View Full Version : Jedi in the New Timeline

Figrin D'an
May 26th, 2005, 09:36:51 PM
I started this discussion at the GJO board, but I wanted to post it here as well, for all to read.

First of all, I wish to state that, despite the very decentralized structuring of RP for Jedi characters that is going to come about, the GJO board will still be the home for all Jedi RPers to ask questions, organize stories and solve issues that arrise. In that respect, we will remain very much the same. Anyone who will be playing a Jedi character, be they current members of GJO or not, is encouraged to use the revamped board for whatever Jedi-related RP needs that might arrise.

This said, I feel its going to be important to establish some grounds rules for character backgrounds and such, for the sake of continuity. Now, before anyone rushes to judgement and gets upset because potential plans you may have made don't match up with these ideas, please hear me out, and remember these are only my suggestions.

Many of us are intending to play characters that were either Jedi or Jedi-in-training during the time of ROTS and the Jedi Purge. This will provide some fascinating storyline opportunities, but it could also present some consistency issues, ones that I would preferably like to solve before everything gets rolling in earnest. These include:

- Ranks... everyone is being given the opportunity to retain their existing character ranks in the new timeline if they wish. However, please try to keep it realistic. For example, don't claim your character was a member of the Jedi Council before/during the Purge. Additionally, please keep in mind ages relative to your ranks. If you wish for your character to have achieved the rank of Jedi Master, so be it. However, do a little math before you figure out your character's age. There is approximately a 23-24 year gap between the events of ROTS and the end of ROTJ. If wish to have your character be 40 years old in the current timeline, then your character would have been about 17 at the time of the Purge. Being a Jedi Master, or even a Jedi Knight, of the Old Republic is simply not realistic in this instance. For some perspective, the youngest Jedi to every achieve the rank of Master was Yoda, at approximately age 29 (according to EU sources). The younger your character is to be in the new timeline, the less experience you will need to build into their personal history.

- Contact with other Jedi... again, there is freedom built into this, but keep it realistic. For example, don't claim that your character lived and trained with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tattooine for 10 years while Luke was growing up. Not gonna fly. Saying something more akin to "had intermittent contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi" would be more acceptable. Please try to avoid mucking up the existing history, up until the agreed upon Battle of Endor changes, as much as possible. Remember, everyone has to share this history, and the more the canon story is complicated by direct tie-ins, the more messy and confused things become.

- Training... it's assumed that Jedi characters will either train by themselves in their exile, or perhaps have master/apprentice pairings. Remember, there are no large organized Jedi groups, at least at first. The Empire is still in power, and the Jedi are still "all but extinct." Beyond Luke, Yoda, and Obi-Wan, no other Jedi are even known to exist in the modern era, at least as far as the major factions are concerned. There may be rumors, perhaps some unsubstaniated accounts of Jedi activities, but nothing concrete. The key here is "exile." This implies being low-key, at least in the initial stages of the new story arc.

- Abilities... even if you plan on being a Jedi Master in the new timeline, please keep in mind that years of hiding from the Empire and the Sith is not the most conducive atmosphere to maintaining ones abilities. Training in solitude is different from training at an Academy dedicated to the Jedi arts. Be realistic about how much your character could have developed in the years since the Purge, and remember that even for an experienced Jedi, one can't simply shake off the dust after all that time and suddenly be one of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy overnight.

I know a lot of this may seem obvious, or perhaps restrictive, but I'm simply asking that Jedi characters be realistic considering the new timeline. It'll be a tough time to be a Light Side Force-user, even with Vader and Palpatine dead. Play it out that way, and our new storyarcs will begin much more smoothly.

Please feel free to add ideas/concerns for discussion.

May 27th, 2005, 12:27:29 PM
I'd like to chip in a bit of an opportunity to allow the Jedi to still have a main meeting/training/living place, as having interaction with other Jedi, especially for Padawans, is important to group RP.

The planet of Nehantish is my own creation, and I am restructuring its history a little to allow for the backwards time shift. During the Clone Wars, it was invaded and taken control of by Palpatine's trooper crew. Before that time, the Nehantites had never gotten any contact with any off-worlders, and had no real space program. They were repressed and very badly treated, but about ten or twelve years before the current timeline they revolted, and were actually able to kick the Empire off the planet for good, while retaining the technology they were left.

