View Full Version : The New Campaign
Sorsha Kasajian
May 21st, 2005, 12:02:47 PM
For starters, Ii've been thinking about what to do with Sorsha, and I've reached the end of my rope in her incarnation as a Sith/Darksider. But instead of retiring her forever, I'm interested in casting her as a possible leader for the Black Sun Crime Syndicate.
So ... Holly and Charley, we need to talk. And anyone else who's interested of course.
Also, this thread is open to anyone else for pitching their own ideas.
Here is the current storyline being proposed:
Ok, this is what I have so far for the storyline. If there is anything I missed or that anyone would like to see differently, please post!
I think that perhaps the Rebellion's attack on the Death Star didn't succeed, but Luke's results were about the same, only he doesn't have a very solid opportunity to escape and does not.
The Rebellion's and the Empire's core fleets have been bled heavily, and it's a phyric victory for the Rebles who have lost much of their fleet and heros. They jump and cut their losses.
The Empire has lost much of it's best and brightest with the Executor destroyed. The remainder is on the DS2.
The rest of the Imperial fleet was perhaps damaged more than the Rebellion's. With the death of the Emperor and his lack of battle meditation, movements were sloppy and a hardened Rebellion did as much damage as it could.
Several Imperial and Victory class destroyers have been scuttled and are considered irreperable and are salvage at best. Endor's orbit is filled with debris clouds not seen since the Clone Wars.
With the exception of the Trilogy's core heros, most of the Rebellion's leadership is alive, and is back to savaging the Empire's supply lines.
The Empire still has quite an edge with a damaged and incomplete battle-station. However, the Empire lacks a designated, clear leadership.
Morgan Evanar
May 22nd, 2005, 11:41:21 AM
Posted by Anbira Hicchoru on 05-14-05 05:18:56 PM:
I think we should consider having RP storyline arcs that are a year in length.
That is to say, that at the end of every year, we reset. There's a start, and a definite conclusion.
Each of us can RP up to five characters per year arc, and if you want, you can repeat characters in the next story arc.
That way, we have a very high probability of keeping things fresh, and we can also do things we perhaps wouldn't otherwise do, such as have our characters die during a story arc, and such.
Posted by Anbira Hicchoru on 05-14-05 08:18:14 PM:
I've always wanted the freedom to "off" some of my characters, but its always been an issue of outside pressure keeping me tied in. Sometimes, it just services the story better.
The best parallel I can think of are Japanese TV shows, which are essentially an entire story in one season only. That isn't necessarily the end. Perhaps there are parallels that run here and there. Look at how many shows in the 80's and 90's that feature a particular Hattori Hanzo fellow
Plus, I think with a definite start and stop phase, we can cut to the chase with a lot of our stories, and really make things work. People really get their juices flowing when they're working a deadline.
Posted by Morgan Evanar on 05-14-05 09:44:48 PM:
Mmmmmmm YES.
Originally posted by Shawn
I would seriously have a renewed interest in RPing if this were to happen. It could seriously alter the RP dynamics.
This would be really helpful for new people, too. There would be a clean slate to start with, and they wouldn't have so much backstory to worry about.
Posted by Rognan Dar on 05-15-05 12:53:40 AM:
Wait, I might be the only one, but I'm not following what Anbira said. Are you saying that we have to start the character completely ovr every year? Or just that they have to make a story about themselves? Or am I completely off?
Posted by Anbira Hicchoru on 05-15-05 01:03:12 AM:
It is an option to do so, or you can essentially make the character so that he's roughly the same guy for every session we do.
Consider each yearly session to be a complete, stand-alone movie that doesn't tie into anything else.
Posted by Rognan Dar on 05-15-05 01:21:53 AM:
So its a do what you want thing? So if you die in these stories it doesn't count outside? Ok, that sounds cool. I'd dig doing something like that.
Posted by Rognan Dar on 05-15-05 01:56:56 AM:
Right, but in the end, if you still wanted to do other things with him later, that you could in the next year and so forth.....right?
Posted by Lion El' Jonson on 05-15-05 05:02:00 AM:
Story arcs sound like a spectacular idea. I can only hope that this place's legendary lethargy doesn't get in the way.
Posted by Dasquian Belargic on 05-15-05 05:35:06 AM:
Very interesting idea We could start each year with a brand new theme, or threat to the galaxy. Would be cool.
Posted by Dae Jinn on 05-15-05 10:30:40 AM:
I just have two things to ask about this idea.
1 - Would we have to rp every little detail, a la the Empire Take-over? That would waste a lot of time IMO, when we could just have one thread that's like a story that sets everything up. (Yeah, common sense, but mneh)
2 - Who would decide what each years' storyline would be? Maybe a few people with ideas could post them and we have a vote? I don't want people to complain about the older rpers having all of their ideas played out without having others input (mostly because I don't want to listen to them whine )
Posted by s'Ilancy on 05-15-05 11:04:19 AM:
As for the first question Dae raised, what if we had something of a scrawl opening as a heading on the Roleplaying pages? Like the opening scrawls in the SW movies that set the stage as it were? They could describe (in the prerequisite three short paragraphs) what is happening in general, which in turn can let us fill in the details for that year?
The voting for the setting I like. Maybe a month before the reset, a thread could be started calling for the next year's setting ideas which would be active for three or so weeks. The last week another thread can be started which lists the ideas and people can vote for the ones they like.
Posted by Tiberius Anar on 05-15-05 11:17:24 AM:
My thoughts are somewhat difficult to articulate so bear with me.
I am rather aprehensive about this rest idea. Exciting though it is, I cannot help feeling it would be detrimental. The gradual, measured development of a character is part of the fun of this Fans for me. On top of which it would squash the creative freedom allowed by the present system- at present we can do what we like when we like (within reason) having the whole rp galaxy governed by a mega-story arc would mean we couldn't.
