View Full Version : Character Discussion
Morgan Evanar
May 24th, 2005, 08:50:15 PM
Since most of the discussion regarding the upcoming RP changes for the board is mostly regarding implimentation and not the plot, I suppose we could start discussing how we want our characters to start, and backstories.
Morgan Evanar is going to be a slicer who doesn't know his birth parents. He is Force Sensitive, and has eyes that look like a cat's in the dark. No one really knows why. Adoptive parent, a droid shop owner, died after not being able to pay gambling debts. Morgan is fluent in 6 languages and has worked for various groups on Nar Shadda since 14. Morgan is 22.
Adia Issoris is a red-headed Hand of the Emperor. A precursor to the Jango Fett clones and a special (read-experimental) Kaminoan project raised at a normal rate. Adia proved to be far too unruly and costly for mass production. 5' 8" and 165lbs of engineered muscle and bone and freaky eyes with years of equpiment and combat trainging. Minor Force Sensitivty. Adia's exact age is unknown, but she appears to be in her late twenties or early thirties, but in standard galatic is likely closer to 55.
Milivikal k'Vik grew up dreaming of stars, ion engines and snug fighter seats. A skilled nautical pilot from spending time on her father's fishing vessel on Chandrila, Mili adapted easily to become a tug pilot over the skies of Coruscant over her family's objections. Following the destruction of Alderaan, Mili found her way into the Alliance as first a large craft helsmwoman until the arrival of the agile A-Wing following the Battle of Hoth. She quickly became one of the Alliance's aces and earned the callsign "Ghostlady" for her demanor and appearance in and out of a fighter. k'Vik is 31.
Lion El' Jonson
May 24th, 2005, 09:15:57 PM
I've also thought of two characters, and curiously enough one ended up on Nar Shaddaa...
Lion El' Jonson will be an Admiral (surprise) in the Rebellion fleet, commanding a combined fleet of Mon Calamari vessels along with his homeworld's Defense Fleet, which defected to the Rebellion. Although he generally looks the same, he no longer has any Force powers, and though I've thought of including a loophole to allow for Force potential, I don't think it's necessary given that I intend to revamp Lion after every reset.
Rayne is a 18-year old human female with a strong force sensitivity but no training, who lives on Nar Shaddaa. She hides her force presence among the massive wave of 'life' that is the Smuggler's Moon, and has lived there since she was 9, following the arrest of both of her parents for being Rebel sympathizers. Her father left her a fair amount of money in several hidden accounts, although she wasn't aware of its existence until she turned 18 and recieved a datapad from her father that had been smuggled out of his prison-cell. She currently lives in a small apartment in Upper Nar Shaddaa, working various jobs just to pass the time.
I have further fleeting characters, but I'm wary of committing to any of them until I know how much support fleeting will have during the reset.
Cat Terrist
May 24th, 2005, 09:20:54 PM
Marceloi - Evil Force user. Hatred of the Rebellion and 'freedom'.
Marceloi's past and knowledge of the Force are 'undefined', but the reason he has a clear and cold hatred for just about anything is that he was betrayed, captured by the Empire and left to rot in a hell hole. I suppose he's been trying to escape and will begin the campain at the time that he succeeds. Probably assisted.
Shai Mareks - Female, 30's, dark haired assassin. Solely works for highest bidder. Poses as a high priced call girl as a cover. Knife work a speciality.
No intention for anything else.
May 24th, 2005, 09:27:00 PM
Dan the Man, aka Darth Decepis is an ancient sycophant who can trace his history back to the court of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Transcribing the Sith Master's knowledge in great secret, Darth Decepis discovers the keys to granting himself unnatural life, and spends centuries in hiding following the usurping of the throne by Darth Sidious himself. With his greatest rival slain, the ageless Sith Master is free to roam the galaxy under the guise of a mysterious gunslinger with no past.
Anbira Hicchoru is an Imperial Stormtrooper, stationed in garrison on the jungle world of Felucia. Left for dead in a terrible speeder bike crash, the wounded trooper is visited by a benevolent apparition of a long-dead Jedi Knight.
Sanis Prent is a two-bit scoundrel, smuggler, and jobber for hire. He barely makes enough money to keep himself out of jail, in the good graces of Black Sun, and maintain his ship, a YV-666 freighter named Layla. Restless and without any ties to hold him down, he moves from planet to planet in search of the easiest credit chit he can earn.
Eluna Thals is a human replica droid formerly known as Guri. Mind-wiped by spice miners of Kessel, the droid is rescued by the Rebel Alliance, and with their help creates a new persona to fill the void. Now having two debts of gratitude to pay to Luke Skywalker, Eluna begins training as a member of Rogue Squadron.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta is an overworked starship mechanic who's skill with a hydrospanner is matched only by his skill in making, and disappearing bantha & cheese waffles. Sold to Sanis Prent when his mistress couldn't pay her Sabacc debts, Cirrsseeto took to the arduous task of being first mate of the freighter Layla, or at least fighting for the title with the MARCUS droid module system.
Kyle Krogen
May 24th, 2005, 09:36:47 PM
[Kyle Krogen]
Former Jedi now a wandering Rogue. He left the order because he did not fully agree with all the jedi teachings and whatnot. Armed with his lightsabre and knowledge of force skills along with his survival skills from his childhood growing up in the streets of corascant. He has no knoweldge of who his parents are or what happened to them. He wanders around the galaxy doing what he feels like doing. He helps the jedi and rebel alliance out every now and then and is a sworn enemy of the Empire.
[Zereth Lancer]
Zereth is pretty much staying the way he had been. A, so called, failed experiment to create the perfect warrior that went wrong when Zereth escaped from the lab with no memory of anything. He becomes a darksider.
[Kyzer Rayne] Name is subject to change
Kyzer is a cousin of the Onderon Royal Family. Among the best Beast Riders on the planet, Kyzer preferes to live outdoors intead of within the royal palace. He visits the Royal family often though.
[Zachariah Jak'el] Formerly Xel-Naga
Born on Naboo and raised by his mother, his father having died in the Naboo Army. A great pilot since the day he was born. He was a naboo security Volunteer for a few years as a fighter pilot. That life had been too boring so he roamed around the galaxy and joined several different military groups but all of them didn't appeal to him. Zach eventualy went to the Imperial Academy and he liked it there.
He finished the academy and was positioned on the Second Deathstar. His fighter squadron had been almost completely destoryed by the rebel alliance's fleet and him and his remaining squad members had been transfered to more importan squadrons that had also lost members. Zach found himself transfered to Shadow Squadron; one of the elite fighter squardons.
[Gavin Ravenna]
A jack of, all evil, trades. From spice smuggling to Jedi hunting. He does anything that pays well and never stops until the job is done. He left his home of Correlia at the age of sixteen and ventured out into the galaxy. He joined up with group of space pirates who admired the young man's skill with a blaster and determination and skill that always got thing done.
The Space pirates were raiding a defenceless cargo vessel when several other ships dropped for hyperspace. The disabled the pirate's ships and then filled the cargo ship with coma gas. All the pirates within were knocked unconsious almost instantly, this includeds the young Gavin.
The attackers turned out to be local forces from the nearby planet of Nar'Shadda. A local Hutt by the name of Zurga the Hutt was the owner of the cargo vessel and had dispatched his own forces to stop the space raiders from stealing his precious, and illegal, cargo. He brought all the raiders to Nal'Shadda and offered some of then the oppunity to work for him. All the raiders agreed, including our young Gavin. Of all the raiders, Gavin showed the most promise and was soon one of Zurga's favorites. Gavin smuggled spice, weapons, and slaves from other locations to Nal'Shadda.
Although he likes his job and the money is good; Gavin started to get bored of simply smuggling spice. When he had free time he would do other things from bounty hunting to tracking down force users for the Empire. In doing so he increased his skills and made a nice bundle of credits.
Gavin Left the service of the Hutt and enrolled in the Imperial Navy, a place where his piloting skills could be put to more extreme use.
[Shi'Rasha Akara]
She' Rasha. Ah' Car' Ra
A tall female of the Advance, Adventurous Trianii feline species. She has Black fur with silvery-white stripes, prehensile tail, and an agile body perfect for leaping, jumping and acrobatics. Her eyes are a vibrant green color.
