View Full Version : The Lost Tarkin Knight

Navaria Tarkin
May 31st, 2005, 09:44:32 PM
Lianna Mal Pannis (Navaria Tarkin)

Lianna has no knowledge of her heritage. She was born Navaria Tarkin, the second twin born to Lise and Captain Andron Tarkin of the Galatic Empire. That happy day was ruined when it was learned that both children were Force Sensitive. To ensure their safety, they split the children apart, fearing that the Emperor, or even their Grandfather, Grand Moff Tarkin, would execute both children immediately. They kept Miranda and gave Navaria to a trusted smuggler in order to get the infant off planet to a known Jedi in hiding. His location wasn't exact but there was enough information to get Navaria to the exiled Trianii. All records of her existance were deleted from the Imperial Records.

When 'Lianna' was given to Drin Kizael, the smuggler hinted enough that the Trianii needed to leave immediately. And he did. Leaving a cold trail behind that the Dark Lord of the Sith would have trouble following.

For ten years, Drin trained Lianna as his own daughter and Padawan, hopping from system to system for survival. The last planet that became their home was Dinati V. There they had befriended a kind farming family that offered their land to shelter the two Jedi. Unfortunately, Vader was still searching for Drin and he had to leave his yound student in the care of Jonar and Therale Mal Pannis to protect Lianna. She hasn't see Drin since, and contrary to what her foster parents believe to be true, Lianna believes with all her heart that Drin survive his confrontation with Vader.

The Mal Pannis' were more then happy to adopt Lianna into their family. Lianna took their last name to avoid suspicion but after four years with the her foster family, Lianna sensed that she would bring them great danger if she stayed with them for much longer. Without leaving any indication of where she was heading, Lianna ran away from the farm and smuggled herself inside the cargo hold of the first transport leaving the planet.

For survival sake, she gained a job as a smuggler for a small crew. Impressed with her fighting abilities, she made an excellent addition and was taught the fundemantals of slicing and piloting. For two years she was with them until a job was going to take them into the Core Worlds. At that time, Lianna had an uneasy feeling of that path and had to leave once more.

Now she is twenty years of age and searches for other Jedi while remaining in exile. She wishes to continuing her training through them and perhaps find a plausible way for the Jedi to come out of hiding.