Now if it were a separate RP forum governed by an arc and time limit it would be an entirely different matter. Then we could have the existing galaxy trundling along as is and a parrallel arced galaxy in which we can do the exciting movie type stuff.
Posted by Rhea Kaylen on 05-15-05 01:42:07 PM:
Personaly, I'm going to have to ditto this. I kind of like the idea of an all-governing year-long story arc, not least because it would force us proscrastinators to keep moving along, because we have a definite time limit. This would also likely get all the writers to associate more w/ each other, whereas now it's a bit difficult, since not everyone's timelines are synchronized, among other obstacles.
However, I'm a little afraid this movie format could be too limiting. So, while a separate forum following the year-arc would definitely be fun, and a good idea, I don't know if totally aborting the current setup would be the best choice. All my opinion, of course, but I can definitely say that if the entire RP section of this site were to change over to a single story arc, it's unlikely I'd do much here anymore.
But then, that would probably not be true of anyone--or, at least, certainly not everyone--else, so of course the majority will rule on this one.
Posted by Dasquian Belargic on 05-15-05 01:44:57 PM:
I don't think the premise of the idea is that we'd all have to be following one story, but rather that we'd all be in a single universe. You aren't going to have any set role to play. The theme would simply set the beginning scenario for the year. For example, one theme could be "the empire have risen to power, the rebellion has reformed"... and then you go on from there, however you like. At least the way I understand it is that these scenarios will be very broad, with a starting point but with no end goal, no definite conclusion that we have to reach. More than anything they'd be there to put a little variety into the board, which has existed on the same backstory for 5/6 years now.
Posted by Rhea Kaylen on 05-15-05 01:56:29 PM:
Okay, that makes a bit more sense, then. Thanks!
Posted by Lilaena De'Ville on 05-15-05 02:06:10 PM:
I think the time frame should be a bit longer than a year. Call me sily, but some single Rps take longer than a year to RP. Charley, Navaria and I are Rping a thread right now that had been in the works for two years, and we've been Rping it for over a year now. So we reset, and everyone gets to do... two to three RPs, and then we're resetting again?
Force users would spend their whole reset time just trying to gain ranks back, etc. If we reset, it should be for longer than a year. Year and a half to two years.
That being said - I love the idea. Let's do a "living under Vong slavery" universe. Or a 'what if anakin never turned to the darkside' story.
Posted by Anbira Hicchoru on 05-15-05 03:29:21 PM:
Putting a deadline in effect will light a fire under our collective butts, which I think would settle this issue. We either expedite the task, or we don't do it. Call it strategic planning for roleplaying if you will.
With a start and finish time, we can cut through all the niceties and BS, and get to the heart of the matter, which is exactly the way we should be roleplaying in the first place.
A year is the longest period of time that I would recommend. Anything longer really has no point at all.
Posted by Rognan Dar on 05-15-05 05:19:22 PM:
Would that mean we could add in real characters like Luke and Wedge and Lando? And just play around with them in that story? Could we also bring in Zonoma Sekot?
Posted by Morgan Evanar on 05-15-05 05:42:44 PM:
We'd have to dance too close to copyrights to really do that
Posted by Dae Jinn on 05-16-05 12:28:59 AM:
I like the idea, only because Dae has become stale, and this is great way to totally change her.
I'm assuming though, that I can keep my other characters relatively the same, and play them as they are, but in a different setting. None of them really have anything set in stone aside from Trrics' being a Sith in TSO.
The way Charley explained it to me was that your character can be repeated over and over, only the setting will change, right? So ranks and stuff like that would stay the same unless you change the character (assuming again).
Another thing about voting, and the whole "let's change the whole board" idea - what about people who won't want to do this? Are we going to end up alienating a bunch of rpers with this idea?
Posted by Wei Wu Wei on 05-16-05 12:40:04 AM:
Well, as long as people who gain ranks (Jedi, Sith, and otherwise) can keep what they've earned after the story arc is over, then I would not mind. Otherwise, I would have to say no.
Posted by Anbira Hicchoru on 05-16-05 12:45:14 AM:
I'd say plenty of people are already alienated at this point with the stagnation of the current setup. Either way, we're going to break eggs for an omelette, I think.
Posted by Anbira Hicchoru on 05-16-05 12:55:28 AM:
Originally posted by Wei Wu Wei
Well, as long as people who gain ranks (Jedi, Sith, and otherwise) can keep what they've earned after the story arc is over, then I would not mind. Otherwise, I would have to say no.
Keeping what you got is fine, and I expect a lot of people will want to do this. No problem.
Posted by Lilaena De'Ville on 05-17-05 03:06:03 PM:
We could do a universe where the rebellion failed at the second death star, and all the 'heroes' of the movies were killed (to explain why they aren't around).
Posted by Morgan Evanar on 05-17-05 07:12:02 PM:
We can keep ranks, I assume. There is no reason there couldn't be a few Jedi who decided to stop being Jedi and hide. Remember, we're already giving the universe a good thwack.
I think that perhaps the Rebellion's attack on the Death Star didn't succeed, but Luke's results were about the same, only he doesn't have a very solid opportunity to escape and does not.
The Empire has an incomplete Death Star 2. The Rebellion's and the Empire's core fleets have been bled heavily, and it's a phyric victory for the Rebles who have lost much of their fleet and heros. They jump and cut their losses.
The Empire has lost much of it's best and brightest with the Executor destroyed. The remainder is on the DS2.
The rest of the Imperial fleet was perhaps damaged more than the Rebellion's. With the death of the Emperor and his lack of battle meditation, movements were sloppy and a hardened Rebellion did as much damage as it could.
