View Full Version : Basic Powers 101: Baralai's Training (Baralai)
Sasha Kovalev
Jun 10th, 2005, 02:02:15 PM
“So where are you from?” Sasha asked as they walked through the halls of the Order. Though much of the training took place down in the Vault, Sasha at times felt it a bit oppressive and lacking in an atmosphere that promoted creativity. He did not expect his apprentice to do things as he did them. There were basics, and then there were extensions of the basics, uses of the basics in creative ways that furthered the understanding of the ability and promoted the use of it. And he felt this could be far better attained by seeking out a location that would allow this.
They would leave the Order grounds and head out towards the craters and valleys of Korriban. And there they would delve further and further into the abilities of the new apprentice. There they would unlock the passion within and give it meaning, give it purpose.
Some masters did not care to know such things. Some cared little about actually discussing things with their apprentices and merely training them and being done with it. Sasha far preferred the fostering of respect. If friendship came with it, so be it. That would be a bonus. But at the very least, it was his responsibility to train the apprentice, and he felt this best accomplished if they had respect for one another – for their abilities, for their similarities, and more importantly, for their differences.
Baralai would learn. Sahsa would be sure of that. But that did not mean that Baralai would learn as Sasha had. Or as any of the other apprentices had. Everyone had their own style of learning, their own strengths and weaknesses, their own goals. And Baralai’s training would be tailored to these things, not generated from a passage in a book on how to train an apprentice.
And to know these things, to be able to tailor the training, it was important to Sasha that he come to know and to understand his apprentice, what motivated him, what could demoralize him, where his weakness lie, and where his strengths would carry him.
Baralai Lotus
Jun 11th, 2005, 08:43:59 AM
Baralai looked over at Sasha, who was being kind of enough to ask of his origins. "I grew up on Coruscant. Living around the Jedi. . .seeing the world for what it was, festering with sin." He didn't smirk or light up a cigarette as he walked, but he was interested to know where they were going.
"Growing up on Coruscant was interesting to say the least. . .you could travel all day and always see buildings. And no matter what you did. . .you were always just another face in the crowd. So from the beginning of my life, I strove to be different." Baralai just chuckled, strove to be different. . .he was different, of this there was no doubt. Baralai was truly great.
He looked over in Sasha's direction, "So where is it we are traveling too? Oh yes, and do you wish that I call you Master or may I still call you Sasha?" Baralai asked as they walked, hoping that Sasha would continue to let Baralai call him by his name. Trying to adjust to calling someone Master would be awkward.
Sasha Kovalev
Jun 13th, 2005, 12:42:26 PM
Sasha listened to what Baralai had to tell him. And he did not listen with the intent to interrupt or correct. Instead he truly listened. He did not seek to formulate answers or others questions as the apprentice was talking, but rather he took in everything that was said, stored it, considered it. For it would all be valuable information in making the training of Baralai successful.
Coruscant. Yes, Sasha knew it. He had been there a few times. Not enough to know it perfectly, but he had known one who was a follower of the dark side who had lived there and she had shown him a bit of the city from time to time when he had been there. Her apartment had been destroyed in a fire and he had not been in contact with her since then. Had not returned in quite a while, though he suspected that if he returned she would be easy to find.
As Baralai mentioned wanting to be different, Sasha could not help but emit the smallest of smiles. There was no doubt at all that Baralai was different, alright. No doubting it at all. The talk of sin was another thing that interested Sasha. At some point he would want to nail it down – just exactly what it was that Baralai considered so sinful. For perhaps that habit would have to be broken, or maybe it would need to be fostered and watered through its growth.
“Sasha is fine.” He responded to the question of what he preferred to be called.
“Though you would be wise to remember that all members of the Order are different. Some will prefer that you address them by their titles. They have,” He stated, his violet eyes turning to meet Baralai’s, “Afterall, earned them.” What was not said, but perhaps inherent in his tone was that the mistake of addressing a member of the Order a bit less formally than they preferred could be somewhat costly. Not that they would murder a member, but respect was a foundation of the Order. And respect would be shown, or taught, if necessary.
They continued walking across the cratered land, the blood red of the skies above bearing down upon them. Though it was mid morning, it almost felt as if it were closer to dusk, or perhaps the crack of dawn on another planet.
“In answer to your question, we’re going down into one of the valleys. There’s more to Korriban than the halls of the Order and we might as well take advantage of it.” His hood was down today as they walked, for the winds were not overly oppressive. It was actually a somewhat temperate day.
