View Full Version : Hold onto your butts, butt-holders
Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 02:49:00 PM
The Empire is coming to Mon Calamari. We're looking to punch in, kill some civilians, strike fear into the hearts of your...well, hearts, and then leave if things get too hot for us. Basic reprisal kinda stuff, seeing as how you DID kill our emperor and our darth vader and launch us into chaos and inevitable decay and all.
Is this agreeable to you detestable turncoats? If so, and you like the cut of my jib, designate 1 rebel scum (or let me choose one) to collaborate with me on little detaily things so we can come to a consensus on how many kick the bucket, what you guys'll do to stop us, outcome of the RP, etc. I'd like this to be an RP that leaves a taste in your mouth that smells of "oh snap the empire's back and they're gunning for US :("
AND I AM NOT AN ENSIGN dljaslf;ksfljk;sadlf
Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 03:05:12 PM
Jenny got dibs on it, so sayonara, suckers! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
*cloud of smoke appears to mask Visc's abrupt...uhhh...sudden not-thereitude*
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 20th, 2005, 04:05:22 PM
what? :huh I didn't even do anything
Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 04:59:20 PM
You displayed an away message. If that's not an indication of acceptance, then I've been living a lie!
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 20th, 2005, 05:05:23 PM
I think we should basically refuse anything you have to offer unless you explain yourself in a coherant manner with a plan :|
The Empire is coming to Mon Calamari. We're looking to punch in, kill some civilians, strike fear into the hearts of your...well, hearts, and then leave if things get too hot for us
This already happened anyway... the Empire came, destroyed some cities, and were forced to cut their losses by the MonCal's.
here is the link
Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 05:36:06 PM
Nav, I don't know what you think is going on, but you really need to chill. If it'll make you feel better, I'll put up the plan so far as I figure it and as I presented it to Jenny earlier on AIM. I am trying to be friendly, communicative, open and cooperative about a forthcoming RP and your refusal comment is simply uncalled for.
I'll edit this post in with the plan as fast as I can type it.
today's newest revision of the plan is:
A few Star Destroyers (the plan at this stage of development calls for 2-3 to accomodate the people who are participating) emerge from hyperspace over Mon Calamari. We have no idea what sort of resistance we'd immediately receive at this point, which is why we're engaging you guys about collaborating on this RP with us. My character will lead a battallion of seatroopers, and we'll descend to the planet in dropships in order to take out the shield generator, which we assume will be placed underwater. Khendon Sevon will lead a squadron of clone pilots in TIEs which have been modified for ocean travel to cover our advance. When Visc reaches the shield generator, he'll plant charges, blow the generator, then the strike team disengages, returns to the dropships and flies back up to the Star Destroyers.
Visc gets in a starfighter, flies off back down to the planet, and starts shooting at civilian targets and spotting targets for the orbiting star destroyers, which begin bombarding the planet now that the shields are down, and targeting population centers and trying to cause confusion and mayhem and death.
If and when the Rebels reply with overwhelming force, the Imperial fleet will disengage, which we hope will be after we've killed a lot of innocent Mon Calamari.
We want this to come off as a terrorist attack-style hit and run raid. Go in, inflict massive civilian casualties so that the Rebels feel like their number is up and are scared for their lives, and then withdraw.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 20th, 2005, 05:45:59 PM
I am trying to be friendly, communicative, open and cooperative about a forthcoming RP and your refusal comment is simply uncalled for.
Ah, so when someone asks you to write something coherent, you only do so because someone called you on your first post that made no sense. Also, talking about plans in AIM is fine, but the Rebellion is also here. There was no reason to not have everyone involved in the discussion. Why the forum was made so Imps and Rebels can plan stuff out.
Is this agreeable to you detestable turncoats? If so, and you like the cut of my jib, designate 1 rebel scum (or let me choose one) to collaborate with me on little detaily things so we can come to a consensus on how many kick the bucket, what you guys'll do to stop us, outcome of the RP, etc. I'd like this to be an RP that leaves a taste in your mouth that smells of "oh snap the empire's back and they're gunning for US "
AND I AM NOT AN ENSIGN dljaslf;ksfljk;sadlf
Jenny got dibs on it, so sayonara, suckers! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
*cloud of smoke appears to mask Visc's abrupt...uhhh...sudden not-thereitude*
You displayed an away message. If that's not an indication of acceptance, then I've been living a lie!
Until you realize that posting like this is not condusive for the story you wish to tell, then you will not understand why I made the comment I did. I don't like having to say something so curt to get a point across, but it seemed to have worked.
Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 06:05:57 PM
Oh my god Nav, I was kidding. You weren't supposed to take all that at face value. You know, two opponents friendly teasing each other?
Drin Kizael
Jun 20th, 2005, 06:18:28 PM
I think what's she's trying to say is... Don't turn around and suddenly pretend to be all civil, well spoken, and cordial after opening your "request" with:
"I'm gonna kick Mon Cal's butt! Who's gonna stop me?"
"Oh, someone who I threw my plan at at random over AIM and set herself on away will take me up on it. Because going on away means YES! Nyah nyah. You're all doomed cuz nunya can roll with me!"
The bad old days of pointless planet conquering and seeing who has the bigger phleet are over, Vis. Just acknowledge that you were a spaz, apologize for confusing everyone, and move on. Share your plan for an interesting thread and maybe someone will think about humoring you.
Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 06:28:50 PM
Drin, I honestly don't know what to say to that, other than to suggest you recalibrate your sarcasm and irony detector and set it to "internet".
Nobody here is suggesting conquering a planet. Nobody here is suggesting building large fleets. I said 2-3 ships, for chrissakes. Furthermore, I just posted my idea about an interesting thread. You don't have to be so antagonistic, I'm just trying to pitch an RP idea.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 20th, 2005, 06:59:57 PM
Oh my god Nav, I was kidding. You weren't supposed to take all that at face value. You know, two opponents friendly teasing each other?
And how am I suppose to know you're kidding when you don't post anything at first that resembles a coherant thought. Kidding is fine, but write something that makes sense. It isn't much to ask. I doubt the Imps would like if I spouted random garble about pwning Balmorra without any idea of what I was talking about.
Nobody here is suggesting conquering a planet. Nobody here is suggesting building large fleets. I said 2-3 ships, for chrissakes. Furthermore, I just posted my idea about an interesting thread. You don't have to be so antagonistic, I'm just trying to pitch an RP idea.
He was referring to your initial post that had -no- information. Now that there is information, I'll read it over.
And for the future, post the plan first to avoid general confuzzlement
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 20th, 2005, 07:02:41 PM
Chill guys, Visc was being goofy with his first and second posts.
i'm sure he's realized his mistake and will be deadly serious at all times, like you guys are. :rolleyes
Telan Desaria
Jun 20th, 2005, 07:06:21 PM
Indeed. You make me feel so comfortable. navira -would you marry me?
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 20th, 2005, 07:19:01 PM
I wasn't being all serious.... And I even said that working things out here in this forum is why it is here and being goofy is allright if the post is going somewhere.
All I saw was a bunch of confuzzlement and it is hard to agree to something when nothing makes sense.
As for the idea, I still think it should be another planet cuz the Empire already tried this before :p But that's just me.
edit- :lol Telan ... not if you don't spell my name right :p
Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 07:33:16 PM
Nav, the RP that I want to do is completely dissimilar to the historical archive thing which you've linked to. It's like saying that the USA would be unable to nuke Vietnam from orbit today because 40 years ago we were trying to hold the country and couldn't, or saying that it would be impossible to manage to do a drive-by shooting in downtown Washington D.C. because we'd never be able to get enough money together to pay off the mortgage on the nearby stores.
In your link, the Empire's trying to seize Mon Calamari, and it's trying to use deadly force to pacify the planet. In my RP, the Empire is just stopping by to kill a lot of Mon Calamari in as short a time as possible, before leaving.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 20th, 2005, 07:43:12 PM
Well, this is a manner of years difference, not decades but yes, I do realize that the circumstances are different, just you have see that the idea is very similar. My only gripe.
Tho, isn't it a bit much for Visc doing the planting of the bombs and coming back down in a starfighter? Poor guy is going to be space happy from back and forth flying :)
As for Rebel opposition erm.... besides Rogue squadron do we have any active Naval Rebelly people? Perhaps that was something Dasq suggested?
Drin Kizael
Jun 20th, 2005, 07:56:15 PM
Let me rephrase then...
If you can find someone willing to write the other side of this engagement... whatever. I doubt you will, though. The people playing Rebels that aren't busy irl are all engaged in other threads.
When you show up out of nowhere, given your checkered past, and throw out a spastic call to arms in such a confusing and childish way... then declare that Jenny agreed to it because she went afk... how do you expect people to react?
To then turn on a dime and overcompensate with the fake civility only makes you look worse. We know you too well. Sorry for the prejudice, but you can't blame us.
Good luck finding someone to make this happen. But I gotta tell you... I'm already getting a bad feeling about this. We're only like a month or so into the reboot and already we're talking about putting a planet up for grabs. It's giving me bad flashbacks.
