View Full Version : Imperial Hospitality
Khendon Sevon
May 30th, 2005, 04:01:17 PM
The reinforced cell door slid open with a hiss and bright, cutting white light poured into the pitch-black room. A figure stood in the frame, body silhouetted by the blinding illumination.
The room was long and fairly thin. In the center a durasteel table proportioned to the room was bolted firmly to the ground. Metal chairs were on either side, one empty and the other occupied.
Khendon strolled into the room and examined the sedated, and heavily shackled, “patient.” A smile cracked on his lips and he placed his briefcase on the opposite end of the table.
“New file, case number three-three-five-one. Initiate anti-sedative stream.” A small droid emerged from the ceiling making a whomping sound as its micro-repulsors brought it closer to the unconscious man. A pinprick and hypodermic needle injected a flood of drugs.
Zabian Bal-Wandler
May 30th, 2005, 04:13:39 PM
His body, even though restrained, arched up terribly, like an inverted cat ready to strike. The pain that the needle produced was relentless and durasteel had no concious to stop its onslaught. The seering white hot pain shot through his body like a thousand daggers splintering throughout his torso, the liquid whatever it was was working against his defences quickly, and while being severed from the force Zabian, the Jedi Knight could do little to nothing about it.
' You will get nothing out of me!' Zabian screamed, his shreaks breaking the silence in an instant. Even when screaming those words you could hear that he was wavering in agoney, like he was on the edge of just pure pain, pure concentrated pain that could easily make a man do its bidding.
Pulling against the durasteel retraints did nothing but tear his skin, but compairing that to the liquid racing through his body, it was bliss.
Khendon Sevon
May 30th, 2005, 04:24:19 PM
The planes of Khendon’s face easily morphed into a grin of accomplishment. Pain was a step towards success. Through the struggle his patient would make it ultimately easier for his eventual turn away from the foolish teachings of the light. Just as the Alliance had betrayed the Empire, this fool would destroy his friend’s trust.
Information, that would come when the man was truly broken. Small steps first, then the lunge for the heart!
“Are you implying that there’s something to get out of you?” The Executor’s voice was low yet crisp and clear. “Pity, I was just doing this for fun.”
Khendon strolled over to his briefcase and spun it to face the Jedi. He popped the two latches and began humming to himself—the growls and flat tones sounded like a funeral anthem. “Let’s see what we have here,” he threw open the container.
Inside the case were a variety of rather rusty looking saws, hammers, torches, blades, clamps, and several other odd, twisted looking devices. A sterile bag contained gauze and tourniquets while another bag housed small coils of rope and strips of cloth.
“Double the dose,” Khendon spoke to the droid and it buzzed in response as it stuck another needle through the man’s flesh.
Zabian Bal-Wandler
May 30th, 2005, 04:41:18 PM
' You bastard!' Zabian roared, his eyes flashing red, his entire body was actually a hellish red as if the liquid inside burned every morsal of his body. His body painfuly arched upwards again this time with more tension as the liquid inside built to an extreme quantity. it was useless to resist it only made it even more paiful, Zabian had to look away, infact he probably did not even see the suitcase of gadgets and equiptment that his enemy had just brought in, he was to focused on drawing the force within him to resist, unfortuently, severed from the force it was impossible.
' Do you have-' His body shuddered violently, his eyes sqeezed together. '-Any idea what or who you're dealing with you dren! Aaah!'
Khendon Sevon
May 30th, 2005, 04:49:21 PM
Khendon frowned playfully, “Why don’t you use your Jedi teachings to rid yourself of this pain? It’s horrible, isn’t it? Inject Drug T4.” The droid followed the man’s commands and stuck another needle in.
“This is a personal favorite. Can you feel the drug beginning to eat away at your muscle fibers? That’s what that sensation is… your body is losing control. It’s interesting. Almost like a nerve gas this drug prevents the break down of Acetylcholine. As such, calcium continues to be released into your muscles.”
He laughed and shook his head, “The spasms will start soon, can you feel yourself losing control?” Khendon picked up a blade with serrations on both sides and approached the Jedi, “Try to relax, struggling will only make it worse.” Khendon connected the instrument into the torture droid and nodded his head. An articulated arm brought the dagger-like object within centimeters of Zabian’s flesh.
