View Full Version : A more civilized age (open to a Jedi)

Xavier Russell
Jun 26th, 2005, 03:02:08 PM
A bright blue beam flashed through the air as Duncan tiwrled the lightsaber in his hand about. He caught it in a one handed grip and looked it over with quite an intrest. Though he had acquired this particular weapon sometime ago and even trained with it slightly, he was no where near as good as a Force user.

He smiled as he released the power switch and the beam deactivated. Duncan held the metal pommel up to the light and smiled. "Definitely a weapon for a more civilized age, don't you agree Zachery?"

His long-time servant, and friend, nodded. "Indeed. If only those dreadful Jedi didn't go and rebel against the Repulic then it still would be a civilized age sir."

Duncan smiled and shook his head. Zachery had been more llike a father than his biological father could ever dream of. His father had beeen a very wealthy shipyard owner, who had little to no time to spare for his family. His mother hadn't been much better, as she was alwasy off to political parties and promoting the business. When they had died, Duncan had honestly been shocked that they remembered him enough to be left in the will. Though it was only a fraction of what his father had actually earned over the years, it was more than enough for Ducan to indulge himself in any pleasure he could imagine, everyday of his life if he chose to. Fortunately, he did not. He devoted his resources to helping others. He baught a large share in his fathers company and used the rest to build his own personal yatch which had taken him from system to sysem and had allowed him to help those less fortunate than himself.

"Come, come. You still don't believe that the Jedi turned against us do you?"

"Sir, you were to young to remember the events as grown ups di-"

"I was old enough then and still am to know what happened and I assure you that the Jedi were never the enemies. And surely you can't say that after seeing what Palpatine did?"

Zachery stood stiff and ran a hand over the front of his suit as if to smooth out any wrinkles. "While I do not agree with some of his ways of doing things, I do believe that he was something that the galaxy needed."

"There I agree with you. Palpatine was exactly what the galaxy needed to see how far we had sunk."

"I was refering to his ideas of unity Sir."

"Ideas that killed billions of innocent lives?"

"I said I did not approve of his methods, just his ideas," Zachery stated rather harshly.

Duncan smiled as he slapped his knee and gave a short chuckle. "Aye you did," he said as he checked the clocked on his desk. "And I assume you sent the message"

"Of course sir, though I doubt you will here anythign from one of them. They are nearly extinct. I doubt any Jedi would be close to the Zug system. It is far to close to Coruscant."

"We will see. If anyone got my message they should be here with in a few hours and if not I guess we will just have to move onto the next system," Duncan said turning around to look outside his hotel's windows. Please...someone be out there.

Ilias Nytrau
Jun 26th, 2005, 06:59:48 PM
Falcon had come deep from a space slightly beyond that of the unknown regions. Uncharted space, Unknown planet. One by the name of Tyntia. It had been a decision reached by the Elders of the Academy there, as well as the native peoples of the planet that it was time to reconnect with the society that his forefathers had set out from. A mission of preservation, known to no one. He was the descendant of a colony of Jedi landed there several hundred years before, a Jedi Knight of a different breed. Such prolonged separation made his experiences slightly different from the ones that the Jedi from Orders on planets such as Coruscant would have went through.

Though what he had come across over the past several months was not what anyone had expected. Bleak, chaotic....It had been said that the Jedi were long extinct. This is what he had heard upon first arriving, but stories from those against the ruling regime stated otherwise. The Rebellion...he had watched it become -- step by step -- what was called the New Republic. A more acceptable regime of politic. One that sought to restore the more peacful regime of the Old Republic that had once been.

This was all part of his report for the Elders back on homeworld. And just as he finished additions to that report, an incoming signal came up.

"Well... what is this?"

He tapped in the message, and listened closely. It went on for a few minutes, raising his interest with each passing moment.

"Hmm. That is interesting." The 45-year-old man rubbed his chin, which was covered in three days' growth. "Alright, my lady of the stars, we shall respond."

Unknown Vessel... I have received your transmission, and as you can see, I am responding. This is Jedi Knight Falcon Gyndar of the Tyntia Jedi Academy in the Sol Trenarsis system. How may I be of assistance?

Xavier Russell
Jun 26th, 2005, 07:11:37 PM
Duncan had been mulling over specifics of a few upgrades he might do with his ship when he heard the beep. He dared not get his hopes up until Zachery confirmed his thoughts. "Sir, you are being hailed and from what it sounds like it is a Jedi."

"Thank the Force," he whispered as he stood up and walked over to the communications table. He listened to the message himself and then frowned.

Tyntia? Never heard of it, he thought as he bent down to the small microphone on the com station. "Master Jedi Gyndar, this is Duncan Argoth. I wish to thank you for responding to my hailing. I also wish to meet with you face to face to talk about the future of this New Republic, but more specifically I wish to speak to you of the future of Jedi. I glady invite you aborad my ship, but if you would fell uncomfortable I would gladly meet you on yours."

Ilias Nytrau
Jun 26th, 2005, 08:03:57 PM
Falcon let off a bemused little chuckle.

"Comfort is not and never has been a thing of importance for myself and it is of little importance for a Jedi, Mister Argoth."

He glanced briefly at the monitoring instruments. It was an oddly quiet hour in this area of space.

"I accept your invitation, and look forward to meeting with you. Now how shall we go about this?"

Yurza Magus
Jun 28th, 2005, 10:59:30 AM
Very well then kind sir. If you have a small fighter we could accept it onto here. Or we would be happy to accept a docking cord."