Several Imperial and Victory class destroyers have been scuttled and are considered irreperable and are salvage at best. Endor's orbit is filled with debris clouds not seen since the Clone Wars.
With the exception of the Trilogy's core heros, most of the Rebellion's leadership is alive, and is back to savaging the Empire's supply lines.
The Empire still has quite an edge with an operable but incomplete battle-station.
Posted by Lion El' Jonson on 05-17-05 07:39:04 PM:
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
A bunch of good ideas.|
Sounds like the Rebellion and the Imperials would have quite the opportunity to have some slugging matches.
We'd have to do something about the canon idea that the Empire has 25,000+ Imperators, but I have a feeling that could be remedied easily. From a fleeting standpoint, I'm very happy.
Posted by Anbira Hicchoru on 05-17-05 09:23:09 PM:
Aside from the painfully obvious "Jedi who didn't die during the purge" method of explaining EU Jedi, we could pull a Mormon angle with this whole thing, and get rid of the assumption that the ghosts of Qui Gon, Yoda and Obi Wan only attempted to train Luke Skywalker.
So in effect, we could have an entire central corps of seasoned Jedi who trace their lineages back to the spirits of the fallen canon characters.
The Sith angle is even easier, as all of the rejects and flunkies that the Emperor and Vader held down as adepts and "hands" can vie for the vast reservoir of their ancient teachings, essentially creating dozens of Bane-style "master & apprentice" duos
Posted by Morgan Evanar on 05-17-05 09:34:11 PM:
Originally posted by Anbira Hicchoru
Aside from the painfully obvious "Jedi who didn't die during the purge" method of explaining EU Jedi, we could pull a Mormon angle with this whole thing, and get rid of the assumption that the ghosts of Qui Gon, Yoda and Obi Wan only attempted to train Luke Skywalker.
So in effect, we could have an entire central corps of seasoned Jedi who trace their lineages back to the spirits of the fallen canon characters.
The Sith angle is even easier, as all of the rejects and flunkies that the Emperor and Vader held down as adepts and "hands" can vie for the vast reservoir of their ancient teachings, essentially creating dozens of Bane-style "master & apprentice" duos|
This is awesome. I wouldn't put all of my eggs in one basket, either
Sorsha Kasajian
May 22nd, 2005, 01:46:16 PM
Has a place in the timeline been settled on yet?
Gav Mortis
May 22nd, 2005, 02:02:27 PM
Just a little brain fart here but let's assume that a plan such as the proposed were to go into effect, I was pondering on how the Jedi would live and go about their business in hiding, etc.
I was reminded of Harry Potter, of all things, and how there is the world of the muggles and the wizarding world all around them, hidden everywhere by a magical veil right before their very eyes. Then I thought about this and Star Wars and just thought how awesome it would be for the Jedi to actually be capable of the same deceit as the Emperor; the temple and all the Jedi right under his nose.
Then I wondered if such a thing would be the "Jedi Way" then remembered somethings raised in the Episode 3 discussions. Back in the days of the Old Republic, the Jedi clung to their dogmatic dated values and principles which ultimately, may have blinded them from the obvious and stopped the from taking action before it was too late. Luke was never the traditional Jedi and some would say, those who have read into EU may be more knowledgable on this, that the new breed of Jedi were more adapted to the modern day way of thinking.
So ultimately, would this sort of deception be against the Jedi code? I'm curious because I really like toying with the idea of their being a secret world of Jedi sat smack bang in the middle of Coruscant.
Ishan Shade
May 22nd, 2005, 02:05:19 PM
Posted by s'Ilancy on 05-15-05 11:04:19 AM:
As for the first question Dae raised, what if we had something of a scrawl opening as a heading on the Roleplaying pages? Like the opening scrawls in the SW movies that set the stage as it were? They could describe (in the prerequisite three short paragraphs) what is happening in general, which in turn can let us fill in the details for that year?
I love that idea. I used to have a screensaver program where you could create your own screen is possible I could make one of these if I could find the disk, and perhaps make it into a animated .gif to head up the RPing forums giving the general idea of the storyline for that year.
Kelt Simoson
May 22nd, 2005, 02:09:36 PM
Gav that is a very, very awsome plan.
I dont know if you know but Coruscant had a sect of 'Warlocks' called 'The Subryn Coven' that was operated by Warlock and Zachariah Darmok living within the underworks of Coruscant in a Temple, the Temple is now actually destroyed by rivaling clans but the point is that they lived in the underdark of Coruscant quite secretly away from the Jedi.
This could perhaps be the case for the Jedi, having to create a less than decent but tollirible base within the seedy depths of Coruscant, having to hide from Imperial Soldiers and check points, avoiding Troopers from all angles.
I think it would be a very creative and ' turn the tables' plan.
Dasquian Belargic
May 22nd, 2005, 02:16:15 PM
Originally posted by Kelt Simoson
Gav that is a very, very awsome plan.
I dont know if you know but Coruscant had a sect of 'Warlocks' called 'The Subryn Coven' that was operated by Warlock and Zachariah Darmok living within the underworks of Coruscant in a Temple, the Temple is now actually destroyed by rivaling clans but the point is that they lived in the underdark of Coruscant quite secretly away from the Jedi.
This could perhaps be the case for the Jedi, having to create a less than decent but tollirible base within the seedy depths of Coruscant, having to hide from Imperial Soldiers and check points, avoiding Troopers from all angles.
I think it would be a very creative and ' turn the tables' plan.
If we go with the idea of the RP taking place just after the second attack on the Death Star, then the Subryn wouldn't have even been established then I don't think. Plus, I think it's best if we try to avoid incorporating any of our current history if possible.
