View Full Version : Musings on General Grievous
Jun 11th, 2005, 01:22:37 PM
Okay, so this thread won't have the depth of the other "Musings on..." threads, but I still wanted to say something....
General Grievous was so good in the Clone Wars animated series that I was nervous about how he'd be in ROTS. I was afraid he'd come off as silly or weird or just not interesting all.
But thank goodness he turned out to be just as effective on the big screen as he was on the TV screen. He was a great character, and Obi-Wan's confrontation with him on Utapau is one of the many highlights of this wonderful film.
I'd been planning on having my mother watch Clone Wars before we went to see ROTS, but it never happened. In retrospect, I'm glad she didn't see it, because she was surprised when Grievous pulled out 4 lightsabers :).
Figrin D'an
Jun 11th, 2005, 02:10:49 PM
Grievous turned out fairly well in the film. The CGI was terrific. I was a little disappointed in his combat ability after seeing him fight in the Clone Wars series. In Clone Wars, he was nearly invincible. He took on 6 Jedi simultaneously, including two masters (Ki-Adi Mundi and Shaak-Ti), and kicked their butts. He did much the same in his pursuit to capture Palpatine. In the film, he chose to not try to fight Anakin and Obi-Wan on the bridge of his ship, and later, Obi-Wan was clearly the better swordsman in their duel.
I suppose one can make the argument that Grievous' ability to fight was hampered by the damage done to him by Mace Windu. One can also state that Obi-Wan simply had far superior skills with a lightsaber than Ki-Adi, Shaak-Ti, or any of the other Jedi that Grievous had previously fought (which I believe was at least partially the point of having Obi-Wan be the one to take out Grievous... to show just how strong Obi-Wan really was at the peak of his powers, and better set up the duel between he and Anakin).
He was a good character... a nice compliment to Count Dooku, and much better than Darth Maul. It would have been nice to see him really kick some Jedi butt in the film though. It might have made his battle with Obi-Wan even more exciting.
Arya Ravenwing
Jun 11th, 2005, 02:32:42 PM
Apparently a cut scene was General Grevious fighting and killing Shaak Ti, which makes me a sad monkey. I like Shaak Ti.
However, this will probably make it onto the DVD? I hope!
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 11th, 2005, 03:56:18 PM
Well they did a number on that both Grievious and Anakin killed her depending on what version of that scene you see. I think they wanted to put her death in the movie but couldn't find a place to make it work.
Darth Decepis
Jun 11th, 2005, 08:32:38 PM
Grievous was just another gimmick character and I honestly didn't care one iota about him.
That being said, he did indirectly provide two nuggets of comedy. The Obi-Wan kick = AAAAGH! bit, and the famous Time-to-abandon-ship.gif
Jun 11th, 2005, 09:08:52 PM
I still think back to when the first pictures of Grievous came out and LD pointed out that he looked like he was from Bionicle, and I still believe that now. I like the way he turned out but I'm still not crazy about the character.
Jun 12th, 2005, 02:19:55 AM
When is he actually shown in the Clone Wars?
Nathanial K'cansce
Jun 12th, 2005, 07:07:55 AM
Last Episode of season 2, and basically all of season 3. He had about 3 or 4 episodes worth of fame
Oh, and my thoughts of double G.... whoooo! Before the movie I had him pictured as an escape artists when he knew he couldn't win the battle: such as at the beginning of Clone Wars season 3, when the republic dropship/fighter thingy confronted him. That, and the RotS novel hyped him up to be really good at escaping when things don't go his way. I think he was thuroughly afraid of ever facing the jedi duo of Obi wan and Anakin at the same time.
Given that, I was a bit disappointed with the Obi-GG fight. The book's imagry of the fight went on for a while, and seemed to be epic-ish on a small scale. I guess time constraints and the like cut it down to what we saw in the movie.
Also of note, the novel had a nice little meeting between Obi-wan and Mace, where Obi-wan does question Mace about the council's choice to send him after Grievous. He asks that there are many that are more formatible in different arts of saber fighting that should be go, and says that he only knows the defensive style (the name slips me, starts with an 'S'... It basically makes the user of said style untouchable, but rarely offers chances for an offensive.).
Obi-wan: "I appreciate that you think I'm a master of this style -"
Mace: "Not a master, Obi-wan, the Master. Become who you are."
Basically, Obi Wan is uber.
With that said, when GiGi whipped out his four lightsabers and then started to spin two of them! Oh man, I was a giddy as a school girl on prom night. some of my buds and I were all, "Oh no Obi-wan! Whatchya gunna do!? Whatchya gunna do!?"
Anuis Ma'artra
Jun 12th, 2005, 08:43:48 AM
And Obi-Wan was all like "Ah Snap, oh no you didn't, you did not just go there with the spinny sabers bee-atch."
However my question is that in Clone Wars he was learning to use the Force wasn't he? Or was Dookie just training him to use sabers?
Nathanial K'cansce
Jun 12th, 2005, 12:03:59 PM
It was just in saber styles/combat. GG had no force usage.
Jun 13th, 2005, 02:12:28 AM
Grievious was an excellent warrior in the Clone Wars animated version but was to weak in the movie.
Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 14th, 2005, 08:13:18 AM
Originally posted by Vice
Grievious was an excellent warrior in the Clone Wars animated version but was to weak in the movie.
The exact opposite is true. He's way overblown in the Clone Wars. Really, how strong should a cyborg with no force power be against a Jedi Master, not that strong if you ask me.
I know they had to doll him up for the cartoon, but I think it was a bit silly. Yes, make the guy a great military leader, but please don't expect somebody who is force-dumb to compete against Jedi Masters.
Jun 14th, 2005, 08:28:18 AM
I didn't mind that he was able to school Jedi Masters, but I didn't like the fact that his abilities were inconsistent from the cartoon to the movie. He was unstoppable in the cartoon, and if you ask me, he was pretty soft in the movie.
Jun 14th, 2005, 10:17:25 AM
It's not that he's been powered-down, it's that Obi-Wan's been powered-up. Grievous is as strong as ever, but Obi-Wan's growing constantly in the Force.
Ryan Pode
Jun 15th, 2005, 09:12:11 AM
What exactly is General Grevious?
Darth McBain
Jun 16th, 2005, 10:46:08 AM
Well a couple of sources on the web say he is (or was) of a species called either Kaleesh or Omix-Patra - don't know what their source is, but there's a few EU books that deal with GG, so probably from one of those. There's an article that deals with some of his history at but again, don't know what the source is...
Jun 16th, 2005, 11:13:23 PM
I think Grevious did have his share of action, but he wasn't as dangerous as I thought he was in ROTS (Especially what I heard about him in the clone wars) But he did go out with a bang :)
Jun 18th, 2005, 10:32:30 PM
hmm, it seems to be the injury Windu gave him in Clone Wars that did it, that site that was linked in here mentions Windu crushed his torso pretty good thus giving him the coughing and such....
Jun 19th, 2005, 09:53:08 AM
Yes, he recieved it as he kidnapped palpatine.
Darth McBain
Jun 20th, 2005, 09:37:35 AM
The databank has been updated with some official info on Grievous -
Jun 24th, 2005, 08:52:53 PM
Grievous is a perfect example of what has ALWAYS plauged the EU. Different mediums allow you to do different things with characters. It isn't just Grievous who's out of control in the cartoon, what about Yoda and Mace? Especially Mace! Good Lord, he single handedly takes out over a hundred battle droids. Many of them with his bare hands! He does things that you know you would NEVER see in the films. And I don't mind it one bit, because you should take advantage of the medium at hand. It's why whenever anything obviously throws a continuity monkey wrench I basicaly ignore it. It's a FICTIONAL universe. Bending over backwords to make everything in the EU and the films fit and be "real" is like two virgins arguing about which one of their imaginary girlfriends is hotter. It doesn't matter which one of them makes a stronger argument, neither one of them is getting laid.
Dhak Kilborn
Jul 17th, 2005, 11:58:11 PM
i see where you are comming from but i think the kenobi and grievous was the wost fight of all time. he was a total let down. they could have gone without the coughing...which made him look like a wuss...and he should have died by kenobi's saber...the blaster thing was ridiculous...the least lucas could have done was have obi-wan force push a stone tower on top of grievous or something...part of my soul died after that thirty second fight...and i could also see that obi-wan is pretty powerful and could easily dispence of grievous in a heart beat...but grievous has killed dozens of jedi and tons of clones...and yes, lucas probably had to edit some of that fight out...i just hate the whole death by blaster...where are the speed of light reflexes from the book...if he can dodge multiple saber attackes, he should have been able to doge a blaster bolt...maybe he is like han in ANH from the Special Edition...dodging greedo's blaster bolt...but no offence to the fans of the fight...but i felt like leaving after that fight.
Jul 18th, 2005, 06:47:13 AM
I saw RotS again yesterday, and I like it more with each viewing, but if there's one thing I like a little less as I see the movie, it's General Grievous. He's dumb, he's overrated and I basically think he was ill-conceived from the get-go. He's completely superfluous to me and the RotS would have benefitted greatly without him. I don't think he added anything to the movie whatsoever. Oh well, when you're dealing with Star Wars and a guy like Lucas, you've got to expect this sort of thing. It's an industry unto itself and it didn't get to where it is by not trying to be creative.
Jul 19th, 2005, 07:49:59 AM
The novel really played up the battle between not only Grievous and Obi-Wan, but Obi-Wan and the magna guards. In the novel Obi-Wan goes completely ballistic. We saw spoilers early on of Obi-Wan fighting multiple enemies against a blue screen. There's probably several reasons why that entire sequence got cut down, but it would have been great to see. I don't mind Obi-Wan taking out Grieouvs with a blaster. It gave us the great OT connected 'uncivilized' line. As for the coughing, yeah I could have done without that. No need to make Grievous sound like the one cyborg in the galaxy that needs a big dose of Robitussin. (sp?)
Dhak Kilborn
Jul 23rd, 2005, 02:01:43 PM
i agree the novel awesome...i cant wait until the special edition comes out for RotS, if ever, because if they would have stayed with the screen play every bit like the novel did, it would have been 1,000 times better.
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