cantina’s, a dazzling blonde haired women looking to be about twenty-eight years of age with overwhelming emerald green eyes and fair skin, rests at the bar in a dazed state gradually taking a drag on her second death stick. The constant banging and laughing of the other locals barely faze her as she bathes in the hazardous fumes around her. Every once in a while a deafening cheer for the Bith band and Twi’lek dancers would bring her back to the world around her, then the ex-assassin would give her neck a gentle rub where you would find an exotic tattoo of two Krayt Dragon's quarreling between the base of her neck and just above her tailbone.

The young blonde's apparel consists of a common black cloth sleeveless shirt that reveals the head's of her tattoo and army green baggy pants that tuck into her knee-high black leather boots which would make any killer fit the part of a civilian except for her weapon belt where her Blas Tech T-6 heavy blaster pistol is held.

Through the deafening noise of the locals there’s the faint heavy footsteps of the Military Police moving closer and closer to where the charming young blonde is seated.

“Miss Reyok, it’s been some time, but we’ve found you again.”

“Indeed....” the young women replies to the Sergeant of the MP squad behind her.

“You know why we’re here so just make it easy and come with us. I doubt you’ll escape again”

“I thought you knew me well enough by now, Sergeant Adol” the blonde retorted with a chuckle. “…guess not.”

“Don’t get any funny ideas, Miss Reyok!!” threatened Sergeant Adol. “You’re coming with us!!”

“Really…?” smirk the blonde.

“Yes, now” snarled Sergeant Adol grabbing the girl’s right shoulder. All in the blink of an eye the blonde reached over with her left hand so she was clutching the Sergeant’s fist, then ripping the Sergeants arm over her shoulder she thrusted up with her right elbow causing an ear-shattering snap as Sergeant Adol’s elbow bent the opposite direction.

All her forgotten training came flooding back to her.

After reforming Adol’s arm, the blonde whirled around and pulled her double bladed stiletto from within her leather boot. Leaving her first opponent in pain, the blonde charged the first trooper on the left, driving her blade into his side then quickly kicking out his legs out from under him making him fall to the floor, like she had been trained to do so long ago. By this time, there was no laughter just screams of pain and terror. Ignoring the shouts of other MP’s and civilians, the blonde continued on to her next two victim’s slicing both of their throat’s with one quick toss of her blade. When her third and fourth victim hit the floor dead, the blonde turned and ran through the crowd of horrified patrons to the back ally of the cantina with the shouts of angry MP’s behind her.

The blonde hid in the shadow’s of the huge skyscrapers, observing various squads of MP’s running about setting up their patrols at different perimeters. The young women gave a small laugh for it was the first time she had caused so much mayhem since her one of her last assassinations. The blonde waited in the shadows until there was a speeder just in front of her

“Find her!!” yelled one of the MP’s. The blonde wasted no time and charged toward the speeder she had seen. She ran and vaulted over the back of the dull ivy speeder, landing next to the owner.

“Keys or die.” sneered the blonde to the male Rodian with her stiletto extended to his throat. The Rodian hastily handed the keys over to her and dove out of the speeder. The blonde shoved the keys in the ignition and floored the speeder up.

The blonde punched the throttle forward making the speeder jerk to a stop then lurch ahead. Even though she had a head start she knew the Military Police would soon find her and the chase would be on… but little did she know that all her training couldn’t save her now…..

Karl Valten
Jun 30th, 2005, 11:21:56 AM
Amid the screams of terror and the tidal wave of bodies, Sergeant Adol pulled himself from the floor, turning around just in time to catch the sneering face's of the Krayt Dragon's disappearing into the chaos. Adol smiled as he looked over the mangled bodies left in her wake. The man looked down at his deformed arm with. Gritting his teeth, Adol smashed the reversed joint on the underside of the bar. With only the faintest wince at the pain, the elbow snapped back into position.

