View Full Version : Rraurrr!

Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 30th, 2005, 04:29:01 PM

Hello all. *ears twitch* What jis up, my prrrettjies?

edit: lol jI need a new sjig >_<

Navaria Tarkin
May 30th, 2005, 04:31:10 PM

yes you do my dear :)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 31st, 2005, 01:18:17 PM
jI'm stjill the most dangerrrous frrrjinge crrrjime boss!!

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 1st, 2005, 02:35:28 PM
not for much longer =^;^=

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jun 3rd, 2005, 02:42:22 PM
Please change my location to:

the Taapes District on Coruscant


Navaria Tarkin
Jun 3rd, 2005, 02:50:04 PM
Okay, I will post in group mods about that... but still need a better name for the default CT here :p

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 3rd, 2005, 03:02:06 PM
Perhaps Mindless Lackey?


Karuna Kaa
Jun 3rd, 2005, 03:55:15 PM
:lol I like it

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 4th, 2005, 11:07:27 AM
since no cares :p

going to change the CT here and redo Sass' and Sorsha's districts

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jun 6th, 2005, 11:12:34 AM
Sorry to pry, but was this name going to be made a mod? I remember you mentioning it...?

I could have made it up, though.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 6th, 2005, 03:39:38 PM
you're not a mod?


you were supposed to be... I go ask