View Full Version : Latest Additions: What's new in your collection, '05?
May 31st, 2005, 03:46:45 PM
That last thread has got to be a major headache for the mods so I think it's about time to start a new one. As the weeks go by collecting posts are sure to wind down. I'll probably start a new thread every Jan.
III-45 Tarkin (w/ blood-drained-face action feature!)
III-46 Ask Aak (Senator)
III-47 Meena Tills (Senator)
May 31st, 2005, 05:18:19 PM
ARC-170 Lego set. I like the "Lock S-foils into attack position" feature and the three clones it came with.
May 31st, 2005, 06:51:57 PM
Darth Vader Cookie Jar
Finally, a legit reason to buy Rice Krispee Treats!
Jun 1st, 2005, 08:25:06 AM
You're right, that other one was getting huge.
I locked it up, so let's pile on this one now!
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 1st, 2005, 11:13:01 AM
Darth Sidious Unleashed delivered by the UPS man (who apologized for waking me up; what a dear) not ten minutes ago :D
Jun 1st, 2005, 04:58:57 PM
Is that the one that includes Yoda or the earlier version? I'm snagging that Yoda V. Palps the first time I spot it.
III-2 Anakin Skywalker (w/ the correct Dooku saber)
III-23 Royal Guard
III-41 Clone Trooper
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 1st, 2005, 05:24:01 PM
It's the earlier one. I've got the Yoda vs Palpatine ordered. Amazon has Sidious, Yoda vs Palpatine, Asajj Ventress, and a few of the more common ones. That's where I got them from.
Happy shopping ( :)
Jun 2nd, 2005, 07:24:18 AM
Dammit those unleashed figures are cool!
Jun 2nd, 2005, 08:57:00 PM
Clone Trooper 3-pack
Deluxe Clone Trooper
Both are in safe keeping in Georgia till I can get down there to pick them up. In the meantime, I've got my mom scouting the area for the Target Exclusive Clone Trooper. It's like having a mole on the inside! >D
Jun 3rd, 2005, 11:39:38 AM
Let's see...
Aayla Secura
Kit Fisto
Mace Windu, who annoys me as you can't remove his purple blade. That was the piece I wanted!
Jun 3rd, 2005, 11:55:51 AM
Scored a Holographic Yoda off of Ebay. $11.50 plus shipping and exchange rate. Probably around $25 when it's all said and done. I figure unless I see one in person I'll never see one that cheap again. Lava Vaders are still WAY too expensive, as is the Target Clone Trooper. Those will have to wait for a while.
Is anyone going to San Diego comic con? Only there can you get the Holographic Leia figure. You can order them online, but they're only for pick-up at the convention. Maybe some will be made available for shipping later on. :\
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 3rd, 2005, 12:11:56 PM
Man, I want to go to the con. :\ Someday I will! Probably not this year though.
Jun 5th, 2005, 10:06:17 AM
JMK, I am going to the con and am already going to get one for JediEb. I wouldn't mind getting you one.
Jun 5th, 2005, 02:53:54 PM
Oh please kind sir! I accept your proposal! :crack
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 5th, 2005, 03:01:26 PM
Duel with Darth Maul Playskool set (before they became GH) - Naboo starfighter, Darth Maul, Kid Anakin, Obi-Wan, and a Battledroid.
Jun 5th, 2005, 09:46:01 PM
A second-hand POTF Momaw Nadon to use in the making of a Roron Corobb
Jun 8th, 2005, 11:47:39 AM
Figures are ordered, and by coincidence I got my badge letter today for the Convention! :)
B'day Presents from my bro in the mail:
m&m ROTS mini-tin
Burger King Super-Deformed R2, X-Wing and a BK French Fry sleeve
Episode I Tricon cups of Maul, Yoda, Anakin and Amidala
Preggers Padme, 3PO, Clone trooper and Vader ROTS figures (each filled with cupcakes)
Jun 8th, 2005, 05:22:50 PM
Rolling Stone Vader Issue
Vader Camping Chair
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 13th, 2005, 05:30:12 PM
Princess Leia Unleashed
GH 'flying' R2 and Super Battle Droid
GH Jawa and Tusken Raider (YAY!!!)
Jun 16th, 2005, 02:40:37 PM
III23 - Royal Guard (Red)
Jun 18th, 2005, 09:30:18 PM
Deluxe Figures
Stass Ailie
Clone Troopers (1 Red Belt, 2 white clones) 2x
Jun 21st, 2005, 07:39:13 PM
Target Cups & Figures
ANH - Han Solo
ESB - Yoda
ROTJ - Boba Fett
Jun 23rd, 2005, 05:58:00 PM
III-41 Clone Trooper
III-48 R2-D2
III-49 Commander Bacara (x2)
III-50 Anakin Skywalker - Extra Crispy!
Clone Troopers (Blue Variant)
Clone Troopers (Green Variant)
Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 23rd, 2005, 07:27:16 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
III-49 Commander Bacara (x2)
Gimme one plz.
Lady Vader
Jun 24th, 2005, 02:34:35 PM
Is anyone going to San Diego comic con?
All set and packed for it! This'll be my first time going, so I'm sure I'll have a blast!
I'll be there with the OCSWS and 501st SC Garrison. And yes, I will be in costume. ^_^;
Right now I'm in the process of getting Joe a Clone trooper armor costume, as well as hutning down a Boushh costume for myself.
Jun 24th, 2005, 08:11:13 PM
PIcs Lady Vader, we want pics!!!!
Gimme one plz.
I've actually seen a bunch of these in the last couple of days. (And he looks AWESOME!) This wave is going to start hitting Target and WalMart en masse soon. Be patient. Speaking of new stuff...
Force Battlers
Clone Trooper
III-23 Royal Guard (Blue)
Missed Mace though. But these aren't exactly flying off shelves so he'll start warming pegs eventually.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 27th, 2005, 06:44:56 AM
Another GH Jawa and Tusken Raider
Achk Med-Beq
Jun 27th, 2005, 02:50:44 PM
500th Darth Vader & Meditation Chamber
Force Battler Mace Windu
Lady Vader
Jun 28th, 2005, 03:05:33 PM
PIcs Lady Vader, we want pics!!!!
Of course! But lets have the event actually happen first. :p
Jun 29th, 2005, 10:16:45 PM
#42 Neimoidian Warrior
#43 Wookie Warrior (x2) brown & blond variants.
Jun 30th, 2005, 02:55:48 PM
MPire Figures
Darth Vader & Clone Trooper
Anakin Skywalker & Emperor Palpatine
Obi-Wan Kenobi & General Grievous
Mace Windu & Chewbacca
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jun 30th, 2005, 07:39:29 PM
Eb you lied. I hate you.
Jul 3rd, 2005, 06:19:53 PM
Eb seriously, where do you get these wonderful toys? Do you live in toyland? Give us what we want! :mad
Jul 3rd, 2005, 08:34:33 PM
Originally posted by Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Eb you lied. I hate you.
I lie so often, which specific lie are you referring to? ;)
Not only do I live in Toyland, I'm its mayor! I'm a bit of compulsive obsessive freak about my collecting. Basically, I make runs virtually everyday. I go by WalMart on my way to work, and then on my way home I stop by a Target, another WalMart, and a TRU. Summer school helps because I get out of work earlier so I can hit 2 or 3 places after work. Most of the time I come up empty, but when you do find something you get a bit of a rush. That's the state of my life. Finding a new toy is a thrill. Man, I need to start drinking again.......
I'm almost done working in all the new ROTS stuff into my SW room. In a few days I should be able to get pics of what my SW room looks like now. I could have finished it this weekend but I'm under the weather....:x
Taataani Raurrssatta
Jul 3rd, 2005, 09:29:13 PM
Please just get me a Commander Baccarra :( please please
Jul 4th, 2005, 05:45:39 PM
Alright, the next time I spot one I'll grab him.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 5th, 2005, 11:47:53 AM
..then charge Charley triple for it, and $20 for shipping!