Leaning back against the counter, Adol discreetly slipped a disrupter into his hand from a hidden holster in the MP uniform. In the midst of the stampede, no one saw the sergeant as he shot the surviving MPs, nor did anyone hear their cries amidst the noise as their bodies slowly turned to dust.

Calmly taking a seat of the bar, he grabbed an abandoned bottle of whisky and took a swig. As the fiery liquid burned down his throat, a silent message raced along the all-encompassing neural network of the Inquisitoriate, converging on a single mind.

“It is done” Almost instantly a reply popped into his head “Well done, Explicator.”

Somewhere in the city, a blonde assassin sped through the sprawling cityscape, flying past blazing skyscrapers kilometers high above the bottomless chasms. And attached to the fabric of her shirt, where the explicator-in-disguise hand grabbed shoulder, lay the smallest of tracers, completely unnoticed by the oblivious female.

Far away, wreathed in shadow, a single figure sits in a throne of the finest nerf leather. A faint glow in the dark is the spark of light coming from the holo-display resting before the throne and the blue glow of a single ‘eye’ in the chair.. In the lime-light an infinitesimal fiber-optic cable runs from the holo-pad’s processor, trailing along the floor, up the length of the chair, and finally ends, plugged directly into the base of the shadowed neck.

The azure eye scans of the hologram depicting a sprawling metropolis, focusing on a single green blip careening around skyscrapers. As reports from MP security cruisers flood over his earpiece, several other blips appear, yellow, for the local police force, and red, for the wraiths that would turn this night into a living hell. The cloaked figure leans forward, hands knitted together. Illumination creeps over a deadly grin, as the green blip headed directly for one of the red ones.

“Let the games begin.” A single proclamation from the god watching over his ignorant worshipers.

Y'roth Helghast
Jun 30th, 2005, 12:08:15 PM
"SIR! SIR! SIR! Nightmare code 01-298-375 has been initiated! Inquisitor Valten directs this under high priority! Sir!"

Helghast breathed out heavily as he let the weights drop slowly back to the machine, the screen reading performance slowly dropping from red to green. Silently standing and wiping the sweat off his body with a towel, he accessed the nearest console with his free hand.

"Sir! Did y-..."

"Yes, IMP, confirmed. Prep the squad. This recruitment program might be worth our time."

"Sir! Yes, Sir!"

The black orb flitted away, its red receptors blinking as it turned.

So they had finally found her? Had it not taken the Inquisitoriate long enough? Valten had given Helghast her profile near the beginning of the squad's commencement. She should have already been on the squad but she had been evading the Empire for some time now. Danni Reyok. She had finally been located it would seem. And now they would begin their recruitment mission. Y'roth almost wanted to see such a profile break.

Danni Reyok
Jun 30th, 2005, 04:18:00 PM
The young women raced through the city making lefts and rights that would hopefully throw the Military Police off her trail.

After another sharp right the blonde decided to head for one of the old abandoned droid warehouses she had, for many months, called her home. She pulled into traffic were she thought she would be hidden the most from her pursuers.

The assassin put “her” speeder on autopilot for the warehouse as she relaxed a little in her seat. The girl sighed and gently rubbed the back of her neck and brushed a few strands of her blonde hair out of her face. As she settled a little more into her seat her mind began to wander to parts of her life when she seemed so cold-blooded and emotionless.

It was about her seventh mission where she was assigned to assassinate the Grand Ruler of Adarlon, a man by the name of Kyle Milem. She was given only two weapons a small vibrodagger and a medium sized disrupter rifle.

She entered the building the old fashion way, through the front doors killing most of the guards in the process. When she entered the Grand Rulers chamber she found his whole family seated with him in their main living quarters. The first to encounter her was the youngest daughter. Before the young girl could scream she had jammed the dagger in the side of the girls neck and held it there until the girl fell limp. The next to die was Milem’s wife, Gea. The Rulers wife had left something in the kitchen and when Gea entered she was shot in the forehead and the body fell into a pile of dust. With her presence now own, she dashed into the main living quarters where the Grand Ruler and the last two of his children were located. She aimed and shot at one of the children seated beside the Grand Ruler. Milem cried out as his oldest son fell apart right in front of his eyes. With the Grand Ruler begging her not to kill his remaining child, she smiled wickedly and walked over to the frightened child.