Shi’Rasha is the daughter of Erani Akara the Yu’Nar, a tribunal of females that run Trianii society, and Dagon Akara, a former captain of the Trianii Rangers, An independent space force of Trianii people. She would have inherited her mother’s position as a Yu’Nar but a priest of their family religion said that Shi’Rasha’s Black and silver fur was a sign of evil and it was a sign from their god that she is cursed and it is the god’s will that she does not gain her mother’s position as a Yu’Nar. The inheritance of the position was taken from Shi’Rasha and given to her younger sister, Jezera Akara,
Through their childhood Jezera always boasted about what she would do when she was a Yu’Nar and made fun of Shi’Rasha’s black fur, her own being a soft brown color with a single, thin white stripe that went down her back. Normal customs was that the daughter of a Yu’Nar would gain the position when the mother died or stepped down from the position. Erani Akara grew weary of her position and announced that she would step and allow her second daughter to take her position when Jezera became the age of twenty-five
Shi’Rasha’s hated her family and was nothing more then a disgraced offspring in their eyes. She left Trian at the age of twenty-two years of age, and her sister twenty years of age, and went out into the galaxy. She roamed around until she came to corellia and there she stayed, for the time being, working where she could.
Quiet and discreet. Never talking to anyone except those she trusts. Her friendship is a most difficult thing to gain and her trust even harder. She depends on herself and no one else. And anyone who gets in her way is easily removed. She prefers to be alone and rarely goes out in public, preferring to keep to herself.
May 24th, 2005, 09:46:03 PM
Unnamed male: Bounty Hunter, 28. Works more for personal loyality then money. Previous occupation: Smuggler.
May 24th, 2005, 11:29:15 PM
Kyp Grenples - Your general greasy salesman type. With a personality as slick as his hair, he could sell an umbrella to a Tatooine moisture farmer. Emotionally abusive towards his older brother, he also represents the one thing in the universe he loves and would die for. Together, they form the core of Grenples Droids, Inc, a small shop located in the lower levels of Coruscant. Though it's a small operation, their products are of exceptional quality and, through the neverending advertising done by Kyp, word of mouth has made them somewhat well-known. Recently, though, he has developed a dangerous gambling habit, and is in debt to several powerful gangsters across the galaxy.
Anton Grenples - The other half of the duo, he is a mechanical genius with no social skills. Though he does not know it, his skills stem from a force sensitivity. He is a tireless tinkerer and whenever he leaves his shop, he is inevitably trailed by several small pet droids. Aware of his brother's abusive behavior, he tolerates it because he knows they need each other. Perhaps his only true friend is the Jawa, T'teek, who functions as the firm's primary parts...acquirer.
Ebon Dir - A young man with incomplete, self-taught force training and an intense desire search for knowledge of all sides of the force. Arrogantly and ignorantly, he believes he can control the dark side and use it for good.
Tal Kellison - The hapless captain of the ISD Termgant, he is eternally at odds with Shadow Squadron.
Hunk - Rogue 8. He loves fighting, eating, and women.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 25th, 2005, 12:06:23 AM
Lilaena De'Ville is a wandering Dark Jedi, trained in the Jedi arts by a survivor of the Purge who had slipped to the darkside because of a thirst for revenge. LD seeks out Onderon to revive the cult of Freedon Nadd.
Arya Ravenwing stays the same. I LOVE HER. She is a smuggler.
James Prent is going to be a force sensitive young woman, born and bred on Nar Shaddaa. She waits tables for a living.
Dasquian Belargic
May 25th, 2005, 06:15:52 AM
Daria Nytherciria is one of the last of the Miraluka race. A Jedi Knight, hunted by the Empire for her races unique gift, she spends most of her time in hiding or on the run, keeping few if any allies. Prior to her Masters death, she lived in seclusion in the abandoned Jedi Academy on Telos, where she was instructed in the Jedi arts. When her Master was killed at the hands of a Sith Lord, she too abandoned the snow-covered retreat and has been on the move ever since.
Dasquian Belargic is a Hapan and descendent of the Lorell Raiders, the pirates who originally settled on Hapes. Though his ties to the royal lineage would have allowed him to live a life of relative luxury, he has found himself at odds with the governments’ anti-Jedi, warlike sentiment. While his brother his joined the Consortium Navy, Dasquian left and joined the Rebellion, as an Intel agent.
Karuna Kaa is an internationally famous “journalist”. Notoriously candid, she is most widely known for writing scandalous gossip columns on the galaxies rich and famous. A member of the glitterati herself, she is a master socialite with a knack for getting into any event, from holo premiers and fashion shows to art galleries and business conferences. Though she has gained support from the public over time, professionally she is despised. Rumour has it that she is involved in some rather dirty dealings behind the scenes, supposedly having ties with the Black Sun.
Salem Ave (Darth Callidus) is a Sith Lord who struck down his Master some years ago, and since then has taken it upon himself to become Advisor to the Royal Family of Onderon – taking an apprentice from the family itself, and thereby making him one of the most politically powerful men on the planet. An Arkanian, he is cold and aloof, concerned only with himself.
Vega Van-Derveld is a Dark Jedi (Knight) with an insatiable lust for blood and power. From birth he had been brought to believe that they and the Republic could bring nothing but weakness and uncertainty to the galaxy. As a young man he became a Stormtrooper and only discovered his affinity with the Force when stranded on the ice world of Hoth, where he was forced to kill both beasts and his fellow troopers to survive. Upon escaping the frozen planet, he began his studies into the Jedi arts unguided and all too soon the Dark Side had begun to consume him. Over time his body has become a wreck, ravaged by the darkness inside of him – yet still he remains brash and arrogant, thinking himself invincible. He has now set about travelling the galaxy, in search of followers and potential apprentices.
Kelt Simoson
May 25th, 2005, 09:05:35 AM
Kelt Simoson Is a Vigo within The Black Sun weilding a hint of the force he is crazed, sadistic and cruel he carries out his patrons wishes with extreme loyalty and gives no quarter to those who fail or threaten him or his goal within the hidden underground society he thrives in.
Zabian Wandler is a Jedi Knight currently in captivity within Coruscant under careful watch of the Imperial Empire. Zabian, a former apprentice of the great Ki-Adi-Mundi, and having a short appearence at Battle of Geonosis barely survived the purge upon the Jedi and along with a few Jedi took shelter on Tatooine. Later he saved a small party of Jedi from Force Hunters on the planet of Tatooine he sacrificed himself along with the knowledge of their hidden location. Zabain is now held on Coruscant, severed from the force. Only time will tell, will he escape or reluctantly divulge his secret knowledge.
Severen Morkonis (Darth Stratus) Left for dead on the planet of Ambria after dueling with a Jedi Knight, Daria Nytherciria and a unknown bounty hunter. Morkonis otherwise known as Darth Stratus has forgotten the majority of his past. Forgetting his past as a Sith Lord he has now turned to others for help not knowing however that the rest of the Force Community see him as a dangerous threat. Confused, he enters a galaxy that knows him as Darth Stratus while he dosent even know himself nor of the purge that he wanders into so blindly.
Mandy with an I
May 25th, 2005, 09:19:45 AM
Keeping Dae, making Kyashi a Darkside-Knight (Five years here and knight is the highest rank I've gotten :lol).
Not gonna bother re-editing this though. :P
Sorsha Kasajian
May 25th, 2005, 09:57:38 AM
grabbing my space too, lol, with updates on Soolin and Sorsha to follow.
Soolin Anjurin - A Jedi Knight from the Unknown Regions. More to come as things get fleshed out.
Sorsha Kasajian - A Vigo in the Black Sun Crime Syndicate and Mistress of Xizor at the time of his death. She's aggressively vying with the other Vigo's to assume power. Has a secret relationship with Miranda Tarkin.
Tirsa Krylana - Assassin and personal bodyguard/enforcer of Sorsha Kasajian.
Ishan Shade
May 25th, 2005, 10:28:32 AM
Ishan Shade - Cunning and Ruthless, the Falleen is going to be vying for power in the crippled Empire. He will possibly be looking for Sith to help in not only the final destruction of the Rebel alliance, but his bid to be the galaxy's nexy ruler.
Clive Solo - An orphan who lands on Onderon and is discovered for his force sensitivity, becomes the apprentice of Lilaena De'Ville.
Magnus - Yet to be determined...
Tiberius Anar
May 25th, 2005, 10:33:28 AM
Tiberius Anar will be more or less the same. Instead of the opportunist business man turened politician he will be an established administrator, a kind of Chief Minister who handles all the boring domestic policy work. When the Emperor dies he is one of the men holding things together at the centre- but will he make a bid to be the man?
Senator Hesith (if I play him) will not be a senator (gasp). I will be taking him back into his past. He will be on Gall helping liberate that world in the wake of the Emperor's demise. As wealthy idustrialist turned freedom fighter he dreams of freedom for his people.
Baralai Lotus
May 25th, 2005, 12:17:15 PM
Baralai Lotus- He's pretty much going to stay the same. Seeing as how I just got accepted into the TSO and what not, I don't really want to change him. He's going to stay just the way he is, but he may get a force familiar.
Nathanial K'cansce
May 25th, 2005, 12:43:04 PM
I guess I can begin planning with Snacky to fit in, even though I prolly won't be around for the first couple of months of this storyarc.