“Tell me about the sin you observed. What exactly was it that you found so sinful?” It was possible whatever was said would be worked into the training for today, though Baralai could have no way of knowing such a thing. You never knew with Sasha. He had learned that it was always best to keep someone he was training on their toes. The element of surprise was a lesson in itself, and it awakened senses that would be important in drawing out the power of the dark side.
Baralai Lotus
Jun 14th, 2005, 12:46:58 PM
Baralai looked back at Sasha, "Sin. . .is a very touchy subject. I saw sin in many places, even at myself in times. Sin is not an evil act by far. . .it is simple idleness." Baralai knew how sin worked in his own head, but he wasn't quite sure how to explain it. He had never really tried. His brow furrowed and he looked at the ground, resting his chin in his hand.
"It seems that sin is found in those people who deny there human abilities. Those people who live a life of degradation. . .of destroying themselves. Those people who refuse to think or deny themselves the power given to them. That was sin to me, and now the older I get, the more I realize this is so true." Baralai let a soft smirk cross his face.
He reached into his coat feeling around for his cigarettes. . .until he realized he'd left them. A frown of dissapointment crossed his face, "Left my cigarettes." Baralai looked back at the floor, "So, from my early ages, I assumed power. My father and mother used to beat me, until I assumed power by escaping them. I ran from them and now they're dead. I do not mourn it. . .they deserved it."
Baralai smirked again, "Then there was the girl. She and I developed a relationship, said she would love me no matter what. I however, saw her as nothing more than a plaything. So I got what I needed and realized another gift I had. . .the ability to take life. The only thing I needed now, was the power to create. So began my study of alchemy and my journey here. I will not deny I have sinned upon the way, but I pray to redeem myself now." Baralai looked back at Sasha, unsure if he had explained it in a way that he had understood entirely. Baralai just nodded and looked back to the floor, waiting any response from his master.
Sasha Kovalev
Jun 15th, 2005, 01:35:04 PM
It was always interesting to Sasha to hear about the lives of others. So many of the Sith tended to close themselves off to others. Sasha’s own master, for instance, did not share much personal information about herself. And if Sasha found any fault with her, that was it. The sharing of personal information with those one trusted was something that Sasha felt important – not only because it fostered understanding and the growth of relationships, but because it could result in the ties, in the attachment to another. Attachment, Sasha believed was a key to opening oneself to the power of the dark side, for attachment bred passion, which brought on the extreme emotions necessary for bending the force to his will. This was a core belief of the Sith and their teachings – that passion could increase strength and abilities, and would ultimately serve a greater purpose of achieving the goal the Order had set out to accomplish.
Baralai’s definition of sin was acceptable to Sasha. It made sense to him that one who was driven would consider it a sin to ignore the potential within and utilize it to the maximum. What he had difficulty reconciling was why Baralai would care so much about the sins of others. Why it would matter if people chose not to live up to their potential.
As his apprentice searched for a cigarette and came up empty handed Sasha could not help but allow a quiet snort of amusement. Some, Sasha thought, would consider it a sin to allow an addiction to reach such a point as Baralai had. Some would maybe suggest that he was sinning himself – choosing destruction of his own body. But Sasha made no comment on this – for the moment – and instead reached within his robes and silently handed his pack of them to his apprentice.
And seamlessly the conversation had continued with the story of Baralai’s parents. There was potential there for much anger, and to some degree it maybe explained to Sasha why Baralai would be so concerned with the sins of others, for they had affected his life. Perhaps they would delve further into this potential when the time was right.
”…I will not deny I have sinned upon the way, but I pray to redeem myself now."
His apprentice had looked to him then, an expectant expression perhaps upon his face.
“Do not pray for redemption,” Sasha responded, “Pray that you have the will to power.”
The will to power was a concept of the Sith. It was an instinct so fundamental to a being that even the instinct of self preservation seemed weak in comparison. The will to power was a drive from within to demand – an agression so ingrained it was possibly an unconscious will – to overcome. It was the decision from within to self mastery and included all actions of the person, whether they be hatred, violence, domination, or even love. It was the instinct to take whatever actions necessary to accomplish something. And this was another basic belief of the Sith – that any actions taken, no matter what form they took, were acceptable because they served a greater purpose.
And over the next half mile or so of their walk Sasha explained this concept.
“It is a part of the philosophy of the Sith that emotions can be used to fuel this will to power.” He added as they stood at the edge now of a several kilometer deep crater. The walls were steep, though there were paths that made it possible to descend down below.