“Don’t worry, child” she said strangely comforting “This won’t hurt at all.” And with that she pressed the rifle to the child’s chest and pulled the trigger.

After the last child was completely gone she quickly cut the Grand Rulers throat with her dagger and left.

Now when she remembers that she enjoyed killing those children she just gives a shudder and tries to forget all over again.

Remembering what had just happened at the cantina, the blonde came out of her trace and realized the speeder was hovering just above the warehouse. The young women lowered the speeder to the ground and drove it into an ally between the warehouses. She climbed out of the ivy speeder and opened the back door to the warehouse, as she did so she noticed an eerie prickling feeling on her arms and legs, like the feeling you get whenever something bad is going to happen.

Y'roth Helghast
Jun 30th, 2005, 07:21:29 PM
Scothis was already in position within the warehouse. The whole squadron had mobolized, preparing an extensive mouse trap for Reyok. Scothis would be the first she encountered, sort of. A state of the art stealth field generator that ran off the powerpack of Scothis' Gear allowed him an extensive advantage in many environments. The Scout Gear he used only carried two weapons, the C-14 rifle with a sniper mod and a combat knife with an electrical discharge, the rest of the space available was taken by specific utilities.

From a position in the rafters of the warehouse, Scothis activated the diversions. Speakers strategically placed for surround sound emitted the noise of heavy foot steps, and many of them, coming from every entrance/exit. Scothis smiled at the anticipation of her action and how she would react at what came next. Privately, he spoke into the squad comm channel.

"Major, she's at Alpha now, noisebreakers activated."

"Confirmed Sgt Mjr Scothis. Flush her out, the MPs have been replaced with our men now and they await your next signal."

Danni Reyok
Jun 30th, 2005, 07:52:10 PM
Danni walked over to a pile of boxes where she kept most of her old gear. She opened the first box on her right and inspected an old suit of light battle armor. Danni ran her fingers over the many different holes and gashes in the main body where she had been attack many times in the years before.

Danni sighed and put the old suit away; she unbuckled her weapon belt and placed it on the box next to her. The assassin ran her fingers through her soft blonde hair and found a small piece of cloth to tie it up with, after her hair was up she lifted up her foot and rested it on the top of the box, she untucked some of her pants from her boots and began to pull out her stiletto.

All of a sudden, the loud beating of footsteps filled her ears. Danni looked around wildly trying to find the source of the racket but it seemed to be coming from everywhere. Reyok shoved her double-bladed stiletto back in her boot, cutting herself in the process. She grabbed her weapon belt and ran into a barricade of boxes and tools.

Danni frantically put on her belt as she hid in the maze of boxes. She waited for the footsteps to cease but realized there were no shouts of any MP’s around her…..

Y'roth Helghast
Jun 30th, 2005, 08:10:10 PM
Scothis' grin could only get wider at her open display of panic. No one enjoyed getting caught off guard. His HUD easily depicted her lithe frame amidst a pile of boxes, he cut off the sound of the foot steps perfectly, as if they all had stopped at once. Then accessing his comm into the speakers, his voice was emitted as if an MP on megaphone.

"Come out Reyok! We know you're in there! Make it easy on yourself and we might be able to strike a deal! No one else in this galaxy is willing to take a second rate failure for an assassin like you."

The C-14-sniper rifle slowly loaded a round into the chamber, the gauss mechanism adjusting to the much larger size and the extra power required to propel the round efficiently. The crosshairs in his HUD fell right where the screen depicted her face would be. Taking a slow breath in and then relaxing, he dropped the sights and lowered the weapon. She was dead either way, why not draw it out?

He sent the signal for the "MPs" to arrive now. These men were cannon fodder as far as Scothis was concerned and if Reyok couldn't make it through these she really would die.