Nathanial K'Cansce - I love having inner demons in any Snack character I have ever had at any board. And I was actually loving how the spirit of his dead "Master/'Father' possessed Snack and was beginning to take over mind body and soul. I really want to go further down this path, but not sure if it would really work. So this is an option.
A second option would be, instead of being possessed, Snack would be haunted by his dead father. Not really a ghost or a spirit, but the memory. And the fact that he ordered it - and witnessed it first hand, and he did nothing about it. Hell, he couldn't do anything about it. His 'higher ups" would have thought it to be treason. He's still be Force-sensative, a Dark Side adept (Lord). He was never a Jedi, persay, but was trained by a Jedi-refugee who was building his own renagde army which would have created chaos and what have you for the Empire's outer rim worlds. Nathanial was a General in said chaos creating army.
May 25th, 2005, 12:46:28 PM
Lorca Dawnstone: a masterless Jedi pacifist with healing and protection powers.
An eighteen year old padawan. Lorca lives in the lower levels of Coruscant, doing what he can to heal the sickness and suffering of the poverty stricken aliens in exile from the Imperial forces. Born on Alderaan, he was raised by his parents with values of peace and justice; his mother a medic and his father part of the local law enforcement, both lost with the destruction of their planet. His Jedi mentor fell during an aggressive stormtrooper raid upon their home where they had been secretly studying the Jedi arts. Since then, Lorca has spent the last six months constantly evading agents of the ruthless Emperor until finally, he settled down and found employment at the Last Stand hostel for the homeless and sick.
Nyax Imotep: a back-stabbing criminal hardknock with a mind for profit and a thirst for blood.
The adopted Zabrack son of the notorious Lokian gang leader Nym, Nyax grew up tough and wealthy. Living a pirate’s life in the heart of his father’s stronghold, he became an ambitious, greedy, and treacherous young man. Then following an attempt on his father’s life, he and his cousins were trained in the Lokian combat arts and at the age of twenty, Nyax became the youngest champion in the Giant Dune tournament on his homeworld. Six months later, the ganglord Nym found himself cornered by an even greater crime organisation and was forced to surrender his famous son to a Vigo of the Black Sun where his skills would be put to more profitable use.
Calus Sabacc: a veteran bounty hunter with unmatched tracking skills and excels in the use of explosives and dual blasters.
Originally the son of a Mokk tribesman on Dantooine, Calus found himself the sole survivor of an attack from a band of Force Crystal Hunters. His entire tribe was annihilated before his eyes when he was but nine years old. He was rescued by a kind-hearted smuggler and grew up on Corellia where he was immersed in a world far detached from that of his primitive existence on Dantooine. Developing a love of technology, Calus saw this powerful machinery as the perfect opportunity to avenge his parents and his tribe and bring to an end the terror of the evil laser swords. On his eighteenth birthday, Calus left Corellia and went in search of revenge. Now, fourteen years later, he is one of the chief bounty hunters employed by the Galactic Empire to hunt down and destroy the remnants of the Jedi Order.
Nox Naleven: a Sith apprentice, to be named Darth Mortis, with supernatural powers.
Sixteen years ago, Wabec Naleven, a wanted criminal, fled Nar Shaddaa and left his lover and their unborn child stranded and homeless on the Smuggler’s Moon. Once Nox was born, his mother was sent to work for the Nul Tannaa circus as a fire-dancer and when he was old enough, the Gamorreans also forced Nox to work. He was a fortune-teller’s apprentice until one day he revealed to his mother that he could hear voices in his head. Fearing the worst, his mother demanded he be submitted to a psychiatrist for inspection. Later, he revealed it was in fact the voices of the deceased in his head and that he could, in fact, communicate with these spirits. The Gamorreans exploited his talents and soon Nox became the star freakshow of the Nul Tannaa circus and dreams to one day have enough money to buy freedom for his mother and himself.
Navaria Tarkin
May 25th, 2005, 04:27:08 PM
Vishan Korogoth- Padawan to Soolin. He was a navy pilot for the Empire until a Rebel attack killed his wife and daughter. Honorably discharged because of his emotional state, he became a drunkard living off his pension ... until a Jedi Knight stumbled along his way and sensed that he was possibly Force Sensitive.
Lady Adraudia Basillie (Darth Creas) - Queen of Onderon and being trained in secret by Salem, lured into the dark side by whispers of great power to lead her family into greatness. Loyal to Salem, she feels the power that he is teaching her will help protect her fair land from the Mandalorians. However, she does not turn a blind eye to her royal army. Her advisor is well trusted, General Dalamar, and she finds a way to compromise between the two since both men are vying for her attention. She is loved by her people since she keeps a visible presence and the confidence she radiates.
Aliya Vahlshalynn - Born on Ralltiir, Aliya only had one dream ... to be a fighter pilot. Watching the TIE's fly in formation and practice manuevers captivated the young girl. Though women were extremely rare in the Imperial Navy, that fact didn't deter her in the least. Accepted because she tested well, her time in the Academy was brutul. The instructors showed nothing but contempt and forced her to work three times as hard as the other recruits. Her passion protected her ... so did her fists when she had to prove herself. They had no choice but to graduate her to be rid of her. Now she flies for Shadow Squadron as the new kid on the block.
The Tarkin Twins - Miranda and Navaria
General - The granddaughters of Grand Moff Tarkin. At their births, their parents were overjoyed at the thought of having twins ... until they were tested to be Force Sensitive. To save face within the family, Captain Andron and Lise Tarkin opted to split the two so that at least one child did not have the eyes of the Emperor directed her way or having the Grand Moff killing one, or both, of the children outright.
Navaria Tarkin (Lianna Mal Pannis) - Taken by a trusted smuggler off Imperial Center, she was given to Drin Kizael and was told her name was Lianna. Kizael trained her as his Padawan for twelve years until he felt a ripple in the Dark Side. Vader knew of his presence. Knowing of another Jedi who would take her, Kizael left Lianna with him and disappeared. She has not seen him since but feels that her old Master is still alive. Lianna took the last name of her new guardian, Mal Pannis, and stayed with him until her 16th birthday. Afterwards, she felt it too dangerous to stay together and went their separate ways.
She is a Jedi Knight and wanderer. Quite introspective and it is difficult for her to open up to people unless they earn her trust, partly due to how she was raised. Lianna is a child of the Empire, but she was trained as if a Jedi from the Old Republic. It has given her a unique perspective of the galaxy and has seen the flaws of the Jedi before the purge. Now, she searches for other Jedi while remaining in exile, to increase her knowledge of the Force and perhaps find a way for the Jedi to thrive once more.
Miranda Tarkin - Fortunately, her Force Sensitivity held no interest to the Emperor. She is an advisor to the local government on Imperial Center and has kept close ties to the military because of her father. She holds no official title but she is well respected.That's only on the surface. What isn't known is she is backing Sorsha, a Vigo of the Black Sun. She is biding her time waiting to seize power for herself since a good portion of the Black Sun's resources came from her and her money.
She is cold and ruthless, having little compassion save for Sorsha. She uses and lives up to her lineage, but holds no love for the Empire either. Miranda feels that since the death of her Grandfather, it became directionless and exploitable. Her attention turned towards the underworld, The Black Sun. True dominance of the galaxy could be found here, but after her father died on board the Executor, a new passion developed ... the destruction of the Rebellion. She will use every resource she has to insure that they will be crush.
Lady Vader
May 25th, 2005, 06:37:58 PM
[All my characters can be found HERE (
For the sake of making edits, it's easier just to make edits in one place. :)
May 25th, 2005, 07:45:11 PM
Andromeda = knight level force user, rogue dark Jedi. Sort of like Asaji Ventress.
Figrin D'an
May 25th, 2005, 07:48:05 PM
Gen-Yil "Fig" Kehandu - A survivor of the Jedi Purge. Gen-Yil was Knighted during the early stages of the Clone War and participated in several campaigns. On what would be his final assignment, he was betrayed by the clone troops under his command when Order 66 was executed. Barely escaping with his life, Gen-Yil learned of the Sith takeover and went into exile, moving from planet to planet to stay hidden from the Imperial regime throughout the Galactic Civil War. He would eventually come to be known by his nickname of "Fig", his real name fading into history. A maverick even in his younger days, he follows his own moral compass and listens to the will of the Force to guide him. Wise, skilled, but headstrong, only upon meeting a young Force adept is he convinced to once again take up the mantle of Jedi Knight.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2005, 08:02:42 PM
Loklorien s'Ilancy
s'Il was in her late teens when the Jedi Temple was ransacked by Anakin Skywalker. A padawan of Mace Windu, she studied many forms of sabre combat. Many hours were spent in endless training, and she focused most if not all of her energies into developing speed and reflex. Being a Lupine of the Melkiah Strain, she can use the Force without fear of going insane and being driven into a berserk rage.