That aside, I definitely think having Jedi hiding on Coruscant would be interesting. Jedi hiding anywhere, really. All types of Jedi, Jedi of every flavour! Given that the scenario I mentioned (post death star attack) leaves us with no Jedi Order to speak of, it’s the only way to go.
Mandy with an I
May 22nd, 2005, 03:24:20 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
If we go with the idea of the RP taking place just after the second attack on the Death Star, then the Subryn wouldn't have even been established then I don't think. Plus, I think it's best if we try to avoid incorporating any of our current history if possible.
That aside, I definitely think having Jedi hiding on Coruscant would be interesting. Jedi hiding anywhere, really. All types of Jedi, Jedi of every flavour! Given that the scenario I mentioned (post death star attack) leaves us with no Jedi Order to speak of, it’s the only way to go.
You'd think that if any Jedi had survived for that long, they'd already be hiding all over the place, probably in tiny tiny groups. I would think the Sith would be the same way - either in tiny groups of 3-4, even pairs (master/apprentice, like the films). I think this would be the same for most if not all Force-users (unless there are Imperial ones o_O)
Morgan Evanar
May 22nd, 2005, 03:35:43 PM
Sith should only be in pairs, IMO. Dark Jedi, however, have no such limitations.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2005, 09:14:08 PM
I think it's a very real possibility that... well if all your Jedi pals have been hunted down by Vader and the Emperor, that you might find falling to the dark side just that much easier. Revenge and all that fueling you as you plot to try to get back what used to be. So surviving Jedi could easily become Dark Jedi.
They could also remain Jedi, hiding out and training the young ones they find who are sensitive. Upon the failure of the Rebellion (or at least, major setback) the hiding Jedi would realize that they need to work a little more openly.
Also if the two main Sith die (Palpatine and Vader) it stands to reason that Palpy might have had other lackeys and force sensitives on strings nearby. Emperor's Hands, and what not (no not Mara Jade - copyright infringement!) could rise up and take the reins as the new Sith (two only). Or perhaps several groups of two, always plotting and scheming to take the others out.
Rebellion and Empire struggle for control of the galaxy. Rinse, repeat.
Anbira Hicchoru
May 22nd, 2005, 09:40:17 PM
Very well put Hollie. Jedi under extreme duress become Dark Jedi with alarming ease.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2005, 09:47:05 PM
I think we should also have a rule about user profiles, so we can use them to track the RPer's through the different story arcs. In the profile we should have a list of ranks your character earned in specific story arcs (we should give each one a name), so everyone knows you earned the rank. Links back to specific threads could be added as well. You might earn master status in the first arc, but in the second you might want to be bumped down to padawan. That way if you want to be a master again in the third story arc, everyone will be okay with it because we'll know you earned it.
Just a little list so people can just click on the name of the RPer to have a good idea of where they're coming from by way of experience or what have you.
Anbira Hicchoru
May 22nd, 2005, 09:52:55 PM
Just a head's up, I'm gonna be making Dan a full pedigree Sith Master, so if anybody wants to be screwed UNLIMITED POWER, they can become my apprentice >D
Arya Ravenwing
May 22nd, 2005, 09:54:00 PM
We should probably keep track of things too - if you've earned master rank for one character now, you can only have one master rank character in the new universe. same for knight status.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2005, 11:39:36 PM
We should also hammer out some ideas for new groups, should the need arise. The KA will re-tooled should this happen. Details to follow.
Ishan Shade
May 22nd, 2005, 11:43:17 PM
So, correct me if I am wrong, but have we decided that the first storyarc will be the ressurection of the Empire and an enslaved galaxy once again?
Anbira Hicchoru
May 22nd, 2005, 11:47:29 PM
Well, from what I was thinking, it would be the post-ROTJ idea.
Ishan Shade
May 22nd, 2005, 11:49:37 PM
Right, so the rebels fail at destroying the 2nd DS....which still leaves the Empire intact, though in a slight setback......and also there is still the rebels opposing them?
Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2005, 11:52:14 PM
Yes still rebels, but no OT characters except maybe Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar. Emperor and DV and Luke all died on the death star, although the DS is intact still, just unfinished. Maybe the Rebels managed ot knock out the superlaser.
Ishan Shade
May 22nd, 2005, 11:55:18 PM
Is this set immediately following the battle of Endor or say, 10/20 years later?
What is the timeline we're talking...?
Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2005, 11:58:54 PM
Immediately afterwards.
Jedi could be leftovers from the Jedi Purge, trained by Jedi from the Purge, dark jedi, Sith wannabes, etc.
Imperials and rebels are pretty straight forward. See post #10.
Ishan Shade
May 23rd, 2005, 12:01:21 AM
Ahh, I see.
Thanks Lil....
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2005, 12:02:53 AM
anything for you. I hear falleen are uber in bed. ;)
Anbira Hicchoru
May 23rd, 2005, 12:05:51 AM
The timeline should be about the same time as "Truce at Bakura", which is to say, the Emperor's black bones are still warm to the touch >D
Cat Terrist
May 23rd, 2005, 12:45:08 AM
Sounds good to get back in with something completely unrelated to anything I've done. But, I'd suck something fierce, unless it was a free for all blowing crap up.
* sigh *
I really wish I didnt suddenly find myself with the need to have a mental outlet like RP again.
Tiberius Anar
May 23rd, 2005, 03:29:29 AM
If the Emperor is gone we will need some people running the Empire.
Lion El' Jonson
May 23rd, 2005, 04:19:29 AM
I'd be glad to roleplay either side of the conflict, with an non-jedi character for once. I've always felt that the GJO link conflicted with my realization of Lion as a full-on Admiral, and I think we've got a very powerful concept here if we can keep it steady.