The Inquisitoriate soldiers rushed in from their places, all weaing Imp Sec uniforms and carrying stun batons, maybe numbering around 15-20.

Danni Reyok
Jun 30th, 2005, 08:51:54 PM
“Damn…” was the only thing that came to mind as Danni’s breath started to come harder and faster. With her mind racing and her leg in throbbing from her wound, Danni wouldn’t stand a chance against a whole squadron of MP’s, unless she hit them in their critical sections of their head and chest.

In the middle of her brainstorming, she heard "Come out Reyok! We know you're in there! Make it easy on yourself and we might be able to strike a deal! No one else in this galaxy is willing to take a second rate failure for an assassin like you."

SECOND RATE!! that was and insult beyond what she had expected from a simple MP. She had killed more citizens than any other person she knew, she waited a moment before she yelled “You never wanted to strike a deal before!!”

As she waited for a reply, she wiped the sweat from her face with her arm and checked to make sure her pistol was functional.

Y'roth Helghast
Jul 1st, 2005, 04:39:04 AM
"Frelling females... MP phonies, move in, two at a time. Stagger it, make it look authentic."

Scothis sighed slowly, she was actually bothering to ask questions? He wanted some action, her diving behind the boxes had just been the start of it.

Two men stepped forward, their batons ready in their hands. Unlike Scothis, they didn't have enhanced vision optics and had to navigate in near darkness.

"Where is this frelling daughter of a sithspawn?"

Danni Reyok
Jul 1st, 2005, 06:48:27 AM
Danni stayed where she was in the shadows checking all around her, to find something that would help her stay alive. Danni’s eyes followed a line of boxes along the mid section of the warehouse that ended near her old gear…

”Of course….” Danni whispered to herself. But the trick was getting to the other side of the warehouse undetected. As she started to climb over the boxes to her old assassin tools, she heard the quiet footsteps of soldiers. Danni froze in a crouch and listened to the gentle footsteps, counting as quickly as possible. When the footsteps halted she had assumed there to be two or three soldiers but still it would be hard fight in the dark.

Danni waited as she heard soldiers start rummaging through boxes for her. In a few moments Danni moved swiftly almost at a crawl behind the boxes to her old gear just a few meters away from her.

As she got closer to her gear, she could barely see her destination…

Y'roth Helghast
Jul 4th, 2005, 06:19:42 PM

Light lamps were activated as they illuminated the area. Two guards charged forward towards her dark silhouette amongst the boxes, stun batons charged and crackling with electicity.

One lunged, trying to tackle her where she was. Scothis observed from above with the same smirk on his face.

"Major, she's about to be on the move I think."

Danni Reyok
Jul 4th, 2005, 07:13:26 PM
Danni jerked her head up to face her attacker, stiletto already in hand. As the soldier lunged toward her, she braced herself in a low crouch. With the soldier in mid tackle, Danni jammed her blade into the side of the soldier and used his momentum to roll backward flinging the soldier off her blade and into a tower of boxes behind them. Scrambling to her feet, she saw the light of the other soldier. She withdrew her blaster pistol, raised it, and shot, hitting him in his upper thigh.

Watching the light of the crippled soldier disappear behind the boxes in front of her, she tucked her blaster back into its holder and ran quietly to her previous destination. Danni rummaged through the crate and felt the small box she was looking for. As she fled behind more crates, she ripped off the top of the small box in her arms, pulling out her lightly armored vest and her prime weapons…grenades.

Danni stopped behind the looming tower of boxes and smiled down at her most treasured instruments of destruction as she half-heartedly pulled on her vest over her shirt. She only had three left from her last mission, one poison grenade and two frag grenades. Danni shoved one frag and the poison grenade into one of the many pockets on her vest, she held the second frag close to her torso as she peered around the column of crates looking for a group of soldiers that would be worth wasting one of her cherished grenades on.

