View Full Version : Only The Strong Survive(closed Inu)

Jun 15th, 2005, 11:52:43 PM
After the loss of most of the Jedi years past, life had been hard for any discovered force user. Many once found disappeared, usually kidnapped for research or worse but usually never to be seen again. Videl's power once unleashed after the death of her brother had lead her to being a test subject. She had never felt the dart that had knocked her out but she was always aware what was going on later. Though her abilities were often numbed by other agents, her mind never went dim, always knowing what went on around her and taking notes for later use. Such notes had been quite painful when she got free. Oh how her jailers of sorts had suffered that day. They never expected her to be conscious enough to use the force let alone get the key to her restraints. Wrenched free from their places, her barriers were flung at the guard and the door to her room. The force of one beam slammed the guard into the wall along with it, slicing him cleanly in half before another slammed into his head to end his existance. The young woman hadn't yet moved, standing naked as can be except for a metal helmet with an odd animal like look carved into its surface adorning her head. The second guard was doing his best not to be seen against the wall but not being quiet enough to achieve it. One of the woman's fingers moved and one of the locks to her restraints rose to eye level. She let it linger there for a moment before it shot out in the guard's direction. It hit at head level, impaling straight through the other side where it hit the wall with a dull clunk before falling to the ground with the now dead guard. Soon after the girl was outside, a sea of blood in her wake, an army of guards left dead behind her.

Videl was discovered again a few days later, still covered in blood by an interested reclusive foreigner. Over the next roughly 20 years, her skills were honed with weaponry, martial arts of all sorts and anything else her master Namu deemed needed to be taught to her.

Now though, Namu was long dead and Videl had an apprentice of her own she was training. The kid had shown enough bloodlust to survive being killed on the spot and had been training with her for many years now.

Jun 18th, 2005, 08:24:40 PM
Cardisa, the Tano homeworld, has been beyond the reach of the Republic and Empire since before either government existed. The main species of the planet lived nomadically, roaming from place to place and making their livings by hunting the animals for their skins and meat. Tanos are all tattooed with dyed scar marks that denote their standing in the tribe and their abilities. Many wear the common tattoos of hunters, gatherers, caretakers, and medicine men. However, there are exceptional markings given to certain Tano that have abilities beyond their peers.

Few tribes have members that can reach the Force, and many who do wield the darkside, flying into rages against enemies and wild animals that threaten the tribe. Their scar tattoos describe the wielder's powers and the strength of them, and usually are hidden under clothes to keep them secret from other tribes. However, regardless of power level, the abilities of Tano Force Users are unfocused and wild, and they take lots of time to recover.

One tribe's Force User is an exception. His name is Inu, husband of Sorreessa, father of cublings Hiraki and Kalia, and leader of the tribe's huntsmen. His abilities have been strengthened and focused, honed so that he can outlast any other Tano in combat, striking with more power than any Tano before him. He is considered a prodigy by his tribe, but the secret of his power lies in his mentor, a Darkside Master named Videl.

Jun 23rd, 2005, 09:57:23 PM
The morning starts out the usual way, Videl waiting about a mile from Inu's tribe. Covered in a cloak, she sits on a tall rock, eyes closed while she waits for him. The small pings of the force that are his children following their father reach her first since the cubs haven't been trained how to hide the force energy. The little force signatures stop up on the cliff as usual and she pays them no more attention afterward, there was more important things on her mind.

Jun 23rd, 2005, 10:09:20 PM
Inu hugs his wife and children one last time. Where he's going they can't follow, and he'll be gone for longer than ever before this time.

"You kids take good care of your mommy, okay?" He hugs them close, but shoots pointed looks at the other men of the tribe. The line is directed as much at them as it is at his children. Protection of his family is paramount. He stands and holds his wife close, breathing the scent of her hair. "And you...you take care of them. I'll be back as soon as I can." He kisses her softly before turning and running out towards the distant rock, feet thundering across the land as apprehension swells into anxiety and anger in his heart. Every meeting with this woman is like walking into a pit with a sleeping rancor to him.

