View Full Version : Application: Heather Quee

Heather Quee
Jun 9th, 2005, 07:55:49 PM
.Character Name: Heather Quee
Character Profile: At first glance she can be very shy and not very outgoing. She is not the leading type, but will do it if she absolutely has to. She also is not very easy to get to know and only allows a select few to get close to her. For those she allows to get close she is very loyal to them and will do anything to help them, even if it means giving her own life to help the people she cares for.

Character History: At the very young age of one Heather was chosen for a destiny as a protector of the innocent. Her parent’s both born and raised on Talus, a moon orbiting the planet Corelia they realized their daughter had great potential. Contacting the Jedi council to representatives came out to see if the small girl was strong in the force. Jedi Knight and healer Telva Renova and her apprentice Daniel Ophren. Upon seeing the small child the two agree to take her back to the Jedi council and see if they would accept the child and begin her long training to become a Jedi Knight. They never did reached Coruscant during there trip to the core a disturbance in the force went through the small group causing the small child they brought with them to cry. Unable to leave hyperspace yet and contact the Jedi Council to discover what had happened they were left with little answers until they were able to finally leave hyperspace the message the group received was disturbing. The message had warned any Jedi that heard the message to go into immediate hiding.

Scanning the area Telva decided to move the small group to Alderaan a relatively peaceful planet. The Jedi upon arriving took at civilian clothes and remained hidden within the populace taking on regular jobs. Jedi Knight Telva secretly taught the Jedi arts to both her Daniel and Heather. Taking the pair to a nearby cave so that it all could be done in secrecy. Heather was mainly taught how to hide herself in the force from those who hunted them down, but when time allowed Telva also trained the young girl the ability to heal in the force. After a time her apprentice Daniel wanted to seek out other Jedi in hopes that they were not the only ones who survived the Jedi purge after much debating and urging against it by Telva he left and was never heard of again.

When Heather was 18 years old her master and mentor asked her to travel to Corelia to retrieve data about the war that was now being fought between the Empire and Rebellion. Nervous about going out on her own she agreed because she like Telva knew that it could be important to keep track of what was going on outside of Alderaan incase the fight came to them and they would be forced to leave. Leaving her Master behind bringing only a small bag and a lightsaber she had constructed even with the danger of being caught with it she felt the need to have it with her. One night in deep sleep she woke form what felt like a bad dream dealing with the death of her Master and the rest of the people on Alderaan she later learned it was no dream and that the Empire had destroyed the entire planet. Having lost everything Heather decided to remain on Corelia, having little money and few possession she eventually got a job as a waitress at a local cantina the Star Point Cantina and has remained hidden form those who would hunt her kind as she tries to live a to live a normal life.

Character Motivations: Heather was chosen at a very young age to become a Jedi adn she chooses to be one ebcuase it is all she knows.

Character Skills: General healing abiliteis in the force and what not.

Why should we accept you?: Because Jedi healers tend to come in short supply, no they are not good fighters like most Jedi but there ability to heal makes them useful.

Roleplaying example: http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38508 My character is Arinna Ceyan I have posted a character like Heather in the past but not on this board and I no longer have the posts because they were all on ezboard and a hacker deleted all of the pots, hope this is sufficient.

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: yes