View Full Version : Mission Time
Jun 26th, 2005, 04:11:30 AM
Vice making himself comfromtable in his private sancturary. He had just recieved another order. Wich was now becoming a daily thing. Orders. Nothing new nothing exciting accept for killing his target.
The tall Assasian sat in one of his chairs waiting to fully awake from his nap so he could carry on with his recent activities. He was feeling tired not to up to par you might say.
He sometimes got this feeling but it was no problem. He would just call his employee or assistant in assasination over his comm and tell him to carry out on the miission and then report back to him.
He turned on his comm.'' Bullet....Bullet.... This is your boss Vice. I must inform you about your next mission. You are to track down a man named Darious and killl him. He is a cold blooded killer that is a threat to some unknown orginization. ''
''He is dangerous so be very careful. This should not be a difficult task....For you anyways I have taught you well. Report back when this is accomplished I will have your money here.
Vice had great trust in his co-worker for their ties in Assination were long and brought forth much training and power providing a bond between Vice and Bullet wich formed a chain of trust. Relying on his accomplise was no longer hard as it use to be in past treacherous events.
Vice began to grow unpatient with waiting for Bullet to reply. What in the world can be keeping Bullet Vice thought. Was something wrong. If Vice had to explain his situation in one word the word would probally have to be frustrationl. It was probally nothing maybe he was just busy or is not available either way the endless wait for a reply brought dispair.
If no reply within the next few minutes Vice would be forced to find Bullet and see to it that every thing is alright. Personally this would only be more of a pain.
Jun 26th, 2005, 03:47:15 PM
''This is Bullet sir. I recieved your message along with the profle on Darious you sent to me a few minutes ago. Sorry for the delay Sir Vice, I lost my comm so I had to go inside my speeder and get my backup one. So I guess it is Back to buisness for us huh Vice?When is it not?'' Bullet laughed over the comm.
Bullet truly did appreciate the fact that he got to work with Vice a wise and powerful leader but their work together would soon come to a end for Bullet was know joining a diffierent type of alliance but that was not important at the moment but the thing that was impotant to Bullet was that he had a job to be accomplished.
Bullet knew This unknown orginization that Vice spoke off must not be to powerful or they would be taking out this criminal thereselves. Either that or they simply do not have the free time to be getting involved in combat.
''Consider this man dead Sir. I will eliminate him as sooon as possible. I will need a few days to find his location though. In about a week he will be a thing of the past. I will keep in contact with you during the mission.''
Bullet puts down the comm and begins to pack while keeping his ears alert for Vice to reply. Bullet paused as he looked at his weapons before choosing. Hmmm two swords and a blaster or a boomarang and a sword.
Jun 27th, 2005, 02:33:19 AM
''I am glad you can have this job done soon. This orginization that I recieved the call from wanted this man dead in at least two weeks but you can have hime killed in one. When you are finished fly back here on Coruscant to my private layer. Just for refrence be aware that your target is dangerous and intellegent so be alert and keep that in mind through the mission.''
Vice knew Bullet was a cunning warrior in combat but the profile given to him on this supposibly dangerous cold blooded killer did form some concern for the safety of his parthner Bullet. Hopefuly their training was good enough to provide Bullet a large amount of power to overcome his target. Bullet was an excellent fighter but Vice did notice that in their time together Bullet did stubbornly take a lot of risks mainly when embraced in combat.
Watching Bullet die would be two much for him escpecially after he gave Bullet the assignment just because he was tired. He would not be able to bare the fact that Bullets death was because of himself. Vice only had a few things left in life to live for and Bullet was one of them.
''Bullet I know you're tired of hearing this but be careful, I can't afford to loose you. Not after what I have been through. Make sure you do not die on me. Bye Bullet I will await you to respond during the mission.''
Jun 27th, 2005, 11:51:30 PM
''It is okay Sir. I will be alright. You and I both no that we have been in some pretty difficult positions that make this one look sad and we still managed to get out of them. Stop worrying. Now Vice, this conversation is over. Goodbye Sir.''
Inside Bullet knew that he was being to cocky about the situation but would never come out and say it. He had to much pride Wich wasn't nesseccairly a bad thing. The good thing for Bullet is when he is cocky he takes more risks wich endangers himself but in the end it turns up for the better.
Even thou Bullet had his thoughts on the mission he was still capable of understanding why Vice was worried. It was because Vice was rather intellegent and had always seemed to notice all the risks that Bullet ends up taking.
That was Bullets theory but he had now time to masterbate on why Vice kept harrasing him with Safety tips he had to pack for his mission. He already gathered his weapons but he still had more to pack. Bullet walked over to one of his droors opened it and pulled out a long suit of blue armor.
