View Full Version : A twisted mind for a twisted soul

Nayala Palain
Jun 11th, 2005, 02:22:19 PM
The fifth standard date of the fourth calander month a child was born to the Palain family. It was 2:30 in the morrning on Balmoora. A scream of pain was heard down the halls and into the courtyard of a larger home. Located in a small untouched village on the outskirts of the main city and ruleing family's land. Blood chilling pain was felt in the females yells.

" One more push my dear...come on.." House Master Palain (head of the royal house) spoke softly into the ears of his beloved wife, Nivi. She gritted her teeth and pushed with the best she could. Even thought she tried nothing would not remove the pain of child birth. After her last scream of pain a small yet loved sound could be heard.

" A girl, Nivi...its a girl...." He said softly..to her as he took the child from the mid-wife.

Interupting...." Nayala, a small angel." Nivi spoke before she had to finish the birth process. Leaning over she kissed the small baby on the face and smiled. Falling back into the bed Nivi was about as tired as any human could be.


" NO NAYA!!!!" a man yelled as the childs hands reached for her fathers weapon of the planetary guards. The man batted her small hand away and smiled at her.

' You will get hurt my small angel. " The man moved his weapons as his wifes watchful eye moved along to the child. She patted the child on the head. She had been in the other room speaking with someone about her daughters skills, with something she never understood. They spoke of her being gifted. Not wanting to care, not disrupt her daughters happy life here she dismissed the man clad in a brown robe.

As the man left her home the wife of a royal family member smiled at her husband as their child went running down the hall. Leaving in less then an hour for a planetary gala. Nivi moved down towards her dressing room, readying for the event. She had sent for Naya's nanny to come and care for the child. As the hour came and past the Mr. and Mrs. Palain departed only after kissing the childs head.

It was now late into the night and the child was sleeping within her room, the nanny sleeping in her chambers when a knock at the door was heard. The royal guards yelling for the Nanny to wake and answer the door. Staggering down the flight of stairs she pulled her robe over, unlatching the locks she pulled the door open slightly.

" Yes? " Her tired and rather frightfull voice could be heard.

Royal Guard: " Lady Drell, I am sorry to inform you that the Gala was ambushed and few lived, Lord and Lady Palain were killed, we have come to take the small Lady Naya into the Royal families care. As well as you to care for the child. Please step aside..."

The guard pushed his way into the home moving directly up the stairs. Lady Drell the nanny sunk to the floor, crying and shaking over the lost of the Lord and Lady Palain.

The guard picked the sleepy child from her bed a warm smile greeted her blinking eyes.

Guard: " Come Naya... sleep in the castle this night.."

Nodding the four year old slipped back to sleep in the guards arms.

Nayala Palain
Jun 12th, 2005, 04:15:52 PM
Naya awoke the next morning with the nanny Lady Drell resting in a plush and lavish chair. Blinking from her sleep, her small eyes moved about taking in the new surroundings. She smiled at her caretaker and crawled off the bed. Poking the Lady Drell to wake her.

" Were mommy and daddy? " The soft voice of the child asked in near silence. Crawling up onto her nannys lap. The Lady Drell stroked the childs hair and brushed her face.

" They are in a much better home now my child. And you will see them some day. " She commented back to the small child as a tear rolled down her face. She rocked back and forth in the chair, humming softly as she tried to think of what next.

" Dress and we will go play child.. in the courtyard. " Pressing off Naya ran over to the closet that had all of her clothes hanging within it. The guards had spent all night moving everything over into the new home of Nayala Palain... Plucking a shirt and a pair of shorts from the hangers, she dressed.

Running out side she moved along the path happy and seren...

:: Age of Nayala is now 10 years old ::

Moving about the courtyard she noticed a figure of another child. She smiled softly at the person. Moving over to where he stood. She was dressed in only the finest of clothes, her hair upswept and dangling in long curls. Stunning marcasite eyes danced within the daylight.

" I am Nayala Palain. " She said softly, looking over the child before her.

Jun 16th, 2005, 09:50:37 PM
A small unseen smile tugged lightly on the boys rose colored lips as he silently watched the little girl slowly approach him, even at such a young age she was quite breathtaking. His darkened eyes meticulously scanned the little girl as she moved closer, she couldn't be much younger then he and by the look of things she and her parents were extremely wealthy, her strides were proud and confident, no doubt the result of her lavish and privileged upbringing. As she neared he offered her a low gentlemanly bow; though he himself was equally as young he was well educated in the ways of adequacy for his family too was extremely wealthy, an old and well established family of Balmoora. Taking her hand into his own he kissed it softly.