“And use of emotions to harness the power of the force is considered to be of the Dark Side. Be warned that the Dark Side is addictive. Every time you use it you will only become more and more reliant upon it. The trick is to become a master of the force, and not to let it become the master of you. Learn to master it and use it as a tool.”
Violet eyes settled on Baralai for a moment, as if relaying the impression that this was an important concept – and it was. The Sith believed in mastery of the force and the use of it as a tool, where the jedi believed in living in harmony with it.
“You touched upon the most basic of force skills last night – using your emotions to enhance your strength to pull yourself to safety. You will find that the more you give in to your emotions – whether they be of anger or love or disgust – any extreme emotion will provide access to the power of the dark side. And with this power you will have the ability to do other things – you have only to channel the force into making them happen.”
They began to walk once again, descending along one of the paths into the crater.
As they approached a rather steep point, the valley rather far below them, Sasha stopped.
“Do you trust me?” He asked of his apprentice.
Baralai Lotus
Jun 16th, 2005, 01:33:43 AM
Baralai listened to the words his master spoke, not to pray to redeem but to pray for the will. . .to power. The power that had been denied him his entire life was within his grasp, an ascent of a God had begun and his master was the God that would carry him to a similar Godhood, but greater. Baralai looked down the crater. . .at how steep it was.
Did Baralai trust him, after he had knocked him off the banister the night before. . .Baralai was unsure. Baralai had no reason to feel like he was being betrayed at the moment. He looked over at Sasha, "As much as I can for the moment, yes." Baralai was hesitant as to what Sasha would do, but he had to put his faith in his master. . ."Why do you ask Sasha?" Baralai asked.
Sasha Kovalev
Jun 16th, 2005, 12:49:23 PM
He nodded in approval of the answer.
“Good.” He replied as Baralia responded with the fact that he trusted him as much as he could. It was an answer with a bit of thought behind it – not just a blanket response because he thought it would be the right answer.
“I ask because there will be times when you will wonder about the meaning behind something I might ask of you, why I do not explain some things immediately, or why I would choose to treat you as I might. It will be imperative that you are capable of understanding when to use your confusion or lack of trust to fuel your emotions, and when to set that aside to be able to focus on something more important. It will take time, but trust your instincts. Trust the feelings you get through the force.”
And that was the last piece of advice Baralai would receive. For only moments after the words were spoken fire erupted in the stones around Baralai. While Sasha’s strengths did not lie in Alteration or Divination or a few of the various other fields, there was no doubt he had been working on his Pyromancy. Vines and burrs appeared in stones that were only moments ago inanimate objects, stretching out across the path. The fire burned brightly and seemed to surround Baralai, leaving only the wall of fire and the edge of the cliff. The vines lashed out at him, though they did not touch him.
And then as quickly as the Fire Demon had come, it was gone. It would normally last about five minutes per level of skill and effort put into it, and there was no way to douse it. And always, the objects returned to what they once were – this was a skill particular to the Sith.
And when the walls of fire had vanished, their vines disappearing, Baralai was left looking at two versions of his master, both standing with their lightsabers ignited. The display might have seemed somewhat showy, but it served two purposes: To create fear and doubt in his apprentice and to create enough of a distraction for Sasha to place his illusion in one location and his true self in another, though both within the sightline of one another.
Mentalism skills were difficult to attain and took not only skill but much practice. After thirteen years, Sasha had reached a level with which he was pleased. He would always continue to work on this skill, but he had at least found that it had reached a level that served him relatively well. He employed now the Sith ability of illusion to create a duplicate of himself.
The illusion was not capable of causing harm, though a mistake in any situation other than the one Baralai was in could potentially have grave consequences. Wargraeve, the Dark Jedi Sasha had trained under for some time had used this skill often and from him Sasha had acquired an understanding of not only its use, but how to perform it well.
And now another basic skill of the Sith would be tested – the ability to sense the force. For while Sasah’s illusion would have an element of darkness to it, there was truly only one of them with a true force signature. A signature that was not being masked at the moment in any way.
“Which one of us would you trust now?”
Baralai Lotus
Jun 19th, 2005, 08:57:42 AM
Baralai looked at Sasha, his mind wracked to see two of them. No doubt it was a trick. . .but a very nice one. Baralai was a little envious of the situation, but he just smirked and rolled it off his shoulders. Now then, the question arose as to how to get Sasha to come out. He looked them both over, detailing each feature. . .exactly alike in every way, even down to the sabers.