Jul 5th, 2005, 07:25:10 PM
$20?! That's ludicrous. I was thinking more along the lines of $19.99, then $5 an hour for each toy run until I find him, and gas. I figure by the time I find him the total will be around $100!
More army builders
III-6 Clonetrooper (x2)
III-33 Clone Commander (x3)
People, if you're into army building then you're probably going to be very pleased this fall. Rumor has it we're going to be getting some pretty sweet exclusives this fall. I think TRU and Entertainment Earth are going to have some pretty neat army builders. Most of these should show up at San Diego.
Jul 6th, 2005, 01:43:49 PM
Need Bacara? Go straight to Hasbro.
It's not available yet, but it's worth a look everyday if you're desperate.
Jul 11th, 2005, 07:51:34 PM
Theater Edition ROTJ-SE Luke Skywalker
ESB-SE Rogue Squadron Comic
Galoob Special Edition Micro Vehicles
I got these off an ebay auction earlier this week. What I was really after was the Theater Luke. For a time these were going for a ridiculous $200-$300. Over the last few years it's come crashing down back to earth. You can usually score one for around $20. I got this one for $10. The card is banged up, but I'm fine with. I'm hoping to get one of my Holy Grails later this week. :)
Jul 14th, 2005, 07:06:37 PM
VOTC - Stormtrooper
Anakin Evolutions Set
That Anakin set is AWESOME. Three of the best Anakins Hasbro has made. The Vader is just about perfect. If you haven't seen these you should look at some of the pics at of the new stuff at comic con. The Evolutions sets are pretty sweet. But the rehashes plain suck.
Jul 15th, 2005, 01:41:15 PM
Wookie Flyer w/Wookie Warrior
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 15th, 2005, 06:13:00 PM
Once while we were at walmart looking through the very barren Star Wars aisle, I asked Charley where you lived because you seem to be getting all this booty through magic. He told me toyland.
I'm beginning to believe him :(
Jul 16th, 2005, 12:00:47 AM
The Evolution sets have been spotted at K-Marts. That's your best bet for them. Things are barren here as well. That Wookie Flyer is the first new item my local Target has gotten in close to a month and I can guarantee you it'll be sold out by Sat. afternoon. You miss a day, and stuff gets sold out. New stuff will start hitting in the next few weeks. Collectors are going to be circling stores like vultures so the next couple of months aren't going to be easy. You need to split up toy runs with Charley and a few other people, that's one way to go.
I also have the advantage of being outnumbered by Hot Wheels collectors. There aren't too many die hard SW collectors in my area. In non movie years I'm outnumbered by HW guys about 4-1. Less competition for rehashes. Yippee!!:huh
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 16th, 2005, 06:29:57 AM
I still think you live in toyland :p
Jul 18th, 2005, 01:33:06 PM
Battle Pack: Jedi V. Sith
The highlights of this set are Obi-Wan and Anakin. Obi-Wan has his snap on Clone Wars armor. Anakin is battle ravaged but looks like he's wearing brown lipstick. Grievous has a funky pose that begs for him to displayed climbing a wall. Ventress has both her lightsabers and a very good sculpt. Yoda's the weak link, but even he looks halfway decent. Now to find an extra speeder for Obi-Wan because the set even has his lance!:crack
Jul 18th, 2005, 03:03:24 PM
Links! Pictures! Let's see them!
BTW, what the hell are they doing to the Unleashed line? Reducing them to little 2" figures? Weak sauce! :mad
Jul 19th, 2005, 06:36:11 AM
Links! Pictures! Let's see them!
BTW, what the hell are they doing to the Unleashed line? Reducing them to little 2" figures? Weak sauce!
I'll see if I can get some pics up this afternoon, but these afternoon naps I'm taking are just brutal on my schedule.:zzz
A lot of people are ticked off about what's happened to Unleashed. I thought the handwriting was on the wall. Just go to any store and you'll see ROTS Anakin and Obi-Wan gathering dust. These have a hardcore following, but it's not as big as some people think. You can see examples of the 2" line that's replacing it with the LOTR mini figures that are out. Basically, this will be a line filled with army builders so people can set up large dioramas. I doubt I'll pick any of them up. I'm just not crazy about the scale. Another thing that has people frustrated is that they've been waiting for the Yoda and Ventress wave for weeks but they're nowhere in sight.
Jul 19th, 2005, 07:27:32 AM
I'd be a much more avid Unleashed collector is they weren't so damn expensive up here. Generally they're $25.99 each, plus 15% tax. Close to $30 per figure. That's highway robbery as far as I'm concerned.
But I'd prefer to see them stay in the scale they are now and pick up the odd figure here and there rather than not bother with any of these new 2" things.
Jul 19th, 2005, 07:44:39 AM
Originally posted by JMK
I'd be a much more avid Unleashed collector is they weren't so damn expensive up here. Generally they're $25.99 each, plus 15% tax. Close to $30 per figure. That's highway robbery as far as I'm concerned.
Holy crap, you guys are getting raped! Well, that's payback for having so many digital theaters. :evil
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 19th, 2005, 08:20:04 AM
My Ventress and Palpatine vs. Yoda Unleashed figures should be getting here around the 29th of this month. JMK, go with Amazon :)
Oh, also picked up a GH Luke Skywalker and Gamorrean Guard. I saw that X-Wing dune buggy thing at TRU last weekend, but didn't get it. I don't know, it just looks kind of stupid to me :\
Jul 19th, 2005, 09:08:19 AM
I've thought of going with Amazon, or some form of online buying but the shipping and exchange basically nullifies any savings I may enjoy. Pretty crappy, but I will be in Atlanta in less than a month from now so I'll hit the stores again then and see what's up for grabs.
Jul 19th, 2005, 04:38:52 PM
M-Pire Vader/Trooper set
Master Replicas .45 scale Episode III Anakin saber
2005 Hasbro mini catalogues
and uh, oh yeah, a couple of Hologram Leia figures to ship out this weekend. :D
Jul 20th, 2005, 08:00:12 AM
Woohoo! :crack
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 20th, 2005, 08:12:42 AM
Oh Amazon, how much do I love thee? Enough to purchase your lovely 12" Leia in Boussh getup :D
Jul 20th, 2005, 12:42:27 PM
Originally posted by QuiGonJ
M-Pire Vader/Trooper set
Master Replicas .45 scale Episode III Anakin saber
2005 Hasbro mini catalogues
and uh, oh yeah, a couple of Hologram Leia figures to ship out this weekend. :D
You da man! :thumbup
Star Tours Figures
Jul 21st, 2005, 08:00:13 PM
Chocolate M'Pire Figures
Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia
Count Dooku & Darth Maul
Queen Amidala & C-3PO
Jul 22nd, 2005, 11:56:40 AM
Master Replicas FX Saber - Darth Vader
Jul 22nd, 2005, 12:36:21 PM
You son of a...
those things are uber sweet.
Jul 22nd, 2005, 05:16:18 PM
Ever been to that site JMK? I'm pretty sure they're based in Canada. You might get some decent prices there.
There's only 1 other FX saber I'm interested in and that's Luke ROTJ saber. It's my all time favorite and the only saber I'd ever consider going the $300 replica route. Borders is going to have a new FX version of it later this year. That's my baby!
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 23rd, 2005, 10:29:50 PM
Twelve inch Gamorrean Guard
Jul 25th, 2005, 07:10:39 AM
Originally posted by Jedieb
Ever been to that site JMK? I'm pretty sure they're based in Canada. You might get some decent prices there.
There's only 1 other FX saber I'm interested in and that's Luke ROTJ saber. It's my all time favorite and the only saber I'd ever consider going the $300 replica route. Borders is going to have a new FX version of it later this year. That's my baby!