When the attack on the Jedi occured, s'Il hid herself down in the deepest parts of the temple to avoid death. She escaped soon after, following Master Yoda's lead and going in to a self-imposed exile on Dagobah. There she trained further with the aging Jedi Master before deciding to live on Cathar.
Now in seclusion, s'Il lives a simple life. She is a sabremaster, yet prefers to keep a modest and humble facade over one of bitterness and sorrow. She remains true to the Jedi Code taught to her by both Master Windu and Master Yoda, but the death of her Master has been something she could never accept, and in some cases she feels responsible for not being able to help him.
Over time, she has come to be known as something of a legend and myth; one that many of the newer Jedi hopefuls attempt to seek out in order to have her train them, and one that many darksiders try to find in order to either turn her to their own causes or simply kill her, taking her sabres as trophies.
s'Il is a rather diminutive five foot 2, with short sandy blonde hair. She has a scar over her right eye, which is a stark white; the retina having been burned off after an altercation with Dan/Darth Decepis. The two have something of a longstanding rivalry, though it has been very muted. Only the future will tell whether it will stay that way however.
Everyone's favorite little Isnik, Jhyx chills it with Lady Vader, thinking that she's a brave amazonian warrior. With his 'lightsabre' {spoiler]telescoping antannae painted red[/spoiler], he loves to tell fanciful tails, make friends, go on daring 'adventures', and unintentionally cause trouble.
I'm leaving Jhyx very open since I really want to develop him, and I love to write him.
Drin Kizael
May 25th, 2005, 08:14:04 PM
Drin Kizael -- Kizael of Clan Drin is a Trianii from Brochiib, a planet bordering what was at the time Trade Federation space. Raised in the Jedi Temple half a galaxy away from his people, he is a skilled duelist and possesses the gift of energy absorption.
He was in hiding shortly after the formation of the Galactic Empire when Lianna came into his life. He raised the human as his own cub and trained her in the ways of the Living Force. But when Darth Vader caught up with him, he had no choice but to stay behind so that she could escape.
Kizael survived the battle --barely-- and returned to his homeworld, where he joined a resistance group fighting against the Corporate Sector Authority. Today he resides in Star's End Correctional Facility on Mytus VII.
Roker -- A fast talking Bimm with an amazing talent for slicing computer systems and making friends with all the right people who are "in the know." He, too, currently resides in Star's End Correctional Facilit on Mytus VII.
Chase Merik -- An Imperial Security Agent from Corellia with a promosing future. He made looking the other way an art until the destruction of Alderaan. He remains in the field for ImpSec, running counter missions for a Rebellion splinter faction led by former senator Garm Bel Iblis
May 25th, 2005, 09:14:04 PM
XI-20-P -- Soon to be protocol droid for Tarsis, a Sith hopeful. XI was originally a droid designed for industiral labor until it was bought by an individual owner. This owner heavily modified it to the extent that its AI runs similar to IG-88 without the intent to kill. Several other modules were built into XI but its master was assassinated and XI, thought to be useless, was sold and had its memory wiped, losing the ability to access its functions. Now, many many masters later, XI finds itself in more serious predicaments.
Grym Kandle -- Mobster/Gangster from Nar Shadda without any current allegiances due to recent "accidents." Force sensitive but unaware to the fact due to his belief that any force related sensation he has is actually caused by the glitterstim. Wears a mask and cloak to hide the scarring effects of drug abuse. Proffesionally a hitman, but is interested in maintaining a business in glitterstim to support himself while making profit from it.
Ulrhik "Dragon" Godsend -- member and pilot of the Imperial Shadow Squadrons, Shadow Six, Wing 3. Strongly favors the Empire as a whole. Considered an Ace pilot in many respects for surving as long as he has. Earned the callsign Dragon for his aggressive attitude and piloting and his seemingly invincible record. Regardless he is aware of the frailty of the TIEs he pilots and is more than willing to accept the fact that he might die serving the Empire.
Y'roth Helghast -- A force sensitive, Squad Captain of a Nightmare Squadron under Project Nightmare, specializes in Interrogation. Not a clone, but still trained from birth to be a special forces commando. His squad has been used across the reaches of the Empire, from hunting jedi and anything involved therein to rooting out Rebel spies.
May 25th, 2005, 11:20:49 PM
My characters that are closely tied to Dae's characters will change according to her needs, but Zeke will more than likely stay the same. I'm too attached to reset him.
May 25th, 2005, 11:37:00 PM
Hmmm..Here Goes. :)
Alpha (Not Satine Capashen. It's Alpha again. :)): A rogue Force-user. Works as a mercenary, but also has been known to do things for the good of people. Has a big independent streak and is very hard headed.
May 25th, 2005, 11:58:05 PM
Tear (Dark Jedi) -- Violence is all he knows. Having no memories past his teens the 26 year old agent does the only thing that comes naturally. Killing for the Empire. Having served in multiple Imperial campaigns as covert opertive. Tears abilities were quickly noticed and tolerated for a purpose.
Used by Lord Vader to assist in hunting down renagade Jedi. He was very quick to notice that Tear could exhibit great connection with the force but with a high cost. The act of using the force causes his body to break down and burn. If strained too much Tear could kill himself.
Having been under constant vigil the dagger above his head removed with the death of Palpatine and Vader. Tear has begun to carve his own name in the galaxy that has tormented him for so long.
Crow (force sensitive) -- The reciever of a heavy burden, Crow, was a young Shaman on the planet of Iridonia. The chief mystic of his tribe with three other shaman attempted to tear away a demon within a young man through an exorcism. The act killed everyone except for Crow who took on the persona known as Ta'sath.
Left Insane, his mind shattered Crow now wanders in search for others who must feel the agony he lives in.
Blade Bacquin
May 26th, 2005, 06:28:42 AM
Blade Ice (Darth Lucid) : Blade emerged from the fog of his mind confused and lost everyone he had known he thought was dead. He had one clear goal in mind and that was to seek out a face. The face was that of Nayala Palain who he knew as athena in another lifetime. He was unknown to the universe his birth place his family unknown there where no records of who he was.
So in the guidence of Nayala Palain starting at the age of 15 now at the age of 20 has reached the rank of sith lord. He is only loyal to his master and is still learning allot about this universe he most make his name known in. He was given the title Darth Lucid by Nayala Palain and excelled at sith illusion. In sith circles he goes by Darth Lucid the dream weaver.
Jason dreggs : Balmorra Imperial acadomy Graduate and Ace pilot. He is know for being insubordinate yet loyal to the empire. This because weather it be in the cockpit of a Tie or on his own to feet he likes to fight but in his heart could never leave the empire.
He choose to be a pilot to spite his father who wanted him to join Imperial Intel. Jason dreggs changed his name shortly before graduating the acadomy to his mothers maiden name of Dreggs. Before that his name was Jason jr. mcgraves. After Graduation he was hand picked to be a member of an elite tie squad. He was just on his way to be transfered to the unit when the endor event happened Imdiatly he was bumped onto the best of best Shadow squadron.
Jason Mcgraves Sr. : Member of Imperial intel. His service record is impressive to say the least. He was top his class at the Balmorra Imperial acadomy and has his choice to go anywhere in the imperial military he choose Intel.
Though he was loyal to the empire he had a two other loves in his life. One was women and the other was Business. He held his love for business deep inside him even though he had so many chance to sell the information he knew because he loved the empire more. Yet his love for women was endless and unstopable. At the time his son jason Jr. was born he was also having another kid with another woman a daughter named Nicky.
Jason loved his son and kept his daughter shut out from his world. He tried to instill his Values on his son and make him an Heir to his fortune. Yet he felt he failed when his son became a military pilot. Pilots and troopers where for commoners he thought not for the upper class that he was. Intel is now his life forsaking all other loves believing all his other loves have betrayed him.
Rognan Dar
May 26th, 2005, 12:50:21 PM
Rognan Dar: Rognan was a member of the Jedi order before the Jedi purge. He was a youngling at the time and looked up to all the great hero's of the order, especially Anakin. He saw how quickly Anakin learned things, and how good he was as a Jedi. Rog wanted nothing more. Before the attack on the temple, and during the clone wars, Rognan and his master went out on a mission that was not strongly based on the war. They were gone for 2 years in the outer rim before they learned what had happened to the Jedi and their temple. After learning of Anakins fate, his down fall, his turn to the Dark Side, Rognan was crushed. His greatest hero was now his greatest enemy. After that, he vowed to stop evil and, above all, the sith. He and his master stayed hidden in the outer rim, jumped from planet to planet, not wanting to stay in any place to long or get to know anyone, in fear that someone might remember them and send the hounds after their trail.