" Good afternoon miss Palain. I am Lucian, Lucian Belial. "

His voice was gentle and warm as he spoke, his eyes locked with hers.

Jun 16th, 2005, 10:06:41 PM
She smiled as he took her hand into his. Placing the kiss upon the top part of her hand. Slowly she pulled it back. Her marcasite eyes scanning him much like she was sure he had done to her.

" Belial, Lord Belial the weapons industry leader? " She asked softly. Before motioning for Lady Drell to open the gate for the boy.

" Belial industries is doing rather well now a days, sir. "

Their up bringing made them stand out like black thumbs. She lead the man into the courtyard, and let him look around.

" I am the last child born to this family... you know. Some day since I am the last of pure blood, I will rule. "

She was proud of that fact. Taking a seat the ten years old female offered him something to drink and eat. As they spent the after noon talking, playing finally, and getting to know one another.

::: Nayala and Lucian are now 15, Naya has been studying with her hidden teacher now for 5 years, in secret. :::

Running from her home, when Lady Drell was announced dead, Naya ran down the road to Lucians home. Not bothering to knock on the door. Running down the hall Lord and Lady Belial just looked at the noble. Crying she slammed the door to Lucians room and sank to the floor.

" Shes dead.... Lady Drell is dead. After so long..." Her eyes were not her normal color and her temperment nothing like her cool calm demenior.

(yes this is posted under the wrong name It was suppossed to be posted as Nayala )

Jun 16th, 2005, 11:25:38 PM
A sly, knowing smirk spread swiftly across his lips as he noticed the girl scanning him, it would seem their families teachings were much the same. He gave a slight nod as she asked the of his family.

" Indeed, one in the same. "

Slowly he entered the courtyard, his bright red cape fluttering in the wind behind him as he moved.

" Yes, my father has quite a knack for business. Infact Belial Industries has just bought out its leading competitor in weapons manufacturing here on Balmoora and bought one of the largest shipyards on Corellia. My father wishes to expend his corporate empire. When my father passes I too shall rule. I do know what happened to your parents; I'm truly sorry. "

The next four years seemed to pass rather quickly, without much event. However, their friendship grew to new heights as they spent every waking moment with eachother becoming quite inseparable.

Lucian leapt from his desk chair as his door was suddenly thrown up and just as quickly slammed shut. He sighed heavily as he already knew the reason for her coming, his father had told him only moments before. The death of Lady Drell was not something that was kept secret for long. Walking to where she sat on the floor he kneeled, slowly leaning in he wrapped his arms around her, holding her.

" I know, I just heard. I'm so sorry. "

He paused for a moment, searching for the right words.

" It'll be alright, I promise. My parents said you could stay with us for as long as you'd like. "

Pulling he noticed the noticed the dramatic change within her eyes, not only their color, but what she felt. Arching an eyebrow he forced a smile to his lips, trying not to focus on the change.

Nayala Palain
Jun 16th, 2005, 11:39:44 PM
Tears shed down her face, the loss of the last member of her family was very harmfull to her. But it also fuled her teachings. Lucian spoke of his parents allowing her to stay with them.

In a simi choked voice as his arms where wrapped around her. she spoke. " may..be, the fff...irst night. "

Standing now as his arms dropped from around her. Blinking she noticed him just looking at her oddly.

" What is it Lucian? " she asked before moving over towards the mirror in the other room.

" Ooh my, " was all she said as her hands rubbed her eyes hidding what she knew he had already seen.

Jun 17th, 2005, 12:40:46 AM
Slowly Lucian stood, unsure of what he saw. Looking down at her as she sat on the floor he face had grown stoic, void of emotion, his eyes narrowing greatly on her until they became little more then slits. For once in his life he was lost for words; what had she done? There was little in the galaxy that could effect her so, none of which he truly liked. A heavy sigh managed to escape through his tightly pressed lips.

" What has happened to you? "

His voice was like a whisper as he spoke, his gaze falling to the floor. Though he was young in age he was no fool, something had happened to her.

Nayala Palain
Jun 17th, 2005, 12:59:51 AM
Rushing back to the child who had grown into her best friend. She sat upon the floor of his bed room. Her hands in her own lap as her marcasite eyes looked upwards at him.

" Different things Lucian. Nothing to fear, Come and I will show you tomorrow... But this night I will tell you of it. "

She smiled explaining everything that had happened. She was out in the courtyard of her home, she was 10 it was the day after she and Lucian had meet. She stumbled upon a celer door out side. How odd she thought. Lady Drell had gone in and contacted The Belial family to see if Lucain could return for the nights supper.

