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Lady Vader
Jun 2nd, 2005, 01:28:45 PM
Lady Vader "Sel'arra Daijo"

Force sensative. Sith. Half human, half Trianii. Female. Age: Early 30's. Same rank and background, albiet with some tweaks).

Sel'arra was born on Trian, and while on a family trip, their ship crash landed on Dathomir. Both mother and father died, and she was raised by the witches. She "escaped" from Dathomir by stowing aboard a Rancor poacher’s ship.

She returned to her father's home on Corellia creating accidents where eventually the only member in her family left alive was herself. Using her new inheritance, she built a large mansion that resembled a palace.

While on Corellia, she befriended a high ranking Imperial, feircely loyal to the Empire. Through him, she caught the eye of those at the Emperor's court, as well as the Emperor himself, and was brought in as one of his many pupils to be made into deadly assassins. However, the Emperor spent most of his time with one woman in particular, and soon Sel'arra was nothing more than another ornament in the Emperor's courts.

She left there, taking with her what knowledge the Emperor had taught her, and returned back to Corellia. There at her estate, she began a secret Dark Side users society in the palace she had built. Eventually a small Sith cult was born, and they called themselves The Sith Order.

Because of Palpatine’s rule and his mistrust of other Force users, they kept their group hidden. They knew that if Palpatine caught word of their existance, they would be exterminated without mercy.

In the bowels of this palace, the cult would get together and study Sith lore, focusing on the teachings of the old Sith Lords through a vast databank pieced together from various sources and later through a Sith holocron.

When the Rebellion began to strike out in earnest and the Empire beefed up their military on their planets, TSO removed themselves from Corellia and moved to Korriban where they continued their Sith practices. Sel'arra, having confided in Javus Parr, asked for his help in relocating the group. He did so, feeling the small group could one day be used as a valuable asset as allies to the Empire.

In return, Sel'arra granted Javus her estate, and he has thus far kept their group secret.

Upon news of the death of the Emperor and Darth Vader, Sel'arra took on the name Lady Vader, in honor of the late Sith, Darth Vader. She used this to maintain seperatism between her real name and her Sith name, much in the way Palpatine had, even to the point of covering her face with a mask, honoring her Trianni heritage.

She also seated herself as an Elder, along with a few others, of the group so as to continue to maintain it's stability. TSO made a pact to quell the unrest, fanning out singly, pairs, or in small groups, to be rid of the Rebellion and what Jedi were left, once again ruling the galaxy as Palpatine had.

The Sith Order (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=113)
- The Citadel (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=117)
--- Twenty Questions and More (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38591)
--- Puppet of the Dead (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38920)
- Training Vault (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=118)
--- Looking for a Master! (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38718)



AmazonBabe "Rie Mystt"

Force sensative. Jedi. Senoma Zekot native. Female. Age: By human standards she would be about 55 years old, but not being human, as her species physically ages slowly, she is actually physically in her mid-twenties, yet still retains maturity of a 55 year old. (Same rank and background, minus GJO and *sniff* being married to Morgan.)

Born on Senoma Zekot, Rie was found to be Force sensitive by her parents and taken to the Jedi Temple to learn the ways of the Force. While at the Temple, Senoma Zekot vanished, taking her parents with it. She accepted this, albeit with a heavy heart, and continued her studies at the Temple, focusing on ways to heal the injured whether through the Force or use through plants and herbs.

She had just been given the honor of being made a Master in the Jedi order, when the Clone Wars began. She was quickly dispatched to lead troopers into war against the Separatists, as well as acting as a healer for injured soldiers.

The war was signaled at an end during a leave she had taken from the fighting, and she received a message that all Jedi should return back to the Jedi Temple. On her way there, the message changed, and her heart sank as she read what had truly occurred.

She sought refuge and solitude on Ithor, where she had befriended an Ithorian earlier during her studies. She remained there, hiding her true name and calling herself AmazonBabe. Many thought she was mentally gone and thus left her alone and didn’t speak about her much. For many years she remained there, studying the Jedi ways and perfecting her healing abilities, always hidden from the Empire’s scope.

With the Emperor now dead, she has come out of her hiding and is seeking out fellow Jedi. Perhaps by the will of the Force, some have survived.

Star Wars Storytelling (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=8):
- The Plant Lady (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39259)

Javus Parr

Not force sensative. Loyalist to the Empire. Human. Male. Age: Early 40’s.

Born of military parents on Corellia, he joined the Imperial Navy as soon as he was old enough. He commanded freighters at first, moving up the ranks to battle ships.