Baralai considered the situation. . ."Well, I could kill one of you. That would be the easier way to do things." He smirked and then thought back on everything that Sasha had said to him a moment ago.
"It will be imperative that you are capable of understanding when to use your confusion or lack of trust to fuel your emotions, and when to set that aside to be able to focus on something more important. It will take time, but trust your instincts. Trust the feelings you get through the force.”
Baralai looked at Sasha, and as much as he wanted to strike him, he decided to focus on something more important. There had to be some other way around this. He continued to think. . .until his whole mind just felt like it was going to explode. This was something not even he could figure out. . .what was this. . .some sick game they played with their apprentices?
The frustration of being stumped began to get to Baralai, he reached in for his whip, but as he did he was reminded of the night before. He was reminded how he had pulled himself up the whip by using the force as his strength. Maybe the same thing could be applied here. He concentrated, wiping the smirk from his face. He stuck his hand out, reaching out through the force.
His frustration he had earlier slowly faded into the strength he required from the force and he felt his whole body shiver with it's power. Such infinite wisdom, such great strength lie within the force, and now it was at his control. He reached out through the force and using its power he concentrated on which of the two Sasha's before him was indeed the real one.
Slowly, a feeling of warmth came onto him, almost like a slight breath on his cheek. The breath slowly turned into a breeze, and a breeze into gusting winds. He turned to the right and saw Sasha, but now, it was almost as if he had some kind of aura around him. Baralai thanked the gifts of the force in the back of his head, but no smirk etched on his face. This was not a work of his own, this was a gift given to him, and taught to him. . .and he had to respect that.
He looked to his right at Sasha and pointed, "You're the real one. I can sense it." Baralai looked at him, a look of accomplishment upon his face.
Sasha Kovalev
Jun 20th, 2005, 09:19:00 AM
It was empowering to teach one who was so quick to learn. Not only did it make the training more interesting, for once the basics were mastered the real fun could begin – but it made it a challenge for Sasha. He would have to be quick. He would have to work to always stay a step ahead of his apprentice in order to keep him on his toes and keep him working hard for his accomplishments.
Sasha was proud of his apprentice. He had felt the anger and humiliation at the beginning. The confusion and annoyance with the element of surprise. He had felt, as well as heard the anger in his apprentice’s words of striking him down.
But that anger had been channeled rather than wasted. So many would simply strike out in anger, not using the true gift the force had given them. The ability to discern between the fake and the reality. The ability to be cunning.
Good. Sasha thought as he felt the difference in the energy. He could feel it as his apprentice channeled it and directed it. And yes, his apprentice had been correct. He had chosen the correct image.
And there would be praise for this. In a moment – for there was still a lesson to be learned about illusions.
The true Sasha did not speak. Did not acknowledge that he was the true image.
Instead he caused the illusion to react. Illusions could not speak – that was one of the vital differences between the illusion and the true form. That and the fact that an illusion could not cause harm.
But Baralai did not know this. Or, at least, if he did, Sasha was not aware. And rather than have his apprentice learn this in battle, Sasha would be sure to teach it to him now. That and the reminder to trust his feelings within the force.
The illusion stepped forward, advancing on the apprentice and the small amount of space he had between the real Sasha and the edge of the path. Beyond the path was a steep fall down the several kilometers of the crater. The violet beam of the saber cut through the air, striking at Baralai.
The true Sasha sought out the dark side, calling upon it and channeling his energy into the illusion and a cloak for himself. He faded from existence, leaving, seemingly, the illusion only. But his signature was still there. He did not try to blind his apprentice to his force signature – for that was part of the lesson – to trust in what the force was telling him.
Baralai Lotus
Jun 23rd, 2005, 02:27:24 PM
Baralai watched as Sasha advanced on him, no words from either of them. . .but the other one faded away into nothing. Baralai didn't quite know what to do, but he knew one thing. . .the breeze was still there, and it emanated from the place where the real Sasha once stood.
This meant something, the one marching toward him still had no force signature. Baralai stood, and he had no room to draw his weapon, and he had no room to run. But if this thing was a true illusion, then no harm could be caused upon him. Baralai stood, his whole body straight, waiting for the strike to happen.
He could hear the hum of the blade, but as the illusion came right on top of him, the blade passed right through his body. He smirked now knowing for a fact that he was right. Baralai had done well. He looked over to the force signature still emanating off of Sasha, "I may not be able to see you, but the force gives away your presence." Baralai looked at the empty space where Sasha once stood, awaiting his master to phase back into existence.
