View Full Version : The Beginning (open)

Tasha McTallen
Jun 6th, 2005, 12:05:33 AM
OOC: I'm not picky about what planet this is on.

11:03 AM

"Tasha McTallen." A man says. "Tasha McTallen, get your lazy butt out of bed and get my breakfast going now or I swear, I'll

"I'm up, I'm up already." A young voice cuts in. "You don't need to start yelling at me when I'm already in the process of making your breakfast. If you weren't so impatient." Her voice trails off, knowing that it's no good. Every morning it's the same thing. Soon, someday soon she's going to leave here for good. Her mother had told her that she'd know when to leave.

"Don't take that tone with me you whelp. I don't know why I've put up with you all these years. I should have sent you to the streets long ago. You can't even make a decent breakfast for a hungry man."

SMASH a dish crashes into the wall nearby the mans head.

"You don't know why you've put up with me all these years. Ha, you know why. It's because you're to frelling lazy to hire somebody to help you in your bar, that's why and you know it to.

And between you and me, the only reason why your bar stays open is because your customers want to paw me over. And I've had it. I'm not staying another moment in this house where you treat me like"

SMACK, his fist contacts her cheek.

"That's enough Tasha. I'll not hear another word out of you. After breakfast you're going to do the dishes in here and then head into the bar and start cleaning it up from last night. After that, you're going to polish the bar counter and all the table tops so that they shine. If you're done all that by the time the bar opens, come to me and I'll give you more work to do." He pushes her towards the stove again so she can finish cooking.

6:59 PM

CLICK, the doors to the bar are unlocked and cracked open as she takes a peek outside to see if any of the regulars are waiting. A smile crosses her face as she sees that there is nobody waiting. Despite her resolve earlier to leave, she's still here, serving in her uncle's bar.

Jun 6th, 2005, 10:04:42 AM
Jak walked into the bar. He knew it was early, but he had a feeling something was going to happen. Jak sat down at a booth and waited to be served. The bar was in decient condition. THe was a smashed plate on the ground. A young lady was picking the peices up. The was a fat man in the back doing nothing to help. The girl was pretty. She had a red mark on her face. Jak knew that she didn't fit in here. Working at this dump of a bar was not for her. Jak's sister was alot like her. So Jak knew she wanted to leave this place. Jak continued to wait.

Tasha McTallen
Jun 6th, 2005, 03:25:56 PM
7:01 PM
Walking over to the first customer of the night, she smiles.

"Can I get you something to drink sir?"

She says in her soft voice as she tie's her apron on, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail.

Jun 6th, 2005, 04:29:33 PM
Jak looked at the young girl. He wasn't that thirsty or hungry. He was going to cut strait to the point.

"Before I order anything. I want to know. Do you like your job? I can give you a free life. A life of adventure. You'll see all the galaxies. Everthing. Would you like that, or do you want to take my order and live here with that fat piece of crap over there.?"

Jak waited for the girls answer.

Tasha McTallen
Jun 6th, 2005, 04:32:52 PM
A look of disbelief appears on her face.

"I'll just take your order sir. I work here, but I don't trust the customers in the slightest. The kind of customers that we get here aren't the nicest and definately not trustrworthy."

Jun 6th, 2005, 04:48:46 PM
"Fine but that red mark on your cheek looks like it hurts. All I ask before I order is do you relly like this job. If you would just think about my offer. It would plese me. Oh and if it would help persuade you. I get paid for traveling around." Jak smiled. "you could say everyone pays me somehow. I'll just have some Corrilian ale. Thankyou"

Jak watched as the girl left. he drew his comm link out it was buzzing.

"Go ahead Torn."

"Have you found a partner to replace me? Or will I have to come back without my legs."

"No, my friend youy dont. I'll find someone."

Jak turned off his comm and put it away.

Tasha McTallen
Jun 6th, 2005, 04:55:41 PM
Turning away from her customer, she heads to the bar to get the Corellian Ale for him. As she places the ale on the table, she smiles.

"You might get paid, but I highly doubt you could convince me that it's the right time for me to move on from here. As for the bruise, it wasn't caused by work, but my own clumsiness."

Jun 6th, 2005, 05:02:06 PM
Jak took his ale. He sipped at and put it down.

"You know, your alot like my sister when she was alive. Rest her soul. She didn't want to join me. Then as I was leaving our parents. She chased after me. We both oowned space. We were the toughest pirates ever. No one dared fight us. Then she was taken away from me so fast. I still dream about her. Thank you again for the drink."

Jak whipped away a tear in his eye. He then sipped at his drink. His eyes went off into space remembering his high times with his sis.

Tasha McTallen
Jun 6th, 2005, 05:04:55 PM
Leaning close to her customer she whispers.

"You know nothing of me, nor would you wish to. I'm here by my own choice right now."

Straightening up, she turns away to tend to the other customers.

Jun 6th, 2005, 05:13:58 PM
Jak grabbed the back of her shirt to stop her.

"Im sorry if I offended you. I ment no harm in what I said. Savy? If it would help here."

Jak handed her a bunch of credits.

"I'll pay for the drink later im not done."

He went back to his booth and sat down. He picked up his drink an continued to drink it.

Tasha McTallen
Jun 6th, 2005, 05:17:21 PM
Biting her tongue she remains silent while he speaks. Then when the credits are handed to her, she nods.

"These'll go towards your purchase."

Jun 6th, 2005, 05:27:34 PM
Jak watched the young girl go about her work. He finished his drink got up and went to the kitchen. The fat man was there.

"What do you want?"

Jak drew his blaster. He shot at the mans kneecaps. The fat body fell to the ground shaking the whole establishment.

"If you ever lay a hand on tha young girl again I'll kill you. She has slaved for your fatass day and night. This wasn't the first you hit her. Im doing this galaxy a favour if I kill you, I usually dont do people favours. I will also enjoy robbing you when im done."

Jak went to punch a hole in the wall. He was stopped before he could.

Tasha McTallen
Jun 7th, 2005, 06:57:50 PM
Stepping into the kitchen quietly behind the customer, she smiles slightly as he shoots her uncle, but as he goes to punch the wall, she stops him before he can.

"I have to ask you to leave now. We can't have our customers coming into areas that are off limits them.

The doors that way."

A slight motion of her hand indicates the direction of the door.

Jun 8th, 2005, 06:05:09 AM
Jak looks t the girl. She seemed like she ment it.

"I am sorry if I offnded you in anyway. I will leave."

Jak turned and grabbed his drink finished it. He went back to the back. Looking at the wounded man, Jak flung his cigarette at his face.

"I'll be back to kill you my overly plump friend."

Jak smiled and left. As he was headed to his ship he looked back at the girl. She was exactly like his sister.

Tasha McTallen
Jun 8th, 2005, 08:24:10 AM
Watching Jak leave the bar and walk off towards the spaceport where ships are allowed to land, she thinks to herself 'I'm nothing like his sister because he doesn't know me.' Then she turns her attention back to the other customers, leaving her uncle in the kitchen injured.

Jun 8th, 2005, 08:36:44 AM
Jak hopped into Hells Angel and took off. He needed to find someone to help him. Some one must replace his old first mate.
Hwlls Angel took off, speeding torward space. Jak would find that person even if it killed him.