Rognan trained with his master the whole time, learning as much as he could. Though there was no council or, to their knowlege, any other Jedi, his master declared him ready and made him a Jedi knight. They stayed together until they were ambushed by a hunting party where his master wounded and taken captive. Rognan got away, only because of the sacrifice of his former master. He never found out what happened to his master, but only the worst can be assumed. Since then he roamed the Galaxy searching for other Jedi that might have survived. Though the chances were slim. He also hoped to establish a place for any Jedi he did find to hid and train and learn all they could. In his search, he became a kind of hermit; searching into the Force for hints of others and to know the will of the Force. He is zealous in righting the wrong, helping the helpless, and crushing the faces of Evil. With only the teachings of his Master to guide him, he is a bit lost in his ways, though is more intune with the living force the most Jedi of old.
General Devious
May 26th, 2005, 04:12:06 PM
DALAMAR= General and Warlord on the small planet Onderon. Loyal to the Royal Family and Lady Adraudia. He has a personal conflict by what he considers the rogue influence of Salem Ave.
He is also part of the Lilaena De'villes desire to revive the cult of Freedon Nadd.
His past is resolved for Dalamar. Having found out about his true history. His true name Dalamar DeSang. He found that he was a Warlord for the Father and the Vampyre Nation. Both which have long since passed from this universe. His past is unchanged but his functioin in the Universe has. He will again take on the title General. He now serves the Lady Adraudia as he once did The Vampyre Nation. A Warlord and a General he has helped his Mistress stay in power.
The fun part, One is his Liege and another his Master. Dalamar balances his loyalty to both Lilaena and Adraudia. Though they may bump heads. Dalamar thinks both of them are needed to make Onderon a force to be reckoned with.
He knows the whims of the Empire and fortifies Onderon as if in wartime preparation. On a side note. ( To make Dalamar more playable. He wears all black Armor similar to Darth Vaders. The Only difference really is the face plate which resembles Dragon like Features.) This is so he can walk in the sun. Amazingly enough he has kept the fact that he is a vampyre from Adraudia but his Master Lilaena knows. Adraudia thinks that Dalamar suffers from a skin alement, which keeps him from getting direct exposure from the sun. lol Yeah No joke..
Thats about it.. chow.
Lance Casey
May 26th, 2005, 11:50:31 PM
Lance Casey(Force Sensitive): A pilot that has made a living flying in and out of the Unknown regions since he was 14, Casey has not always known that he is force sensitive, nor is her sure that he wants to. His discovery of his force powers a year ago at age twenty are tied to a dark secret that may push away any friends that this man has left and any allies he may make.
Alcieus Lunartra
May 27th, 2005, 08:10:31 AM
Alcieus Lunatra: (Darth Aboshan)
A rouge outsider from the planet Arkai, he is a very dark and silent character, has formed many rebellions in the past, most of which have been stopped by the Jedi, he is the former Apprentice to Darth Stratus.
Khendon Sevon
May 27th, 2005, 08:41:48 AM
Khendon Sevon –
In a secluded sector of space passable only by cutting edge hyperspace technology there is a small green planet. Its proximity to Wild Space explains why it had never been charted before. Only recently did a probe land on its fertile soil. However, with the impending crisis of the Empire, few have taken notice that the probe never relayed any information after entering the planet’s atmosphere. What mystery is this?
Well, you’ll have to read Khendon’s threads to find out :) He’s going to be a Dark Jedi claiming to be from that planet. Technologically advanced and a student of the saber, he’ll start small and work his way into the galaxy slowly. Khendon will probably take to one of the galaxy’s favorite pastimes—hunting Jedi. Though, it will be for alternate reasons than simply wanting credits.
Khendon will be around 32 years old, tall and well built. Sith tattoos will still be on his arms from deltoid to beginning of forearm. Oh, did I mention he’ll still have all of the nifty Federacy technology under his belt? ;) There’s a reason for it, trust me.
Or... maybe he'll just remain an Imperial. I'm not too sure about anything yet.
Balthazar von Kalthus – no change, still a freelance “specialist” with a crazy mohawk and love for tomahawks.
Kieran Devaneaux
May 27th, 2005, 04:10:04 PM
Kieran Elias Devaneaux, Jedi Knight, 23. Leader of the Ordo Reydovan, a small cell of Force-wielding healers. The Devaneaux family has a family history of sending the eldest child for Jedi training, beginning after the Jedi Civil War 4,000 years ago and ending with Kieran's father Artimus, who went renegade just before the Purge. Kieran was born the year his father conquered his homeworld, using his then-limited powers. When he was sixteen, Kieran was taught how to use his Force healing techniques by consulting the holocrons of his ancestor and namesake. Kieran is currently allied with the independent government of Reydovan Prime, using its leader's influence to shield his cell from the Empire, and from Sith hunters.
Artimus Lucanus Devaneaux (Darth Defileris), self-styled Sith Lord, 41. The former Warlord of Reydovan Prime, overthrown nearly eight years earlier by his son. His Sith name was taken from the nickname his people had given him, "the Defiler of Worlds" - even though he only really squeezed one, his homeworld, in his iron grip. Insane and genocidal in the extreme, Artimus would incinerate a city with tens of thousands of innocents, just to get to a relatively small group, or even just one person.
General Jeremiah Robert Neill, Reydovan military leader, 58. The current Chancellor of Reydovan Prime's independent government. Though he officially does not belong to the Rebellion or the Empire, he would not oppose any force that would bring an end to Imperial tyranny - although he would not say this publicly. He hides the Ordo Reydovan, headed by his friend Kieran Devaneaux, from the Empire and from Kieran's demented father Artimus.
Demon-Kieran Devaneaux?, Imperial Inquisitor/clone of Kieran Devaneaux, 23. Despite his relative youth chronologically, he has become aged and twisted due to his use of dark-side powers to further the aims of the Empire. With the death of the Emperor and Lord Vader, however, the Inquisitor doubts that the Empire will remain stable unless a responsible and strong leader arises from the anarchy after Endor, and assumes the Throne of Palpatine on Coruscant.
?=Demon-Kieran's future remains highly debatable - it's entirely possible that the cloning tech may not be allowed in the future RP.
May 27th, 2005, 07:41:55 PM
I'll start with one and see where I get from there...
Kale -- Unaligned Force-user, stealth specialist, thief, street urchin (in need of guidance)
Kale was born in the Coruscant undercity to a young woman named Onika Zarinova, formerly a Padawan of the Jedi Order. She was twelve when the Purge struck the order; how she escaped the massacre will be developed later. She returned to Coruscant some years later to find a job and raise her infant son.
Onika quickly recognized that Kale had inherited her Force potential, and she began training her son in secret, covering the basics of Force meditation, minor telekinesis, and, most importantly, hiding himself from Force-hunters. Kale took to it well, but he also took to picking pockets and other petty crimes with a gaggle of Coruscant street kids, a source of constant friction between him and his mother.
When Kale was ten, his mother was taken from him--by Force-hunters, he always assumed. With nowhere else to turn, Kale plied his thieving skills to stay alive, with the help of the Force. Now fourteen, Kale's made few friends and a number of enemies. On his mother's advice, he keeps his power secret, but, deep down, he wishes he could find someone who could help him understand it better.
Edit -- I really want to get Kale involved this time around--before, he'd meet a few people here and there rarely built any actual relationships. For this character to work, he needs a connection. So if there's anybody out there who'd like to take in a young, somewhat impressionable Force-User to mold toward their cause... :)
Wei Wu Wei
May 27th, 2005, 10:12:31 PM
Wei Wu Wei Jedi Knight who trained under Quinlan Vos. Quinlan was killed in the Jedi purge and left Wei only with rudimentary understandings of most Jedi forms, but not Form VII. Wei also had a wife, who was murdered along with his father by Imperials. His mother lives in a coma and is kept by the Imperials until she wakes up, when she will be questioned for vital information Wei's father was supposed to have.
Wei is a Jedi Knight, but is more of a "whiskey priest" than anything else. He is prone to certain weaknesses, such as being attracted to beautiful and seemingly innocent women. He believes there is little good left in the world and in himself. He feels the fringes of the Darkside always and doubts his ties to the Lightside and his ability to be a model Jedi.
I intend for Wei to overcome his doubts and grow confident in his influence in the Lightside as well as his skill as a Jedi. I also intend for Wei to intensively train himself up in Lightsaber combat.
Luo Vasst and K4153R- Luo Vasst is still going to be a robotics expert, but the K4153R or "Kaiser" will be a droid designed for extreme combat situations. Luo intends to pitch his droid to the leaders of the Imperial army in order to provide the Empire with weapons. He also plans to use the Kaiser droid to gain funding for even more robotics research. As for the K4153R, it will range in various functions from being able to lead a platoon of other droids, or it will simply be the super-strong foot soldier.
Neepik He is a creature of shadow and does not take kindly to strangers. Neepik is brilliant though his appearance makes him out to be an animal. He understands spoken language but does not make much use of it in order to continually trick intruders into thinking he is a mere animal. He will more than likely prey mostly on Imperial soldiers, but will fight off any Force users who cross his path.