One reason I really like this story arc concept is because it actually expands upon the military's role in the galaxy; given that the Jedi are currently in hiding, it gives them a more focused, personal scope, whereas the military can finally become a more formidable foe. One of the biggest problems we have with the current RP style is one of perception: The Jedi are supposed to be a peacekeeping force, yet we like to focus on the more Jedi-like things, personal issues and the like. In comparison, the Fleets are supposed to be the dominating forces in the galaxy, yet because of a lack of roleplayers and realistic storylines, we cannot realize that view.
I think that by taking this entire board back to the time of the Galactic Civil War, a period where massive battles erupted on every planet and in deep space, we can finally get the proper focus that we've lacked. Also, let's not forget that the time following the incident at the Death Star II was one of practical fratricide for the Imperial Fleet, as hundreds of senior officers took their fleets and broke away from the Empire to form their own warlord fiefdoms. There is a lot of potential for multiple Imperial factions. :D
Morgan Evanar
May 23rd, 2005, 05:17:22 AM
Originally posted by Tiberius Anar
If the Emperor is gone we will need some people running the Empire. Yah, you guys gotta figure out who.
I also suggest that the DS2 was crippled in the attack, but still physically intact.
Ishan Shade
May 23rd, 2005, 08:50:03 AM
I would love to RP in one of those roles...Ishan is pretty much my only character and I think he would be a perfect candiadate for the new Emporer >D
I think it would be a cool idea for the person in charge of the Empire to also draft a couple of Sith under his command...
The Falleen are very ruthless and cunning, and like Lil said - we're not too shabby in the sack either. :smokin
Sorsha Kasajian
May 23rd, 2005, 10:31:33 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
We should also hammer out some ideas for new groups, should the need arise. The KA will re-tooled should this happen. Details to follow.
Well, sense Sisters of Chaos is defunct, we're looking for an angle, and something to change the forum into. My suggestion was Black Sun, in the hopes of getting some controlling interest. I've pm'd you and Charley already, but there needs to be further discussion collectivley for merging, idea spinning, collaboration, etc.
Khendon Sevon
May 23rd, 2005, 11:42:42 AM
Some interesting ideas being presented. My couple questions:
- First, am I right to assume all of Khendon's advanced technology would have to be wiped clean?
- Second, what about the Emperor's clones? Are we going to ignore some of the books and so forth?
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2005, 11:45:33 AM
Sasseeri is ready for Black Sun competition. I'm doing away with the Sector Rangers.
Tiberius Anar
May 23rd, 2005, 12:00:17 PM
- Second, what about the Emperor's clones? Are we going to ignore some of the books and so forth?
Now there's an idea. We could be looking for one of them. The Rebel's have to stop us.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2005, 12:02:58 PM
We should have a way to keep track of tech developments, etc. Perhaps a system where you can develop two new techs each arc, and keep track of them in your profile, much like ranks and all that?
I don't know about existing ones. You'd have to explain how they fit into the Return of the Jedi time line.
edit: (for a new field in profiles)
SW-Fans v1:
Rank: Gained rank of Dark Jedi Master through training from Live Wire and Jedah Lynch. Started the KA on Onderon.
Tech: Developed neural interfaces, quantum gravitic reactors.
SW-Fans v2:
Rank: Retained rank of master, started the Cult of Freedon Nadd on Onderon.
Tech: Developed cubatoms.
Any developed tech would have to be justified honestly to be reused in another story arc.
Drin Kizael
May 23rd, 2005, 02:12:51 PM
So Dale told me about this reboot. I am intrigued. Though I hope no one holds it a one year timeline like Morg proposed. I'd think players would prefer keeping it going for as long as it can, and start over when it's run it's course. What works in anime doesn't really work in all cultures.
A thought about nitpicking the definition of Sith vs Dark Jedi, and there having to be only 2... People who want to play evil Jedi will always want to be called Sith. It just sounds cooler. And it can still be justified in the context of the EU.
Once upon a time, the Sith was a sizeable religion. I'm sure most of us have played Knights of the Old Republic. The main 2 that launched the Sith War were not the only Sith in the galayx.
Just because Darth Bane changed the rules later on so that there can be only 2, the apprentice always killing the master and ascending... that doesn't mean it has to stay that way. The setting you guys are working out could be the home of a New Sith Order.
Anyone who seeks out Sith legends could easily come to the conclusion that this two-member rule was a bad one. After all, look where it got Sidious and Vader. They may think it's time for a Reformation.
May 23rd, 2005, 02:36:18 PM
I think I love you, Drin. :) You voiced exactly what I was thinking (I just didn't know how to put it into words without getting all bent out of shape ^_^; ).
Sorsha Kasajian
May 23rd, 2005, 02:38:33 PM
Originally posted by Drin Kizael
So Dale told me about this reboot. I am intrigued. Though I hope no one holds it a one year timeline like Morg proposed. I'd think players would prefer keeping it going for as long as it can, and start over when it's run it's course.
I agree. It seems a bit frustrating to establish something in a year only to have to scrap it at the end.
:: hugs AB ::
Gav Mortis
May 23rd, 2005, 02:45:20 PM
Originally posted by Sorsha Kasajian
I agree. It seems a bit frustrating to establish something in a year only to have to scrap it at the end.
The idea behind this, as has been mentioned several times now, is that if we have a timeline longer than a year, it gives roleplayers the option of being lax about their posting and thus, the action-packed fast-paced Star Wars universe for which we strive will return to this stagnant mess we are currently trying to put to an end.
A year is more than enough time to see a boardwide story arc though. All we need to do is pull our collective fingers out and get on with it, which is part and parcel of what this whole annual reset is all about.
