View Full Version : Black Sun Rising (FINISHED)

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 17th, 2005, 11:07:03 AM
:: The call had been sent out, from top to bottom, that Sorsha was waiting for them to arrive on Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon. She sat at the head of a large table, with her best enforcers at her side. Corvus on her left, and Tirsa on her right ::

Jun 17th, 2005, 11:52:29 AM
Sting was the first to arrive. He nodded to Sorsha when he entered, he sat at the other end. He thought it best to give the Black Sun Vigo his full attention.

He was anxious to hear the direction in which the Sun was headed and to get his new orders...

Jun 17th, 2005, 01:03:05 PM
Money and power are like lovers.

Self-absorbed and self-sustaining, they need only each other to exist. Perfect soulmates, they were created at the dawn of civilization, and have been rutting joyfully throughout the ages, feeding endlessly on industry and greed. Money and power danced together in the dim Nar Shaddaa night. And the rich and powerful of the Black Sun danced with them.

The lengthy, slow burning drag from the cigarette gave brief light of Vendetta’s masked figure. He sat quietly, leaned against the far wall in the adjacent corner of the room. It was doubtful anyone had heard him come in and he wasn’t one to pronounce his presence. He was merely here to listen and be on his way.

Jun 17th, 2005, 01:05:39 PM
Vice walked up two the doors hoping he was not too late. He did not have time to simply just arrive whenever called he had jobs to do but if he didn't want to get kicked out then he would have hurried. Wich he did he cut his plans short hopped in his ship and here he was. Vice entered the doors catching everyones attention. He slowly bowed then took a seat next to Sting.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 18th, 2005, 09:15:31 AM
Originally posted by Vendetta
The lengthy, slow burning drag from the cigarette gave brief light of Vendetta’s masked figure. He sat quietly, leaned against the far wall in the adjacent corner of the room. It was doubtful anyone had heard him come in and he wasn’t one to pronounce his presence. He was merely here to listen and be on his way.

:: His entrance did not go unoticed however, as Sorsha locked her sights onto him ::

"Do take a seat, Vendetta. And please, don't smoke in here."

:: She smiled and beckoned him to take a place at the table ::

Nyax Imotep
Jun 18th, 2005, 09:31:42 AM
Magnetic pistons hissed and whined as the large durasteel doors parted. In stepped Nyax, his face locked in a resentful scowl. He skulked towards the table, aware of Sorsha and her sickly sweet smile.

When he sat, his angry orange eyes locked with hers. He didn't sneer, as much as he wanted to, but simply grunted and slouched further into his seat.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 18th, 2005, 11:58:53 AM
' Take it around back, scratch it, son and i'll scratch you.' Kelt tossed the doorman his speeder keys, straightned his jacket and then began his walk in. The doors opened and there sat his benefactor, Sorsha.

Kelt nodded and then took his head next to Nyax. Leaning in towards the scowling hunter he sniffed a few times and then moved his eyes to meet Nyax'.

' Nice aftershave, cost you a fair bit did it?' He leaned away, as far away as his nailed down seat would allow. He did not want to be in Nadda Shaa, much less next to a bounty hunter who smelled of Bantha hide.

beep beep

' Whisky' His service drod rolled away to fetch the drink.

Jun 18th, 2005, 10:11:35 PM
Originally posted by Sorsha Kasajian
:: His entrance did not go unoticed however, as Sorsha locked her sights onto him ::

"Do take a seat, Vendetta. And please, don't smoke in here."

:: She smiled and beckoned him to take a place at the table ::

Ven let out a sigh, exhaling the last drag with it. He smashed the cigarette butt out on the wall and walked over to the table. He took a seat the furthest away he could from those that had arrived.

"Anything for you darlin'." he mused at Sorsha.

Jun 19th, 2005, 02:33:30 PM
Sting was slightly startled when Nyax appeared. He recognized him from the Raid earlier this week.. Had Sting known he was a Black Sun operative he would have been more eager to assist. As it was, It was not his buisness to know who was who...