I've been to the store several times. That's where I went to do my RotS run on April 2nd. It's a great place to be, but it is on the other side of the city - tough to get to by car. I'll probably make another trip up there before the summer is done. They also have the BEST dioramas I've ever seen. They're unbelievable, especially the Emperor's arrival from RotJ.
Jul 25th, 2005, 03:08:04 PM
The Holo Leias are in the mail. JediEb's went out Saturday, and JMK's today.
Jul 26th, 2005, 03:45:14 PM
Holo Leia
Thank you QuiGon, you da man!
Jul 27th, 2005, 06:18:53 PM
EU Novel
Star Wars - Dark Nest I: The Joiner King
by Troy Denning
Jul 28th, 2005, 08:25:34 AM
You're welcome JediEb. Just hope JMK sees his figure soon. :)
Jul 28th, 2005, 12:02:34 PM
I haven't received mail of any kind for 3 days now. That's good because that means no bills, but it also means no holo Leia! :(
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 28th, 2005, 12:17:04 PM
It's a sad day when you get an email from Amazon saying they can't get their mits on Palpatine vs Yoda and Asajj Ventress :(
Jul 28th, 2005, 02:00:22 PM
I haven't received mail of any kind for 3 days now. That's good because that means no bills, but it also means no holo Leia! Friggin' unreliable sled dogs. :evil
Jul 28th, 2005, 02:57:21 PM
Well we've had so much snow up here lately that the eskimo mailman may have lost his way. Ease up on the dogs man!
Jul 28th, 2005, 06:28:56 PM
Jul 29th, 2005, 02:24:57 PM
Mpire Figures
Han Solo and Boba Fett
My local Target reset its SW section but the only new stuff I saw there were the Ulitimate LIghtsaber kits, Evolutions Anakin, and Sith V. Jedi Battle Pack. I have a feeling the scalpers have been getting there at 8AM and clearing the place of new figs. Bastards!
Jul 30th, 2005, 03:27:19 PM
III-38 AT-TE Tank Gunner
Holo Leia (This one is to open.)
New stuff IS out there. Stuff has been found on both coasts and it looks to be slowly making its way around the country. Hopefully, I'll make a big find this next week.
Jul 31st, 2005, 08:05:28 PM
Today, was a goooood day...
III-6 Clone Trooper (Red Shock Trooper) 2x
III-33 Clone Commanader (Green) 2x
III-41 Clone Trooper
III-54 AT-RT Driver
III-55 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pilot)
And last but not least!
Bacara #3, maybe 4, I lose count.:crack
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 1st, 2005, 08:26:29 AM
Still nothing at my WalMart. Oh well. I'll try Target tomorrow or so and hopefully get my own super karate mooning action Clonetrooper :).
However, I did see some weird 'Style Amidala's Hair' 12 inch figure on the clearence rack for 17 dollars. I didn't get it, but I might. Unless someone else wants it then I'd be happy to snag it and send it off to whoever wants to play Salon Divas with Padme :)
Aug 1st, 2005, 12:52:18 PM
Is that a clone mooning the rest of us poor slobs?
You rotten sod!
Aug 1st, 2005, 01:11:41 PM
Bacara has no shame!
And today, I found even more soldiers to suffer his callous low rent schenanigans.
III-6 Clone Trooper (Red) 2x
III-33 Clone Commander (Green) 2x
III-49 Skirt Raising Clone Commander
Aug 2nd, 2005, 08:26:50 AM
Insider #83
Aug 4th, 2005, 02:21:05 PM
Vintage Return of the Jedi vinly figure case
This was one of my Holy Grails. I've been looking for one of these for years. Missed out on a couple of auctions and even had one complete bust that I'm still waiting on a refund. Kenner made 4 different cases like this (1=ANH, 2=ESB, 1=ROTJ). The Jedi one was the rarest. Once I pick up the 2nd ESB case I'll have all 4.
Aug 5th, 2005, 02:20:06 PM
Obi-Wan's Jedi Star Fighter (Blue TRU Exclusive)
Aug 5th, 2005, 10:55:21 PM
Holographic Leia. Finally!:rollin
I wonder why the bubble has the slot for her pistol, but yet there's no pistol included with the figure?
Aug 8th, 2005, 11:21:09 AM
Ah, cool, just noticed this. Glad you got it after all the pain.. my credit union didn't want to cash the money order, but I eventually found out the US post office would cash it for free, so that took care of that, then the package was returned to me for no readily apparent reason. I took it back, and now you have it. :)
The official explanation for the bubble is that they were going to give her guns, but they looked dumb on a hologram, so they took em out but didn't have time to retool the bubble.
Aug 8th, 2005, 12:01:36 PM
The wait wasn't that long, I was just getting so anxious to have it.
I guess that story makes sense, but I think the first time I saw the picture of the figure was online or in a magazine where they did add some pistols to the figure. Oh well, it's still a great item to have.
Aug 11th, 2005, 04:04:37 PM
III-23 Royal Guard (Red)
III-51 Captain Antilles
III-52 Zett Jukassa
III-53 Utapaun Warrior
Force Battlers
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Aug 12th, 2005, 11:24:05 AM
III-33 Clone Commader (Green) x2
III-54 AT-RT Driver x3
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 12th, 2005, 01:33:44 PM
Seriously. Alabama must be on some "don't send toys here' list. Nothing new here AT ALL :(
Aug 12th, 2005, 03:14:20 PM
It applies to me too. Not one thing. In fact Wal Mart's assortment was absolutely shameful from day 1. They didn't carry anything other than SOME figures and almost no attention was paid to layout.
Aug 13th, 2005, 06:32:37 PM
III-50 Crispy Anakin (x2)
I let my son have the first one I found so I've looking for him to show up again. This is the best Anakin of the line IMO and I'm getting 2 to display him in his crispy glory and his hooded evilness.
Originally posted by JMK
It applies to me too. Not one thing. In fact Wal Mart's assortment was absolutely shameful from day 1. They didn't carry anything other than SOME figures and almost no attention was paid to layout.
On the East Cost new figs have been found in NY, NJ, Penn, FL, now here in Virginia. I would bet that in the next couple of weeks they'll finally start making their way towards places like Alabama. I know Texas has been getting new figs for close to 3 weeks now. The problem is there are hawks out there going on daily runs. Some of them are collectors hell bent on army building and unfortunately you've got scalpers to contend with. If you haven't seen anything new you've probably been beaten to the store by collectors or scalpers. But give it time, this moring I saw around 4 Bacaras. They'd been on the pegs since Friday so there's hope.
Unless you're in Canada. You guys are friggin' screwed. :(
Aug 13th, 2005, 07:59:53 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
Unless you're in Canada. You guys are friggin' screwed. :(
The good news for now is that I'm in Atlanta at the moment and plan on making my parents take me to any local Wal Mart, TRU and Target store in the area. By Monday I will have passed through Dothan, AL and will be in Florida, and I'll try to hit the usual stores along the way.
But waiting for me when I got here was:
3 pack Army Builder
Firing Jet pack Clone Trooper
and the biggie...
The early bird box!
Eb, is is worth opening the box and mailing away for the figures? Or is the certificate the important part of the collectible?
Aug 13th, 2005, 09:35:47 PM
I think the figures look great. I opened mine and the cardboard display looks great loose. The part that you mail back is just a white envelope. I'd definitely open it up and use it to display the figures once they start shipping at the end of the year. Make sure you keep your receipt. Hasbro isn't cutting people any slack if they lose their receipts. If I have some time I might put up a pic of the cardboard display.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 14th, 2005, 04:09:50 PM
3 pack army builder - green
And I broke down and bought 2 Commander Bacaras from Hasbro online.