Moving down the stairs that lead farther into the tome. A torch lite suddenly, a robed man moved out of her sight. But she followed as if summonced.

" who are you, and why are you on my land? " She called out after the man in robes.

He said nothing, just moving father and farther in the labyranth like maze of halls and rooms. His form stopps before an alter, upon it a thick black leather backed book. His crimson eyes watching the child get closer.

" SIT " was all the figure said to her, so she did so. What felt like days took mere moments, and from that day forth she was there at the same time, everyday. As the years press on, her quick study of the teacher and his ways sank into the child. A perfect mold is that of a child.

She sat there and told Lucian of everything she had learned so far. And everything the robed man had promised her. Her physical features now back to normal, the way he had always seen her. A fifteen year old stunning image of her mother.

" I am sure you are thinking... I dont know who she is.... where did Naya go? But trust me Lucian I am right here. "

They stood and she took his hand into her as she had done more times now then she could count. Making their way back into the family room where Lord and Lady Belial were in wait. She hugged them both as they offered their sarrows to her for her loss.

Jun 18th, 2005, 12:03:07 AM
Slowly Lucian sank to the floor, his darkly colored eyes remaining absolutely fixated upon hers, looking as though he was trying to read her thoughts. Again he sighed, though he said not a word, remaining completely soundless as his best friend explained what had happened that fateful day nearly five years ago. He could feel his heart racing within his chest as she went into great detail about her teachings, as a child he had heard stories like this, of people like this robed man and until tonight he had thought them only myths, bed time stories told to children. His head felt as though it were going to explode, his mind trying desperately to make sence of all this. After she had finished speaking it felt as though a lifetime had just passed, as though their childhood had just ended.

" I trust you with my life Naya, but something doesn't seem right. What does this man want from you in return for this power? It all just seems a bit to easy. Though I will go with you. "

A brief smile flashed across his lips as she took his hand into her own, for now it would seem as though everything was the same as it had always been.

Nayala Palain
Jun 18th, 2005, 01:52:22 PM
She and the Belial family spoke for hours. Finally the Lord and Lady of the house, said their good nights, only after bringing out some blankets and a pillow. For Naya to use, well they were her's that she left here at their house.

Lucian walked her to the guest room of the house, where she would sleep. All of two doors from Lucians room. They sat up 90% of the night. She smiled as he finally left for some sleep. She woke mere four hours later, and dressed. Making her way in near silence towards Lucians room. She knocked lightly as if by command the door opened. And inside stood a dressed, ready, and awake Lucian.

" I am so shocked at this sight. " She said as he offered a smile and a hug for the morrning. Taking his hand she lead him out of his own home. They walked the streets heading towards her estate. Once they reached it the two guards nodded a greating to her as she dismissed them.

" Dismissed..." She was giving them the day off, more so she and Lucian could go into the tome. The guards saw a gift and ran to take the offering.

Her marcasite eyes, shimmed as they neared the tome from the courtyard. She pointed.

" See, I am not crazy, nor making things up in my sleep. " She said with a hint of play in her voice. The door opened as she then moved inwards. Lucian stood there for a moment until Naya pulled on his hand. " come along no doddleing. " Her voice rang in the tome.

Three torches lighted the tome as they disended the staircase farther and farther into the tome. They finally reached the room she spoke of before, the room with the alter.

" He is near Lucian have a seat. " She offered him, as she slid into one of the bench like pues. Finally the robed man (DelKrin Sorden) moved into the room.

" On time as normal my student...." His voice trailed off. He turned and looked upon Lucian, his large gothic hood hide his face, and the frame of the man was hidden under the massive robes he wore.

" Lucian Belial... it took you five years to finally find me. Nayala was wise to bring you at such a time. Your dreams were getting to hard to handle were they not my child? "

DelKrin Sorden said to Lucian as Nayala's eyes searched both of them. His dreams Lucian said nothing of his dreams and they spoke of everything.

" Naya, you seem to be figureing stuff out now child. " DelKrin said.

" You called him to my gate, didnt you Master? " Her voice broke finally since he had entered to area.

" I indeed did child. " Was all DelKrin offered to her or Lucian.

Jun 20th, 2005, 08:58:33 PM
Standing at the door he turned slightly and offered Nayala a soft smile before taking his leave. Silently he crept down the long hallway, though his room laid only two doors away. Slowly casting his door open he entered, shutting it quietly behind him. Undressing rather quickly he climbed into bed and feel asleep immediately; his mind exhausted from the days events. Suddenly his eyes snapped open as he nearly leapt from his bed, his entire body covered in a cold sweat. Every night for nearly the last five years he had suffered through the same exact nightmare, remaining entirely unchanged ever since the very first night. After a few moments he had calmed himself, slowing his breathing and returning it back to normal.

