View Full Version : A Dark calling....

Nayala Palain
Jun 15th, 2005, 02:19:46 PM
A strong commanding voice crashed into the silence of the room. "Computer access the planet of Balmorra"


Computer metalic voice::

Balmorra:: Located in the Nevoota System ,Sector Sesswenna, Planitary conditions Temperate, Sentient Species Human.

Balmorrian :: HISTORY ::

A factory world located at the fringes of the Galactic Core. Wide plains surround the planet's capitol, where Governor Beltane once ran the planet and oversaw production. During the reign of the Empire, the Balmorrans manufactured weapons for the Imperial army, and were the primary builders of the AT-ST walker. 200 members of the royal house of Balmorra were slain in an ambush within a grand Gala in the castle of the Palain family. Leaving only 25 members of the royal family to rule, and run the planet the eldest being 87 and the youngest now 26 standard years.

End Computer

Standing there looking out over the great plains surrounding the capitol and the palace she had grown up within. She was off in the tome where she learned her craft. Her ebony black cloak pulled around her and yet hanging lose from her small frame. Marcasite eyes glimming in the setting sunlight as the sun sank away from the planet.

Turning from where she had been standing, her cloak whipping silently behind her as her silenced footsteps took her into the tome farther. Back where her most precious scrolls and books lay at rest. Only a few candles were lineing the area and near her scrolls. Torches lite the surrounding rooms and the walk way down the stairs into the tome. Hidden deep in the grounds of Balmorra under her estate as a noble of the court of Balmorra. Lady Drell her former nanny passed away the year Nayala had gained rank in her now dead Masters eyes. Having been given the name of Athena for her prowlness in combate, her ablity to plan out her form and method of attack, her cunningness in battle.

Reaching out into the force, each of the people she wished to contacte was swirling, gripping eachs mental connection she called to each of them. Sith Lord Lucid, Sith Lord Phantom, Sith Knight Eve Siren, And the last two names would be remaining as a secret to the other three. Since each could hear one anothers names. Lucid, Phantom, Littrell, and then there was Eve. Each would know each of them and all then had been called.

But the other two the first Somir, and the second Luciano each heard only their names and where to meet. Each message sent told them when and where to meet her. Each would arrive just hours before the others. To meet her upon her estate, if they could get past her guards with out killing them or using the force. They would have to use words to get across.

She knew the closest was two days travel time away... another was already on the planet and could be there within hours. The others although were rather far off in travel time. Taking a seat into a rather plush chair midnight black in color, and a high back. Crossing her legs as a proper noble woman would do her fingers interlocked as she bounced, her interlocked fingers off her lips, sitting in thought. She had told her family she was going to be off planet for a while. And that some people had been asked to come and house sit for her. Four men and one female, would sooner or later come to the estate.

Jun 16th, 2005, 11:44:38 PM
Maim, who had all but given up his true name now, moved from the transport which had taken him to this planet. He had been here before, of course, but not often in recent memory. He moved from the landing pad and headed towards where he knew he would find Nayala, since she had summoned him.

They had developed a bond that none could match, a bond of the souls which would keep them together for all time. Most though love was an impossible concept for the Sith, though they both found it to the contrary. They found that love was one of the gifts of being a Sith, since the Jedi were forbade such things.

He moved through the city in silence, covered in a death black shroud. He would seek out his dark love, his wife, and see why she had bade him to return from the mission he had been on. Perhaps she was ready to teach him more in the ways of the Dark Force.

Darth Lucid
Jun 17th, 2005, 09:17:13 AM
The dream weaver heard the call from his master and set down the scroll he was currently reading. He was a lord in the eye's of the sith and master of illusion now yet he still heeded the call of his master. The man known as both Darth lucid and Blade Ice left immediately from his place with in the city.

It didn't take him long and he was at the steps of his master’s house. He didn't knock he just entered for most of her staff already knew who he was. Her staff rarely questioned him in fear of his wrath, which at times seemed to have no end. Blade thrived on torturing innocent people and making them feel the pain in he had felt in his lifetime.

He knew exactly where his master was as he made his way many of the staff jumped out of his way in fear. They hated this man most had called the man of Ice. He soon reached the chamber below the estate and looked around to make sure no one was watching him before he stepped through the door.