Aug 14th, 2005, 09:30:41 PM
Uh oh, I don't know if my mom kept the receipt.:(
A search of 2 TRU's, 2 Targets and a Wal Mart turned up nothing new except of the Titanium series miniature vehicles and some Mpire figs, but I'm not getting into them.
Aug 18th, 2005, 01:27:45 PM
III-34 Clone Pilot (Black) x3
Evolutions Set" Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper
Aug 20th, 2005, 04:09:51 PM
III-57 Mustafar Sentry
III-6 Clone Trooper (Red) x3
Unleasched Sidious V. Yoda
I'm all caught up!!!!! :crack
There's a few things I'm still looking for like a ROTS Gunship,the 3rd wave of Target glasses, and the Sith Evolutions set with Maul, Sidious, and Dooku, but it's great to finally be caught up with the basic figs. Now I can lay back and enjoy the rest of my summer break.
Aug 20th, 2005, 04:16:30 PM
III-57 Mustafar Sentry
III-6 Clone Trooper (Red) x3
Unleasched Sidious V. Yoda
I'm all caught up!!!!! :crack
There's a few things I'm still looking for like a ROTS Gunship,the 3rd wave of Target glasses, and the Sith Evolutions set with Maul, Sidious, and Dooku, but it's great to finally be caught up with the basic figs. Now I can lay back and enjoy the rest of my summer break.
Aug 20th, 2005, 10:40:52 PM
Damn you!
Now I've got to hope that when the customs guards inspect my luggage they don't swipe my stuff. I'd keep it in my carry on, but the stuff won't fit.
I did a last run of the Wal Marts, Targets, KMarts and TRU's around my folks and came up empty as far as new figs go. Oh well, I hope they come out in Canada eventually.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 21st, 2005, 03:53:25 PM
Yoda vs Palpatine Unleashed
Asajj Ventress Unleashed
Aug 22nd, 2005, 03:33:45 PM
I did a final stop at a Target near Macon, GA before heading to the airport yesterday, and wouldn't you know it? They had new stuff.
I scored Asajj Ventress unleashed, Jedi vs Sith battle pack, Anakin Skywalker evolutions, and Darth Vader 500th figure. Then I had to repack all of my stuff.
I carried all that stuff as carry on, but unfortunately Air Canada lost my other piece of baggage with the 3 figures, army builder pack and Clone with Jetpack. :verymad
It had better show up soon.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 23rd, 2005, 07:57:33 AM
Oh no :( I hope you get your bag, JMK - if not, then you should task Air Canada with replacing your toys. Be sure to tell them that they can't go online to get them; they'll have to physically go out and find them.
I went to Walmart this morning for salad, and came home with:
Darth Vader Unleashed
Green Clone Commander
AT-TE Gunner
Clone Trooper #6 red variant
ps - and salad
Aug 23rd, 2005, 08:10:56 AM
My stuff arrived around mindnight last night, everything accounted for and not beaten up at all. Thank god for that!
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 23rd, 2005, 08:15:37 AM
Awesome :D
Aug 23rd, 2005, 08:27:15 AM
Tell me about it. I would have blown a gasket if it was stolen/damaged.
Now the only bummer is that when I left Georgia there was tons of stuff that I wanted to buy, I had just ran out of time and place to put it. We were on our way back to the airport when we made that last stop!
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 23rd, 2005, 08:55:04 AM
Yeah, I'm beginning to think the wave hit just as you were leaving :(
Sadly, it occurs to me that if you were driving down to Dothan from Atlanta by way of 20/59, you could've stopped in Tuscaloosa and we could've hit the stores around here :\
Aug 23rd, 2005, 10:03:09 AM
Well there's always next year! I'll probably be in Georgia again next summer, the question will be where we drive to, back to Panama City Beach, or to New Orleans. :)
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 23rd, 2005, 10:10:45 AM
Ooooo, do NO!! I was just there last month, and it was an experience to be had.
Sanis Prent
Aug 23rd, 2005, 11:38:48 AM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
Yeah, I'm beginning to think the wave hit just as you were leaving :(
Sadly, it occurs to me that if you were driving down to Dothan from Atlanta by way of 20/59, you could've stopped in Tuscaloosa and we could've hit the stores around here :\
Dothan isn't anywhere near 20/59 you crazy foreigner :)
Aug 24th, 2005, 12:13:17 PM
Glad to hear you got your luggage back JMK. I just got back from Hawaii and luckily my luggage was right there waiting for me. Brutal flights, man I'm glad that trip's done with. Came home and found some more goodies today;
III-6 Clone Trooper (red) x2
III-23 Royal Guard (red)
III-28 Anakin Skywalker (Sith Eyes)
III-41 Clone Trooper (white)
III-54 AT-RT Driver
And at one of my stops I picked up 4 figures but was only charged for 3. Yoda bless WalMart incompetence!
Aug 24th, 2005, 12:17:49 PM
I'm considering getting in touch with TRU Corporate in Canada, I need to know if they're going to bother bringing in the rest of the figure line at some point in the future. I can't afford to go to the U.S. for runs, nor can I keep going downtown to Legends and paying $11.99 per figure, it's just nonsense.
Aug 24th, 2005, 12:21:23 PM
Does Hasbro's online store sell to Canada? You should check them out.
Aug 24th, 2005, 01:29:24 PM
Yep, that's something I'll have to investigate for sure. I can't believe the rate at which some of the stuff disappeared off the shelves, and it's now apparent who the peg warmers are, at least around here anyway:
Any Palpatine figure
Any Jedi Knight not named Obi Wan, Anakin, Windu or Yoda
Super battle droid
Bail Organa
Mon Mothma
There's no shortage of those figures on shelves around here, but some of the others just absolutely vanished.
Aug 29th, 2005, 06:24:42 PM
Titanium Seies (Die Cast)
Swamp Speeder
If this was ever made in the 3 3/4" scale it would instantly become one of the best vehicles EVER.
Aug 30th, 2005, 08:07:55 PM
Jedi Temple Assualt
Mandy with an I
Aug 31st, 2005, 08:45:08 PM
JMK - our walmart has a total of THREE figures in store. That's it, three. And some of the little kiddie Jedi toys, but it's pretty dry except for dept. stores like the Bay (figures there are like, $8.97, but I haven't found any that I've wanted).
I went to 3-4 stores looking for GH figures, and could only find ones that I didn't really want (I'm not a collector, but I saw them at s'ils and thought they were cute.) At least Toys R Us had a few Unleashed AOTC Obi-wans though.
Sep 1st, 2005, 07:19:21 AM
Wal Mart in Canada has been utterly pathetic with their assortment since day 1. Ever since they burned themselves by overstocking on TPM stuff they haven't been very good with the SW line. Zellers has also been quite weak, though their initial launches have been quite good, they haven't restocked at all. TRU remains the only place that at all seems to care one bit, and it's a very small bit.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 1st, 2005, 07:32:06 AM
If I see a Leia/Han GH set (that one iand the Jawa/Tusken Raider one are the cutest by far), I'll pick one up and send it to you, Dae :)
Sep 1st, 2005, 03:01:04 PM
Target figures w/cup
Stormtrooper - ROTJ
Darth Vader - ESB
I found these at lunch time. If I'd been able to make an early morning run I would have gotten Leia as well. They're all gone now and there's no telling if my Target will get anymore. Every single ROTS figure and cup they've gotten has eventually sold. Damn, I really don't want to go the ebay route for this last one.
Sep 7th, 2005, 06:02:00 PM
Target Exclusive Tie Fighter
Target Collector Pack
Sep 8th, 2005, 07:00:20 PM
Action Figure Display Diorama
One of the best packaging jobs of the modern era. This thing is just beautiful. I didn't get a chance to open it this afternoon, but I should have time tomorrow. This box is so sweet I'm making some space for the box in my room.