Sorsha was changing things already. Putting faces to the Organizations varied interests.. Sting thought it was good. You didn't always know who you where dealing with.

It wasn't wise to blow off the head of the hand that was feeding you. With that anyone would agree.

Jun 22nd, 2005, 02:33:48 PM
Prebis slouched in, hands buried in his pockets as he looked at the table. He's almost certain that he's late, being on time never was easy for him. Luckily it seems he interrupted nothing, so he took the nearest possible seat to Tirsa, avoiding eye contact with anyone other than Tirsa, Sorsha, and Corvus. No one else matters a whole lot, anyhow.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jun 22nd, 2005, 05:28:08 PM
Sasseeri tugged at her suit jacket, the edge of her skirt barely peeking out from underneath it as she readied herself to enter the room that was already filling up. Sorsha wanted a meeting, Sorsha would have a meeting. It would be foolhardy to ignore a Vigo as powerful as Kasajian.

With one pouting look at her reflection, the half-breed cizerack stalked out of the refresher. Kal Olorin and two husky twi'lek bodyguards stood straighter as she rejoined them. Impatiently, she waited at the door for Kal to open it, and then was preceeded by one of the warrior class twi'lek males. They were twins, her bodyguards, a matched set of blue twi'leks who were highly skilled in martial arts.

She entered the room, and found her seat at the opposite end of the table from Kasajian and her two favorites. Kal slid into the seat next to her, and the twi'lek's stood stiffly behind her, watching everything. Sasseeri drummed her manicured nails on the table top, and smiled smokily at the black and red zabrack who was sitting next to Simosen. Arrren't you deljicjious.

Returning her attention to Sorsha, she added aloud, "Well, wherrre's the fjirrre, Kasajijian?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 23rd, 2005, 11:22:33 AM
:: Sorsha held Sasseeri in a steady gaze, grinning as she spoke ::

"Fire burns wherever I choose to light it."

:: Five lesser vigos had been killed in brutal assaults ordered by Sorsha since Xizor's death, in a trail of blood and fire that led it's way up to this moment. The air was tense around the others at the table, because the rivalry between the two women had been fueling up to a possible war. This meeting would be a pivotal one for Black Sun ::

"Do not fence with me, Sasseeri. Changes are in order."

Kal Olorin
Jun 23rd, 2005, 12:45:37 PM
You could have cut the air with a knife. I didn't need to be a genius to see that over half of the people present were either working for Kasajian, or in her debt.

Sasseeri was feeling more on edge than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, and Sorsha's words weren't soothing her. From the twitch of her ears I could see she was a hair away from starting a Vigo war right then and there.

I absently slipped my hand under my jacket, fingers looking for something.

Nyax Imotep
Jun 23rd, 2005, 04:31:09 PM
Nyax grinned upon seeing the two Vigos confronting each other, their relationship becoming strikingly clear. He would watch them both with great interest from this moment forth, sensing a profit. Then his eye was caught by the man next to him, the man with the whiskey, and a low growl rumbled in his throat. He snarled and turned to face Sorsha, already becoming impatient.

Jade Doment
Jun 24th, 2005, 11:28:02 AM
Emerald Jade Doment, head of the smuggling industry, sauters in slowly, wearing an ankle length sleeveless black silk dress, with a thigh high slit on her left side, the outfit completed with thigh high black leather boots. Her jet black hair was piled in a high ponytail, a pink sheen to it. Her piercing pink eyes took in everyone and everything.

She took a seat, and nodded as she sat down, waiting.

Jun 30th, 2005, 08:02:15 PM
Unpatient probally described more than just Vices feelings at the moment but that was nothing to get worked up over. As others entered Vice noticed a few familar faces from not long ago. The table was filled with Black Sun operatives but their was still more to come. The large Mass of the orginization seemed to be a good thing the more individuals ment the more power.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 20th, 2005, 03:52:28 PM
:: She noted the look in Sasseeri's eyes and smiled ::

"I understand you have a little piracy problem along the Sisar Run."