Sasha Kovalev
Jun 28th, 2005, 02:27:21 PM
“True,” He responded as he came back into view, “This time.”
His saber did not return within but instead continued its quiet hum. The tip of it was aimed at the ground for the moment but then raised only slightly towards Baralai as if to make a point.
“But not always. Some are capable of masking their signatures completely. The point of this was to learn to trust your senses within the force. To learn to trust your feelings. Always trust your feelings, for they will fuel your channel to the dark side and provide you with the power to accomplish great things.”
His saber finally retracted.
“And I believe you will.” He added as he continued the descent down into the crater. They continued for some time, Sasha speaking about the philosophies of the Sith and asking Baralai often about his knowledge of such things. It was such an even discussion, so normal that it might have come as a surprise to Baralai when suddenly a powerful surge was directed towards the apprentice. It was not force lightning, but rather a basic skill of the Sith the cause pain.
It was a skill normally directed towards the throat, though any organ would be just as easily affected. It might have felt as if the breath had left the apprentice’s lungs as extreme pain was sent in his direction.
Sasha continued walking as he did this, as if nothing was happening at all.
Baralai Lotus
Jul 8th, 2005, 12:48:45 AM
As Baralai strode along with his master, he felt pain. Pain in his lungs, his stomach, almost every part of his body hurt more and more with each step. It was as though a wrenching hand was squeezing every part of him at once. His breath left him with every step.
Shorter and shorter breaths came in shorter and shorter steps. The pain slowly mounted on Baralai until he could take it no more. He fell to his knees, trying to force the pain off of him. He simply wanted to get rid of this pain, and he would do anything to be rid of it.
Anger built on Baralai, anger for his weakness. He wanted to get rid of this pain, but he had no idea how. He looked at Sasha, his face almost going red. He couldn't speak. Baralai couldn't think of anything to do but to reach out through the force.
As he channeled his anger, trying best not to focus on the pain, he tried to push what felt like weights off of his body. Slowly, the weight lifted, but with each small push came more weight. Baralai focused as much as he could, with small lapses coming in between his connection to the force.
Slowly Baralai stood on one foot, pushing the pain off his body. He shut his eyes and slammed energy out through the force, pushing whatever he could muster in all directions. His force push slammed Sasha hard and Baralai felt the weights begin to lift themselves, almost as though nothing had happened. He stood on two feet, heaving heavily, his whole body feeling as if it was on fire.
Sasha Kovalev
Jul 11th, 2005, 01:19:49 PM
The expression on Sasha’s face had been impassive as he had finally stopped in his tracks and turned to face the apprentice upon his knees gasping for breath. Some Sith might have found pleasure or amusement in such teachings. Sasha did not, for he knew all too well the pain of it. But he did not know only the pain – he knew the value that came from having known what it was to hurt in such a way. To feel fear in such a way. It was invaluable.
It might have surprised him that his apprentice had hung in there as long as he had, fighting it off. It was a good, strong response. The intention had been to teach the apprentice to continue on despite the pain – but fighting it, pushing it back and channeling it back at it’s source was more creative and effective, even.
As the force of it returned to him it did cause Sasha to stumble, losing his footing on the precarious path and sending him down a few feet or so until he vanished from view behind one of the boulders in the path. He leaned upon it, a self satisfied smile touching the corners of his lips as he waited for his apprentice to make his next move.
This would not be the only pain he would know before the day was through – but if he was able to learn as quickly as he seemingly had, his basic force skills would be well on their way to providing a sound source of protection should Baralai find his cocky smirk getting him in to a bit of trouble.
He could feel the anger in his apprentice.
Good. Good, he thought. It would serve him well if he continued to use it correctly.
And there behind the boulder he waiting, projecting thoughts of amusement and mockery. He did not truly feel them, for he was actually rather impressed with Baralai. But for his apprentice to believe he was being mocked would be helpful - it would anger him more. And it would likely push him to continue to perform - despite the pain he would soon encounter.
And this was yet another basic skill of the Sith - the ability to control pain and continue despite it.
Baralai Lotus
Jul 13th, 2005, 02:26:20 AM
Baralai felt his body still shaking off some of the pain, but then, like a brick thoughts hit him. Mocking laughter. . .amusement. . .Sasha was mocking him. Baralai felt his blood boil, his whole body feeling as though it were on fire. First he causes this unsurmountable pain, and now he mocks me, were all that Baralai could think.