“As the spasms strike, this will be driven into your arm then taken out only to be moved a centimeter up. The repeated stabs will continue until they’ve reached your deltoid,” Khendon pointed to his own, “then the angle will change and the process repeat.”
Zabian Bal-Wandler
May 30th, 2005, 05:06:45 PM
' And there i was thinking-aaaahh, that, that you were one of the nice guys!' Zabian spurted sarcasticly his eyes now fixed upon the sharp object that undoubtibly was about to penertrate his body. A spasem, the blade cut cleanly into the Jedi's skin, blood seeped out from the wound, onto the table and then onto the floor like a waterfall of blood.
The first judder he could stand, that was painless due to it only being a spasem, the rotting of his muscels however was more painful than anything he had ever experienced, it was the thought of the blade slicing him over and over, making him bleed to death, not to mention that the slicing itself was more visible.
Blood dripped from his nose now, the liquid inside now burrowed deep within his lungs, his pain so horrible that his screams were now silent, his lungs dared not to spout sound, he dared not him him the satisfaction. His thoughts on the force, his mind set on one thing, to die before giving this man anything.
His mouth wide open, he continued to scream, another spasem undoubtibly on the way.
Khendon Sevon
May 30th, 2005, 05:17:28 PM
“I am one of the nice guys. I am one of the nice guys who keeps this Empire safe from treasonous scum like the Rebel Alliance,” he spat his last words with venom, “I am a patriot. Sir,” Khendon sat on the table and leaned closer to the man, “the Empire has always served its citizens. That is its goal! To keep them content and prosperous.
“Have you thought about the chaos that the so called rebellion has caused? Their acts of terrorism have damaged businesses, killed thousands of innocent lives, and condemned damned good soldiers to death! All so that they could take away the Emperor’s power and have it for their own! That’s not patriotism. That’s despotism at its finest!
“You’re a Jedi, are you not? You understand the need for control and discipline. That is what the Empire instills. We—” Khendon smiled and shook his head as the blade delved deep into Zabian’s arm, “we’re dedicated to serving our citizens.
“Answer me this, Zabian. Do you want to be a good citizen?”
Zabian Bal-Wandler
May 30th, 2005, 05:34:13 PM
'Y-You have no cause to hurt people in such a manner, you're so called-' Zabian spat blood, his chin turning a beautiful red, his eyes whirling slightly, but he kept focused. '-good citizenship means pain and suffering, pain and suffering, th-that i'm a perfffact' exsample of' Another spasem sent the Jedi another blow to his arm, the slade slicing deep into his skin, a skin that was once unblemished.
Blood dribbled nastily down his chin now, and onto his neck, his eyes were all but blank of expression and now he was less and less responding to the pain the toxins spurred in his body. As if the pain has finaly come to an end and his body has just given up, but there was life in it yet.
Another spasm and the knife slashed again, this time, the Jedi winsed, but the toxins seemed not to hurt him anymore, of course it did, but the Jedi did not show it, perhaps his nervous system has failed.
' What do you want?' The Jedi slurred, his eyes now adrift, but strengh still in there, lurking.
Khendon Sevon
May 30th, 2005, 05:46:27 PM
“Droid, inject counter agent. Increase pain reception. Pump him full of enough juice to keep him awake for a while. Keep up with the arm carving, it's entertaining.” The small black sphere did as it was ordered.
“By the way—“ Khendon hefted a durasteel mace from the briefcase and examined it up and down. It caught the light and tumbled it over its cylindrical form. The Executor shot the Jedi a vicious glance then smashed Zabian’s face with a long swipe, “I ASK THE QUESTIONS HERE!”
“You are a bad citizen, Zabian! You are a bad citizen! You don’t know your place or how to serve your government! Do you want to be a good citizen, Zabian!?” He jabbed the blood covered mace into the Jedi’s chest as he spoke, “Do you want to be a good citizen?” His voice became low again, more mellow.
“Does not your Jedi training lead you down a path of serving others for the greater good? Wouldn’t you be more of a help to the people under our government by helping remove the terrorists that kill our citizens? Don't you want to stop their pain, Zabian?”