Honestly, I'd try to get Lion's input here. He's more into this kind of thing than any of us are.
Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 08:14:15 PM
Originally posted by Navaria Tarkin
Tho, isn't it a bit much for Visc doing the planting of the bombs and coming back down in a starfighter? Poor guy is going to be space happy from back and forth flying :)
Well I think he can handle it, he's a strong guy who's in tune with the force. I just don't find the idea of writing my character giving orders to a captain on the bridge to be all that exciting. I want to write that he's mixing it up, slicing and dicing and flying starfighters and whatnot.
I agree that it'd be nice to coordinate with Lion.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 20th, 2005, 08:37:54 PM
Originally posted by Drin Kizael
To then turn on a dime and overcompensate with the fake civility only makes you look worse. We know you too well. Sorry for the prejudice, but you can't blame us.
I dunno, I think that's a bit harsh :( I've had my fair share of arguments and yelling matches with Visc, but we always end up cooling off and going about our normal dorky selves. Visc is very much the brother I never had, and I can promise you that if he had actually been my brother, one or both of us would right now be going through life with a permanent black eye. Do I think he's a raving hypochondriac? Yup. Does he think I get panicky and irrational at times? Yup.
I admit that I first read this thread while my cognitive responses were a bit on the 'haha, you narco' side, but I could understand that he was just trying to approach things with a bit of a humorous and whimsical edge. My guess was that it was meant to be something of a large contrast to what the mood of the thread in question would be like.
Good luck finding someone to make this happen. But I gotta tell you... I'm already getting a bad feeling about this. We're only like a month or so into the reboot and already we're talking about putting a planet up for grabs. It's giving me bad flashbacks.
When I first proposed the reset, there were quite a few people who said it more than likely wouldn't work. Also, if I'm reading Visc's idea right, Mon Cal wouldn't be 'up for grabs' in the least. Think of it as nothing but a really big hit and run.
Let's give him a chance, at least, eh?
Drin Kizael
Jun 20th, 2005, 08:52:02 PM
The way this sounds, Visc wants to start a thread... and if the Rebels responds, he leaves.
And if they don't? Not sure how much I like this premise. Or if I believe he'd be capable of restraining himself.
But hey, if he can make it happen and gets someone to go along with it... whatever.
Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 09:10:13 PM
well, if the rebels respond with overhwhelming force and it looks like it's a fight we can't win, I'd want us to fight our way out, after all it's supposed to be a lightning raid. And/or i'm sure a rebel player could RP as someone who's on the ground at Mon Calamari.
And if rebel RPers don't respond, that would suck, because I want to do some RPing with some rebels, and I'd be dissappointed and unsatisfied with the RP. Not sure what you mean by restraining myself. I wouldn't say "oh, no rebel players around, change of plans, we're taking mon calamari!", but rather would just kill lots of mon calamari, then go. Either that or scrap the RP because no rebels are participating.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 20th, 2005, 10:08:33 PM
:grumble wish Lion was around.... even a little so this would seem plausible. Unless someone wanted to RP everything out, but that is rather tedious to have one person be the entire Rebellion, but more power to them to do it if someone volunteers. At least you have Khendon helping
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2005, 02:21:54 AM
I don't mind being involved in this but I don't want to be the one Rebel involved - not to mention that it would make no sense for Dasquian to be the one on Mon Calamari, anyway.
That aside, I don't see anything wrong with the idea. It seems like it's just meant to be a skirmish between the Empire and the Alliance.
PS. chillax, folks :)
Telan Desaria
Jun 21st, 2005, 04:21:08 AM
Sil - -I had assumed I was something akin to a brother/sister combination...
Darth Viscera
Jun 21st, 2005, 09:26:41 AM
But you must have some other RPers who it would be appropriate to use for this. What about Yun Tilgraze, Darriann Sollak, Milivikal k'Vik, Eluna Thals, Tarn Ardsul, Biff Dronsom, Taichi Yamagi, Mirax Kirret, Arinna Ceyan, Radzyn Boomtown, Henaru Sagekick and Lillian Snow? Can't any of them get involved in this RP?
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2005, 10:09:16 AM
A lot of those people you listed at part of Rogue Squadron, Visc. Fighter pilots. Plus a couple of Intel agents.
Darth Viscera
Jun 21st, 2005, 10:31:18 AM
I'm pretty sure I didn't list any intel agents, i only looked through your members list for people who were listed under army and navy, but I could be wrong.