Y'roth Helghast
Jul 5th, 2005, 10:40:13 AM
Like a spider, Scothis scrambled to a more remote position as his sensors detected a hot explosive in the area. She was frelling insane, the whole building could come down on top of her if she tossed anything ranging from a frag to a thermal detonator. The detonator on the other hand would have enough kick in it to rupture the power pack of the CMC-400 and spell out the death of everyone within a large radius. She didn't need to be fighting yet, taking down the first two was good enough, but Scothis agreed with himself that explosives were not fair game.

His sights locked on in his HUD and he fired, the action was silent but Reyok could hear the massive bullet as it tore through the air right beside her face. A crate to her side was hit and it soared across the warehouse.

The C-14-sniper mod was devastatingly powerful, the guass mechanism and armor piercing bullets making for a deadly combination, add on an extended barrel and nearly flawless aim... Fortunately for her, she was not marked for death yet, just near to it.

The noise alerted the guards to her position and ten of them rushed towards her. Others running to the sides in an attempt to flank her. She had maybe thirty seconds to a minute to evacuate before she was trapped again. The two soldiers on the ground that she had taken care of were groaning, the one that was stabbed was breathing in raspy shallow gasps.

Danni Reyok
Jul 5th, 2005, 12:38:15 PM
Danni gasped and fell to the floor as the box next to her flew from its spot, just how much trouble was she in? As she lifted herself to her feet and tucked her frag grenade in her vest, she heard more footsteps of charging soldiers from behind and to both her sides. Danni examined her surroundings trying to find someway to avoid the oncoming soldiers. Right, left, and backwards were out of the question and going forward would only result in barging through the warehouse sidewall, so all that was left was to go up.

Danni turned to face the tower of crates behind her. She gripped the tiny edge of the first crate and hoisted herself up the first set of boxes in a spider like fashion. As she reached for the fourth crate’s edge her foot gave out from under her. Before falling off the tower, Danni kicked a hole into the side of the wooden box to support her weight.

“Frak…” breathed Danni as she balanced herself along the fourth crate. With all of her strength, Danni lifted herself up onto the last crate. Danni crouched keeping her body low so the tower wouldn’t tip. When the tower balanced out, Danni spotted a metal overhang just above her which connected to the catwalks that traveled around the entire warehouse.

Hearing the shouts of soldiers below her, Danni calculated the space between her and the overhang. Blinking the sweat from her eyes, she hurtled herself toward the overhang.

Danni reached out and clung to the ledge of the overhang which jerked her whole body to a stop slowly she lifted herself up to the catwalk. She climbed on to the the metal platform trying to as quite as possible.

Y'roth Helghast
Aug 5th, 2005, 04:00:46 PM
Scothis wanted to laugh. She was in his domain now. The Nightmare Gear was intimidating, that was an understatement. The stealth compensators allowed him to stand seven meters away from her and not be heard. The usual glow of the CMC helmet had been turned off but Scothis activated it. She was already being hunted by sector authorities, what did it feel like to come face to face with something so sinister not even a majority the Empire would claim it as their own?

Holstering the C-14 rifle, he drew a lithe vibro blade, reinforced to keep up with the capabilities of the power suit. The hum of the blade was not hidden though and it would clearly give him away to the candidate. Good, he wanted her to see the monster she might have the guts to become. He spoke, though she wouldn't be able to hear him through the mask, to the guards below.

"She is exiting the building, prep for the next phase, Horus is NCOIC from there. She'll be along momentarily."

Now the comm switched so she was able to hear him, if she wasn't already aware of his presence.

"Show us, please, that you're worth our time."

Danni Reyok
Aug 5th, 2005, 10:16:30 PM
Danni nearly fell over in surprise as she whirled around to meet a towering mechanical figure. The mere sight of it would make any being shaking in their boots, including her. Danni glanced up and down the armored figure, her gaze finally resting the vibro blade “it” held.

"Show us, please, that you're worth our time."