They are now a somewhat xenophobic people, but J'ktal Anajii, having entered into Jedi training himself, has opened his rather palacial manor to other Jedi as a secret living and training place. Imagine the X-Mansion, but with a more arabic flavor, if you will. Those who want a more stable place to live can choose to live in his manor, and it'll be a well-provided-for life. But, on the flip side, you'll stand out like a sore thumb among a race that resembles mongooses, fur and all.

While the Jedi might attract attention on the planet's surface, so violent and effective was the Nehantite rebellion against the Empire that plans to re-take the planet were scrapped, as the desert world was deemed to be just not worth it.

As far as daily life on Nehantish's capitol city goes, imagine New York in the 1960's. There are few speeders, but there are automobiles as we know them, for oil is in abundance. Technology, while it is there, isn't terribly abundandt, and once you leave the city limits, you head into a lot of wasteland with pockets of small, far less developed towns and farming communities.

Just thought I'd offer up the ability for at least a temporary centralized base. J'ktal, being a Death-Shadow, likes to be on the cutting edge of technology, so if there are things you want to have available at the manor, I'm sure it can be arranged.

Let me know if you're interested.

Drin Kizael
May 27th, 2005, 01:14:54 PM
This sounds pretty well conceived. But you lost me a little at this part...

Originally posted by Mitch
While the Jedi might attract attention on the planet's surface, so violent and effective was the Nehantite rebellion against the Empire that plans to re-take the planet were scrapped, as the desert world was deemed to be just not worth it.

If Palpatine had any reason to suspect that Jedi were congregating in a city, especially on a backwater planet with retrograde technology and no resources he cared about ... he'd just level it from orbit. You don't need to land troops if you're not interested in capture.

So this setup by the world's leader would have to be a VERY carefully guarded secret. Perhaps a safe haven for Jedi could be rumored, but not widely enough to catch attention. Of course, now that Palpatine is dead, they might feel brave enough to let the rumors grow a little stronger. Chances are, the new Empire won't be as obsessed about the Jedi.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 27th, 2005, 02:05:16 PM
I think the thought was that the Empire is disregarding the planet, and therefore doesn't pay attention to it.

There might be a slight rumor on planet, but I doubt it would be anything worthy of looking into.

May 27th, 2005, 03:22:47 PM
Even still in this new timeline I think to keep things on the downlow if your a Jedi would be wise. Check out the new character descriptions nearly all the dark Jedi or Sith hunt Jedi :p

If theres even a rumor they hear about a haven for Jedi it'll be like hunting season.

Kieran Devaneaux
May 27th, 2005, 03:29:47 PM
I also gave an idea for a Jedi haven - my character Kieran's homeworld of Reydovan Prime, which in my writings was relatively obscure even during the days of the Republic. It's in the Outer Rim, just before you head into the Unknown Regions. It developed its own defensive force (based, somewhat, on technology used in the game Homeworld 2), relatively small but enough to be noticable.

Also, a couple questions: One, with both Palpatine and Vader dead, who is the Emperor, if there is one? Two, Kieran (currently Jedi Padawan) is 23, and his father Artimus (Sith Apprentice) is 41; would they remain pretty much where they were, or would Arty, being somewhat older, be just a tad higher? And finally, one of my characters is a clone of another; can I still use that?

Tiberius Anar
May 27th, 2005, 03:31:59 PM
No one at the moment. We on the Imp side are working on it. RIght now you can assume that the Moff's will be running the show with some central co-ordination from Anar and Miranda Tarkin on Coruscant. The Empire will be very much alive, kicking and willing to kill Jedi. Don't get any ideas.

Figrin D'an
May 27th, 2005, 03:45:05 PM
I should mention that there will eventually be a Jedi Enclave, a secret gathering place for all Jedi to meet and discuss the current status of the galaxy, the war, etc. This will be hosted at the Jedi board (formerly GJO), but it's not going to exist right away. It's going to be a step in the natural progression of the overall storyline. Eventually, there may be a Jedi Council of sorts, perhaps made of representatives from various Jedi sects/cells that end up forming. But it is all dependent upon how things develop.

Morgan Evanar
May 27th, 2005, 03:47:56 PM
We really need to get away from the idea of centerally located Jedi post-haste. The main reason Yoda was able to remain hidden for so long was the shadow of the Dark Jedi who he had run down on Dagobah. The last place Vader wanted to return to was Tatooine, and Obi-Wan was never the strongest with the Force to begin with.

Navaria Tarkin
May 27th, 2005, 03:52:37 PM
Honestly... at first the Jedi are going to be scattered, but we were hoping as time progressed and more of the Jedi came out of hiding, eventually a meeting place would occur.