Rogue Squadron is doable. How about the premise of the RP is that Rogue Squadron is temporarily assigned to Mon Calamari to guard the shipyards there, because the Rebellion is in dire need of rebuilding its fleet after Endor, which makes those shipyards a hugely important strategic asset. When the sensors detect that an Imperial raiding party has arrived over Mon Calamari, Rogue Squadron scrambles to intercept them, and sends out a call for help to any nearby Rebel forces. Would that work?
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 21st, 2005, 10:36:16 AM
I like that - makes it so Shadow Squadron and Rogue squadron can dogfight for the first time >D
Darth Viscera
Jun 21st, 2005, 11:01:47 AM
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 21st, 2005, 03:44:49 PM
Dogfight thread would make it alot more interesting indeed :)
Are we just going with the dogfight then with the shipyards as prize if the Empire can destroy them? Any part of the original plan in effect?
Darth Viscera
Jun 21st, 2005, 03:52:01 PM
Any part of the original plan in effect?
yes, the original plan plus the dogfight between shadow and rogue squadrons. Visc is more interested in bombarding the populace of Mon Calamari than the shipyards, but Tal Kellison or Shadow Squadron might have other ideas.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 21st, 2005, 03:54:43 PM
Okay, so then it would be a good idea to have at least two volunteers to do the rest of the Rebel reaction to the attack.
Darth Viscera
Jun 21st, 2005, 04:12:23 PM
volunteers, do you mean aside from rogue squadron? as in, two volunteers from your people who play rebel army officers, or two entirely new people who don't ordinarily RP as rebels should pitch in for the duration of this RP with temporary rebel characters and command ships or ground defenses?
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 21st, 2005, 04:39:20 PM
Shadow Squadron can be sent in to take out the shipyards, or at least the ships being built there. :)
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 21st, 2005, 04:54:20 PM
whichever two people want to write the engaging posts. Whoever is interested I would think. Of course active Rebels get the first dibs on it I would say with either existing characters or new ones. Otherwise whomever :)
Darth Viscera
Jun 26th, 2005, 03:41:45 PM
I was PMing Charley trying to see if I could get Rogue Squadron involved in this RP (see below)
I'd really like it if Rogue Squadron could be involved in this RP I'm proposing. Here's my pitch:
The rebel fleet is stretched thin due to the battle of endor, and Mon Calamari is a strategically important planet due to its shipyards, which are the one source of rebel-built ships in the galaxy. Now, to prevent the Imperials from shutting down the entire Rebel shipbuilding capacity in one strike, the Rebels have hidden these shipyards in the Akari belt, an asteroid field, and use ships armed with tractor beams to fly into and out of the belt, sort of like mining your harbor and having a Navy helmsman guide each ship in or out safely. Imperial Intelligence has been trying for years to locate these shipyards, because the empire would love to shut down rebel shipbuilding. In the last two weeks, Imperial Intelligence has finally managed to infiltrate the shipyards, and has sent back a report to Imperial Center with their location, and the specific course you have to take into the Akari belt to reach them. Darth Viscera, Khendon Sevon and Tal Kellison take a look at this report, and their 3 Star Destroyers fly off to Mon Calamari to raid the shipyards and also bombard the civilian population.
When the Imperial raiding party arrives at Mon Calamari, Kellison's Star Destroyer starts making for the shipyards, and he launches Shadow Squadron to fly in and knock out the shipyards. Meanwhile, back on Mon Calamari, the rebel sensors have detected the arrival in-system of 3 star destroyers. The rebels send out an urgent call for assistance, and Rogue Squadron scrambles to intercept Shadow Squadron's attack. Visc gathers up a battallion of stormtroopers and descends in dropships to attack the Mon Calamari planetary shield generator, which is located inside a hardened Rebel facility, while Khendon Sevon pilots a squadron of TIE Defenders to provide support for the troopers and take out anything larger than a rebel trooper. The Imperial strike team manages to fight its way towards the shield generator, and blows the thing up, then returns to their dropships and flies back up to their Star Destroyers, the two of which begin bombarding targets with a sizable population density.
Shadow Squadron and Rogue Squadron are duking it out inside the Akari belt, and you would work out with the Shadow Squadron people who wins and the fate of the shipyards. When the Rebel reinforcements arrive, the Imperial raiding party has to fight its way out of the system, and returns to Coruscant. The End.
I really hope we can do this RP. If you have any questions or comments, or if there's anything you'd do differently, I'm definitely open to that, but I'm really married to the idea of at least bombarding a lot of Mon Calamari population centers from orbit.
I like this idea. Give me a little time to mull it over with folks and we'll see.
So, any of you Rogue Squadron folks want to sign on?