Sorsha Kasajian
May 23rd, 2005, 02:51:34 PM
I know, but could groups and the like still be carried over to the next year, like a season, or totally scrapped?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 23rd, 2005, 02:52:10 PM
Originally posted by Drin Kizael
So Dale told me about this reboot. I am intrigued. Though I hope no one holds it a one year timeline like Morg proposed. I'd think players would prefer keeping it going for as long as it can, and start over when it's run it's course. What works in anime doesn't really work in all cultures.
Well, I think that with the voting that will be put in to place, we can have the option of voting to keep the future existing storyline if it's on a roll to the point that we're just having too much fun with it. Of course if you've already killed your character, then that's another year you'd have to wait, but it's also another year that you can use to branch out and really broaden your writing scope as far as other characters you use are concerned :)
A thought about nitpicking the definition of Sith vs Dark Jedi, and there having to be only 2... People who want to play evil Jedi will always want to be called Sith. It just sounds cooler. And it can still be justified in the context of the EU.
Once upon a time, the Sith was a sizeable religion. I'm sure most of us have played Knights of the Old Republic. The main 2 that launched the Sith War were not the only Sith in the galayx.
Just because Darth Bane changed the rules later on so that there can be only 2, the apprentice always killing the master and ascending... that doesn't mean it has to stay that way. The setting you guys are working out could be the home of a New Sith Order.
Anyone who seeks out Sith legends could easily come to the conclusion that this two-member rule was a bad one. After all, look where it got Sidious and Vader. They may think it's time for a Reformation.
The way I've been reading the proposed setup might be a bit off from what people meant, but I figured that the rule of two Sith would be loosely translated. As in, there wouldn't be JUST two Sith in the entire galaxy, but we'd adopt more of a 'pairs of two wandering around. Not really a large group all concentrated in one place. Like, there would be a master and apprentice on Korriban, but then there would also be another master and another apprentice say, over in the Hapes Cluster. So yeah there would only be two in the same place, but at the same time there'd be more than one pair of Sith in the universe. Plus, it seems that that would help the people who play the masters to not get overloaded with apprentices. Not to mention that there would more than likely be quite a few cults sprouting up; like a group of darksiders could renew the Marka Ragnos Cult, as well as Hollie wanting to start the Freedon Nadd Cult on Onderon.
Of course I could have just interpretted it all wrong, but that's what I thought would be happening. If any of what I just said makes sense at any rate ^_^;
Drin Kizael
May 23rd, 2005, 02:56:58 PM
Well... I've been gone so long I'm hardly a core member of the community anymore. So I'm not going to press the issue too hard.
But I think you'll end up losing more people than it's worth if you enfoce an annual reboot. Players and more serious writers alike are going to "be lax" no matter what. They will get distracted by rl, lose their muse, get hooked on some new X-Box game, whatever. A rule won't change that.
I'm from Sorsha's school of thought here. If I worked a year on putting something together and had to scrap it, I'd be pretty frustrated. If it's still working, it's still working.
Another way to keep things fresh is to walk away from a character or story arc and come back to it later. With a "deadline" hanging over your head... that won't be an option and may actually be counter-productive. It could stifle creativity. For most people here, this is just a hobby.
Looking forward to see what comes of all this.
May 23rd, 2005, 02:57:48 PM
So then what do we do about newbies that come in wanting to join a certain group, be it Jedi or Sith?
The way i see it, we need groups, albiet small. Personally, i'd rather have a small TSO than a large one, or at least nothing as massive as TSE once was.
If I involve myself in these arcs, I will be keeping TSO as a group as well as anyone else in the group existing now that wishes to stay. And I will be moving the group to the catacombs on Korriban like the group had planned when we were going to do this Empire-take-over-galaxy thing.
May 23rd, 2005, 02:58:01 PM
Agreed, I see alot of story arcs and threads just die because people get bored and move on with other things. All because one person wont post in a span of a week or two and it messes things up.
If stories become faster paced maybe people wont be so lazy about posting or finishing threads simply because they think the thread doesnt matter in the long run.
A year is a long time.
ack super ninja posted...sorry :P although i like what Sil had to say about the voting to keep the current story arc longer if everyone agrees.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 23rd, 2005, 03:04:18 PM
Originally posted by Tear
ack super ninja posted...sorry :P although i like what Sil had to say about the voting to keep the current story arc longer if everyone agrees.
It's such a curse at times. Especially when it ends up being the last post on the page :\
Anbira Hicchoru
May 23rd, 2005, 03:08:58 PM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
So then what do we do about newbies that come in wanting to join a certain group, be it Jedi or Sith?
For the Sith, I grant them the chance of a lifetime to attain ultimate power, and then use them as a total pawn, just like the Sith should have been doing in the first place.
For the Jedi, it's pretty straightforward still.
Also, a year is an extremely long time, and if you like what you've got, you can still play it forward to the next story arc. It really isn't a big deal.
Sorsha Kasajian
May 23rd, 2005, 03:10:43 PM
Originally posted by Anbira Hicchoru
Also, a year is an extremely long time, and if you like what you've got, you can still play it forward to the next story arc. It really isn't a big deal.
That's exactly what some people want to hear. :D
Navaria Tarkin
May 23rd, 2005, 03:20:26 PM
Originally posted by Anbira Hicchoru
For the Sith, I grant them the chance of a lifetime to attain ultimate power, and then use them as a total pawn, just like the Sith should have been doing in the first place.
For the Jedi, it's pretty straightforward still.
Also, a year is an extremely long time, and if you like what you've got, you can still play it forward to the next story arc. It really isn't a big deal.
hey charley.. remember that character we talked about and you thought it would make a good Sith Apprentice. .... ;) I'd was willing to be a pawn then and now :D
I know the yearly thing is important... but to make this work, I think we really need to focus on how to restructer the community forums. And, carrying things over isn't that big a deal as Charley as mentioned.