Mostly I'll be RPing Wei, but if I can get any of these other characters off the ground, I will RP them as well.
May 27th, 2005, 10:21:52 PM
Originally posted by Wei Wu Wei
Wei Wu Wei Jedi Knight who trained under Quinlan Vos. Quinlan was killed in the Jedi purge and left Wei only with rudimentary understandings of most Jedi forms, but not Form VII. Wei also had a wife, who was murdered along with his father by Imperials. His mother lives in a coma and is kept by the Imperials until she wakes up, when she will be questioned for vital information Wei's father was supposed to have.
Wei is a Jedi Knight, but is more of a "whiskey priest" than anything else. He is prone to certain weaknesses, such as being attracted to beautiful and seemingly innocent women. He believes there is little good left in the world and in himself. He feels the fringes of the Darkside always and doubts his ties to the Lightside and his ability to be a model Jedi.
I am very interested to see this character take shape. I think this is a great idea.
May 28th, 2005, 12:20:36 AM
A little more info on my character for this reset.
Joe Rand
Bounty Hunter
Formally a Smuggler.
Skilled with many weapons and an able pilot, Joe thought he had a great life as a smuggler, however after being boarded and tossed around by a group of thugs trying to shake him down for a protection fee, he took the law into his own hands, he captured them and turned them in for a reward. Since then he has become a profitible bounty hunter, catching criminals and the scum of the universe. However most Imperial Officers will be just as quick to question his motives as well as take in his captures. He has been known to be a little to independent for his own good...
May 28th, 2005, 02:51:48 AM
Bandage: A doctor specializing in burn victims, he is also a Rebel Supporter, secretly helping the Alliance as a medic in his spare time. When an Imperialist supporter finds out, they take action into their own hands for unknown reasons. Bandage's offices are burned to the ground while he is in them. Luckily, or unluckily, an explosion ejects his body, depositing it into flowing body of water, where he floats for a day or so, and drifts in and out of death. After being deposited on a bank nearby, a small, green Jedi Master by the name of Yoghurt nurses him back to heal, and then, with the realization that the Force kept Bandage alive, trains him to be a Jedi.
Basically, there is little change save for a few specifics that were altered to fit the reset. This is subject to change depending on how things pan out. This background thread will probably be roleplayed out. If anyone besides myself and Yog wish to participate in the thread when the reset occurs, feel free to do so.
In addendum, important character-building threads (ie, current training threads, lightsaber construction thread) will be incorporated into this new yet not so new background, but will not be re-roleplayed out for that, in my opinion, would be superfluous, if that is the right word for it.
Peter McCoy
May 31st, 2005, 06:03:59 PM
Tod Marr: Pilot of Shadow Squadron. Tod, callsign Maniac, likes to take risks. Acting first and thinking second is his motto. In the heat of a dogfight, Maniac tends to make rash decisions that either save the day or land himself in danger - usually the latter. He's always prepared to carry out a dangerous stunt to help out a fellow wingman, if not for the sheer thrill it gives him. When his daring antics fail, it usually leaves the rest of the squad in an awkward position as rescuers. Having said that, Maniac doesn't see a situation as suicidal - he prefers the word challenging. He's loud-spoken and acts tough, but deep down there's a genuine guy who cares for his friends and loves flying fast. Or driving fast...just anything fast.
Je'gan Olra'en
May 31st, 2005, 08:00:12 PM
Je'gan Olra'en
An up-and-coming Inquisitor with a penchant for unilateral action just short of objectionability, Je'gan would never have made it far in the ranks of the Inquisitorius if not for his unswerving loyalty to Palpatine. Between missions he was known to volunteer for duty guarding the Emperor's private residences; though he was turned down repeatedly - after all, that function was already filled by the Crimson Guard - Je'gan earned a lasting place in the good books of the Emperor's inner circle. It was rumored that he had been made a part of the Emperor's Hand. If he was not, then at the very least he was occasionally requested for special missions by high-ranking Imperial officials. Though they never doubted his loyalty, most of his immediate superiors distrusted his connections as well as his growing skill in illusion, mind control and related disciplines.
Just before Palpatine died, Je'gan was finally rewarded for his service. His transfer to duty in the Emperor's Needle on the Second Death Star would have gone through just weeks after the debacle at Endor. The news of Palpatine's death crushed him. In the shadow of the panic on Imperial Center, few noticed his disappearance - from the planet, from the Inquisitorius, and (temporarily) from the face of the universe.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2005, 08:04:02 PM
^nice, but we open the RPing galaxy mere moments after the emperor's death. There really isn't time for you to run away, become a knight, and made an elder in a few hours.
edit: yay!
Je'gan Olra'en
May 31st, 2005, 08:07:47 PM
Moments, eh? Very well then...edit incoming.
Nayala Palain
Jun 2nd, 2005, 12:41:58 AM
Nayala Palain (Lady Athena)- (keeping the same name)
A Sith Master whos teachings were done by DelKrin Sorden (NPC) she was born and raised on Balmorra where as a young child she found a hidden Sith Temple. The teachings of Master Sorden and the scrolls she found in the temple were her teachings. The scrolls dateing back to before Darth Bane.
Her mother and father were murdered upon her home world while she was a young age, her care takers finished her up brining into the social life of the planet.
Since her Dark Arts training was more reading and watching her weapons skill is not the best but her skills with spells and anything needed for casting is very strong.
Now at the age of 26 ( age changed for Reset) the dark side Master (keeping my same rank) is only trusting of her best friend, her dead Master, and the Darkside.
(currently still in TSO but that may change unsure as of this moment. More information will be added as I can get it all in the same line)
Remi Le'Lain - Lady Saya - Dark Jedi (added June 10)
A young child trapped in the darkness of the life we all seem to be living. Moving from planet to planet to find a better way of life for a moment or two. Finally if only able Remi might have found her life within the realm of the Dark Jedi..
Tani Neapa - Nickname "caisa" - Jedi Padawan (added June 10)
Some how she had missed a meeting with her Master at the Jedi Temple. Having somehow over slept hearing of the purge from the holonet as she was readying to head over. She was not all to strong in the force as of yet, so she was able to hide from the creature or creatures who had indeed killed her fellow Jedi.
Finally coming out of hidding, she was not much stronger in her skills. But now the age of 24 she was still loyal to her life as a Jedi.
Jun 2nd, 2005, 01:35:09 AM
Yoghurt - Jedi Master
Yog'hulurt, by friends nicknamed "Yoghurt", or "Yog" due to the difficulty of pronouncing the name correctly in his species dialect, was a Jedi Master in the Old Republic, a time of peace and prosperity, long before the rise of the Empire. Old, wise and respected by the Jedi Council, he was appointed with the task to search for and locate the long lost shrine of an unknown Dark Jedi, who according to legend had resided near the ancient Massassi temples of Yavin IV. Yog humbly accepted the mission, and after months of searching the jungles of Yavin IV, he found an entrance leading to an underground tomb..
However, upon entering the place, the entrance shut closed. It was a trap designed to lure lightsiders such as Yog inside. A giant stone slab of unknown mineral properties and enchanted with the Dark Side of the Force effectively shut the Jedi Master inside. There was no water, no food, no light, little space and soon, he would run out of air. As a last desperate effort, he managed through Jedi meditation to put his mind and body into a deep hibernation, slowing down his metabolism, breathing, heartbeat and bloodflow to a stop. A near death state, which would last until someone or something wake him up..
It would take 128 years before he saw the light of day again. An earthquake split the stone slab blocking the entrance in two. The violent shaking had also jolted Yog out of his coma like sleep. Dazed and confused, he crawls out of the tomb, and locates his ship covered with moss. He intends to travel back to Coruscant to report back to the Council, but little does he know what chaos the Galaxy has turned into..
Jarek Tarrk - human male, 28 years old. Rebel Alliance - starfighter pilot. At young age, he worked as a spice smuggler in the family company. He always had nothing but contempt for Empire. However, it was first when his parents got killed by an Imperial patrol, he decided to join the Rebel Alliance for pilot duty. He proved to have excellent talent for flight and space combat, and later joined Rogue Squadron. Jarek wants to bring an end to the tyranny and strongly believes there one day will be peace and freedom..
TK-427 - human male, stormtrooper. Haken Vance grew up in great powerty in the slum of Coruscant. He was constantly bullied by the other kids for being weak and shy. As a response, he would start exercising and taking martial arts classes. He had only one desire, to be someone, to be respected. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer or much of a reader, he dropped out of school, and joined the Imperial army. In training, proved to be an excellent marksman with E-11 carbines, and great abilities in close range fighting. Currently, Haken loyally serves the Empire, in hope that he one day will be promoted or get a medal to make his family proud. He shall become someone, some day..