Zabian Bal-Wandler
May 31st, 2005, 10:06:51 AM
The blunt mace caught him badly in the jaw, an audible crack ecoed the chamber with a terrible yelp from the Jedi. He was not going to talk at this level of torture, this was petty torture and Zabian would most likely die before being able to talk even if he wanted. This was not working, Zabian had been tought patience, it was a Jedi's faith to keep patience and acceptance, and to accept pain was something he had to do since The Battle of Geonosis where blaster fire had cought him in the back and thigh rendering him incapacitated for quite a while.
' H-hitting me in the mouth-' he spat again, this time more blood sprinkled down his jaw. ' -My friend does you no good, how ma-may i talk if you have stopped my jaw from moving?' It was at this that Zabian smiled. Zabian although a Jedi had always been sarcastic and pardon the pun, rebelleous, and never had he been in a situation where his wit and satire and not come into play and now would be no different.
Another spasm and the blade cut again, this time it was beginning to get repetetive and his arm was numbing to the pain. He looked terrible thought, his arms now drenched in blood and his face also covered in the sticky red liquid. The toxins inside were dumbing down now due to the counter aget in his body, his his muscel fibers were already failing on him.
Khendon Sevon
May 31st, 2005, 01:01:36 PM
Khendon tapped the mace against the durasteel table and cocked an eyebrow. He spoke with a lopsided grin, “Zabian, what did I say about questions? I’m trying to teach you something here! Break free of the oppressive Alliance!” The Executor smacked the blunt weapon into the Jedi’s ribs with a snapping motion.
“We’ll start again. Emperor Palpatine’s rule saw a time of enrichment for the galaxy. Through his vision individuals were placed in positions that best suited their skills! Of course there were those that didn’t want peace or direction—they were the ones that hid traitors and criminals, facilitated the deaths of innocent Imperial supports, bombed our garrisons and destroyed our youthful soldiers!
“The so called Alliance established terrorist cells to facilitate the demoralization of Imperial citizens! If the Emperor didn’t offer security, structure, and opportunity then why would so many people support him? Why would the Alliance have to use cloak and dagger tactics in an attempt to sway the people? The Emperor has always been open! The Alliance has not!
“Can you deny that the rebellion uses subterfuge? They have spies and assassins, smugglers and thieves. Is it all right to harm Imperials because of their political views? No! You know it’s not! Your teachings speak otherwise! You need to protect life!
“I ask again, Zabian. Do you want to be a good citizen? I can help you. You will have a true purpose, one that reflects your individuality and skills. Namelessness will not be your destiny; rather, you will be known, one who pushed aside the blindness of the terrorist Alliance and came to the light, to the truth of the Empire.
“You’d help people, isn’t that worth it, Zabian? Think of the people. You want to be a good citizen, don’t you?”
Zabian Bal-Wandler
May 31st, 2005, 02:53:56 PM
' Why don't you just kill me and have done with it...' His body pulsed, something in his body had just gave an awful dose of pain and his face showed it. Winsing and shaking at the same time it seemed that the Jedi had pushed the pain to the back of his mind, this time.
Who knew how much of this he could take?
' You're propaganda is sickning and hypercritical, you s-ah-speak of peace but you have me chained here like a beast, cutting me and injecting me with whatever fluid you have invented.' Zabians eyes looked dead, unfocused and certianly not all there, he looked as if he had left his mind to venture elsewhere and in effect thats what he had done.
His voice was there, but his mind concentrating elsewhere.
' Do, what you must, i will not submit to you're terror tactics, i have seen them all in the past young one, trust me.'
Khendon Sevon
May 31st, 2005, 03:18:26 PM
Khendon frowned and took a breath. The mace in his hand bashed into the droid’s articulated instrument and sent the serrated blade deep into the patient’s deltoid, drawing a well of blood. The officer stood nonchalantly and stretched. Artificial noises whispered in the virtual silence of the room. Electrical motors and devices caused a mild, layered humming sensation that one got used to rather quickly.
The Executor straightened his uniform and placed the mace back in the briefcase. “Droid, I don’t need you anymore. This patient is a failure.” The black-garbed officer took a short strand of well-woven rope from the container and ran it between his thumb and forefinger.
“Zabian, I’m sorry to hear that. I really am. You had the potential to save people, to make life better for so many. Instead, you’re being selfish and ignoring the needs of others. You’re no Jedi.
