View Full Version : Keeping TSO Threads

Lady Vader
May 24th, 2005, 03:04:18 PM
If there are any threads you wish to keep here, you MUST post in them ASAP. It can be as simple as a "bump" post.

Reason being is because there is talk of archiving all threads at SWF older than 3-6 months (the time span is still being decided). All this is per this discussion (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38435).

If you are able to post in the threads you wish to keep here, then you will be able to continue posting in them.

However, once the old threads have been archived, they will be closed to posting/editing. You will not be able to do anything with them save for read them.

It has also not been made clear whether this archiove forum will be one massive forum or whether it will be broken up into sections to make finding posts easier.

Again, I emphasize, post in whatever threads you want to remain open as soon as you can!!

Zereth Lancer
May 24th, 2005, 04:19:23 PM
Ok, If I'm reading this right then we can bring old threads back up to the top (Like Training threads and key storyline thread) so that they will be archived and we have proof of their existance?

Lady Vader
May 24th, 2005, 04:21:16 PM

All threads 3-6 months old will be archived and saved, just not editable.

Anything you bring to the top with a bump will be left open so that you may continue RPing in it.

Dasquian Belargic
May 24th, 2005, 04:22:14 PM
Originally posted by Zereth Lancer
Ok, If I'm reading this right then we can bring old threads back up to the top (Like Training threads and key storyline thread) so that they will be archived and we have proof of their existance?

No. Bumping the threads mean that they will be transferred over to the new board if you want to keep them. All threads other threads, in the archive, will be accessible, but you won't be able to post to them or edit them in any way.

Originally posted by Lady Vader
All threads 3-6 months old will be archived and saved, just not editable.

Threads older than 6 months are archived. Newer remain active.

Lady Vader
May 24th, 2005, 07:28:04 PM
Wait... what new forum?

I was under the impression that TSO would not be touched. That we could still use this as a home base. The only thing that would be supposedly moved would be the archived threads.

The way I interepted it was that the bumped threads would be left open bu in their respective forums. The old threads would be closed and archived.

Gawd, how much are they going to take away from us? We PAY for these boards for crying out loud. |I

I really REALLY need someone to give it to me in plain simple english EXACTLY what is going to happen with the boards we shelled out money for, what will happen with our current threads, what will happen with old threads.

No one is posting exactly what will happen. It's all in bits and pieces here and there.

I want it in ONE big post cause i want to know whether I need to ask for a refund back or what.

Adraudia Basillie
May 24th, 2005, 08:39:19 PM
The problem is this.. because we don't delete anything from this board at all, it is making it run like crap. The lag, the downtime, it is because the database is overloading with information from years of RPing here and in the BO stuff.

Because of this and because of the reboot, a new board is going to happen to cut down on this and stop eating the database memory. one of two things as I found out now are being discussed, but the result will be the same essentially.

1. a freebie board will be created as an archive to all the threads older then six months. cant post or edit things, but you'll be able to get into all private forums etc... and nothing will be lost at all. It will look the same and everything.

2. staff, and other contribitors if they wish, buy a new liscene for around 160 bucks I believe it was, and import all current to six month threads there and this board becomes archived as mentioned in possibility one.

So the threads will still be closed and accessible, just not on the new board, they will be here. Your money goes to archiving space and keeping the new forum. Me and LD we worried about that as well since we paid for our forums too but it all gets carried over. If we do not move the threads off the board, our database will continue to be crappy with more downtimes which sucks.

LV - I am going to bring up your concern with the admins and then have it clarified for everyone... besides you oh kitty queen

Lady Vader
May 25th, 2005, 10:00:58 AM
Well, if the threads are being moved to another board entirely, then I am going to request that the threads from TSO be moved to my board.

I started a board last night due to this, and frankly, I want to have control over the threads here as opposed to having someone else admin over them.

They'll be off this board so ppl won't have to worry about bandwidth.

I'll contact SWF about how to transfer threads.