Jun 23rd, 2005, 10:17:09 PM
She stands but still keeps her eyes closed for the moment before she contacts him with the force.

Meet me in town.

She says through it before she no more than a blur taking long leaps towards the target, she'll tell him what she has planned when they get there and no sooner.

Jun 23rd, 2005, 10:48:49 PM
Inu picks up the pace, determined to have this lesson done with as soon as possible. He focuses his anger onto the town. Videl's waiting there for him, looking impatient as usual. He never can get there fast enough for her standard.

Jun 23rd, 2005, 10:54:31 PM
Videl's eyes narrow for a moment before she lifts the body of a fat tourist up into the air next to her, she went for foreigners by agreements made long ago with Inu's clan. The corpse woman's head lolls a bit to the side but she appears to be untouched, no blood anywhere.

"Inu, can you tell me how this woman died?"

She asks, keeping the woman suspended still in front of her with the force.

Jun 23rd, 2005, 11:24:06 PM
Inu folds his arms and tilts his head to the side in thought. He can think of a million natural causes, but Videl wouldn't be pointing out this body if that were the case. Clearly the tourist was killed by Videl, but not by her blades or her Force Lightning. The face isn't discolored, so that rules out choking via Force.

"You attacked a vital organ," He finally answers lamely. He's not sure what the cause is.

Jun 23rd, 2005, 11:36:36 PM
Videl smiles wryly, brains was another reason why she had picked Inu as her apprentice, it was not interesting to train a mindless killing machine. Most would've guessed broken neck or force choke but he didn't which caused her usual twisted smile.

"Good and so begins the lesson for today, it's easy to kill with a blade but it takes more to kill with the force. Any idiot can slash a throat but he would be useless without a weapon..."

Her eyes drifted to the crowd noting the many foreigners today which would serve for test dummies today, poor little lambs didn't have the faintest clue that some if not all wouldn't live to see the light of another day.

"Take your pick but only with the force..."

Videl picks at random, an old man falls to his knees, clutching his throat, gasping for the air that won't come. Then again, a crushed trachea will do that to you. Some the people near him stop in concern to help. The first one to touch him though pays for the mistake, falling down dead instantly but the mark doesn't show at all like the first woman, for now, Videl keeps the reason for that unknown.

Jun 23rd, 2005, 11:48:10 PM
Inu's ears twitch, frustration building as each one goes down. The first of them was choked, that's plain to see. But what about the second woman? He's certain either her brain or heart was attacked; there's no other vital organ to bother with using the Force.

"Did you rupture her heart, or somehow destroy her brain?"

Jun 24th, 2005, 08:27:07 PM
"I would show you but you would be dead and therefore wouldn't learn anything...."

What she was doing was actually quite simple with practice, she used it when she had wanted to kill silently on a way to a mark as to not give away her position. She laughed softly in her head as she sent an old lady down the same way, keeping the woman's hands from moving towards the pain with the force each time with the others before the person fell dead as to not give away what she was doing. A passerby tripped over the body and soon paid for the mistake. The man's eyes rolled back into his head as he did an odd little half turn before smacking into the nearby wall and then to the ground.

Jul 6th, 2005, 09:58:08 PM
He's right, of course. She always dodges when he asks her something to confirm what he thinks he knows. Now he just has to figure out how it works. He picks a younger target, a man just into his twenties who's kneeling by one of Videl's victims. He closes the Force around the kid's entire chest, pressing hard with his telekinetic might. The kid stop and starts to choke as air is forced from his lungs, but there's none of the reactions Videl's victims had.

Jul 6th, 2005, 10:09:05 PM
She watches with her head canted slightly to the left. He's almost right but it wasn't what she was doing, her way was much less noticable, it often took a coronor's examination to find the cause. He'll get it eventually but he will most likely have to see it with the force where she was doing it. She selects another fat tourist and moves what she does to the left then back then to the right before finishing her off, the woman drops as soundlessly as the others while Videl looks over her shoulder to her apprentice.