By the time he reached the rank of Commander, he was moved from the Imperial fleet to command a casino ship to bring more commerce to Corellia. The casino ship was so successful that he was offered a promotion to Govenor of Corellia and placed in charge of the Corellian armed forces and shipyards.

During this time he came into contact with Sel'arra Daijo, a well off Corellian citizen. He introduced her to the Emperor's court where she caught the Emperor's eye. He did not see her for many months as she spent most of her time on Coruscant, while he governed Corellia.

A few years went by, when one day she came to see him. She had been back on Corellia for some time and had started a new Sith cult called The Sith Order. Because of the unrest the Rebellion was causing, she asked for his help to relocate her group to Korriban so as not to be discovered and executed by the Emperor. At first, he hesitated, but then realised this group could later be used as an ally for the Empire.

Agreeing, he helped the group move, and in turn received the Daijo estate to make his home.

When news of the Emperor’s death reached him, he set about to maintain order and unrest. He will do anything in his power to keep the Empire from falling, even to the point of utilizing the small Sith group.

Star Wars Roleplaying (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=7):
- When Rulers Die, Cries Ring Far and Wide (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38499)



Clive Jerrard

Not force sensative. Independant contractor. Human. Male. Age: late 20’s.

Born and raised on Coruscant and later living his teen years on Corellia, Clive went from upright mechanic to smuggling and later piracy. It’s where the money was.

During his pirate years, he lost his right eye, affording him the nick name “Cyclops”, and replaced it with a mechanical eye behind a one way eye patch. It was shortly after this that he took up gun running and enhancing ships utilizing "unique" (read: illegal) weaponry and equipment.

He owns a small weapons depot in the lower bowels of Coruscant, and a large ship yard hidden on Nar Shadda.

Is currently being sought after by Black Sun.

Was good friends with Han Solo.


Not Force sensative. Independant contractor. Barabel. Male. Age: Unknown. (Bit part as it's mainly tagged to Clive.)

Raunkks is a hacker/slicer, having come into Clive’s life early in his pirating career. He’s been a companion and partner with Clive in his dealings.

Being a Barbel, he has a soft spot for Jedi, as they once, long ago, freed his planet from the civil turmoil it was undergoing.

Enjoyed arm wrestling Chewie.

Star Wars Storytelling (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=8):
- Setting Up Shop (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38992)
- Emergence: Strange Bedfellows (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39257)

Mirax "Snatch" Kirret

Not Force sensative. Rogue 12 of Rogue Squadron. Human. Female. Age: Early twenties.

Miriax grew up on Corellia, leaving the planet in her late teen years and seeking out the Rebellion and finding them shortly after the battle over Yavin.

Her flying skills, taught to her by her father, were soon discovered and she was placed in the flight training schools within the Rebellion. Passing all tests with flying (no pun intended) colors, she was made a rookie with the Rogues, yet never flew with them in battle.

During the battle of Endor, all of Rogue Squadron was lost in the fighting, but the Rebellion had been training new pilots to ensure the squad never died, Mirax being one of them.

Now with the death of the Emperor and his right hand man Darth Vader, and with the Rogues all perishing in the battle above Endor, the Rebellion needs it's star squadron more than ever.

Along with other class-mates and seasoned pilots, she has been given the honor of being one of the famed Rogues. She has a call-sign of "Snatch" as her father used to be a smuggler and her mother, early in her years, used to be an expert pick-pocket. Both parents are dead now, and despite having a rusty history, Mirax was still welcomed into the Rebellion and the Rogues.

R2-C3 "Arsee" (RC)

Purple, white, and silver astromech droid to Rogue 12 of Rogue Squadron. (Bit part as it's mainly tagged to Mirax.)

Much the same personality as the infamous R2-D2, Arsee sits snuggly in the astromech socket of Rogue 12's X-Wing.

Star Wars Roleplaying (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=7):
- Skies of Fire: The Battle of Endor (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38508) (CONTINUED...)
Star Wars Storytelling (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=8):
- The New Rogues (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38710)



Azure Regalia

Can detect Force usage, but is not Force sensitive. Bounty Hunter. Splicing of various species DNA. Female. Age: Unkown. (Same background as how she came to be in existence (Imperial experiment to hunt Jedi, etc etc).

Bounty Hunter, mainly used by the Empire to hunt down Jedi. Despite the Emperor having kicked the bucket, she is still in service by the Empire, on the trail of hiding Jedi.