"You called Master?"

Blade bowed his head in respect for the sith master he called both friend and teacher. Athena knew that his respect was sporadic at best for Blade tended to go through loner stages. Those where the times when he wanted no one around him and if someone disturbed him He tended to kill them.

Eve Siren
Jun 23rd, 2005, 07:44:58 AM
The Sith Knight was far away at the time she was called. However, she was glad to give up any and all current activities to go see her Master and sister, Nayala. She hadn't seen her in a long time and it was about time that Eve went back into training. Dressed in a leather suit from head to toes, the young Sith rushed from the airport to the Sith Master's adobe, by speeder that she had obviously stolen, leaving behind the ship she had also borrowed without asking. Upon arriving, she wondered why Nayala would call upon all of her disciples, or at least the ones that Eve knew of, all at once. It took her three days to get to Balmorra.

She stopped in front of her Master's estate, leaving the speeder in the care of the servants that welcomed her as Nayala's younger blood sister. She was excited at the idea of seeing the Sith Master again, but let no emotions show it physically. Eve liked being unpredictable, though she always failed when it came to Naya. Nodding quickly to guards, they dared not interfere with her path, not only because she shared a close bond with the Mistress of the palace, but also because of the fact that she could break off their arms in less than half a minute, though her petite figure would lead people to think otherwise.

She could already feel Blade's presence. As she stepped to the chamber where Nayala waited for all of them, she got rid of the tie that held her black hair back in a high ponytail, letting them fall loose over her shoulders, and smoothed out her suit with her palms before arriving to the door. After taking a deep breath, she stepped in. "Master Palain." She greeted first, bowing her head, before looking over at the other presence. "Lord Lucid."

Revan Luciano
Jun 23rd, 2005, 03:23:28 PM
The fight as progressing smoothly, not as quickly ended as typical but that was only because his opponent had impecable defenses. Defenses that were slowly being worn down with precise strikes. A quick series of jabs then ducking back, the veteran fighter had set into this rythm to wear the main out in trying to guard himself. Five more minutes, and the fight would end, he was sure of that.

In the process of another series of jabs, a familiar voice yet unfamiliar feeling entered his mind, thoughts intruded on and distancing him from the fight for a period. Perfect timing to catch a punch to the gut, then a right hook to the jaw - sending him back to fall against the cage and recover to his hands and knees. The opposing fighter took the moment to gloat at such a triumph, while Revan accepted the rest of the call and awaited it out.

When his thoughts had cleared, he quickly took to a stand and rushed the off guard man - trying to reform his defenses quickly. He was out of luck, however, as a series of jabs impacted his ribs, fracturing one beneath the assault and causing him to hunch over. Grabbing the back of the man's head, he drove his knee up into his nose - shattering it and causing him to reel back to the floor in pain - pronounced the winner at that time.


Some months ago, he had met Nayala at one of his matches. She had made him aware of a certain special talent of his, that being sensitivity to the Force, and had even alerted him that she would beckon him in the near future. However, until that day in the arena, he had believed she was yanking his perverbial chain, as she was nowhere to be found afterwards.

However, now he was contacted as promised, and informed of what was to come vaguely. Dipping his shoulder into the rickety caged door, the pit fighter proceeded through the dark and narrow corridor to the end of the hall, rapping his knuckles against the door and awaiting an answer. A few moments later, and heavy commotion behind the door, a narrow eyeslot opened up then the door to follow.

"Revan! I swear I have the money for that fight, just uh..give me-" His hand came up, opening a palm to call for silence from the weasely looking man. "Save it.." He cooly chided, removing a datapad that held all the details of his life on it - an official document that could stand up in any court for an individuals credentials. "Make a copy of this, but edit in a few things.." Producing a small slip of paper from his pocket, he offered it to the slightly trembling man. "Do it, and the debts forgiven."


Five days later, Revan departed the ramp of the transport to Balmorra and moved with a steady grace out of the Hangar Bay amidst a small crowd of civilians. With a steady and confident gait, the silver haired man proceeded through the depths of the city in approach of the capital's Palace, where he was stopped by a pair of guards brandishing modified rifles.