He only wore this pair very rarely. He liked it the most but he didn't want it to get to dirty. Bullet put it on within a matter of minutes and then walked over to his shelve and picked up a pair of night vision goggles. He then put them in a small bag along with his other gagets.
Now that he was finished with packing he had to eliminate the next stage of the mission and that was to find out what planet contained Darious. He wasn't sure how to do that thou. Perhaps he could go to an archives shop a short ways away. With this in mind he hopped into his speeder and flew to the shop.
Bullet walked in and the archives and looked up Darious Ally his target. According to the archives he is thought to currently be on Cloud City. He was obviously their on another kill assignment. Now that he knew wich planet he was on he could begin his mission.
Bullet walks out of the building and hops into his speeder. The flight was going to take a while so he figured that he would just put his ship on autopilot while he laid back and relaxed. Just when he was flying for about twenty or thirty minutes his comm went on and Vice began to speak. He really was getting tired of Vice bothering him when he was already good to go for the mission.
Jun 28th, 2005, 02:40:55 AM
''Bullet were are you. What is your position. Have you located your target yet. Have you even began packing.'' Vice knew that he was being just a little annoying but being overprotective wasn't something he couuld be when it came to his best friend and parthner. Thou Vice was an evil Assasian he still had some good in him and in ist contents was care. Care for his friend Bullet.
In the midst of all this Vice finally realized that he was smothering Bullet with questions. Vice calmed himself and decided that he would now only call Bullet once a day until the mission was over. That was the only way that he figured would make both of them happy.
Vice decided that since he was to worried about Bullet so much he would follow him and watch him as he follows through the mission. He will just stay out off sight and follow Bullet.
Vice knew that this would be easy to secretly watch Bullet and his every move. As long as Bullet told him where he was going Vice would follow. If Bullet is struggling to much Vice would just reveal himself and help Bullet.
NO! Screamed a voice in his head. Vice knew this would not be a trustworthy kind of thing to do to a friend. This idea wouldn't work out anyways because he would probally recieve another job within the next day or two. Or minute.
''Vice...Come in Vice..... Are you their..... I need you to do a job for me. The pay is fairly well for your taste.....
''I am here Nicholas.'' The persons voice over the comm was his main job dealer. His name Nicholas. He dealt with big jobs. Vice beingone of the top five Assasians of Nicholas.
''Vice I have a job for you. I need you two take out a smal group of space ganksters. They have been stilling cargo from one of my underground smuggling company's. You know I have a lot of compamy's but this one is my most valuable one. Their are only about eleven or twelve members.''
''It should not be a problem. Their just some punks with no training. I would normally kill these lo lifes myself but I am far to busy. The pay is seven thousand credits. Do you think youcan make me a happy man or what.''
''I accept. Where exactly can I find these ganksters anyway.''
''You will find them at Tatooine. That is where my next deliverily is. Go their and stake out the place. Once you see them take them out. Please have this dun in a week or so. The deliveliy wil be on the outer rim. Well you know were the ganksters will be now get to Work.''
Vice put the comm away grabbed his saber and ran to his ship ready for his mission. He was still waiting for Bullet to reply.
Jun 28th, 2005, 04:16:36 PM
Bullet put his comm up to his mouth and spoke into it.'' Vice please leave me alone. I am alright. I am in the air flying to Cloud City. That is where Darious is. I will call you when I get their and rent a suite to stay in until I can track Darious.'' Bullet turned his comm of and put it on the dash of his speeder. He had respect for Vice but he was tired of him calling.
''VVVVVVVMMMMMMMMMM!'' A speeder boomed past Bullet almost hitting him. He shifted to the left and turned his ship upside down just missing the other ship by a few inches. It really annoyed Bullet when lo lifes fly around careless for the other ships surronding them. If Bullet didn't have a job to do he would have probally end up fighting that stupid excuse for a pilot but Bullet flew on his mind set on his mission. Bullet was closing in on the city and could see its surrondings. First he had to find a place to sleep after he is done tracking during the day. He could see the perfect place to do so. Off in the distance he saw a space suite. He thought that he would just check out their and then start his hunt.
Bullet flew up the the space dock and walked in the Space Hotel. Their was a lady at the front desk and a sign that said checkout. THe lady was on the phone but when she saw Bullet walk in she got of the phone and got ready to check him out. Hello Sir and welcome to Space Suite. Would you like a room for one.''
''Yes mam.''Bullet replied.
'''You will be given room number 203. It is on the second floor. That will be 170 credits a night.''
Bullet took out 1000 credits. ''I will be here three or four nights, keep the change.''
Bullet walked to an elevator and pressed two for second floor. The elevator zoomed up to the second floor and the door opened. Bullet walked out and walked to room number 203. He typed in the room number code that the checkout lady gave him. 170203. The door opened and Bullet set his luggage on the floor.