Ilias Nytrau
Jun 28th, 2005, 03:53:20 PM
[OOC: Watch your logins, mister. You're lucky I don't get confused and I know who you are.]


Falcon nodded to himself. A docking cord would have to be used.

"The docking cord, Mister Argoth. I would have to say my vessel is a little larger than small fighter classification standards." This he had found out in recent months, among several other things.

"Whenever you are ready."

Xavier Russell
Jun 29th, 2005, 10:15:08 AM
"I am ready. Just extend your cord and we will accept. I shall be in the air dock to welcome you," Duncan replied before turning to Zachery and nodding. "Accept the transfer and see if you can slave his ship to ours and set us in an orbital rotation around that astroid there."

Duncan got up out of his seat and walked back to the airdock, awaiting his new guest.

Ilias Nytrau
Jun 29th, 2005, 10:26:54 AM
Falcon extended his cord, and watched the setup go on. When it was time, he too waited at the airdock. When the door opened, he offered a warm smile to the man awaiting him.

"Mister Argoth, I presume? A pleasure to make your acquaintance." The Knight looked him over. "May I come aboard?"

Xavier Russell
Jun 29th, 2005, 10:31:42 AM
Ducan smiled and nodded as he moved to the side, sweeping his hand in an inviting manner. "Please be my guest, and by all means please call me Duncan, Master Gyndar."

He waited until the Jedi was inside before closing the hatch and walking towards the cabin, beckoning Falcon to follow. "I can only imagine your curiousity about the methods of my actions, but I can assure you that I mean no harm to you or any Jedi. Quite the contrary infact. I wish to help them."

Ilias Nytrau
Jun 29th, 2005, 10:37:07 AM
"If you had any ulterior motives, I would have known...Ah, Duncan."

He followed the man onward, and continued to speak.

"I must admit to some interest in what your plans are. I suppose that would be why I am here. Although I must say this region of space is entirely new to me. I am not from around here."

Xavier Russell
Jun 29th, 2005, 10:41:35 AM
"Yes. Your refrence of you home system caught our attention. Not a place we are familiar with," he replied. "As to my plan to help. While I am not well know outside of certain aristocratic circles, I have an emmense fortune that I am will to give to the Jedi. I hope to help them re-establish the order that spawned the stories of my youth."

Ilias Nytrau
Jun 29th, 2005, 10:50:06 AM
Gyndar nodded.

"Well, my home academy is well established in its region, but it is a place that was completely cut off and isolated from your society for reasons such as that of recent events. Removed from all star maps, records and archives thoroughly several hundred years ago, back in the times of the Old Republic and undisturbed peace."

He was now walking at the side of Duncan. "If this is indeed your plan, we will have a long road ahead of us, Duncan Argoth. We will need to make contact with other Jedi....Seek them out, as it were."

Xavier Russell
Jun 29th, 2005, 10:53:02 AM
"Yes and I can only imagine how long that would take. I have been searching for a long time myself and you are the first Jedi I have come across in almost a standard year. I was hoping you might have connection to others in this region, but if you are from somewhere else then I would not imagine so."

Ilias Nytrau
Jun 29th, 2005, 11:01:43 AM
"Perhaps you do not know where to look."

Falcon thought for a moment.

"If I recall from my history studies as a young padawan, the planet 'Coruscant' was the capital of the Old Republic, and I have learned it was so for this 'Galactic Empire'. That is also where the Order of the Jedi was based from."

He looked around the cabin when they entered it, and nodded to himself, 'hmmming' for a brief moment.

Xavier Russell
Jun 29th, 2005, 11:05:07 AM
"As much as I would like to hope, that was the central of Empire and one of the first things the Emporer did was to have the Jedi killed. For the past twenty years they have been scattered and broken. They went into hiding."

Ilias Nytrau
Jun 29th, 2005, 11:15:27 AM
Falcon chuckled.

"Despite this, Jedi are very resourceful and preservering. You may not think so, but sometimes the safest place to be is right under the nose of your adversary, right in his home. And when a Jedi really does not want to be found, he or she will remain hidden. Trust me, Mister Argoth...There are others. The Jedi of the future will be a very different breed indeed."

Xavier Russell
Jun 29th, 2005, 12:48:53 PM
"That much I suspect, but how to go about finding them is the question. If you've heard any rumors of the where abouts of you fellow Jedi I hope that you would be willing to help me in this matter."

Ilias Nytrau
Jun 30th, 2005, 12:23:28 PM
"Do not cross off any planet or possibility. It is not likely that they will be out in space, but rather grounded and without direct communications access. It will mean we will have to go down to the surface, and sense them out. A big clue is that there may very well be some here and there in places of aid to the people. Lower levels of Coruscant where the less fortunate are...Medical clinics...Wide broadcast signals are not too wise as a search method, as there may still be those out hunting ones such as us....However, if you are willing to put up a fight and defend your ideals, then we have virtually unexaustable possibilities."

He leaned against the bulkhead.

"We have to start somewhere."

Xavier Russell
Jun 30th, 2005, 12:37:29 PM
"Indeed and if Coruscant were to be that point where at? The planet are infinite places to hide in the lower levels."

Ilias Nytrau
Jun 30th, 2005, 12:43:45 PM
He thought about that for a second.

"Well, we just start looking. There is no telling where they might be, to be specific."