Sep 9th, 2005, 07:05:19 AM
What the hell is that thing? I haven't even heard about it. :huh
Ambrose Braeden
Sep 9th, 2005, 09:59:02 AM
Originally posted by Jedieb
Action Figure Display Diorama
One of the best packaging jobs of the modern era. This thing is just beautiful. I didn't get a chance to open it this afternoon, but I should have time tomorrow. This box is so sweet I'm making some space for the box in my room.
thats nice
Sep 9th, 2005, 10:45:50 AM
Originally posted by JMK
What the hell is that thing? I haven't even heard about it. :huh
That's one of those exclusives you love so much! ;)
It's a throw back to the old vintage displays. It's a fan club (or store exclusive, I don't remember) exclusive. Here's a link:;category_id=396
Sep 9th, 2005, 12:06:19 PM
Ah, so it's not in stores. Bummer. Not like we'd get it anyway.
It is seriously cool though.
I read today that the 7" Unleashed line will continue in fall '06, whereas it was said that unleashed would continue as those dinky little figures.
Sep 9th, 2005, 02:31:52 PM
Die Cast
Naboo Fighter
Battle Pack: Jedi V. Seperatists
The JvP was all rehashes, but there were some head swaps and the sabers had their blades switched. So, lemming that I am, I picked it up.
Sep 12th, 2005, 07:13:05 AM
Will wonders never cease? On my way to softball yesterday I was a little early so I decided to make a TRU run. Imagine the elation when I saw actual new figures on the pegs:
#6 Clone Trooper - red paint job
Zett Jukassa
Meena Tills
Ask Ack
Captain Antilles
Utapauan Warrior
Commander Bacara
I'm now up to 49 of the first 56 figures (I think it's 56). But then I saw the images for 57-63, so it's far from over I guess.
Sep 12th, 2005, 09:57:27 AM
Could someone tell me why we need another Grievous Bodyguard? And while we're at it, why do we need another wookie warrior?
Sep 12th, 2005, 03:15:55 PM
Most of the last 12 are repaints. Some, better than others. That Neimodian repaint is as crappy as the first one, but I like the Wookies and the Griebous bodyguard. The last wave still haven't been spotted anywhere so we've got some time before we have to hits stores again. Wait for the reports to come in and save some gas money.
Sep 15th, 2005, 06:37:48 PM
Republic Gunship (ROTS Version)
Finally! These are brutal to find. I got mine at Amazon. They've had them twice in the last month and they've sold out both times in a matter of hours.
Sep 16th, 2005, 10:50:48 AM
Tomy Exclusive 2.5" Remote Control Artoo Unit!
The sculpt is nice, and it's fun! Batteries are pre-installed and a couple of on switches is all you need to do. The upper button on remote makes him go forward, the bottom button spins him around. Takes a little getting used to, but it works fine.
The only nitpick is that the sounds are only about one second loops, one for each button, so those will get old fast, but for the price, it's a small complaint.
Sep 16th, 2005, 06:22:32 PM
Target figures w/cup
Princess Leia - ANH
Sep 19th, 2005, 04:23:34 PM
Hoth Battlepack
Tomy Exclusive 2.5" Remote Control Artoo Unit!
I haven't had a chance to open mine up like Qui-Gon, but it sounds like it's going to be great. I've got a few things to open up this week, can't wait. :)
Sep 24th, 2005, 11:58:38 AM
SW Insider #84
Sep 24th, 2005, 02:26:30 PM
#33 Clone Commander - green repaint
#41 Clone Trooper
#44 Destroyer Droid
#54 Turbo Tank Driver
#55 Obi Wan Kenobi - red leader pilot
Only #48 R2, #50 Mustafar Anakin and #56 Mustafar Sentry to go.
Sep 28th, 2005, 04:55:09 PM
Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide by Ryder Windham
Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen by Troy Denning
Sep 30th, 2005, 03:56:45 PM
Yoda Force Battler
III-63 Neimodian Commander (Just as crappy looking as the first version)
Battle Pack: Rebel vs. Empire
Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper
Oct 2nd, 2005, 11:42:42 AM
#50 Anakin on Mustafar
Clone Pilot (black variant)
Oct 3rd, 2005, 05:06:41 PM
III-57 Commander Bly
III-58 Wookie Commando
Oct 4th, 2005, 07:13:01 AM
I believe that after the first 56 figures they're releasing the final 12, correct? I hope so because I can't handle much more collecting. As it is I've cut out everything but the basic 3 ¾" line.
I wonder if I'll be able to restrain myself when they inevitably release a new line of figures encompassing all 6 movies, and the new toys for both upcoming TV shows. ^_^;
Oct 4th, 2005, 02:45:41 PM
They're heading to a unified line next year. A line supporting the animated and live action shows is at least a couple of years away so you've got time to let your checking account heal. :)
Oct 5th, 2005, 07:02:48 AM
A unified line with that lame packaging I guess.
Will it encompass all 6 movies? New sculpts and everything? For everyone? Ugh, that could get ridiculous.
Oct 5th, 2005, 07:31:21 AM
Originally posted by JMK
A unified line with that lame packaging I guess.
Will it encompass all 6 movies? New sculpts and everything? For everyone? Ugh, that could get ridiculous.
Yes, in fact, figures will be released in themed waves. Here's what's coming:
Wave 1 - Battle of Carkoon (ROTJ)
Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise (Pretty sure this is a new sculpt)
Han Solo in Carbonite (New paint job, not sure about the sculpt)
Bib Fortuna
Boba Fett
Wave 2 - Battle of Hoth (ESB)
Wave 3 - Battle of Coruscant (ROTS)
Wave 4 - Battle of Geonosis (AOTC)
Wave 5 - Battle of Tatooine (ANH)
Wave 6 - Battle of Endor (ROTJ)
Wave 7 - Battle of Naboo (TPM)
Wave 8 - Battle of Death Star (ANH or ROTJ? I'm guessing it's ANH)
That's the rumored list. Some will be repacks/repaints, other will feature new sculpts. Nobody knows for sure yet.
Oct 5th, 2005, 10:01:23 AM
Actually I'd say that the Battle of the Death Star would be from RotJ. It would allow them to put in guys like Nien Numb otherwise he gets the shaft.
Oct 6th, 2005, 01:07:13 PM
You could get another General Lando also.
Today was a good day. :)
III-57 Commander Bly
III-59 Commander Gree
III-60 Grievous Bodygurad (White) x2
III-61 Passel Argente
III-62 Cat Miin
And thanks to WalMart incompetence, I was only charged for 4 figures!! :)
Oct 6th, 2005, 01:47:08 PM
You bastard!
I'm down to the last 14 figures (2 from the original 56 and the final 12). Once I complete those, it's pretty much over for me. I'll be retiring for a while. But like all the greats that retire, I will make appearances here and there and plan for a comeback. I'll get selected exclusives, and things that really catch my eye. I may also chase some selected vintage stuff.
Next year's line I may steer clear from, though I say that now. Who knows what my thoughts will be next year. I honestly don't know if I'll be able to walk into a TRU or WalMart, see new SW figs on the pegs and leave them there.
Then once the TV shows come out, I'll probably plan the comeback.
Way off topic, but last night I had a dream that one of the tv shows was actually a Star Wars meets Laugh-In-type show.
Imagine that....
**In today's show**
Appearances by:
-Emperor Palpatine and his velvety red guards
-Lando talks about his ways with the ladies
-Stupid pet tricks with Bib Foruna and Salacious Crumb
-And a special performance by Oola!
And here's your host....JAR JAR BINKS!
Oct 6th, 2005, 06:09:06 PM
Did that last part make it a nightmare? ;)
A lot of the figures next will be repacks, so it's not a bad time to take a break. I think a lot of people will be taking next year off.
Oct 7th, 2005, 07:51:20 AM
I'll probably end up picking up a few, but not many at all. Maybe I'll stick to a theme, i.e. the Imperials, or the Sith, or the Jedi.