Rolling to his right he released a heavy sigh; it had only been three hours since he had departed from Nayalas room. For quite some time he lay soundlessly in his bed, looking up at the ceiling, thinking deeply about the things that were to come. An odd, strange feeling washed over Lucian as he lie there, his mind cleared of all thoughts but one; he must prepare. As if summoned by some unknown power he slowly rose from his bed, gathering his things he quickly dressed. As he finished his bedroom door creaked open, revealing a slightly bewildered Nayala. He forced a smile to his lips though he remained silent as she spoke to him.

The relatively short trip to Nayalas estate was like a dream, as his mind swam in a blackened sea. Now he sat beside Nayala upon a pew deep within the underground tomb. His gaze shifted to a nearby doorway as he felt a powerful presence draw ever near. A slightly twisted and sinister grin crept across his lips as he finally saw the robed man, entering the room. It was only then that he regained himself entirely, his grin widening greatly until it stretched out across his face.

" No. "

He scoffed, his gaze growing overly intense.

" My dreams were nothing, just a minor annoyance. "

He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly as he poundered his next words.

" And no one controls me. "

Nayala Palain
Jun 22nd, 2005, 01:17:45 PM
The robed man nodded his head. As if he belived Lucian, moving off Nayala stood and followed her Master. Leaving Lucian to his own means. If he so wished to follow then it was fine. If not he could freely look about the tome.

Her marcasite eyes shimmered just before she walked away from Lucian, off to study and practice more and more. Taking her seat on the floor in front of her scrolls. Delkrin never said a word as she read. But slowly flickers of light started to dance at her will. Just before her, she could not hold the light for long, it fade'd ever so swiftly. Lowering her head a cold breeze was felt in the room. Disapprovale....never something Naya enjoyed. Over and over for 3 hours she worked on the new skill.

Drenched her hair was tattered and tangled. From shaking her head over and over, but she had indeed finished learning her skill. DelKrin, a Dark Master of Illusions was teaching her the fine arts of it all. She could cast different images, but she was learning how to cast into these images force signatures, and life.

Returning to the alter room she found Lucian right where she had left him, taking a seat she fought a smile to her lips. She was tired, and her master needed to speak with her and Lucian once more.

" Lucian, did you enjoy your tour? " The robed man asked. Before Lucian had answered he spoke once more.

" She is ready... ready for her name... Come Lucian you know her well... you shall name her. Choose her name wisely..." the robed man moved away from Nayala slightly.

Jun 22nd, 2005, 07:51:03 PM
Lucian watched in silence as the two slowly disappeared from sight, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He sighed heavily, his mind once again racing with disturbing events that had unfolded themself before him, it would seem taht the world he had grown up in and came to love was a much darker and sinster place then he had ever realized, perhaps blinded by his pampered upbringing. Sinking into the pew he placed his face within his hands as he began to think heavily upon what was to come, weighing his options. As time passed an unsettling calmness had washed over him; he knew what he must do, it was his destiny, besides what harm could come from it.

The better part of three hours had come to pass before they had returned from Nayalas training, looking up from his hands he saw that Nayala was on the verge of exhaustion. Clearing his throat, Lucian slowly stood, his gaze resting firmly upon the robed man. Though before he could reply another question was asked of him, one of great importance. Without hesitation he spoke, a hint of pride in his voice.

" Only a goddesses name will do, one who is both strong and cunning, a warrior in the truest sense ... Athena. "

Nayala Palain
Jun 22nd, 2005, 10:26:55 PM
Doing her best to look up, her marcasite eyes shimmered as Lucian stood to speak with DelKrin. She heard him clear his throat, she wondered what he had done while she was away. Standing when The Robed man said she was to be named this day. She brushed off her robes, and smiled in wait of the name she would carry in secret.

Master Sorden, nodded to Lucians answer of her name. Standing there she thought about it for a moment. Cunning, strong, and deviouse... Athena would work wonders for her as a name.

" Very well Lucian Athena it is... Lady Athena currently a Sith Lord, and maybe some day a Sith Master. "

The robed man turned and headed back down towards where her teaching had been. She shook her head, if only lightly before turning once more to Lucian.

" So what all did you do while I was away? "

Jun 22nd, 2005, 10:49:57 PM
A slight smile crept onto Lucians lips as the robed man accepted his name for Nayala, though he knew little of their ways he knew it was a great honor to be asked such a thing. Not shifting his gaze from the man he watched as he faded slowly from sight, moving deeper into the tomb. Sparing a glance he looked to his friend.