Jun 28th, 2005, 06:54:23 PM
Vice was in his ship and on his way to Tatooines outer rim for his heroic attempt to catch these ganksters that keep smuggling from his friend. He had an easy assignment wich was relieving considering he wasn't in the best of moods. Day after day moment after moment Vice seemed to be on the job.
99% of his life seemed to be rotting away from him until every moment is killingb for money. This was not eczactly the life he was aiming for when yonger but it still seemed just barely enough satisfiying. Vice was unique. Not much men capture satasfactory from devoting their life to assasian work but it worked Vice.
Tattoine seemed to enlarge as Vice closed in on it. He had just dropped out of Hyperspace and was heading for the outer rim of Tatooine. Vice parked his ship next to a small city where the smuggling was to be held along with the ganksters. The smuggling delieverily was in two dayys so Vice just figured he would sleep in his ship until tommorow night then he would stay up and watch for the ganksters and the smugglers so he could get to work.
That was then thou. He had plenty of time to do other things like look through the small city that he parked his ship next to. First he would get something to eat. He walked up to the city and saw many stands of all sorts from Weapons to food.
The food stands didn't look like the kind off food that a human being would enjoy therefore he decided he would just eat the food inside his speeder. He was interested in some new weapons though so he walked up to one of the stands with weapons of all sorts.
Vice truly did not really care for all that fancy weaponary that the stand contained. He much rather just be simple and use a lightsaber but Vice knew that Bullet would enjoy these trixy type of weapons so he would buy something fancy for him. He saw a nice gun but it wasn't an ordinary one so he decided to ask the guy working at the shop what it did. ''Excuse Me Sir.... I was wandering what exactly does this gun do.
''It shoots out a longe rope with a hook and raps around your enemy trapping them and allowing you full control of them.''
''That sounds good for my friend... Ill buy it. What is the price.''
''200 Credits.''
Vice pulled out two bags 100 big ones in each. He gave the man his money and Vice grabbed the gun and placed it in a pocket inside his cloak. What else to do he thought. Then he saw few speeders for sale. He figured he could use a knew one but He didn't feel like buying one any time soon. He knew it couldn't hurt to look though so he walked up to the speeders along with others they gathered round to look the man on stag talking about what kind of luxury the speeders have.
Vice walked to the next shop and found some Fine looking helmets. They were all nice but one really caught his eye. It was black and had a symbol on the front he bought it and started to walk back to his ship. He switched helmets and left the other one their at the shop. It was getting dark and he had to be back at his ship by nightfall so he good get good rest for tommorow night.
Jun 29th, 2005, 05:53:03 PM
Bullet knew it was getting dark but he would still go out for the night and look. He figured if he went to a bar and a couple of other places he might find his target or at least get some helpful info. Bullet decided that he would go to the bar last. Bullet walked out of hissuite out of the elevator and out of the building into his speeder.
He had quite a bit of credits which gave him a bigger variety of choices on what to do. Bullet finally got and idea in his head. He could go to a casino, surely their would be lots of people their maybe even Darious.
He was on his way, criusing the town looking for a casino. He had finally found it after about twenty minutes of flying low he found this casino. The name of it was Cloud Casino. Bullet parked his speeder at the dock and walked in Cloud Casino. Their were lost of civilans going in and out of the place.
It was swamped with Hutts Twileks Bounty Hunters humans a few Zabraks and some other things that Bullet didn't like to much. Bullet scanned the casino with his eyes with no sign of Darious but that didn't for sure mean he wasn't their. It was almost impossible to find someone you know in this big of a crowd.
''HaHaHaHa.... Yes....Yes ive one.'' Ths voice boomed out of a Hutts mouth and a big group of people claped. Obviously the Hutt was on a series of winning to attract that many people. Bullet was an excellent gambaler himself but Didn't always have the time to go to a casino. He went about three or four times a month. Bullet however had a job to do so this time at the casino would not be for gambaling but for searching for the target.
He walked through the crowd slowly searching for Darious but his searched in the casino now seemed destined to fail. Well what could he expect it is not like Darious would just be in any big crowd. Bullet had set his expectations to high.
Bullet finally figured that he had been looking long enough that he could just go to back to t he hotel get some rest so he could get an early start on tommorows serach. Bullet made his way back out the door disgusted by all the ugly creatures that that Cloud Casino contained.
He got into his ship an went back to the suite. Bullet got ready for bed. Bullet took of his armor and set it on the floor. Bullet decided he would sleep in his black pants with no shirt, this way he was not to cold or to hot. He got into bed and thought about were to look tommorw. Perhaps he could go to a few other hotels and see if Darious is chcked out at any of them and if so Bullet would be their waiting.
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