View Full Version : Artimus and Kieran: The Warlord and the Hunter (Open)

Kieran Devaneaux
May 23rd, 2005, 09:26:17 AM
Kieran Devaneaux knew his father had been here once before. He knew that Artimus was a very devious and cunning man, and also very aggressive. He was also genocidal and power-hungry in the extreme - a perfect contrast to his cold, calculating master. Kieran had known for some time that the Mindlord Je'gan Olra'en had taken Artimus under his tutelage...but was Artimus gaining any powers that Kieran could not battle - yet? The thought was too terrible for the Padawan to contemplate...

Suddenly, his world went into darkness; he could not see or hear. However, he heard the voice in his head: Still weak and pathetic. I was always your better in matters of the mind, boy. But unlike the weak Sith adepts that dread voice had practiced on, Kieran did not scream in panic - he merely waited as the Force disruption of his senses dissipated. When he turned around, he was not surprised in the slightest to see who was standing before him.

Standing toe to toe, father and son: Artimus Devaneaux the Warlord, and Kieran Devaneaux the Hunter...

Artimus Devaneaux
May 23rd, 2005, 08:55:31 PM
Artimus Devaneaux's remaining black-pupiled eye stared coldly into Kieran's single blue one. The elder was in the battle armor of the Hands of Artimus, his personal assassins, the white hand imprinted on his shoulder guards; the younger, in white meditation robes, his lightsaber belt, with its knotwork pattern and the belt buckle with the Eye of Kieran (his personal symbol, an Eye of Horus with a scar across it, representing his lost eye), around his waist. Both Artimus and Kieran had their hands down to their sabers - Kieran's new blue single-blade, crafted by his hands, Artimus' ancient double-blade, stolen from the tomb of Kieran's honored namesake and ancestor. Yet neither drew their blades. They merely stared at one another.

Finally, Artimus spoke. "Well, aren't we looking dandy. Trying to look like your monk friend?" The Warlord laughed hoarsely. "It pains me to see such genetic potential wasted in someone like you. All that wasted effort with your mother, who had four miscarriages before she could have decent kids....and I don't even get that! I have to CLONE YOU to get what I want!" The dark side dementia was starting to eat his brain, and it was showing.

Kieran Devaneaux
May 24th, 2005, 04:07:29 PM
"And you? Trying to look like a warrior, when you're nothing but a sorcerous coward. It pains me to see that you never had any potential at all, as a father or as a human being." Kieran glared coldly with his own single eye. "Going to try one of those tricks your master Je'gan showed you? Oh, don't look so surprised; you Sith are more public than we are. Most of the time." The Jedi-captain grinned. "So, what do you want? Want to talk the talk, or actually walk the walk this time?"