His blue eyes cooly swept over their armaments, appraising their stances. He could go for one, then pull him before the other's shot and easily dispatch the second man - but that would go against the challenge he was provided with. Instead, he offered the recently doctored datapad listing his credentials and name - a new addition being that he was a man responsible for appraising security situations and restructuring them to a better image.

"Name?" They questioned monotonely, eyeing him suspiciously. "It's on the datapad. Hurry up.." Impatiently he responded, narrowing his eyes back at the men. Further questioning went into the details for his arrival, to which he explained in full, and even added the little trump card he planned on using to gain access. "..atop that, I am wanted to appraise the security here. Now, let me through or I'll see you working on a prison colony in no time."

To add to the illusion and temptation, he leaned in to whisper to the men. "I hear, some guards go years without seeing a single woman.." With that last statement, the pair drew back and showed him through the chambers, returning his datapad to him. Quickly he advanced past the pair, moving to convene with the trio ahead. A curt nod to Lucid, a smile and wink to Eve, and finally a nod to Nayala and he stood in wait and silence.

Nayala Palain
Jun 29th, 2005, 11:13:04 PM
She had waited as long as she was willing to at this time. Some where here and others would arrive when they could or wanted. But sured that her call would not go out to them once more, for their failure to join with her now.

She stood from her seat and watched as her called students arrived. First to show their face was that of the Sith known only as Maim.

The fire in his eyes burned as bright as the day she had meet the man. He was not pleased to be removed from his mission but something new was a foot.

The second to enter her frist student, a sinister creature, a soul less creature. Sith Lord Lucid. His blood thirsty eyes spoke no words, his cold lifeless heart held no heat. His ice cold voice broke the silence... " You Called Master? "

The third to arrive was that of the Sith Lady Siren. Eve Siren to be sure, Nayala's blood sister. The female was dressed as all sith females should be. Head to toe leathers, body hugging and stunning. She said her hellos and nodded to the others.

Finally a man she had only meet once more, Revan. A man a cunning fighters, skilled like no other and in need of training like no other.

" Welcome all of you. " Her cold voice spoke out. She moved like flowing water across the room. The power held in her being, there was still one other in the room. He had not shown himself to the rest not yet. Sith Lord Phantom... her deadliest student yet. She had only taken his teaching after she killed her own Master DelKrin Sorden.

" The time has come..." She said softly.

Jul 2nd, 2005, 02:01:31 PM
Maim stood in silence, listening to what his beloved wife had to say. He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest, eyes slowly scanning the others. He was unsure why he was here, at least at this time, but he was sure that she would explain herself soon enough.

For now he would just watch and listen.

Hidden beneath his cloak, two light saber hilts lay dormant, but ready should the need for them arise. His gaze feel from one occupant of the room to the next, until he had taken the measure of each in silence. Slowly, his gaze turned back to Athena, and what she had to say.

Darth Lucid
Jul 3rd, 2005, 07:46:58 AM
Lucid was watching the gathering his eyes fell on every last person in the room. He wasn't sure if any present knew who he really was nor did he care. He wasn't Hiding from anyone under the name darth Lucid rather he used the persona as his calling card.

He listened to his master speak but his eye's where not on her. His eyes where continually moving from person to person judging the mannerisms. These where his allies yet he still looked for there weaknesses and character flaws.

"The time has come for what? My master."

Jul 7th, 2005, 05:18:23 PM
Deep within the shadows of the palace a darkened figure lurked soundlessly, both unseen and unfelt by any. The shadows shifted slightly as he moved closer to the others present, there was only one man he did not know; Revan Luciano, he would have to remedy that. With eyes of crimson he too looked meticulously over each and every person, making mental notes of every detail, one did not survive long by being careless. A wicked grin flashed across his lips as he heard Lucids question, for the answer was something he loved very dearly.

" Death ... "

His voice was low, almost a whisper as it called from the shadows. His gaze shifted to that of Maim, then to Eve as he sent his greetings to both. This would be a night to remember.

Nayala Palain
Jul 9th, 2005, 12:21:02 AM
Finally his voice was heard, as Lucian or Phantom as he was better known as, spoke to the group.

" Indeed its death... and each of you will lead an indepth mission of sorts. "

She said as she waited to get the attention of Lady Siren and Revan.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 17th, 2005, 12:15:30 AM
Closed per Nayala's request.