May 23rd, 2005, 03:45:24 PM
Hmmm...I think this has some serious potential...And I could play Satine completely different (Read: As a loner and a rogue). :)
Morgan Evanar
May 23rd, 2005, 05:06:58 PM
But I think you'll end up losing more people than it's worth if you enfoce an annual reboot. Players and more serious writers alike are going to "be lax" no matter what. They will get distracted by rl, lose their muse, get hooked on some new X-Box game, whatever. A rule won't change that.Maybe, but it will give those of us who choose to stick around something to chew on every year. It also makes each year more accessable to new people. My original reg date is Sept 3, 2000. We've been in the same sandbox for six years.
If we continue on LONGER than a year, we have a huge threat of stagnation. This place is dying precisely because of that, and without an enforced deadline, what is going to push us? If you don't think a year is long enough, how long should a story arch last? We're not throwing ranks out every year. You can keep your rank between arcs.
Mandy with an I
May 23rd, 2005, 05:53:41 PM
I don't see why people are worried about things constantly changing, when it's been stated OVER and OVER that;
1- you can keep your rank from one year to the next, if you chose to.
2- your characters can remain basically the same from one year to the next, if you chose to do so. Only the setting they're in changes. SW will always have Jedi, Sith, Rebels and Imperials in some form or another.
The way I see it - if we do a ROTJ-esque campaign, maybe when the time comes to vote, the next idea will run along similar lines. Something new, but something that (maybe) fits with the last story-arc.
Also, RL happens, if people are going to leave and not be interested, good for them. More "serious" writers should be grateful that they get a chance to be more creative instead of going through the motions like we are doing now.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2005, 06:20:43 PM
Dae Dae, I need your help plugging for the creative forum idea (in the stickied thread). :D
And, yes, things are being stated over and over. I hate repeating myself more than four times.
Drin Kizael
May 23rd, 2005, 06:37:55 PM
Well worried is the wrong word. Part of what makes your character who they are is their history. Even those who live in the perpetual "present" of some book series or movie franchise accumulate a history.
I could care less about rank. Honestly. My character is from the Clone Wars, so I'll always write him as either a Master or very experienced Knight, regardless of where he sits in the Order, or if he joins the Order at all. Not because I need the rank. That's just how I envision him. I'm all about the story. And plenty of people will vouch for me that I never abused it.
When/if I bring Kizael back into this new continuity, I'll be saying that he never befriended Nupraptor, never sat on the Council, and never had a Padawan in the GJO. These are all events that defined who he became in the "New Republic Era" of SWFans.
And I'm good with that to make it work because what you're doing sounds cool. But that doesn't mean I'd want to do it over again every year. A year sounds like a long time, but really it's not.
This place has been around for 6 years. Let's give the cynnics the benefit of the doubt and say the board's been dying on the vine for 2 years now. It hasn't, but I'll say it for argument's sake. That's still four years before a consensus of people started to feel their stories had run their course.
(Actually it's even farther than that, because some of these characters started in a Talk City chat room a year before that ;))
And I still contend that having an annual reboot won't do a thing for activity levels. Maybe at first, but it won't last. People will still be people. Real life will still take precedence. And I'll still bet that this is just a hobby for most of the community.
This is all kind of hypothetical because I'm only using myself as an example. No matter what happens, I can't guarantee how active I'd be. I am thinking more of other people, some of which are going to even greater lengths to reinvent their characters for this retrofit.
What I would suggest is having a brainstorming thread every year. You can vote to reboot completely if people want or vote on some major event to spin the story forward. That's basically how the EU works.
Another thought based on how the EU has stayed alive in comics and novels... maybe split off a Prequel Era RP/Story forum. Variety will prevent the place from getting stale just as effectively.
May 23rd, 2005, 06:43:57 PM
I like the idea of splitting off. Ya see, I did like this idea of the story arc, but what I didn't like was that it was going to set the timeline for the whole board. That felt kinda forced to me.
Perhaps having a seperate forum, or using what we have now... say use the RP forum for the story arc, allowing ppl to jump in as they please, but use the storytelling forum for the current timeline of which I and some others want to keep alive.
May 23rd, 2005, 06:53:07 PM
Splintering the community will only further hamper activity. It should be one or the other.
Even if the yearly format is decided against, I think a 1-time reboot should be worth consideration.
May 23rd, 2005, 06:59:51 PM
But the community is splintered now as it is with this idea.
Anbira Hicchoru
May 23rd, 2005, 07:02:32 PM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
But the community is splintered now as it is with this idea.
Not really. You're the only person I've seen that is consistently opposed to this idea. Others have expressed misgivings, but explanations have cleared it up for them.
Mandy with an I
May 23rd, 2005, 07:05:53 PM
Originally posted by Shawn
Even if the yearly format is decided against, I think a 1-time reboot should be worth consideration.
We restart the timeline with a voted on idea (Most likely the ROTJ idea that's being pushed right now). A basic background is decided for the history of the universe (Morg has already posted a basic version in the other thread).
Forums are changed accordingly, groups change, and the board is "reborn". In one year, we vote on a new major story-arc that affects the entire board, still keeping the same new setting.
BTW, I don't see the community splintering - I see very few people NOT liking this idea, and many more feeling that is the way to go. I think a reboot is in order. We need to shake things up, because if we don't, there will NOT be a Fans much longer.
May 23rd, 2005, 07:25:51 PM
Not really. You're the only person I've seen that is consistently opposed to this idea.
I have asked them to post here or in the other thread. I don't know if they'll post tonight, though.
Forums are changed accordingly, groups change, and the board is "reborn".
