View Full Version : People in Black Sun Post Here

Navaria Tarkin
May 29th, 2005, 09:03:35 AM
I need the name of the character that is going to be part of the group to give proper access when the Sisters board gets converted.

for me ... Miranda Tarkin

Dasquian Belargic
May 29th, 2005, 09:04:22 AM
Karuna Kaa :)

Jade Doment
May 29th, 2005, 09:09:21 AM
Jade Doment

Kelt Simoson
May 29th, 2005, 09:10:06 AM
Kelt Simoson :)

Grym Kandle
May 29th, 2005, 09:10:15 AM
This where we post to join? Because I'd like to have this character join Black Sun but I haven't seen much on how to join...

Regardless, Grym Kandle, if I'm doing this right. :D

Navaria Tarkin
May 29th, 2005, 09:12:30 AM
One of Two ways -

one - Your Character is preexisting within the organization so you would get access right away. Did you do a backstory yet?

two - he can join up when the board gets started through RP. up to you :)

May 29th, 2005, 11:55:30 AM
Nyax Imotep

Lilaena De'Ville
May 29th, 2005, 12:14:36 PM
Sasseeri Reeouurra.


Mandy with an I
May 29th, 2005, 08:02:09 PM
Dae Jinn (unless I have access already o_O)

May 30th, 2005, 10:41:44 AM
Add this account as well.

I will be RPing him as a Black Sun assassin.

Sorsha Kasajian
May 31st, 2005, 12:10:13 PM
Sorsha Kasajian
Tirsa Krylana
Black Sun Rodians

(ps - grrrr, someone snurched Chiba District while I was stuck offline.)

May 31st, 2005, 11:33:55 PM
Magnus is now Bullseye. Just a name change I had so I thought I'd give a head's up :)

L'Vek Darkivven
Jun 3rd, 2005, 06:50:16 PM
I would like this character to join the Black Sun in the near future. This character is a freelancer with no chosen specialty (Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, etc.) as of yet.

Send a PM to either this character or Travis North, when a "recruitment" RP can be arranged. If a bio is required I shall write one up.

Jun 4th, 2005, 12:28:23 PM
I was thinking of Rping my character building up a small shipping company from scratch. I havent been able to use this character much and have left him on the shelf for along time. If it is possible and ok with everyone, I would like to join Black Sun and work on this shipping company within the organisation.

If this is ok, could someone contact me and let me know, and tell me if there is anything I need to do to start off.

Bambi Maddox
Jun 4th, 2005, 07:01:43 PM
Bambi Maddox (Formerly The Ace of Hearts)

- Would someone be interested in rping my recruiter as per this scenario:


Disenchanted exotic Dancer of the "Laughing Monk". After a latenight conversation over bourbon and a glimmerstim with an unconfirmed (but much rumoured) assassin of the Black Sun - Bambi Maddox, smiles into the dark, inviting eyes of opportunity as he buys her another round and perhaps a chance for a career change that will alter her life forever.
(post taken from Character Reset Database thread)


ps) Doestn't have to be a "he". That detail can be changed.

Jun 4th, 2005, 08:23:00 PM
I was wondering if I could join also. I work for General Devious from time to time. But I am mostly a freelance bounty hunter assasin and jack of all trades. I work for the money. My character use to work for the Eye of the Dragon in the long ago. But working for Dalamar has gone stale and there is money to be made.

Also if you reject me I will hunt every last one of you down.

Thank you for your consideration. :D Hi Tark...:lol

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 6th, 2005, 03:38:44 PM
Please keep this thread for new members requesting access to the private forum.

All other OOC or IC queries, please make a new thead.

Thank you :)

Tasha McTallen
Jun 6th, 2005, 07:37:28 PM
Tasha McTallen

Darth Lucid
Jun 18th, 2005, 08:59:02 AM
(These two have been okayed by sorsha as far as I know.)

Gerbo Lang

Formerly a small time smuggler and information dealer between the planets of Ruten and Duros for the black sun. He is still currently member but isn't called on that often. Rescently he was highered by Duro as body guard and also to bring the Duro to the Black sun.

OW outcast

Former crimelord of the Outcast crime family on Duros. His major goals when he was head of his crime family was to keep the sun from trying to run the underground market on Duros. He was a thorn in Xizors side until Xizors death.

OW's father was a senator for Duros up until it was disolved at wich point he was assinated by the empire. The rest of OW family was hunted down and arrested by the imps for being rebel sympathizers. OW excaped posing as a small homeless child and became vagrant until he came across Gerbo Lang an Information dealer for the sun.

No one in the sun knew exactly what OW looked like for everytime they came to meet with him when he was still a crimelord meet one of his relatives impersonating him. He did this not for fear of his death but for fear of ridicule. OW stands 3ft 5 and resembles a duro child more so then a full grown adult (most duros stand 6 to 7 ft tall).

Now he has come to the sun hoping they will help him regain his crimelord statis.

Jun 22nd, 2005, 02:54:54 PM
Prebis needs in, please.

Clive Jerrard
Jun 24th, 2005, 02:54:52 PM
I'm not part of BS yet, persay, but Kitty and have devised a plan where eventually Clive and his partner Raunkks get sucked in.