Oh hell, I'll probably buy dozens of them. :)
Oct 7th, 2005, 01:19:38 PM
The Star Wars Poster Book by Stephen Sansweet & Peter Vilmur
Oct 8th, 2005, 11:34:48 AM
Yeah baby!!!!
#48 R2
#56 Mustafar Sentry.
Got all initial 56 figures! I also picked up a few extra figures to open now...some variant clones, Bacara, Dooku, Palpatine, Vader...
Now on to the dirty dozen! Whenever they get here...
Oct 10th, 2005, 02:48:55 PM
III-57 Commander Bly
III-59 Commander Gree
Force Battler - Emperor Palpatine
Master Replicas Saber (.45 scale) - Luke Skywalker ROTJ
I'm all over the new FX version when it comes out. The full sized Elite version goes for around $500 on ebay and I kick myself for not getting one when it came out. If they ever make another, and I think it's only a matter of time, I won't be able to resist. This is my favorite lightsaber and it's the only MR replica I really want.
Oct 12th, 2005, 09:35:09 AM
Got my Early Bird kit yesterday... I know lots of folks who were unhappy, but I like em.
JMK, I know what you mean. My retirement from completism came about three years ago, but I still pick up a few here and there.
Oct 12th, 2005, 02:34:29 PM
Someone has to take my credit card away from me.....
Battle Pack: Attack on Coruscant
Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Duel at Mustafar
Darth Vader: Duel at Mustafar
Early Bird Figures
Oct 12th, 2005, 02:40:29 PM
I've still got to mail away for those early bird figures, but I don't have the original receipt, nor does my mom. I've only got the shipping bill, which has the proof of purchase on it.
Then I wonder if I should send it from my place, with my Canadian address being the 'send figures to' addy, or have them sent to my parents' place?
Oct 12th, 2005, 06:29:04 PM
Either one should be fine. If you bought it with a credit card you might be able to get them to provide with some kind of receipt.
Oct 14th, 2005, 06:31:35 AM
Revenge of the Sith sculpted poster
This is the first sculpted poster I've gotten from Code 3. There's a ton of detail and I didn't think I'd like it as much as I do. I've one from ROTJ on order and I can't wait for that one to ship.
Oct 14th, 2005, 08:57:53 AM
Those are nice, but I just wish they were bigger.
Oct 14th, 2005, 09:52:58 AM
I'm not a big fan of those things. At least not judging by the jpgs I've seen. Maybe they look different in person.
Oct 14th, 2005, 03:07:03 PM
What surprised me was how heavy the thing was. I'm afraid to hang it because I'm afraid it'll fall off the wall. I'll probably find a shelf to put it on, but I'd like to keep it close to its 2-D counterpart.
Oct 17th, 2005, 02:45:33 PM
Target Exclusive Obi Wan Kenobi (Lava Reflections)
Thanks again Mom! :D
By the way boys, they're out today. But I'm sure you knew that already. The Anakin Lava Reflections was nowhere to be found though.
Oct 17th, 2005, 04:35:51 PM
My store had them out in the middle of last week. From what I've heard, stores got A LOT of the lava figures. These shouldn't be too hard to track down.
Luke Skywalker ROTJ FX Saber!!!!! :crack
The batteries are installed and I'm giving the boy the beat down he deserves! :duel
Oct 21st, 2005, 02:54:13 PM
Titanium Series Die Cast (Large Vehicles)
Republic Gunship
Oct 24th, 2005, 03:04:35 PM
Episode III DVD 3-Packs
Anakin Skywalker
Mace Windu
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Emperor Palpatine
Darth Vader
Count Dooku
III-57 Commander Bly
III-59 Commander Gree (x2)
Oct 30th, 2005, 12:23:00 PM
Revenge of the Jedi sculpted mini poster
It's not that big, but damn I love it. I'm going to hang it next to the full sized 2-D original. It should look pretty sweet.
Oct 31st, 2005, 11:56:00 PM
ROTS DVD w/bonus DVD (WalMart)
SW Battlefront II (X-Box)
Episode III DVD 3-Packs
Anakin Skywalker
Mace Windu
Obi-Wan Kenobi
I got the Anakin set for the boy and the Clonetroopers just for army building. Tomorrow I'm going to check out the soundtrack that Target has. It's suppose to have music from all 6 films and it looks like a nice CD.
Nov 1st, 2005, 06:10:11 AM
There are times when I wonder how much money the participants in this thread spent on merchandise, toys and collectibles alltogether. Scary thought.. :)
Nov 1st, 2005, 08:21:35 AM
More than I'd like Yoghurt. More than I'd like. :cry
Nov 1st, 2005, 12:25:35 PM
SW Clone Wars Adventures Vol 4
As for money, the kids just have to accept the fact that there's no shame in going to a community college for your first 2 years.
Nov 1st, 2005, 01:14:43 PM
No jokes, as I was waiting in line, there were about a dozen people at the 2 registers, all of them with a copy, and only a couple of people seemed to know each other. It must be flying off shelves as quickly as they can put it on.
Nov 4th, 2005, 02:44:06 PM
Target Exclusive: Utapau Shadow Trooper
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 4th, 2005, 04:31:40 PM
case of 8 target exclusive Utapau Shadow Troopers. :)
Ha! one upped you, Eb :)
Nov 4th, 2005, 09:26:59 PM
I hope you'll spread those around. You wouldn't want people to think you're a scalper. ;)
Nov 5th, 2005, 12:20:53 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
Tomorrow I'm going to check out the soundtrack that Target has. It's suppose to have music from all 6 films and it looks like a nice CD.
I just scoured my Target and found absolutely no sign of their exclusive CD. And it's not available online at the Target site. Did you ever find it? Has anyone ever found it? :\
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 5th, 2005, 01:00:41 PM
Jedieb - my husband snagged them for himself and his friends who also collect. :p
Nov 5th, 2005, 03:48:55 PM
I just scoured my Target and found absolutely no sign of their exclusive CD. And it's not available online at the Target site. Did you ever find it? Has anyone ever found it?
It's very easy to miss. It's actually an extra CD that's wrapped around a copy of the ROTS soundtrack. I was going to get it until I saw I'd be getting another copy of the soundtrack.
Jedieb - my husband snagged them for himself and his friends who also collect.
I knew you'd be sharing them. Just messin' with ya. :cool
TRU Holographic Emperor
Jedi Council Scene IV
I still haven't gotten the whole set. I'm waiting for III to go on sale at amazon.
Nov 5th, 2005, 04:21:01 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
It's very easy to miss. It's actually an extra CD that's wrapped around a copy of the ROTS soundtrack. I was going to get it until I saw I'd be getting another copy of the soundtrack.
Hm...well, I'll have to think hard about that one. That's not fair, though, that they didn't make that clear in the ad. :p
Nov 8th, 2005, 09:15:31 PM
Evolutions: Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper (Grey Variant0
Super Deformed Yoda exclusive Covert Ops Clonetrooper (x2)
Nov 9th, 2005, 03:59:16 PM
Latest Star Wars purchase: ROTS DVD
Latest purchase I wanna show you anyway...
1999 Ford Escort, automatic, power steering, A/C... cheap!
I haven't had one of these in many years, and I will be picking it up tonight or tomorrow, depending on things like the weather. I don't want my maiden voyage in her to be on the 405 during the first day of a rainstorm.
Nov 9th, 2005, 05:47:44 PM
Congrats on the new wheels! :thumbup
Nov 9th, 2005, 11:21:56 PM
I just picked it up tonight.
I've never owned a new car before... I think God helped me on this. I can't believe I got a car like this for the money I paid. The car drives like a dream. The power steering means you just think where you want the car to go and it responds. It has excellent pickup, responsive brakes, and it is immaculate. The previous owner even had the oil changes done at his Ford dealer.
