View Full Version : Jedi in the New Timeline (Must Read)

Figrin D'an
May 26th, 2005, 09:17:59 PM
I want to dedicate a fresh thread to this, as there are some rather important isssues we need to resolve before the reset goes into effect.

First of all, I wish to state that, despite the very decentralized structuring of RP for Jedi characters that is going to come about, this board will still be the home for all Jedi RPers to ask questions, organize stories and solve issues that arrise. In that respect, we will remain very much the same. Anyone who will be playing a Jedi character, be they current members of GJO or not, is encouraged to use the revamped board for whatever Jedi-related RP needs that might arrise.

This said, it's going to be important to establish some grounds rules for character backgrounds and such, for the sake of continuity. Now, before anyone rushes to judgement and gets upset because potential plans you may have made don't match up with these ideas, please hear me out, and remember these are only my suggestions.

Many of us are intending to play characters that were either Jedi or Jedi-in-training during the time of ROTS and the Jedi Purge. This will provide some fascinating storyline opportunities, but it could also present some consistency issues, ones that I would preferably like to solve before everything gets rolling in earnest. These include:

- Ranks... everyone is being given the opportunity to retain their existing character ranks in the new timeline if they wish. However, please try to keep it realistic. For example, don't claim your character was a member of the Jedi Council before/during the Purge. Additionally, please keep in mind ages relative to your ranks. If you wish for your character to have achieved the rank of Jedi Master, so be it. However, do a little math before you figure out your character's age. There is approximately a 23-24 year gap between the events of ROTS and the end of ROTJ. If wish to have your character be 40 years old in the current timeline, then your character would have been about 17 at the time of the Purge. Being a Jedi Master, or even a Jedi Knight, of the Old Republic is simply not realistic in this instance. For some perspective, the youngest Jedi to every achieve the rank of Master was Yoda, at approximately age 29 (according to EU sources). The younger your character is to be in the new timeline, the less experience you will need to build into their personal history.

- Contact with other Jedi... again, there is freedom built into this, but keep it realistic. For example, don't claim that your character lived and trained with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tattooine for 10 years while Luke was growing up. Not gonna fly. Saying something more akin to "had intermittent contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi" would be more acceptable. Please try to avoid mucking up the existing history, up until the agreed upon Battle of Endor changes, as much as possible. Remember, everyone has to share this history, and the more the canon story is complicated by direct tie-ins, the more messy and confused things become.

- Training... it's assumed that Jedi characters will either train by themselves in their exile, or perhaps have master/apprentice pairings. Remember, there are no large organized Jedi groups, at least at first. The Empire is still in power, and the Jedi are still "all but extinct." Beyond Luke, Yoda, and Obi-Wan, no other Jedi are even known to exist in the modern era, at least as far as the major factions are concerned. There may be rumors, perhaps some unsubstaniated accounts of Jedi activities, but nothing concrete. The key here is "exile." This implies being low-key, at least in the initial stages of the new story arc.

- Abilities... even if you plan on being a Jedi Master in the new timeline, please keep in mind that years of hiding from the Empire and the Sith is not the most conducive atmosphere to maintaining ones abilities. Training in solitude is different from training at an Academy dedicated to the Jedi arts. Be realistic about how much your character could have developed in the years since the Purge, and remember that even for an experienced Jedi, one can't simply shake off the dust after all that time and suddenly be one of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy overnight.

I know a lot of this may seem obvious, or perhaps restrictive, but I'm simply asking that Jedi characters be realistic considering the new timeline. It'll be a tough time to be a Light Side Force-user, even with Vader and Palpatine dead. Play it out that way, and our new storyarcs will begin much more smoothly.

Please feel free to add ideas/concerns for discussion.

(Note: I have reposted this in OOC on the main board for everyone to read.)

Spada Elhow
Jun 4th, 2005, 09:43:28 PM
Wait a second...so are we going to be having 2 different timelines on this forum (one during the normal time period after ROTJ and another for the time after ROTS), or is the whole forum shifting over to the new time period after the Jedi Purge? Also, will we be able to RP our characters in both timeframes, if they will both be RPed? It would be a lot of fun to be able to develop Spada's past more if i could RP him after the purge as some average person who hasn't discovered the force yet.