Baralai focused his anger on the thought of Sasha, if only he knew where he was. He wanted Sasha to feel this pain, to feel the pain Baralai felt, he wanted to see him writhe so Baralai could laugh right back. Sasha may be stronger than he was, but Baralai would show that he was not a simple force to be reckoned with.
He looked up and saw that Sasha was nowhere to be found. He was hiding, "Show yourself, you coward!" Baralai shouted in anger. "How dare you mock me?! You have not felt the strength of God. . .but by my will, you shall feel it." Baralai projected his thought on Sasha, on causing him pain, using his anger to project the force out. Baralai felt the same wind from before when Sasha had not been there, his signature was to the right.
Baralai smirked and turned to the right, feeling the gust of wind snag at his cheek. Sasha was there alright. He projected his thoughts on Sasha, and used the force to focus on his body, to imagine causing him pain. He was hoping the pain reached him, focusing his anger of being mocked into the force. "Feel the power of God Sasha, and know that I am no man. . ."
Sasha Kovalev
Jul 14th, 2005, 02:13:14 PM
He did feel it. He felt it and the strength of it for one who was in such early stages of development of his skills was impressive. But not enough to fully take on one who had been granted the title of Lord of the Sith. It had nothing to do with status for Sasha, but rather the fact that if Baralai wanted to learn, he would be wise to always keep in mind who the master was. Sasha had much to teach – including it seemed, a lesson in being way too cocky for ones own good.
It was perhaps one thing Sasha both liked and hated about Baralai all at once. The insane belief in his own abilities – the never ending belief that he would one day be akin to a god of some sort.
Rather than try to shove off the pain as his apprentice had done, Sasha gathered it within. Used it as a tool to fuel the anger that lead to the power of the dark side.
And employing the Sith skills in geomancy, he caused the earth beneath Baralai’s feet to form a sinkhole. It was not overly deep, but the unnerving feeling of the ground falling out from beneath one’s feet might have been disturbing to the apprentice.
A moment later his specialization in pyromancy took fool form as the Dragon’s Breath form of sith magic created a firey snake. It flew from the mouth of the caster down into the pit in search of the apprentice.
It was possible it would do its damage. And if it did, Baralai would perhaps learn one of the last few of the basic skills of the Sith – the ability to reduce injury. Not to heal, for those were more in the realm of the jedi – but to at least reduce the extent of the injury. He would perhaps also learn that belief in ones self was a good thing – cockiness was not.
“Feel the power of the Sith, Baralai.” Sasha responded, for his belief was in the power of the Sith and their magics, not in gods. And that, he felt, was important for his apprentice to learn.
Baralai Lotus
Aug 1st, 2005, 01:06:08 PM
Baralai felt the ground shift beneath his feet and felt his body smash to the ground, throwing off his concentration. His mind was gone to where Sasha was, all he knew now was that he was in a hole.
“Feel the power of the Sith, Baralai.” Sasha had said.
As Baralai looked up, attempting to find a way to gather up strength and attack Sasha once again he felt a soft heat. He looked up to see a large orange hue descending down upon him. The heat was immense, and Baralai knew not what to do. He was afraid for his life. . .there was no attempt of surviving this.
He reached deep down inside of himself, past his pride and his anger for Sasha, now it was fear that fueled him. Just as it had the night before, fear now fueled his desire to live. He remembered the night that he had used the force to enhance his strength to get to the balcony.
He begged for his life from the force, protect him, keep him strong, let him survive. As the great dragon descended down upon him, he focused outward and sought protection in the force. The snake came closer, descending down over him, but as the fire touched his skin, though it burned, it was not as immense as it had been.
The flame and the force was enough for Baralai to fall to his knees, but soon, the snake subsided and though Baralai was scorched, the ends of his hair frayed and somewhat burnt from the snake and his skin red and sore from where it had touched him, he lived. He had protected himself, no, the force had protected him.
He stood, mustering all the strength he could, and called out to Sasha, with barely a voice, his throat so dry from the flames. "Do you see Sasha? I am surviving! I am learning. . .what else must I learn?" Baralai looked up, and waited to see Sasha's form come into view. Baralai stepped forward and walked up out of the sinkhole, his clothes singed and burned.
Baralai looked somewhat pathetic, with his coat now smoking and his skin bright red from the flame. Althought it caused him pain to move, he had still survived. . .he had made it through what once seemed impossible. He looked for Sasha, keeping his body at the ready, although it felt as though he would collapse any moment.
His whole body aching, he mustered out another sentence before falling to one knee, gasping for breath, "I have survived. . .what once seemed impossible."
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