" I thought about my future. "

His reponce was short, but to the point. Not wanting to miss his chance and with a look of determination on his face he called after the robed man, his voice echoing through the corridors.

" Wait ... I am ready. "

Nayala Palain
Jun 22nd, 2005, 10:59:45 PM
Torches that lined the area, suddenly burst into flames. Each flickering to life, like a breath of fresh air was just added to them. The Robed man never slowed or turn around. Much like when Naya ventured in Lucian would find his way.

Echos of footfalls of the past washed over Lucian, visions of elders of the Sith from a time few could remember. The enigma that was the sith slowly crept from the halls and oozed into a splash over Lucian.

He was reborn, he had given in...

His eyes for the first time glow a deep crimson hue. As if beckonded Lucian moved forth, with Naya or rather Athena in close second. A dark and twisted smile danced her lips, she knew what this could mean, and what it would mean.

Her dream was right, he was the one.... Clasping Lucians hand as they walked the maze of tunnels and halls. She would give him no direction, but like a hunter and its prey Lucian took no wrong turns, fell for no traps, and he finally arrived within the scroll laced library. There stood the elder man with his hood back and off his body. DelKrin Sorden... Sith Master and keeper of all its locked and unspoken secrets.

Jun 28th, 2005, 06:12:03 PM
For the first time in what was to become many, a truly sinister look washed over Lucians face, twisting it into a monstrous visage. His once dark eyes now burned with the taint of hatred, causing them to turn a dark crimson. A strange and powerful force called to him, guiding him through the labyrinth like halls of the ancient tomb. After what seemed like an eternity of walking they finally came to a large central chamber. With a wicked and sadistic grin consuming his rose colored lips he slowly kneeled before the Sith Master, his master; the one known as DelKrin Sorden.

" I am ready to fulfill my destiny ... teach me, my master. "

Nayala Palain
Jun 28th, 2005, 10:23:45 PM
The Robed man's face spread his lips breaking into the most horrific smile and cackled. His glowing red orbs of eyes, watched as Lucian knelt before him as a student should.

" Rise my apprentice, and embrace the darkness that will consume you. "

Nayala, smiled at the thought of her bestfriend now being her fellow student of Sith Master Sorden. Her eyes shimmered a peircing crimson.

She took a kneeling position right next to Lucian, their teacher spoke to both of them. What felt like days now had turned into years. Tonight was the night....

Naya and Lucian had been up talking all night. Plotting to be exact. Twenty years old and she was finally the rank needed to finish off her dreams. Lucian and she were still insperable. They learned together, they did social sences together, they now plotted to kill the man whom taught them so much. It was their rightful place in the life styles of what they were.

" We have to Lucian...."

Jul 7th, 2005, 04:36:49 PM
Slowly Lucian rose from the floor, his eyes still burning crimson with a raw hate he had never felt before. With his gaze fixed on his master he spoke.

" I will do more then just simply embrace it my master, I shall embody it, becoming darkness incarnate. "

Over the next five years Lucian devoted his every waking moment to his teachings, forsaking everything else, his thirst for knowledge and lust for power had all but consumed him. Slowly the fathomless hate held within him began to eat away at his very being, leaving only darkness. Soon the lines between good and evil began to blur as the morals and values he once held dear seeped from him, never to return. During such teachings it was revealed that he possessed an affinity for the shadows, able to control them and bend them to his will. Once again time passed swiftly, and he was now a man, his teachings had granted him both incredible strength and power, he had grown by leaps and bounds, becoming more then he could have ever hoped. Now the time had come, the fateful day in which they would prove their worth.

" I know. I am ready. "

His responce was cold and emotionless, for he knew what he must do. With a deep breath he called forth his lightsaber, his grib tightening around its gothic hilt. Without another word he began to walk down the long corridor, where his master would be waiting.

Nayala Palain
Jul 8th, 2005, 11:42:15 PM
Running down the corridor she knew he had yet the training to kill DelKrin alone... but she would indeed need him dead. DelKrin was slowing in her path, his training been slowed by his age and his new found use of the force. It was taking way to much of the elderly mans body and mind.

" Wait Lucian..." Her voice so much like all the other times they had spoken. Not the power laced voice she was useing more and more to get what ever it was she wished.

" Let me go in first, we can only do this if we work together.... he wont think of you. Since you have only been here a few years, he knows I am soon to try. And when I let him think I have failed.. you attack from behind... I will keep him busy enough. "

She said softly as to make sure DelKrin could not hear them outright.