View Full Version : APPLICATION: Je'gan Olra'en

Je'gan Olra'en
Jun 1st, 2005, 04:48:28 PM
...I've reworked Je'gan's character for the board-wide reset. Since he's already got his admission to TSO - as of about two RL years ago - I'm just going ahead with the RP.

Character Name: Je'gan Olra'en

Character Profile: Not precisely your average Inquisitor, Je'gan is fiery and highly motivated. He is not cruel - he has not, in fact, used torture since he first learned how to crack open and suppress a mind. His loyalty to the now-dead Emperor is unquestioned; his loyalty to the Empire ran a distant second, and now he answers only to himself.

Character History: An up-and-coming Inquisitor with a penchant for unilateral action just short of objectionability, Je'gan would never have made it far in the ranks of the Inquisitorius if not for his unswerving loyalty to Palpatine. Between missions he was known to volunteer for duty guarding the Emperor's private residences; though he was turned down repeatedly - after all, that function was already filled by the Crimson Guard - Je'gan earned a lasting place in the good books of the Emperor's inner circle. It was rumored that he had been made a part of the Emperor's Hand. If he was not, then at the very least he was occasionally requested for special missions by high-ranking Imperial officials. Though they never doubted his loyalty, most of his immediate superiors distrusted his connections as well as his growing skill in illusion, mind control and related disciplines.

Just before Palpatine died, Je'gan was finally rewarded for his service. His transfer to duty in the Emperor's Needle on the Second Death Star would have gone through just weeks after the debacle at Endor. The news of Palpatine's death crushed him. In the shadow of the panic on Imperial Center, few noticed his disappearance - from the planet, from the Inquisitorius, and (temporarily) from the face of the universe.

Je'gan has the power of a Sith Knight, but has been party to little Sith knowledge.

Character Motivations: First and foremost, Je'gan desires to change the face of the galaxy. He also wishes to develop his abilities with the Force and honour Palpatine's memory by becoming a Sith.

Character Skills: This certainly isn't a beginning character...here's the list, minus the things that he really wouldn't have been able to learn or develop as an Inquisitor.

Mentalics. Je'gan is a specialist in mind control, illusion and similar techniques. His telepathic abilities allow him to transmit words, sentences and sometimes even hold entire conversations at astonishing range.

The lightsaber. The last version of Je'gan was a Form II Master. My current conception of his combat style is still taking shape, but he's going to be a Master of one Form.

Danger-sense. Je'gan's greatest natural gift, it allows him to pinpoint the direction and distance of threats or objects that represent threats.

Physical enhancement. Normal.

Telekinesis. Weak - but he knows how to make small objects explode.

Direct energy manipulation. Weak.

Elementalism. Basic. With high effort, Je'gan can create a small fireball or a relatively strong wind.

Precognition. Very weak in the long term, weak but linked to his danger-sense in the short term.

Controlling pain. Feeding off it, Je'gan once fought and won a duel after being impaled with a dead blade. Enough said.

Good memory.

Quick learner.

Decent pilot.

Why should we accept you: Because I can write a convincing character, because I enjoy RP'ing here at TSO, and because my character is really, really good at what he does. Short of Akrabbim, I'm not sure if there's a better mental specialist around.

Roleplaying example: You can pretty much take your pick...


...although this one was fun:


Do you understand that your application can be rejected: *chuckles* Most definitely. Gotta be picky.

Have you read the rules: Yes.

Lady Vader
Jun 7th, 2005, 02:26:28 PM

Jun 7th, 2005, 02:26:54 PM


Jun 7th, 2005, 02:27:14 PM

Jun 7th, 2005, 02:27:48 PM


Jun 7th, 2005, 02:28:56 PM

Lady Vader
Jun 7th, 2005, 02:30:11 PM
Oh, well, lookit that. Five Yes'. Looks like you're all set.

Welcome to The Sith Order (again). ;)

Now go play! :p

Sasha Kovalev
Jun 7th, 2005, 03:10:52 PM
LV, you crack me up. And you have too much time on your hands. How about getting to that thread of ours instead? ;)

Lady Vader
Jun 7th, 2005, 03:25:13 PM

*trots on over to the Citadel*