I'm just... I'm in awe, really.
Nov 10th, 2005, 07:32:57 AM
That's a nice score.
I'm still on the honeymoon with my 2000 cherokee. It doesn't accelerate particularly fast, and it's a gas pig, but the 4x4 rules the world!
Nov 11th, 2005, 11:02:30 AM
:crack I'M DONE!!! :crack
III-64 R4-P17
III-65 Tactical Ops Trooper (501st) x2
III-66 Plo Koon (Hologram)
III-67 Aayla Secura (Hologram)
III-68 Wookie Heavy Gunner
That's the end of the basic figure line for ROTS for me. Yeah, there are exclusives floating around and a variant or two I may go after, but all 1-68 are now in the books. This was an AMAZING line. I think it was pretty diverse and featured some great looking figures. The army builders were great. We got more clones and wookies than you could shake a stick at. Yeah, distribution sucked, but that's part of the hobby. Now I can just sit back and focus on setting up my displays. Sweeeeeeet...............
Nov 11th, 2005, 01:55:03 PM
You dirty rotten SOB!
I still haven't seen any sign of the dirty dozen (57-68).
Nov 11th, 2005, 02:38:33 PM
Originally posted by JMK
You dirty rotten SOB!
I still haven't seen any sign of the dirty dozen (57-68).
My fellow seniors helped me find most of these figs. We trade figures at our AARP meetings. SUCKER!!! :evil
Nov 17th, 2005, 10:15:15 PM
III-59 Commander Gree (x2)
Millenium Mint Coin Figures
Bespin Han
Leia in Endor Gear
I'm just filling some gaps. These were released years ago but my local TRU never got all of them.
Nov 18th, 2005, 08:13:00 AM
Originally posted by Jedieb
My fellow seniors helped me find most of these figs. We trade figures at our AARP meetings. SUCKER!!! :evil
I will have my day Eb! Mark my words!:headbash
Nov 18th, 2005, 08:12:39 PM exclusive Covert Ops Clonetrooper (x3)
I'm going to open 4 of these. I have to say, the cards for these figures are beautiful!:cool
Nov 21st, 2005, 05:31:48 PM
Target Exclusive: Utapau Shadow Trooper (x2)
These are my openers. This pretty much closes the door on ROTS for me. Now I can start spending some time in the old SW Room getting stuff organized and displayed correctly. The place is a mess right now.
Nov 23rd, 2005, 12:43:35 PM
Been a little busy the last couple of days.
Code 3 Sculpted Poster: The Empire Strikes Back
Master Replicas FX Saber: Mace Windu
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno
III-59 Commander Gree (Visor Variant)
III-65 Tactical Ops Trooper
Target Exclusive: Utapau Shadow Trooper (x2)
SW Insider #85
Nov 23rd, 2005, 02:08:06 PM
Is your collection insured? If so, how often do you have to have it updated?
Nov 25th, 2005, 10:03:30 AM
My homeowner's policy should cover it. I try to update my inventory every 6 months or so. That's what this thread is for really. I just scroll through it and update my spreadsheet. I haven't made an update in well over a year though. I've got to get around to making an update. I also need to check with my insurance agent about update my policy. If we have a break in or a fire I could be screwed.
Nov 25th, 2005, 10:16:54 AM
Jedieb, do you own any of the Kotobukiya vinyl models? I've been debating buying one (Not much of a collector, but from pics on the web, they look gorgeous), but I'd rather not splash out the cash on something if it's not worth the money. :|
Nov 25th, 2005, 12:15:09 PM
I'll have to do the same with my collection someday. I have no idea what it's worth. I paid probably upwards of $3,000 for all my SW stuff, but I'm sure it isn't worth half as much on the market today.
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 25th, 2005, 02:58:30 PM
A lot of the first Unleashed figures are/were going for upwards of $60 a pop on ebay recently, but of course supply and demand determines those numbers.
I should ask my husband about his collection being insured... :uhoh
Nov 25th, 2005, 03:45:26 PM
Originally posted by Kyashi
Jedieb, do you own any of the Kotobukiya vinyl models? I've been debating buying one (Not much of a collector, but from pics on the web, they look gorgeous), but I'd rather not splash out the cash on something if it's not worth the money. :|
I don't have any of those , but I'm familiar with them. They're not my cup of tea, but some of them look pretty sweet. If you're thinking of looking into them you might try to find one particular figure on ebay. If it strikes your fancy then you've got something to put on your desk at work or home.
Originally posted by JMK
I'll have to do the same with my collection someday. I have no idea what it's worth. I paid probably upwards of $3,000 for all my SW stuff, but I'm sure it isn't worth half as much on the market today.
Whenever I figure a value for something I usually go with retail. For insurance purposes you can't go wrong with that approach. For vintage stuff I don't see why any of the many price guides around wouldn't suffice.
Nov 25th, 2005, 04:43:55 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
I don't have any of those , but I'm familiar with them. They're not my cup of tea, but some of them look pretty sweet. If you're thinking of looking into them you might try to find one particular figure on ebay. If it strikes your fancy then you've got something to put on your desk at work or home.
I just love how detailed looking they are. I own one Unleashed figure (AOTC Obi-wan), and I haven't bought any others because we either have none, or I just don't like them.
I looked the Kotobukiya ones up, and they're still fairly pricey on ebay. I'd definitely go for a Scout Trooper or one of the Clones. The Chewie and Jango Fett are also a possiblity, but I think a trooper will probably end up on my bookshelf :)
Nov 28th, 2005, 02:26:24 PM
III-57 Commander Bly
Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels by Stephen J. Sansweet and Pablo Hidalgo
This thing is massive! The only complaint I'd heard about it is that the reference photos were smaller this time than the first Chronicles book. This is evident early on, but I think it's understandable. With the prequels, there was a much more concerted effort to document everything than the first go around. That's not to short change the OT, because Lucasfilm kept some amazing archives with the OT, but everyone knew ahead of time that the prequels were going to be hugely successful and nearly every aspect of the production was going to be archived.
My son and I have only scanned the first 30 pages but I'm proud to say that he recognizes all of the planets and characters pictured so far. I'm so proud. :cool
Nov 29th, 2005, 09:32:19 PM
III-65 Tactical Ops Trooper
Nov 30th, 2005, 10:30:53 AM
The infant whilny farmboy and his ice princess sister are mine!
Seperations of the Twins
Owen & Leia
Obi-Wan & Luke
Nov 30th, 2005, 10:39:27 AM
What store did you find them at?
Nov 30th, 2005, 10:45:33 AM
I've seen em at Wal-Mart JMK. I'm sure you can find them at any store that carries Star Wars toys.
Nov 30th, 2005, 11:13:18 AM
They're suppose to be WalMart exclusives. They're coming packed in cases with 12 figures and a display box. 3 Obi-Wan, 3 Bail, and 6 basic figures. I've seen some of these include Tarkins and royal guards so this is a good chance for some people to catch up on some hard to find figures.
Nov 30th, 2005, 11:45:50 AM
Really? Wal Mart exclusives? Hmmm, I just might have to go check that out tonight when I go to work.
Nov 30th, 2005, 01:05:31 PM
I just had my mom scour 2 wal marts in her area...nada.
Dec 1st, 2005, 02:31:52 PM
My mom had to return something to a walmart that she visited yesterday and she scored the Separation of the Twins for me!
Dec 1st, 2005, 08:26:07 PM
Dec 2nd, 2005, 05:37:29 AM
I just hit our local Wal-Mart and while they had stocked everything else I didn't see these. It would have been neat too see though I doubt I would have bought them. They did have some other figures I hadn't seen including Tarkin, a Red Royal Guard and some Holo Figures.