Now if there are a few Jedi living together for safety, that could work depending on where they are hiding, but for the most part everyone is scattered in exile with little to no contact.

With the Emperor and Vader gone, here is the chance to seek out their fellow Jedi ... in the future I could see a common ground but at first it would be finding one another and plotting quiet like ... :)

Just my thoughts tho

Anbira Hicchoru
May 27th, 2005, 04:05:49 PM
I see it happening kind of like the survivors of the superflu rallying together in The Stand.

Morgan Evanar
May 27th, 2005, 04:20:07 PM
Right, but to start we do not want more than a Jedi or two aware of each other. Ignorance is saftey.

May 29th, 2005, 06:42:49 AM
I found this while browsing around earlier:
After the war, when Palpatine had fully ascended to the title of Emperor of the New Order, the Jedi were hunted down and destroyed as enemies of the Empire. Dozens of young students fled to Belsavis, where Jedi Master Plett sheltered them. link (http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/callista/)

Eluna Thals
May 29th, 2005, 03:08:54 PM
Anbira will be living on Felucia and eating bugs and mushrooms until somebody bumps into him. So if you see somebody wearing dilapidated stormtrooper armor and chest-length hair and beard, its him :cool

Terran Starek
May 30th, 2005, 11:19:23 PM
This is a difficult process, but it's really interesting. Do we factor in any time consideration for rank? Example: Terran was about to be appointed a Jedi Knight before I took a involuntary vacation (which really sucked) from the boards. He was about 22. Roughly 20 years later, Terran is at least pushing 40. Would he be a Jedi Knight at this point?

I'm not trying to magically gain a rank, I just want to be sure I get all my story points right. :)

May 31st, 2005, 12:16:44 AM
Would it be alright for a Jedi Knight who survived the Clone War to find members of the Rebellion to harbor him?

Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2005, 01:08:45 AM
Yes. He'd be about 45.

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2005, 02:37:48 AM
Originally posted by Terran Starek
This is a difficult process, but it's really interesting. Do we factor in any time consideration for rank? Example: Terran was about to be appointed a Jedi Knight before I took a involuntary vacation (which really sucked) from the boards. He was about 22. Roughly 20 years later, Terran is at least pushing 40. Would he be a Jedi Knight at this point?

I'm not trying to magically gain a rank, I just want to be sure I get all my story points right. :)

You are whatever rank you were before the reset (Padawan, in this case, I think?). To avoid being a 45 year old Knight, you could always tweak his history somewhat. We are going back in time, after all... you could just transpose the character so that you're 22 when the story kicks off.

Navaria Tarkin
May 31st, 2005, 03:26:28 PM
Would it be alright for a Jedi Knight who survived the Clone War to find members of the Rebellion to harbor him?

I see no problem with this tho be aware the rebellion did take time to forum after Palpatine took power.

There is at least one other Jedi who allied himself with the Rebels, you can too! :)

May 31st, 2005, 11:50:11 PM
Originally posted by Navaria Tarkin
I see no problem with this tho be aware the rebellion did take time to forum after Palpatine took power.

There is at least one other Jedi who allied himself with the Rebels, you can too! :) I was thinking he'd join in after the death of Palpatine, so he'd just be coming to the Rebellion at the beginning of this reset's storyline. Who's the other Jedi who joined up? I'd like to know who to talk to about setting this up and getting it going.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 1st, 2005, 04:31:40 AM
The other Jedi involved in the Rebellion, so far, is Zabian Bal-Wandler.

He's currently being held captive by the Empire (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38514), though Rebel Operatives are already making plans (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38513) to rescue him.

Rhea Kaylen
Jun 1st, 2005, 02:06:40 PM
Only slightly off topic...

I have been thinking of playing a Witch of Dathomir. She wouldn't be on Dathomir, of course; I'd want her to be doing something off-planet. Any thoughts/caveats?

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 1st, 2005, 02:32:12 PM
hmm the only thing I can think of is that Dathomir is pre-hyperspace as far as technology.

But LV plays a dathomirian, so might want to get in touch with the Lady Vader.

Rhea Kaylen
Jun 1st, 2005, 02:48:07 PM
Oh, she does? Coolness, I may just do that.

And, though Dathomir's pre-hyperspace, is it possible that the death of the emperor distracted the Empire's penal colony administration enough for someone to make off with a transport?

Probably not...