“Don’t worry, I’m a professional. I understand that people like you are often weak minded and can easily be influenced by the lies of the Alliance. Too bad, too, too bad.” Khendon moved behind the battered man and let the piece of rope dangle over the patient’s blood stained shoulder.
A slight smile quivered on Khendon’s lips as he took the ends of the string in both hands and tightened the garrote snuggly around Zabian’s neck. I might enjoy this more than any other part. “Dying for a false cause… it must make you feel empty. Just close your eyes, I’ll set you free.”
He crossed the two ends and applied pressure.
Zabian Bal-Wandler
Jun 4th, 2005, 12:32:29 PM
It was if something had been instantly stopped within his mind, concentration went from stopping the pain to trying to retrieve despretly what he always needed to survive, air. Nothing was going to be captured at this rate, his face turned a deep scarlet, blood rushed from every compartment of his body to supply his dying brain.
Talking would do no good, that would fule Khendons thirst to destroy and also use vital air already within Zabians lungs. If he had to die, then so be it but the safetly came from being in the know, would Khendon seriously kill the only man who knew vital stratigic positions on and around Endor?
It would be battle suiside to, they needed answers and Zabian knew he was the only one who could even utter there infomation they needed.
In a way,in a very odd way, Zabian had the advantage.
Khendon Sevon
Jun 4th, 2005, 06:03:44 PM
Khendon continued to tighten his hold on his prey. “You’re chest will soon begin to burn like a raging nova. That will be your body’s warning claxon as an excess buildup of carbon dioxide finds its outlet nonexistent. Your blood’s oxygen levels are lowering and all that remains is the byproduct of your life functions—a poison.
“Soon, parts of your body will start to shut down. Some areas, such as your brain tissue, will be in danger of permanent damage—don’t worry, you’ll only be fit for spare parts. Since you don’t want to be a good citizen, you might as well help them passively.
“Your heart and other vital organs will be harvested and distributed to needy military personnel harmed by terrorist activities.” The Executor planned on simply bringing his patient to unconsciousness. Then the full course of Imperial torture would begin.
Zabian Bal-Wandler
Jun 9th, 2005, 11:52:09 AM
With noway to grip the wire, nor a way to breath it was only a matter of time before the Jedi would fade. Darkness seeped into the Jedi's mind and his lungs burned like fire, reaching out for air to be transported to them.
But none would come.
With a quick jolt to his chest, the Jedi faded in a instant, his eyes rolled back and his reserved air finaly depleted, in his own mind he made peace with himself and the force, in that very instant, he made peace with himself.
And he slept.
Khendon Sevon
Jun 17th, 2005, 11:37:09 AM
Two cool fingers slid around Zabian’s neck and felt the intermittent bulges as blood passed through thin arteries to the Jedi’s brain. The beats were slow and constricted. A syringe was easily taken from the Officer’s pocket and slid into a waiting vein.
“Sleep, Fool. Sleep.” The Executor nodded at a concealed holocamera and events went into motion. A medical droid trotted in on thin legs and began attending the patient’s wounds, men dressed in blue coveralls entered and started cleaning the surfaces and polishing every surface. Soon enough the physical evidence of the torture would be gone.
“I want there to be no signs of his battery!” Khendon’s voice was chilly, like a restless storm.
“Yes, Sir,” the droid responded in its completely mechanical manner. The Executor hated machines mimicking life. They were frauds built to entertain a bastard idea. Flesh and bone could not be replaced with wires and algorithms. There was an essence that metal would never possess. To try was blasphemy.
The heavyset durasteel door slid with a serpent’s warning. Blinding light flooded into the completely pitch room and cut at every detail with whips of white. The only interruption of the pure spotlight was the black silhouette of a tall figure.
“Initiate anti-sedative stream.” Whomp, whomp, whomp. The steady sound of a droid’s repulsors indicated the torture machine’s decent. A hypodermic needle implanted neatly and liquid entered the restrained Jedi’s body.
Zabian Bal-Wandler
Jun 18th, 2005, 07:58:40 AM
Dreams of swimming, swimming in an ocean of blues and beautiful greens. It was hot, the breeze however kept him cool as he brest stroked through the water. it was marvellous, he had not swam in water since his near capture on the planet of Manaan.
It was-it...
The feeling was strange, the image was fading, as if he was being pulled away from the place he swam, he could feel a sharp tug at his navel before suddenly blackness over took him and he he was pulled into a room full of steel and gadgets. No longer the lush of an ocean.