Other characters to be announced later
General Devious
Jun 3rd, 2005, 12:19:14 AM
I really Enjoy Yogs New back story. Good luck Yog..... Also to stay on topic. I will be renaming Dalamar To General Devious. Also the other account which is named Vampyre Dalamar will be changed to Dalamar DeSang. As it is passe that I put his race in his name. Something that was needed in the long ago when I wasn't known.
Also to stay on track. Sting is now close to what he use to be. he use to be a bounty hunter that sometimes worked for Dalamar.
Now he is a special black ops agent working for the General. He also protects the Queen of Onderon. I will also be up playing the General part and downplaying the vampyre part. Me and Lilaena have worked out that he will not have any more super healing capabilities. So that is different. Also to explain my new look. (If I havent already. Dalamar wears the armor ala Darth Vader style. To more readily deal in the sun filled worlds that he must.) Thank you and that is all... Have fun everyone... :smokin
Jun 3rd, 2005, 05:18:54 PM
This is part of my application to the TSO, but it's my character. Im about 95% sure he won't be changing any.
Originally posted by Tarsis
Character name: Tarsis Crestmere
Character Profile: Tarsis has long black hair that is usually tattered from poor upkeep. His massive size and stern appearance has earned him a frightful presence. Tarsis's demeanor is very simple, he doesn’t like to beat around the bush and doesn’t like to have his time wasted. Straight forward and direct is how he likes to be and will tell you if he doesn't like you. He loves the fact that most people fear him and will not hesitate to use that against them. He does what he has to do, to get what he wants; whether it be lying to someone or killing them, it’s all the same to him.
Character History: Born on Nar Shadda, Tarsis was raised almost like every other child. He had a mother, a father, brother, and a sister. His mother was the kindest person to him and the one he looked up to the most growing up. His father, Folken Crestmere, wasn’t his favorite person to be around, but he always had great stories to tell about some distant planet, fights he had seen, and things he had learned, which he usually taught to his children. His brother was like any other older brother, constantly picking on young Tarsis and getting him into trouble. His sister on the other hand, was usually kind to young Tarsis; treating him with kindness while occasionally joining her brother with an assault on Tarsis.
His father was, what he called, “hired help”. He never fully explained to Tarsis what that meant, but that’s what he called himself when Tarsis or his siblings were around. Whenever Folken would leave, Tarsis would have to watch his mother cry for hours upon hours, stopping and going all day. Tarsis hated that! He hated his father for doing that to his mother and on the one day that he told his father that, Folken smiled at Tarsis and then, lifting his massive hand into the air, brought it down across Tarsis’s face. He yelled at Tarsis, telling him to stay out of things he didn’t understand, that he would understand when he was older. But the beatings didn’t stop there. A month later, Tarsis’s mother died. He heard the doctor say it was an “accident”, but Tarsis knew what had happened. A few days earlier, he had heard his mother and father arguing about what his father did for a living, and that’s when Tarsis found out his father was a Bounty Hunter, a rather decent one at that. The fight went on for hours, both of them believing the children to be outside, and they were, except for Tarsis. Towards the arguments end, Tarsis heard his father tell his mother that he’d kill her if she said anything, and by the looks of it, she had.
Tarsis was 12 at the time of his mother’s death. Now 20, he had learned everything possible from his father while also getting his power suit and his two-handed Vibrosword from his as well. Over the eight years since his mother’s death, Tarsis had changed. He became more violent with his brother and his sister, he even fought with his father on several occasions. He would beat up kids for information, even if it was on something stupid and pointless, he didn’t care as long as he got what he wanted. And then that faithful day came when, that day that Tarsis put his past behind him and used all his hatred for his family to drive his sword through his father’s heart and murder his brother and sister. His families jealousy of Tarsis is what invoked their attack on him that day and how ironic it was to see it be their death as well.
Having no reason to stay on Nar Shadda, Tarsis set out to find a means to become stronger. What else was he good at? His intelligence wasn’t the greatest, but it was ok, he didn’t have any business skills, and he didn’t know anyone that could teach him anything else besides what he already knew. One day, while in a local bar, Tarsis heard rumors about the Sith. This was a word he heard his father talk often about. Saying that they “were not people to be messed with,” and that they were “enemies of the Jedi”. After inquiring more information about the group, Tarsis learned that, with their help, his power would know no bounds. That he could become as strong as he had ever dreamed. So from that day forth he found himself searching for the Sith, hoping to be accepted into their ranks and finally earning the strength that he so desired.
Character Motivations: Tarsis needs the skills of the Sith to become stronger! He knows, from the stories he’s heard as a child and from his father, the Sith are not ones to be messed with. They are skill warriors and will stop at nothing to get what they want, and Tarsis is the same way. He yearns for power and to improve upon his skills while learning new ones, and he knows that the Sith are the ones who can help him.
Character Skills: Tarsis is skilled in the basic forms of combat with a two-handed Vibrosword, as well as, a few hand to hand combat styles. He also has trained in a power suit for the majority of his teenage years that was that was also given to him by his father. An advantage to training in such a heavy suit is that when he removes it, for whatever reason, his movement and reflexes are faster then that of the average person.
Rhea Kaylen
Jun 4th, 2005, 11:43:58 AM
I have already mentioned to some people that I think I would like to play a Witch, but in order to do that properly I need to first read The Courtship of Princess Leia. So, until I do, this character will remain on the back burner. Any suggestions appreciated.
EDIT: Just bought Courtship of Princess Leia. Will start reading today. :)
The character of Rhea Kaylen no longer exists. Her backstory is far too self-dependent to simply transplant her from the old timeline to this one. (Y'all can still call me Rhea, though, since you and I are both used to it. ;))
However, if I can come up with suitable character motivation, I can break my own fanon enough to play as Rhea's great-great-grandmam:
Litika Dor (Astrela Xylen)
(The original story for this character would make her too old for me to use at this time--she'd be in her fifties--so I'm modifying the story for use on the Shiny New SWForums.)
Astrela Xylen was born on the small, politically unknown planet of Imran. The planet was accidentally discovered when a Master/Padawan team ran into pirate trouble and crashed on Imran near Astrela's village. The little girl's enthusiasm and talent in the Force convinced the two Jedi to allow her to return to Coruscant with them, where they hoped she would be the start of new relations between her reclusive planet and the New Republic.
Such relations never came about, however. Before Astrela could finish her Temple training and be chosen as a Padawan, the Temple was raided in what she found out later to be the galactic Jedi Purge. Twelve-year-old Astrela and several of her fellow students were sneaked out of the Temple by one of their teachers, who stole a small Temple craft and escaped the planet.
This small band of refugees hopped from planet to planet, trying to stay ahead of Imperial spies and the encroaching Imperial army. The Knight returned most of the younglings to their home planets; Astrela, however, could not be returned, as Imran was well hidden in the uncharted and dangerous Unknown Regions, and the girl had no information on how to find the planet.
She and the Knight, whose name was Arakim Rahla, maintained their vagabond life, Rahla teaching Astrela what he could of the Jedi arts in the short time they were together. Rahla was killed in an accident when Astrela was sixteen. The girl buried her master and remained on the backwater world on which they'd crashed, scraping out a living whatever way she could and trying to discreetly gather information from the whispers she heard of a growing Rebellion to the Empire.
She eventually earned enough money to buy a small ship--junker which she refurbished herself--and return to wandering, stopping in every port she came across, making money at odd jobs, and helping out the Rebellion whenever and wherever she encountered it. Though never a major player, she has held key roles in small local uprisings. Her involvement in these has made her a wanted woman on a handful of Imperial-held worlds, though no inter-planet bounty has yet been set on her head.
She goes by the name of Litika Dor and wears a disguise at all times.
Age: 35
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Short, dark brown
Occupation: Varies
Ship: Riven Epsilon
Known aliases: none
Jun 4th, 2005, 05:26:53 PM
Estelle Russard 21yr old art student who has been awarded a scholarship at the Tarkin Institue of Art and Design in the Imperial city of Coruscant. Charged with the idealism of youth, Estelle is disappointed to discover that wiithin her first few months at the Institute, she cant escape the feeling that perhaps all the old stories of the Imperial Purge and re-establishing of galactic peace that had formerly inspired her, were not quite based on noble justice that she had been raised all her life to believe in. Questions, albethey vague and half-formed at first, persist in unsettling her state of blissful ignorance and what begin as latenight dorm study groups with free-thinking radicals gradually evole into the foundations of student dissent and cell units for protest and resistance against the ruling order. Such activities soon capture the attention of Imperial leadership and rebel sympathyzers alike.