Danni’s breath came short and fast as she made sure the blade of her newly acquired opponent was still in sight as she moved back a few paces. Her mind raced, she had been in situations like this before but it had been so long since her last encounter with what seemed to be a droid. She knew her stiletto would be no use against a heavily armored attacker and her blaster would do nothing against it as well. Danni felt her hand travel up her side to the core pocket of her vest, where she had hidden her grenades. Danni grinned, she was tired of playing around with these scoundrels; she was ready to finish this if necessary.

Y'roth Helghast
Aug 7th, 2005, 08:47:40 PM
Scothis grinned beneath his helmet, making a taunting gesture towards Reyok. The HUD in his helmet had already detected the dormant explosives so close to his sensors. About frelling time she thought to get on the offensive. Too bad PN had to keep her on the run.

Scothis lifted the seemingly empty hand, leaving his vibroblade in a ready position in the other, and allowed Danni to see the remote contained within his grasp.

"We'd save those for later if we were you."

The plural references were a protocol thing in training for new recruits. PN was not an individual effort. But his finger fell on the glowing red switch regardless, setting off the concussion charges laced within the entire block of warehouses. The resulting tremor launched Reyok out the window she had unknowningly been backing up to, a convenient dumpster saved her from a much rougher landing on the permacrete.

The area, even after the explosion, was dead silent.

"Horus, she'll be moving in on your mark."

Danni Reyok
Sep 30th, 2005, 10:30:41 PM
Danni let out painful moan as she rolled out of the ‘worst smelling dumpster’ ever. She shot a quick glance up at the opening she had recently been thrown out of half expecting to see the mechanical giant standing there. When she found nothing, she let out a sigh of relief only to be met with pain to her chest. Danni gasped and doubled over as her hand found a broken rib. She whimpered softly as more pain shot through her trembling body. Supporting herself against the warehouse wall, she started walk, pain in every step. She had to get away from here, anywhere but here. She needed help too, with her minor injuries and rib now snapped she would need medical attention quickly.

Danni rounded the corner to find the remains of ‘her’ speeder. The first glance she took at it she knew it was shot, there was no way to get running again. Frustration and anger built up making Danni curse. She was about to lash out at the broken down ‘scrap pile’ but thought better of it to reduce the risk of causing anymore pain to herself. She would have to walk there was no other way to get away from this cursed place.

Moving wasn’t easy especially walking. Each step caused another tremor of pain that was worse than the last. Danni clutched to the walls of the buildings and warehouses she passed. What seemed to be hours was only a matter of minutes before she reached a more occupied area. She received many glances from local citizens which were either filled with concern or pity. Oh how she hated being looked down on as if she were a small child. She was good at what she used to do and her pride would never let it fall away so easily.

Danni knew where she was going, even though she probably didn’t look it. She had been there before, many times, it was a simple and cheap place to get quick medical attention. Doctors didn’t bother to ask questions about injuries or their patients, to Danni it seemed that they were there because they needed something to do with their lives.

Finally through persistent pain, Danni stumbled through the doors of the ‘clinic.’ She was met by several familiar faces, most were filled with disgust. Seeing this almost made her chuckle, remembering that whenever she came she had some of the most unusual injuries. But she wasn’t there to resurface memories, she needed care. “Mr. Evirra, I require your assistance once again it seems.”

A short bald man dressed in a beige tunic and black trousers stood up with a hefty sigh. “Alright, follow me please.” He led her to one of many medical rooms. It was a simple white room with just enough space to fit three people comfortably. There were surveillance cameras just outside the small rooms that were concealed within the building. Danni told the doctor where it hurt and made up a semi true story of her falling off a durasteel platform while she was working. Evirra stripped Danni down to her black under shirt and examined her ribcage. She grimaced when his cold fingers gently pressed against her injured rib. “Well it seems you may have a few broken ribs, miss. Wait here until I return with proper supplies.” And with that he left her.

Time was short, she would need to move quickly before the ‘authorities’ found her; their last encounter was to close and way to risky to let happen again. But for now she had to be patient. She waited for Doctor Evirra’s return…