View Full Version : Operation Fishing Trip

Darth Viscera
May 29th, 2005, 06:10:08 PM
The rebels have attacked the Death Star and killed the Emperor and Darth Vader, so once we've got everything together, we have to stage an attack in order to show them that we're not off balance and still very deadly and whatnot. Mon Calamari is the most significant planet in the Rebellion, so it will be our target.

First we will dispatch a special operative in order to sabotage one of Mon Calamari's shield generators. Once the shield generator has been destroyed, a coded signal will be dispatched, which will be the cue for the Imperial fleet to jump to Mon Calamari. When the fleet arrives at the planet, it will open fire.

The Mon Calamari, as we all know, live underwater. The effect of the turbolaser blasts against the ocean will be similar to dropping magma in a pot of water. After enough firing, the ocean will begin to boil, and all the Mon Calamari living underwater will be boiled alive. Then their corpses will rise to the top.

The sheer violence and symbolism of this deadly attack will go a long way towards demoralizing the rebels, in that they will see the boiling of the Mon Calamari as a metaphor of the boiling of the Rebellion, and how eventually, all of their corpses are going to come to float at the top of the ocean, cold and lifeless.

May 29th, 2005, 07:00:39 PM
Genocide. I like it.

Darth Viscera
May 29th, 2005, 07:33:58 PM

I am an expert at psychological warfare.

Telan Desaria
Jun 3rd, 2005, 01:44:48 PM
Desaria will have his own hunting expedition . After mopping up at endor, he has Rebels to hunt.

Travis North
Jun 3rd, 2005, 02:25:02 PM
Never had boiled salmon before.

Teleran Balades
Jun 4th, 2005, 07:18:39 PM
Baked salmon is actually my specialty meal. I'll do the cooking

Telan Desaria
Jun 6th, 2005, 06:44:30 PM
I\m allergic to all of your sea food.

Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 11:42:09 AM
Alright, I've got some more info on this battle.

Khendon's DSD and my ISD will emerge from hyperspace just outside Mon Calamari. Resistance should be light-the rebel fleet having been nearly destroyed at Endor. Now, Mon Calamari is protected by a planetary defense shield which should be easy to detect - we'll simply have to lock on to the strongest power source and triangulate its location. Seeing as how they are Mon Calamari, the generator is likely located underwater. Upon our arrival in the system, myself and a battallion of seatroopers will descend to the planet in dropships, landing as close as possible to the location of the shield generator. We'll battle our way to the shield generator, myself wearing a rebreather so I don't drown, then we'll plant charges, blow the crap out of it, disengage and return to the dropships, then to the Star Destroyer.

During this operation, Khendon and his squadron of TIE Defenders piloted by clone trooper pilots will provide air support. His job will be to make sure that nothing larger than a Mon Calamari gets in the way of the seatroopers, so that we have a clear path to the generator. The modifications to a TIE Defender so that it can operate in ocean conditions probably needn't be extensive.

Depending on the tactical situation once the generator is down, myself and Khendon may return to the bridges of our respective Star Destroyers, or we may shoot up some more innocent people in our TIEs and use them to spot targets more accurately for the Star Destroyers once the bombardment begins.

When the Star Destroyers begin the bombardment, we'll want to cause as much terror and panic as possible. Primary bombardment targets are population centers and the communications grid. Secondary targets are the transportation infrastructure and economic centers.

If and when the Rebels are able to reply with overwhelming force (unlikely considering the state of their fleet), we will disengage and return to Imperial Center. If everything goes according to plan, we will have inflicted millions of casualties and scared the pants off of the Rebels before having to disengage.

Tear? Travis? Teleran? You in? There's enough innocent victims to go round!

Bette Davis
Jun 20th, 2005, 11:52:10 AM
*tap tap* Is this thing on?

I think that the first order of business is streamlining the imp forums, then making sure everyone has access where they should have access, and THEN planning a fishing trip. :)

Its easier to plan when all involved can read the plans.

Darth Viscera
Jun 20th, 2005, 12:01:03 PM
I've given Captain Val Tellerson access to this command center so that he can advise us on his Star Destroyer's ability to contribute to this operation and which assets he can provide.

Darth Viscera
Jun 21st, 2005, 09:31:19 AM
In trying to arrange this RP with the rebels I found out that apparently they have only 1 active RPer of the sort who'd be able to participate in this with us, Lion, and he's apparently inactive or busy. So I'm trying to figure out if they'd be agreeable to using any of the other 12 navy or army rebels they have in their list.

Tal Kellison
Jun 21st, 2005, 08:48:23 PM
How soon after the battle of endor is this reprisal going to take place?

Darth Viscera
Jun 22nd, 2005, 02:59:28 AM
do you ask because your character is off doing something else right now and you don't want to RP that he's in two different places at once? if so, it takes place after whatever RP you're doing now.

Darth Viscera
Jun 24th, 2005, 03:52:21 PM
brought the RP concept up with the rebels: check
Shadow Squadron: check
Rogue Squadron: likes the idea (6/24), mulling it over...

latest proposal (6/24):

The rebel fleet is stretched thin due to the battle of endor, and Mon Calamari is a strategically important planet due to its shipyards, which are the one source of rebel-built ships in the galaxy. Now, to prevent the Imperials from shutting down the entire Rebel shipbuilding capacity in one strike, the Rebels have hidden these shipyards in the Akari belt, an asteroid field, and use ships armed with tractor beams to fly into and out of the belt, sort of like mining your harbor and having a Navy helmsman guide each ship in or out safely. Imperial Intelligence has been trying for years to locate these shipyards, because the empire would love to shut down rebel shipbuilding. In the last two weeks, Imperial Intelligence has finally managed to infiltrate the shipyards, and has sent back a report to Imperial Center with their location, and the specific course you have to take into the Akari belt to reach them. Darth Viscera, Khendon Sevon and Tal Kellison take a look at this report, and their 3 Star Destroyers fly off to Mon Calamari to raid the shipyards and also bombard the civilian population.