PS. Wait a second...I just completely forgot the time period we used to be playing in...is it taking place during like Episodes I and II or after ROTJ? im pretty sure its after ROTJ but just making sure.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 4th, 2005, 09:46:20 PM
Spada, please see this thread

Spada Elhow
Jun 4th, 2005, 09:51:06 PM
Sorry for sounding really dumb, ive been on vacation the past week and havent been as active here. Thanks for the link, I get how the new thing is gonna be taking place but has this already gone into affect? Because that would mean that I need to start Spada over again right?

Morgan Evanar
Jun 5th, 2005, 12:48:08 AM
Sort of. You need to figure out how the character fits in the new timeline.

Spada Elhow
Jun 5th, 2005, 08:09:05 AM
Alright thanks a lot, I think im a little more oriented now. I put in my biography, if you read it and find anything that conflicts with the timeline, just PM me please. thanks again.

Sep 24th, 2005, 08:29:58 PM
I've got a question, then. Akrabbim is retaining his Master status. I'd like to keep his age as-is, though, and I think I have a way to keep that fair. The idea is that my character escaped his homeworld at a rather young age (around 13-14) and was found by basically a hermit of a Jedi. This was after the purge, but, since we never had a minimum age on the previous board, I didn't figure his becoming a master at a young age was a problem. Not to mention, I'm assuming that training basically constantly for many years should have helped. Second, my character is an Illusionist almost completely. Thus, the more he would hide, the MORE he would use his powers, not less. He's somewhat distinctive, anyway. In order to move about in normal society, he'd have to be covering himself in illusion and masking his force presence. Thus, I'd figure he'd still be pretty sharp.

Does that seem fair?

Nov 11th, 2005, 08:27:11 AM
Ok im new hear but let me assert myself the likelyhood that your character would be a master is pretty slim. For one thing masters have to have many many years of experience and training from more than one master to become a master him/herself. And that idea that you would become more powerful from being secluded from other force users and trainers is poorly thought over. Also your idea about illusion has its faults because their are ways of seeing past guises that the empire employ.

Nov 20th, 2005, 06:33:07 PM
Well, what exactly are the ways you'd consider seeing past them? Not to mention, Luke was consedered a Master in the movies, and all he had to train him was Yoda for a short period of time. Sure, he studied after that, but I still say that a long-term training with a master would be a much higher level of training than what Luke had. Second, how on earth would having to use his powers over and over on a daily basis NOT make him more accustomed to them?

Serena Laran
Nov 22nd, 2005, 05:47:34 PM
It seems fair to me, however Yoda was the youngest Jedi made into a Master, and he was about 25 when he reached Master status. I think. Plus, how old is Ak?

Nov 28th, 2005, 03:51:07 PM
25. And his age isn't the issue so much as need. I was taking it as more of the Luke Skywalker era... he was made to be a Master in a relatively short amount of time. With the entire council destroyed, Yoda didn't seem to want to stand on the same sort of ceremony that was used during they heyday of the Republic. Thus, less time would be needed.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 28th, 2005, 05:38:58 PM
It would depend on the master who trained him then, imo, and is fine by me.

Nov 28th, 2005, 10:01:16 PM
I was gonna make up some random guy, if anyone asked. Any ideas who I could use?

Ridwan Vars
Jan 8th, 2006, 07:29:05 PM
What about a character that was raised within this time to be a Jedi. Would that character be expected to be weaker than a Jedi Padawan raised within the Order?

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 8th, 2006, 10:28:19 PM
Depends on how well trained a Jedi was. It all comes down to the character's potential and what they have learned.

Formal training like the order or self training like Luke - you still produced strong Jedi.

All in all, doesn't really matter. Just needs to make sense

Ridwan Vars
Jan 9th, 2006, 07:53:38 PM
Just aslong as the powers don't get out of hand?

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 11th, 2006, 09:54:23 AM
haha this is supposed to be in The Enclave. Moved again. :)

Jan 23rd, 2006, 08:36:47 PM
Well, there was a guy on the council... the long-necked guy... something like "Troon Poof"... I was thinking one of his apprentices could have trained me. Not to mention, he would have been an illusionist, so it'd make sense that he got away from the Purge easier than others.

Zereth Lancer
Jan 23rd, 2006, 10:32:15 PM
Yarael Poof, not Troon Poof.