Forced into exile on the planet Myrkyr during the long years of the Imperial purge, Hera found refuge in the Caves of Anterros. Years of exposure to the force-annulling ysalmiri that inhabit the planet, Hera became victim of her own safe haven. Emerging from her sanctuary, she no longer held ability to manipulate the force. Desperate, angry, and even fearful, DrenKast - once a powerful Sith Master - is now at her most vunerable. Venturing to Coruscant, risking exposure and possible capture, in order to find help. Hope of regaining what she has lost is pinned on locating someone well-trained in the ancient arts of the Sith who has survived the purge, and who may, or may not, agree to help her.
************************************************** *
Disenchanted exotic Dancer of the "Laughing Monk". After a latenight conversation over bourbon and a glimmerstim with an unconfirmed (but much rumoured) assassin of the Black Sun - Bambi Maddox, smiles into the dark, inviting eyes of opportunity as he buys her another round and perhaps a chance for a career change that will alter her life forever.
Spada Elhow
Jun 5th, 2005, 08:13:31 AM
Spada Elhow
Spada was a young, quickly rising Padawan in the Jedi Order during the times of the Republic. After several years in the Order, Spada was just about to rise to the rank of Jedi Knight, a rank which Spada dreamed of since the moment he entered the Jedi Order. However, when Spada was sent out on what he and his master saw as his last mission to prove himself worthy of becoming a Jedi Knight, tragedy struck.
Being far out of the core worlds, Spada was unaware of the creation of the Galactic Empire and the near-annihilation of the Jedi. Coming under attack by a group of Imperial fighters as he attempted to enter Coruscant's airspace, Spada fled in a dangerous chase which ended when Spada was able to trick the Imperials into thinking his ship was destroyed. Fleeing to his homeworld of Dorin, Spada exiled himself just outside of a major city on Dorin.
The series of events which Spada was spared from cut deep scars into his mind, which caused him to doubt his Jedi teachings and almost resulted in a fall to the dark side. However, Spada's good nature and self-sacrificing attitude have kept him from falling. Spada has decided to remain neutral in the conflict between the Empire and Rebel Alliance, although he wishes for revenge against the Empie.
Spada's life of solitude have left Spada's force abilities less honed than usual, but his lightsaber and telekenesis skills have remained strong out of necessity in the wilderness of Dorin. Spada visits the nearby town for supplies, but only very rarely.
Jun 6th, 2005, 05:04:55 PM
Damien Arkady ( Nightmare ) - Dark Jedi
Damien or Nightmare as he has become to be known is a dark and truly malicious character, infatuated with battle and the carnage that follows in its wake. He only finds true happiness and peace in the death and torment of others. At a relatively young age he was found to possess a strong tie to the force, though his family wanted nothing to with it, they saw it as an abnormality, as a deficiency in his character, one which they meant to savagely beat out of him. His father and two older brothers continued to beat him relentlessly at every corner while his mother did nothing, turning a blind eye. As an outcast, a freak he turned to crime for a release from his family life, being in and out of trouble with the law for the better part of his childhood. On his fifteenth birthday his father and brothers beat him especially hard, ruthlessly using bats and metal pipes. As he lay in a pool of his own blood he snapped, brutally murdering his entire family with an axe while they slept that night. He was tried as a minor and was sentenced for the next five years in a hard labor prison.
Now twenty and newly released from prison he found life had greatly changed since his incarceration, not able to cope with his "new life" he decided joined the imperial army. It seemed he had found his place at least, his scores were off the chart and soon he become imperial special forces, running black ops missions in some ofthe deadliest places in the galaxy. With a flawless service record and five years of the special forces under his belt he was hand picked and asked by the Emperor himself to become an imperial inquisitor. He was trained extensively in the ways of the force and lightsaber combat, allowing him to become a faster and stronger hunter. Seven years had passed and the Emperor had become much like a father to him, taking him into his council, teaching him the dark arts of the dark side. All seemed well for Damien, but it was not to last. In a strange turn of fate the Emperor was killed at the hands of his apprentice Darth Vader. Damien was crushed, his mentor, his dark father was dead. Soon after Damien left the Empire, dissapearing and becoming a freelance mercenary. Once again life has turned against him and now he is the monster he once was.
Jun 8th, 2005, 06:06:02 AM
Oriadin left the Jedi order so that he could reseach into his past, to which he could remember nothing of. Unfortunately this led to the discovery that he was married and had a small child, which in turn led to Oriadins nemeiss, Archer murdering them both before his eyes.
Oriadin did his best to keep to the Jedi ways by keeping his emotions in check, but if the truth be told, he was a wreck for a few years. Because of his absence from the Order for such a long time, he survived the Jedi purge.
His life has no direction now. With no family, and the Jedi Order no longer there to return to, Oriadin is a lost soul. He moves from place to place at the very bottom of Coruscant to try and avoid being found. One way or another he always seems to help people in trouble, whether he finds the trouble, or the trouble finds him. This usually means he cant stay in one place for too long, as it becomes clear he was once a Jedi knight.
He does not see himself as a Jedi any more, as he assumes there are none left alive. How can you be a knight of an organisation that no longer exists?
Once Oriadin finds out other Jedi survived, he will try to forget them, but deep down he knows he's a Jedi, and where his path lies. He is strong in the force, and a very wise man. He just needs to be pulled out of the hole that seems to have swollowed up his life.
Jun 8th, 2005, 08:14:33 AM
This is Sting, Devious does not know what he is talking about. When our dealing our done and the bargain honored. I will no longer protect his precious 'Queen'.
I will soon start my chores as a core member of Black Sun. So Frell you all. The one way you will meet me is down the end of my plasma scope.
PS. For you who don't know me and Sting are one and the same. :D
Jun 10th, 2005, 08:11:48 PM
Vice is a young foce user that uses a lightsaber as his main weapon. He is not yet a Sith but he knows their ways and hopes to maybe one day to become so. He Continues to stroll throught the galaxy fufilling evil deeds. He often does jobes for money but also causes treacherous events for his own amusement. He mostly travels by ship. He payed a pilot to drive his ship for the rest of his life. The pilot obviously couldn't resist 2million credits. He rarley encouters a person and becomes their friend therefore he kills the rest.
Zasz Grimm
Jun 12th, 2005, 12:25:47 AM
Zasz Grimm was a powerful Jedi Master. during the hunt for General Grievous, he had been sent to a system in harsh conflict with the seperatist forces. He had just participated in a rather lengthy battle when Order 66 had been executed; and in sensing something wrong with the Clones, was prepared for the attack. And like his fellow Jedi, Yoda and Obi-Wan, he went into exile.
For two decades, he lived on a backwater planet, training himself. His view on his teachings, and life become jaded, however. His view on many things now apathetic and cynnical. With the Emperors death, and the Galaxy turning a new leaf, he can now leave hiding.
Jun 12th, 2005, 04:05:46 AM
Ezra Darkmere : Surviving rogue jedi of the Jedi purge. Now travels with his daughter Alexi searching for someway to exact revenge upon the very system who brought the senseless destruction upon the honored knights of the old republic.
Radzyn Boomtown: Hotshot pilot from Corellia. Flew for Gold squadron, now has a spot on the famous Rogue Squadron as Rogue Nine.
Ambrose Braeden
Sep 6th, 2005, 11:06:56 AM
Ambrose will remian a sith vampire, but has been in a deep sleep for many years, now arising to find that almost all of his kin are destroyed. He still remains to have a strong connection with the force, but does not persue to advance any further in the force yet.
Eldorack will remain almost the same way he is...a slicer, merc., and assasin from the planet myrkyr.
Sep 15th, 2005, 10:27:27 AM
Albion is a jedi padawan. The original was raymious but i changed it to albion. My master was Maia tharrin but she does not play anymore.
Telan Desaria
Sep 15th, 2005, 12:55:37 PM
Grand Admiral-Baron Telan Desaria - Graduate of the Imperial Academy on Raltiir almost immediately after the birth of the Empire, having entered as a Republic Naval Cadet. Hailing from Kuat, he ascended to the hereldic title of Baron upon the death of his father during his Second Year.
During the Battle of Endor, Telan Desaria aged 41, commanded the left wing of the formation. With the destruction of the Executor and Death Star, he assumed command of the fleet and drove off the Rebels, albeit with heavy casualties. Immediately afterward, he reduced the unsurrection on the nearby Hilari Colony worlds and was promoted Grand Admiral - filling the void left by Grand Admiral Il-Raz's suicide.
Baron Desaria has three sons. Jeralt is the youngest and a Major in the Imperial Army. Next is Firam, who commanded the Matador-class Cruiser Bellephron until his death in the Fresian Uprising. Vasily Desaria is a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Imperial Civil Defense Force. The first two are clones of Desaria and his mate, Arian de'Santoga, while the eldest is the result of a relationship with the current Director of Intelligence, R. S. Esalis.
Desaria retains a trim figure - while not overly muscular he is athletic. He wears closely-cropped blond hair and has emerald eyes - he stands just over two meters.
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