In the blurr he recognized a man.
' Khendon...'
Khendon Sevon
Jun 18th, 2005, 08:12:52 AM
The door closed and internal lights kicked in to compensate. An electric buzzing noise permeated as the glow panels came to full power. Their mild yellow presented eerie shadows and highlights on the polished surfaces.
Khendon’s face was bathed in dark cloaks where light seemed to be absorbed and destroyed molecule by molecule. His figure, a shadow onto its own right, walked over to the table and set a briefcase down with a mild click of metal on metal.
“Executor Sevon. You will refer to me as Executor Sevon. Is that understood?” His voice was low, almost a growl, and coated with hatred.
The lighting was not substantial enough to show the contents of the case as its locks were popped and top flipped open. Instead, the Officer took what appeared to be a mace from the container and allowed it to catch the filthy light. His cold, stolid face examined the device as he turned it from side to side.
Zabian Bal-Wandler
Jun 18th, 2005, 01:56:58 PM
' You can con-continue this all you wish, but you will no good towoards your goal!'
His voice was harsh and meaninful, yet his voice also wiavered and juddered horribley
Khendon Sevon
Jun 18th, 2005, 02:14:26 PM
The whites of Khendon’s eyes sparkled underneath the intoxicating light as he walked towards his patient. A sound like nails on a chalkboard reverberated through the room as the Officer grated his mace against the durasteel table. Sparks flashed to life for an instant before rapidly cooling and dieing.
“Continue?” Mocking tones slid underneath his low growl of a voice, “I haven’t started yet.” A quick snap found the blunt weapon flying towards Zabian’s ribs and contacting with the force of a rancor.
Zabian Bal-Wandler
Jun 22nd, 2005, 07:58:02 AM
As the mace connected with Zabians ribs a flood of blood splattered from the Jedi's mouth like a fountain, most of it landed on Zabians chest but some landed on Khendons plush uniform as it sprang in droplets. There was no scream, no yelp, but Zabian struggled to breath.
His eyes wide and perhaps in a look on astonishment, his mouth was also wide open, a silent scream escaping the confines of the Jedi's body. He knew just from the feeling that a few ribs, maybe three had been crushed in that hit, and noone knew how far the man would go from here.
' I will kill you Khendon-i -i will get my revenge in time, my-my friend'' As he spoke he made no idea contact, but he meant it, he meant every word.
Khendon Sevon
Jun 23rd, 2005, 10:32:01 AM
The lines of Khendon’s face smoothly lifted into a sly, subtle smile. Silver eyes knowingly studied Zabian’s visage and shimmered with controlled mal intent. A free hand found the Imperial’s metallic collar clasp and undid the securing magnet. In a simple, flowing downward motion, the Executor opened his uniform shirt.
As Khendon worked on his cufflinks, eyes fixated on the task, he spoke, “Bal-Wandler, I believe I’ll give you this one chance to embrace your revenge. For, what am I if not just? I have done you wrongs, surely. It is time for you to strike me down. It is time, Zabian, to rise above these falsities and burn through with pure truth and spirit!”
The Imperial threw aside his shirt. Putrid, black Sith tattoos lined his contoured, muscular arms. The Officer looked around the narrow room and nodded slowly as he wrapped his fists in black tape from his briefcase. “Here is where you are reborn. A bright future awaits.”
The Force flooded into Khendon’s consciousness, he gestured towards his patient and the shackles and restraints fell away limply. “I am Khendon Heladune, blight to the Jedi, descendent of the great Jedi killers! I am the great Darth Malus! EXACT YOUR FOULED REVENGE!”
Zabian Bal-Wandler
Jun 23rd, 2005, 11:09:00 AM
'DARTH MALUS, YOU HAVE SEEN YOU'RE DAYS!' The Jedi had found his voice as the flood of the force engulfed his entire physical and bodily self like a wave of bliss. His body was aching all over but he managed to use the force to block out the majority of the pain slithering down his body.
In a flick of a wrist he pulled a sharpe blade from Khedon's briefcase and held it firmly in his hand. It was long, mianly for cutting thick skin and muscel and it was extremely sharp, it was a Lister Knife. With a quick motion Zabian swivled on his back, the sweat and blood used a lubricant on the steel and span quickly around so that his legs faced the Sith.