As for other additions, I just scored some sweet Joe stuff but that will be getting its own thread very soon ;)
Dec 3rd, 2005, 12:26:58 PM
I got both of the Separation of the Twins figures at my Wally World today :rollin. They had 4 each of both of them, so the supply wasn't too bad. Plus there were some of the more obscure figures on the pegs, like Tarkin.
I'm just glad that the Twins figures were both the basic price at $4.77. After paying $12.99 each for the Target exclusives, this was a breath of fresh air. I know the Target exclusives all come with star cases, but that doesn't justify jacking the price up quite that high :\.
Dec 3rd, 2005, 03:30:47 PM
Lol, I snagged the last two Separation of the Twins figures from Wally World last night. Er....what are the Target exclusives?
Dec 3rd, 2005, 04:35:48 PM
There's been about almost a half dozen Target Exclusives:
Utapau Shadow Trooper (Target Exclusive)
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Duel at Mustafar (Target Exclusive)
Darth Vader - Duel at Mustafar (Target Exclusive)
Clone Trooper (Target Exclusive)
Darth Vader - Lava Reflection (Target Exclusive)
Dec 5th, 2005, 09:08:40 PM
III-65 Tactical Ops Trooper
III-68 Wookie Heavy Gunner
I got another Wookie Gunner because the first one I got had the mislabled insert (III-63 instead of III-68). I actually got 2 Tac Ops, but I gave one to the boy. When a 7 year old sees a fig and without any prompting says. "Wow Dad, the 501st!", you give him the damn figure!
Dec 6th, 2005, 08:33:40 AM
Damn straight!
Dec 6th, 2005, 03:14:42 PM
Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume Two
Dec 7th, 2005, 10:40:30 AM
Me too! The Saga is now complete, save for season sets of Droids and Ewoks and an official release of the Holiday Special!
Dec 7th, 2005, 11:21:25 AM
The saga is never going to be complete! ;)
Remember, there's 2 tv series while it may be complete in terms of what's out there right's not complete.
Dec 8th, 2005, 12:08:54 AM
yeh yeh yeh :)
Dec 8th, 2005, 07:54:52 AM
I saw that my local TRU brought in some of the new saga line (RotJ 001-006), but never bothered with RotS 57-68. Dillholes.
Dec 10th, 2005, 11:54:09 AM
Well, I got one of the Wal-Mart exclusive Clone Wars 3-packs, the one with Obi-Wan, Grievous, and Commander Cody. They had 4 of those. Absolutely none of the other pack, though, the one with Anakin, Saesee Tiin, and the clonetrooper. Hope I can manage to track a set down pretty soon.
And BTW, yucko, Wal-Mart, your toy section was a disaster this morning, somebody needs to clean it up :p.
Dec 11th, 2005, 07:50:28 PM
Force Battlers: Jango Fett
Dec 12th, 2005, 06:44:47 PM
Code 3 Sculpted Poster
Star Wars: A New Hope Style D
Dec 14th, 2005, 04:46:50 PM
SW Miniatures: AT-AT Imperial Walker
Dec 18th, 2005, 08:05:51 PM
Hideous Darth Vader X-Mas Figure (x2) :x
Dec 19th, 2005, 08:44:33 AM
I still can't believe they went through with that. That's going to be the Holiday Special of Star Wars collecting.
Dec 19th, 2005, 01:07:23 PM
The Saga figures have started hitting Canada before the U.S. You may actually get a headstart on us for a change.
Dec 19th, 2005, 01:09:22 PM
Yeah, that would be true - if I had any intentions of collecting that line. Which I don't. :)
Dec 21st, 2005, 10:06:13 AM
My parents just got in from Atlanta and brought me my Separation of the Twins figures as well as the Obi Wan Lava Reflections. Sweeeeeet.
Dec 23rd, 2005, 01:31:51 PM
Clone Wars Vol. 7: When They Were Brothers
Dec 23rd, 2005, 09:46:33 PM
So, didja see this?
As usual, a rip-off from the fan club price-wise, but I ordered the danged thing anyways, because it's one of their more sensible and interesting exclusives. A heck of a lot better than that pukey Vader Christmas ornament, that's for sure. :D
Dec 24th, 2005, 10:12:30 AM
Yeah, I ordered a couple. 3 of the figures are new scults so that's pretty sweet. I also wouldn't be surprised if the paint ops are a bit different on Zett.
Dec 24th, 2005, 11:07:15 AM
I laughed when I saw that. I haven't ordered yet but I may after Christmas.
Did anyone read the 'behind the scenes' part of Papanoida's bio? It's pretty funny and you could probably argue that there's a subtle reference to Lucas' opinion of Pres. Bush.
Dec 26th, 2005, 12:47:29 PM
Vintage MOC Lando Calrissian Skiff Guard Figure.
Sweeeeet. I've always wanted go get into these figs. :D
Dec 26th, 2005, 05:12:11 PM
Originally posted by JMK
Vintage MOC Lando Calrissian Skiff Guard Figure.
Sweeeeet. I've always wanted go get into these figs. :D
Nice...., you should get a case for it ASAP.
Titanium ARC 170 (large)
Titanium Speeder Bike
And a very Merry X-Mas to all. :)
Dec 26th, 2005, 10:25:20 PM
It came in a case. :)
She's a smart gal, that lady 'o mine. She went to legends action figures ( to pick it up. She wanted to get something from the ANH-ESB era but those figs were just too expensive. Can't say I blame her, they're outrageously costly.
Dec 31st, 2005, 03:07:18 PM
So, I was at Wal-Mart this morning and I saw 3 of the new Saga figures--Han Solo, Boba Fett, and Bib Fortuna. And I came to a surprising and slightly sad realization.
I'm done.
Collecting of SW action figures and toys is basically over with for me now. Now it's just going to be resculpts, repackages, yadda yadda yadda, nothing really new or worth getting excited over. Since I'm not a completist, now's as good a time as any to stop. Unless they come up with something really nifty and unique, say, something as original and fun as the Unleashed line, then I won't need any more room in my already cramped apartment (and storage area), and I'll have a little more cash flow as well.
Sad, but is done. :cry
Jan 1st, 2006, 04:23:51 PM
Originally posted by Jinn Fizz
So, I was at Wal-Mart this morning and I saw 3 of the new Saga figures--Han Solo, Boba Fett, and Bib Fortuna. And I came to a surprising and slightly sad realization.
I'm done.
Collecting of SW action figures and toys is basically over with for me now. Now it's just going to be resculpts, repackages, yadda yadda yadda, nothing really new or worth getting excited over. Since I'm not a completist, now's as good a time as any to stop. Unless they come up with something really nifty and unique, say, something as original and fun as the Unleashed line, then I won't need any more room in my already cramped apartment (and storage area), and I'll have a little more cash flow as well.
Sad, but is done. :cry
And this is why the line is slowly but surely heading towards a major rough spot. There just aren't enough pathological completists like me to keep it going indefinitely. But, I do think that the line will get a boost as soon as the animated and live action series get going. New characters and material will breathe some life into the line.
Jan 1st, 2006, 06:08:26 PM
It's going to become a niche thing for sure at some point. The 2 new series will get pushed big time. Then the next special editions from Lucas will spawn an entire new line of figures. Then there will be anniversary collections and other repacks. But Eb is right, there's not enough maniac completists out there to keep it in the mainstream forever.
I'm all but done too. Depending on how cool the new series look I may get in to those lines. But for now, I'll basically call it quits unless something special really grabs my eye. I'll also try to find the last 12 RotS figures but it won't be a big priority. Other than that I *may* delve a little more in to the vintage line at some point. That may become my long-term project for the future.
In the end, there's just so many different Vaders, Lukes, Hans etc figures that I can justify having. As it is I must have a dozen Darth Vader figures in the collection. How many do I really need? I can't afford to keep giving Lucas my money for essentially the same things in a different box.
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