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jul 21st, 2005, 03:27:52 PM
The Vigo raised an eyebrow, and replied, "You could say that. But the Sjisarrr Rrrun has always been full of pjirrrates.

"Howeverrr, jI doubt that you called thjis meetjing just so we could djiscuss the Sjisarrr Rrrun."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 21st, 2005, 03:46:51 PM
"No, I'm here to offer you my protection. Surrender your claim to leadership and I'll see to it your interests are secure. I need you Sasseeri. Don't turn your back on me the way Durga did."

Kal Olorin
Jul 22nd, 2005, 04:31:34 PM
All the tension of the last two minutes boiled over with that one sentance from the pretty blond at the head of the table. I found what I was looking for in my jacket pocket, and pulled out a soft case of stims. I hit it against my palm three times, and then pulled one out of the case and returned the others to my jacket.

Someone glared at me for the noise, but I simply lit up my stim and took a drag.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jul 22nd, 2005, 04:43:47 PM
Visibly, nothing about Sasseeri's demenor changed. She was still leaning slightly to the left in her chair, her eyes languidly taking in the room. "You arrre offerrrjing me... yourrr prrrotectjion."

Her mouth twitched, once, and then twice, and a throaty laugh erupted from her. The foolish child had shown too much of her hand with her so-called plea. Yes, you do need me, don't you. Sasseeri quieted her chuckles, absently fiddling with the end of her tail. "Please forrrgjive me, Sorrrsha, jI fjind so ljittle humorrr these days that jit was rrrefrrreshjing to hearrr that ljittle anecdote. Now, what werrre you sayjing?"

Tasha McTallen
Jul 24th, 2005, 03:42:28 PM
Nar Shaddaa, yet another new location for her, as such she's slightly out of breath as she reaches the doors leading into the room where she was supposed to be several minutes ago.

Cracking the door open slightly she slips into the room and quietly closes the door behind her before she takes the first empty seat she comes across in silence.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 26th, 2005, 11:45:33 AM
:: Sorsha's eyes widened as she leaned forward ::

"There are people at this table who would sell their souls to have what I'm offering you."

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jul 26th, 2005, 01:04:52 PM
Sasseeri raised an eyebrow, "At thjis verrry table? Maybe you should have offerrrred thjis to them."

She sat up abruptly, and slammed her hand against the table, causing a few people to jump. "You call me herrre to offerrr me thjis?!" The Vigo got to her feet, her chair falling down behind her. The twi'leki bodyguards were so alert it seemed their bodies could barely constrain them from action.

"You have wasted yourrr tjime! And my tjime as well! jI wjill neverrr serrrve anotherrr, especjially you, my dearrr Sorrrsha." She calmed a bit, and added, "Youdon't know what you've done."

Sasseeri turned to leave the room, bodyguards following with their hands on their holstered weapons.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 26th, 2005, 01:29:50 PM
"Black Sun is a family, Sasseeri. You join it, that means you don't get to walk out on it."

:: A big suprise was waiting for Sasseeri as the doors swung open. An impressive force of Rodians, Tragins, and Natori Shock Troops were locked and loaded in the hall, their weapons trained on the Twilek bodyguards ::

"United we stand, divided you die. Now come in and take your seat. I'm not finished yet."

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jul 26th, 2005, 01:38:48 PM
She hadn't really expected any less of the traitorous Kasajian, but she had no choice but to sit back at the table. Sasseeri managed not to look like a spoiled child while she did it, too.

"jIt appearrrs that yourrr overrreaching ego has fjinally bjitten off morrre than you can chew." Her blue eyes glittered dangerously, "You just haven't rrrealjized jit yet."

Kal Olorin
Jul 26th, 2005, 01:43:24 PM
Smoke curled around my head as I sat back in my chair, watching. Both women were walking on thin ice, and frankly, all the power in the room was turning me on.

