View Full Version : Salem Ave - The Most Powerful Man on Onderon

Salem Ave
Jun 3rd, 2005, 12:58:40 PM
Name: Salem Ave
Species/Sex: Arkanian* male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 185 lbs
Age: 31 standard years
Alliance: Government of Onderon
Biography: To the public of Ondeorn, Salem Ave is the politically astute, albeit arrogant (as is typically the case with his species), advisor to the Royal family and Prime Minister of Onderon. In private, however, he prefers the moniker of Darth Callidus. Able to seduce the Queen into becoming his apprentice, with promises of providing a better future for her people, the Sith Lord’s iron-grip on the planet grows tighter every day.

*Information on the Arkanian species: a race of near-humans which were native to the planet Arkania. They were distinguished from baseline human stock by their four-fingered hands (three fingers and a thumb, each clawed) and their milky-white, pupiless eyes. They are able to see well into the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The Arkanians are best-known for their extensive research into genetic manipulation, especially in the development of the Yaka species, and are often much respected for their scientific expertise. There is, among some, a peception of the Arkanians as "mad scientists", intent on enslaving the human race. As a people, Arkanians are arrogant beings who have little tolerance for rude behavior. Arkanians are also somewhat xenophibic, and believed themselves to be superior to most other races.


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