In a hard striking motion using the force the jedi kicked his leg out striking the Sith in the face his foot. it probaly didnt hurt the Sith at all but it would confuse him for the next move, quickly he rolled of the table wincing at the pain, landing in a croucing position.
Knife in hand.
Khendon Sevon
Jun 23rd, 2005, 11:12:17 AM
Khendon wiped a bit of spit away from his mouth and broken into a hearty laugh. His entire body shook in amusement. He finally allowed the mirth to melt away, though a sliver of a smile remained on his moist lips.
Zabian Bal-Wandler
Jun 23rd, 2005, 11:14:00 AM
Zabian shook his head, first move would be the Siths.
' You know my law, strike and me and i defend myself, till then, its you;re call, but i warn you, do so, and i will kill you for you're Sith crimes.''
Khendon Sevon
Jun 23rd, 2005, 11:29:26 AM
Khendon spread his arms in mild placation, “You already struck me first.” He was finding this entire encounter amazingly enjoyable.
“Are you going to attempt to argue that away with some broken logic? Oh, I tortured you. Cry about it. You are going to let some law dictate your life!? How foolish. How absolutely foolish!
“You are a man! Or, at least, I thought you were. You command your own self! No one tells you what to do! Haven’t you always felt that way? That is how you feel, isn’t it?
“I bring justice to an unjust galaxy! Just as you do! You kill Imperials because they harm you, that is justice! Yet, does it not go against your training? Shouldn’t you at least attempt to bring your convoluted truth to them and see if they’ll change? Isn’t violence a last resort?
“No. Not for you. You’re just like me, Zabian. You understand that only through power and pain can there be peace. Embrace your truth, Bal-Wandler! EMBRACE IT!”
Dark tendrils wrapped around Khendon as his mind began working through the motions of the possible fight to come. His muscles relaxed and lungs rhythmically pumped his body full of life rich oxygen. The Sith was ready in his own way.
Zabian Bal-Wandler
Jun 27th, 2005, 08:52:17 AM
For a moment it looked as if Zabian would listen to Khendon, he could see the hopefulness on the Siths face, he could see a sign that Khendon really wanted Zabian to turn and for a spilit second Zabian almost trusted in it.
Instead he broke out into a smile.
' Bye, bye. It really was a pleasure' Zabian, who had made sure he had swivled of off the rack to make himself closer to the door spun on his heel and used the force to unbolt the door from the otherside, the electrics seemingly crackled horribly and the door slid open.
The gaurd outside was the first to go where the lister knife came in handy. The gaurd fell back, blood running from his leg, the knife dug in securly into the troopers upper thigh where Zabian had flicked it. It was here that Zabian was skilled, the Jedi Knight lept onto the wall to confuse the Sith and with a quick kick, bounced from the wall to land outside of the room.
Avoiding any eye contact with the Sith the jedi began his sprint (as much as his pain would allow) down the hall of the Prison block, taking out any gaurd that came into his path with martial art.
Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2005, 02:31:53 PM
Khendon sighed heavily. Yet another Jedi would find the maze of the Imperial detainment facility an end of the line. The officer took a thin datapad from his briefcase and ran his hand over the delicate face. Information scrolled across the screen and cast a mild red glow in the room.
The Sith walked out of the questioning chamber, an eye found the injured guard, “A medic will be on his way soon. You shouldn’t have let him go. Four lashings.”
Khendon continued walking casually down the hallway, stoic as ever. A tracking device buried deep within Zabian’s bone marrow ensured that the entire facility knew his exact location. The Imperial prison instantly went into action.
Loud shuttering sounds signaled the rapid shutting of lights around the Jedi. All external doors sealed and blast protection activated. The barracks went to full alert.
A crimson eye stirred in the darkness around Bal-Wandler before disappearing. A stormguardsmen’s rifle leveled at the would-be-escapee and fired a hail of scarlet energy. At the same time another trooper magnetically descended from a panel in the ceiling and began taking aimed shots at the Jedi.
Khendon had personally trained the pair of executioners as members of the elite stormguard squad. Each was armed with specially designed exo-armor, fast-acting neural implants, and a vast array of deadly weapons.
The literal wall of energy instantly appeared around the Jedi and closed in like a deadly noose. There was no escape.
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