Gods, this stim is good. I drew on it again, letting the smoke leave my mouth in a series of smoke rings.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 26th, 2005, 01:47:52 PM
"Oh? What exactly have you brought to the table? Please tell us so we can hear you."

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 22nd, 2005, 03:13:45 AM
Sasseeri didn't blink, not once, as she stared at the Vigo at the other end of the table. "What have jI brrrought to the table? To what table!? jIs thjis a negotjiatjion table between enemjies, to brrrokerrr a trruce?

"No! jIt jis not!" She was shouting, and relished it. "You brrrjing me out here on the prrretense of a meetjing, and sabotage whateverrr chance we had of worrrkjing jojintly with thrrreats and by pojintjing weapons at my perrrson!

"jIt jis a betrrrayal most fierrrce, especjially when we both agrrreed to come to thjis meetjing as collegues and unarrrmed, jif not as frrrjiends."

Sasseeri jerked to her feet, Kal lazily getting to his as well. "jI am leavjing. Thjis farrrce of a meetjing jis overrr." She looked at the others gathered and spat on the table.

The Reeouurrra entourage left the building.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 24th, 2005, 09:10:12 AM
' Well that went well...' Kelt said sarcasticly reclining back in his chair somewhat amushed by he felines departure. As the third Vigo of the Black Sun, Kelt had a say in the nagotations and a and in the dealings, but frankly when two woman were arguing you had little choice than to leave them at it. It seemed that Sorsha and her rival had turned up with a host of body guards and men, Kelt however was alone.

His smile went from Sorsha to the exiting Cizerack before pushing back his chair. ' If we have nothin' else to discuss?'

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 24th, 2005, 02:37:41 PM
"Sit down, Mr. Simonson. We haven't even started."

:: Sorsha flips a sitch on the desk and the monitor on the wall shows the building's exterior for all to see. As the Reeourra Entourage exits the building, it's fired upon by snipers from above in various locations. The doors behind Sasseeri slam shut, preventing her from re-entering the building ::

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 25th, 2005, 12:27:00 AM
Sasseeri's bodyguards threw themselves in front of her, which was what they were paid to do. Sniper bolts riddled them with smoking holes, and the feline they protected squeaked with rage as a sniper blew her brains out.

Kal Olorin ducked behind some decorative duracrete sculptures, pulling a commlink out of his pocket and yelling into it.

All of this was watched through the crosshairs of a scope from across the street. The being holding the scope hummed and tsked as the yelled message from Olorin came through the commlink in the room.

"Tragoni is down! Tragoni is down! Request immediate backup from Pride Mother!" He wasn't blindly shooting into the air, which showed how intelligent the man was. Snipers would be much too far away for his weapons to do any good.

Inside the meeting room, Sorsha would no doubt be sitting pretty, smug and gloating to the weak cattle that followed her. Saseerri was dead - their competition was gone. She would be free to rule the underworld of the galaxy.

Only a fool would have walked into that meeting blindly.

Sasseeri had never been a fool.

Pulling the scope up so that the crosshairs centered on the windows in the meeting room, Sasseeri Reeouurraa pushed the button that deployed a heat seeking missile (standard Imperial issue for blowing up armored vehicles on hostile planets) from the rocket launcher she held firmly on her shoulder. The missile streaked from the tube, through the open window of their safe room, and through the windows of the building that housed Sorsha's little friendly meeting. Three floors above the meeting room the missile detonated.

The snipers were momentarily stunned. Olorin used that moment to run across where the body they'd imagined was the Black Sun Vigo's was, and scooped up a splintered bit of the female's head. In the harsh man-made lighting it was apparent that the only blood on the courtyard was that of the twi'leki bodyguards - Sasseeri's body was leaking wires and droid parts.

Olorin was picked up by a speeder and rushed out of the area.

Sasseeri and her team across the way packed up their things and left the building. They were off planet in ten minutes.