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jun 26th, 2005, 03:52:51 PM
I'll put Eluna to task on this.
Also, Dan's freighter Lucky Strike is currently on Mon Calamari, having narrowly evaded trade route interdiction from an Imperial Acclimator cruiser. He's got a few rebel wannabes tagging along with him in X-wings, so they can always be involved too.
Actually, this will go quite a ways to legitimizing Dan's character, who I eventually want to peg squarely into the group of playmakers running the Rebel Alliance :)
Viscera, while I know you're trying to put on a happy face, this is RPing, and not FYAD. Lets plan more and goof less.
Also Drin, I appreciate your newfound desire to RP here, but is there any possible way you can put the ivory tower pessimism aside and relax?
Thats all I'm saying. Play nice, boys. :)
Telan Desaria
Jun 27th, 2005, 05:37:37 AM
BTW - -if Shadow Squadron is at Endor, how does it and Rogue Squadron make the journey to Mon Calamari after the Battle. Endor is between ten and twelve days away from the MonCal.
*using the theorem from the Thrawn Trilogy - it took Skywalker six days from Sluis Van to Imperial Center in Dark Force Rising*
Just curious.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jun 27th, 2005, 06:12:59 AM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Don't ask, you wouldn't understand.
BTW - -if Shadow Squadron is at Endor, how does it and Rogue Squadron make the journey to Mon Calamari after the Battle. Endor is between ten and twelve days away from the MonCal.
*using the theorem from the Thrawn Trilogy - it took Skywalker six days from Sluis Van to Imperial Center in Dark Force Rising*
Just curious.
Not everything has to happen immediately afterwards.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 27th, 2005, 12:55:07 PM
Um, ten days later after we're ordered to Mon Cal, we arrive?
It seems pretty simple. And Rogue Squadron could have been ordered there to protect the shipyards after the Battle of Endor.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 27th, 2005, 03:38:03 PM
I agree with LD, that is an important shipyard and after the battle of Endor, that place might be churning out new ships for the Alliance.
Lion El' Jonson
Jun 27th, 2005, 05:43:27 PM
Hello everybody. I'd like to apologize for being away (I had to wait for my DSL connection to be reenabled by the phone company, as I'm in Tahoe now), but I'm back now and will be for the rest of the summer.
Firstly, I believe that this is a good idea, and I think that it would make an excellent RP for both sides involved. One thing I like about this concept is that if somebody decides to go AWOL, it doesn't cripple the entire thread.
I sort-of skimmed through this thread, so if there is anything specific I need to address, please tell me. :)
Darth Viscera
Jun 28th, 2005, 01:57:02 PM
Lion, the only real specific thing I think we're in need of is a couple of ships (maybe a light calamari cruiser and a corvette) which would probably detect the 3 Star Destroyers, and fly off to get reinforcements, meanwhile Rogue Squadron is scrambling to intercept Shadow Squadron.
Lion El' Jonson
Jun 29th, 2005, 10:52:14 PM
That would be no problem.
CRL Mon Nora
-Deployed: One wingpair X-Wing Reconaissance Variant, designation Red 3, Red 4.
Corvette Delegate
Will this work?
Darth Viscera
Jun 30th, 2005, 12:16:09 AM
sure will.
Jun 30th, 2005, 12:23:13 PM
Out of curiosity how soon do you plan to have this thing happen. Rogue Squadron hasn't really been officially been formed yet, all the pilots have been selected OOC but they've yet to meet IC. IC wise we're still in the immediate aftermath of Endor with the remains of the fleet regrouping.
Darth Viscera
Jun 30th, 2005, 12:30:25 PM
As soon as Rogue Squadron and Shadow Squadron and everyone else involved is ready, we can start the RP. I have the first post basically ready to go for when I get the green light.
IC wise? 2 weeks after Endor I suppose, give or take a month
Jun 30th, 2005, 07:05:13 PM
That sounds like a plan. I'll look forwards to it.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 2nd, 2005, 03:41:28 AM
Definitely sounds like this will be a fun RP, guys. Besides, Tie, even if the IC formation of Rogue Squadron isn't completed by the time this RP begins, the beauty of these forums is that we can always fill in backstories later. Since the recruits have already been gathered, the people roleplaying the squadron know what is going to happen up to that point, so it shouldn't be hard to "make up" the backstory. ^_^;
Jul 2nd, 2005, 12:02:27 PM
Lol, the continuity of time is overrated anyways.
Lion El' Jonson
Jul 8th, 2005, 12:29:22 AM
Of course it is. What fun is time when it just runs over everything? ^_^;
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