View Full Version : APPLICATION: Phoenix Whyte

Lucianus Adair
Jun 17th, 2005, 12:21:23 PM
Character name: Phoenix Mars Whyte, Phoenix, Mars, Mr. Whyte, Whyte

Character Profile: Mars is a possessor of decent wit, and knows when to hold his tongue...at the same time, he sees most talk as unnecessary, and places more value on actions. He is a man of great manners, educated. As a predator, he controls his base desires, but as any being that control is susceptable to slipping when circumstances permit...This is one of the main things that lends to his power in combat. Mars is a 'people watcher', and has learned to make quick and accurate study of subjects around him, as well as potential prey and known targets...this is a great aide to his skills as a hunter/tracker.

Character History: Was raised on Korriban under the teachings of his guardian, Lucianus Lucifer Bane. In the years away from his home in personal studies of the Force, Mars came into the service of the Emperor, and served through the very end and his Majesty's death. (See starter thread for job details).

Character Motivations: To better himself, as always, to continue life with a purpose, and to satisfy his predatory needs.

Character Skills: Combat (Form VII), Energy Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Such as accelerating the aging of a tree from good health to old rot, for example), Illusions, Telekinesis, and Telepathy. His mastery sits in the areas of Combat and Manipulation (at a length the realm of Mental Skills altogether). His greatest natural skills are that of a tracker and hunter.

Why should we accept you: The fact that this character was a member previous to the reset aside, Mars is one I consider to be a well-thought character, and fitting quite well with the realm of darkness, thus a decent addition to the Order if accepted.

Roleplaying example:


Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Simple Question, Simple Answer -- Yes.

Have you read the rules: Of Course.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jun 17th, 2005, 08:22:07 PM

I can't believe we never got around to making you a Knight...

Lucianus Adair
Jun 17th, 2005, 11:40:20 PM
Thank you. I do believe it was a prolonged absence on my part that prevented such a thing from happening.

Zereth Lancer
Jun 18th, 2005, 12:09:36 AM
Nice to see you up and about.


Jun 19th, 2005, 05:32:20 AM

Sasha Kovalev
Jun 20th, 2005, 08:28:51 AM

Jorshal Vuntana
Jun 20th, 2005, 11:05:26 AM

Lady Vader
Jun 21st, 2005, 06:56:47 PM
5 votes.

That means you're in.

Welcome to the Sith Order.

Now you can go post and be merry and kill things. Oh and I'll grant you access to the private forum if you don't already have it. :)