When the Imperial raiding party arrives at Mon Calamari, Kellison's Star Destroyer starts making for the shipyards, and he launches Shadow Squadron to fly in and knock out the shipyards. Meanwhile, back on Mon Calamari, the rebel sensors have detected the arrival in-system of 3 star destroyers. The rebels send out an urgent call for assistance, and Rogue Squadron scrambles to intercept Shadow Squadron's attack. Visc gathers up a battallion of stormtroopers and descends in dropships to attack the Mon Calamari planetary shield generator, which is located inside a hardened Rebel facility, while Khendon Sevon pilots a squadron of TIE Defenders to provide support for the troopers and take out anything larger than a rebel trooper. The Imperial strike team manages to fight its way towards the shield generator, and blows the thing up, then returns to their dropships and flies back up to their Star Destroyers, the two of which begin bombarding targets with a sizable population density.

Shadow Squadron and Rogue Squadron are duking it out inside the Akari belt, and you would work out with the Shadow Squadron people who wins and the fate of the shipyards. When the Rebel reinforcements arrive, the Imperial raiding party has to fight its way out of the system, and returns to Coruscant. The End.

Darth Viscera
Jun 30th, 2005, 09:05:03 PM
Here is the most updated description of the RP I've yet come up with. It's a 90% finished draft of the first post of the thread, where Espaa is briefing everyone.


The Raid on Mon Calamari

“And I shall tell you now what the real evil is.
To cringe to the things that are called evils,
to surrender to them our liberty, in defiance
of which we ought to face any hardship.”

Senator Myan Roo of Tharax, Thunderous Applause, RY24982

Espaa Museveni looked out at the assembled officers and men, mainly pilots and stormtroopers. The majority of the pilots shimmered blue in their seats, mere holographs transmitted from the Termagent or the Death's Advocate.

“The Rebellion has made a critical error, and the time for our attack has come,” he said. “Some time ago, an Imperial Intelligence operative infiltrated the hidden rebel shipyards near Mon Calamari, and was able to smuggle back to us its precise location, deep within the Akari belt.”

The hemisphere-shaped holo-generator in the center of the briefing room whirred as it powered up, and the shimmering blue image of a large shipyard sprang to life. The shipyard was surrounded by asteroids which seemed to fly by in free fall. Mysteriously, the shipyard appeared undamaged.

“As you can plainly see, none of the asteroids are impacting against the shipyard. Our analysts have determined that it is a complex tractor beam system which keeps these asteroids safely at bay. The tractor beam generators are believed to be located here, here, here and here.”

Red squares appeared to overlay the precise points on the holograph of the shipyard where the generators were believed to be installed.

“Shadow squadron, supported by Epsilon and Mu squadrons will fly into the Akari belt and knock out the shipyard's tractor beam generators. Afterwords, the asteroids will finish the job for us.”

The holographic representation of the shipyard showed the red-overlayed tractor beam generators clicking off after a series of small explosions. Within seconds, a series of asteroids collided with the shipyard, which exploded into fiery debris.


Dozens of hands went up. Espaa pointed to one, a pilot transmitting via holo from the Termagent. “You.”

“How the hell are we supposed to navigate an asteroid belt?”

Espaa nodded and pushed a button on his console. A new holo sprang to life, this one a large representation of a TIE Interceptor.

“Your TIE Interceptors have been fitted with tractor beams for the duration of this mission. This should afford you full protection against any asteroids you may encounter head-on. To avoid collisions from all other sides, you'll have only your piloting skills, so be alert.”

He pointed at another pilot who had his hand raised. “You.”

“Once the rebels see that we're making a beeline for their only shipyard, what kind of resistance can we expect from them?”

A new image appeared on the holo-projector, this one a 3D tactical overlay centered on the 3 star destroyers.

“This is going to be a two-pronged assault. While the starfighter force - designated Switch group - attacks the shipyards, another force - designated Bait group - will land on the planet and knock out the shield generator. A ground element composed of a battallion of stormtroopers from the Invictus and led by myself will fly in aboard Sentinel-class landing craft, fight our way towards the shield generator and plant charges on it, and then evacuate to the landing craft and return to the Invictus. Meanwhile Black Thorn squadron, from the Death's Advocate and led by Executor Sevon, will fly cover for us and knock out any heavy defenses we may encounter en route to the target. Once the shield is down, the Invictus and the Death's Advocate will begin bombarding population centers planet-side, with secondary targets being the communications grid, transportation infrastructure and economic centers, while the Termagent stands by to provide counter-starfighter fire. We hope that this attack will divert rebel forces from attacking Switch group with all their resources.”

He pointed at another pilot who had a question. “Go ahead.”

“What if the rebels manage to send in reinforcements?”

“In the event that the rebels are able to mount a counterattack with enough resources that we can't stand up to a protracted fight, we will stay in-system long enough to accomplish our two primary objectives - attack the shipyard, and bombard the planet - and then fight our way out, enter hyperspace and arrive here, at our rally point in the Delmon system. Intelligence, however, deems this unlikely, given the recent unreplacable losses the rebel fleet endured at Endor.”

By now, there were no more questions.

“Alright, good luck, and good hunting.”