Not all groups will change (perhaps minorly as was planned many moons ago, but certainly not due to this).
We need to shake things up
:lol Oh, they're shaken up alright.
Morgan Evanar
May 23rd, 2005, 07:30:22 PM
Rie, you fight everything tooth and nail whenever ANY change is proposed.
May 23rd, 2005, 07:31:51 PM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
But the community is splintered now as it is with this idea. Nothing has been implemented, so I see no community splintering as of yet. :huh If we adopt two seperate roleplaying standards, our already dwindling userbase will be divided amongst those who only wish to RP in X category and those who only want to RP in Y category. In the end, it would do more harm than good. Hence why I think we should stick to one or the other, but not both.
Gav Mortis
May 23rd, 2005, 07:37:50 PM
Personally speaking, looking at this thread and the immediate issue here: I am finding myself somewhat confused as to why LV/AB is so strongly opposed to this idea of story arc resets and what have you. I am not suggesting that she shouldn't oppose it, she being a veteran and paying member has more right to than half the people here in fairness, but in order to accomodate for everyone and smooth things over here for all as much as possible, I think it would be prudent for Rie and all those opposed to the roleplaying reset to come forward and simply post, in as honest and concisely as possible, listing your concerns and what you disagree with, etc.
Once we have a crystal clear idea of what the problems are and on what scale (ie. number of people) we are talking about, then we can start discussing a possible solution and/or help clear up the doubts, worries and concerns of these guys.
Natia Telcontar
May 23rd, 2005, 07:55:48 PM
I'm opposed to the idea of the reset every year. I personally need at least a year to get character started to the point where I have fun with them. Plain and simple, I just don't like the idea of doing a reset every year.
Possible solution for that, keep a forum or two where ppl like me can just keep RPing without the reset.
Drin Kizael
May 23rd, 2005, 07:59:07 PM
To boil down and clarify some things I said...
I think retrofitting our characters for a new timeline at this point is a very cool idea.
I wouldn't want to do it every year.
When I suggested the Prequel era forum, I was just spitballing. I did not realize the RP/writer community was too small to support a third forum. (at least not currently)
But even beyond that, keeping a separate forum just for the few people who want to keep their exact same characters without the reboot would be a waste of board space. That's not why I suggested it. :)
I was just thinking of the prequel comics and novels. If you did split, I'd suggest making both new areas completley different from the current timeline. Otherwise what's the point?
Five years is long enough that starting over is a great idea.
Though I want to repeat the possible alternative to a yearly reboot... have an anniversary "Gamemaster" thread where you work out new big plot twists to spin the setting of the stories in a new direction. That would be the best of both worlds I think.
May 23rd, 2005, 08:11:15 PM
I do like that idea, Drin. It's less extreme than a complete annual wipe but still offers a dynamic twist to the direction of story arcs for the year ahead. More on that can be discussed later. Nothing is set in stone as of yet and even if there is one reset soon, we'd still have a year to discuss its future.
Mandy with an I
May 23rd, 2005, 08:14:43 PM
Originally posted by Dae Jinn
We restart the timeline with a voted on idea (Most likely the ROTJ idea that's being pushed right now). A basic background is decided for the history of the universe (Morg has already posted a basic version in the other thread).
Forums are changed accordingly, groups change, and the board is "reborn". In one year, we vote on a new major story-arc that affects the entire board, still keeping the same new setting.
Why don't we just merge ideas then? I'm really sick of all this running around with the same questions and answers. Let's get this started soon, otherwise it'll die. :(
May 23rd, 2005, 08:17:13 PM
Drin, Dae had the idea first, you lousy thief. :mad!
Dae, you're a genious!
/hump :love
Edit: Oh and...
Originally posted by Dae Jinn
Let's get this started soon, otherwise it'll die. :(
Quoted for great emphasis.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2005, 08:33:09 PM
I agree, we have to do this within the next week and a half otherwise we'll end up with a lot of confused n00bs. Or a lot of n00bs who will just leave. We need to build the community.
Mandy with an I
May 23rd, 2005, 08:38:07 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
I agree, we have to do this within the next week and a half otherwise we'll end up with a lot of confused n00bs. Or a lot of n00bs who will just leave. We need to build the community.
And, if we have some active rps going, and an interesting (re: different from other boards) setting, people will want to stay and rp here. If we get things going and have current members more active, then I think more people will eventually join up.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2005, 08:50:06 PM
When I say "this" I mean "we have to do SOMETHING" in a week and a half. Our window is small (to borrow Morgan's words).
Figrin D'an
May 23rd, 2005, 09:21:17 PM
I've been mostly silent on this, except where it concerns GJO (I've been talking to the GJO staff already about the proposed changes). It's probably time that I speak up.
A lot of people know that I'm one of the oldest standing members of this community. I've been part of this since it started back in the Spring of 1999. If there is one constant to be applied to our community, it is that things will change. Change is part of the very basis of the community. One only needs to look at our 6 year history to see this. When the board was fractured back in the summer of '99, people adapted. When we had entire groups of people that decided to leave, we adapted. When fleet RPing needed to be reformed and restructured, people adapted.
I don't want to see this board die a slow death. Stagnation is the cancer of any online community. If we do something now, we can hold it off for a while. If we do nothing, we might as well pack it in, announce a day that board will shut down and go our seperate ways. That would be better than allowing it to decay into nothing over the next 12-18 months.
'k... speech over.
That said... I'd be in favor of a reset, sometime in the near future. The specifics of the timeline can be worked out... I personally will find a way to cope with whatever the consensus may be. I do also think that having a deadline for a given timeline would be useful. However, I'm not sure that it should be a year (maybe a bit longer), or perhaps there should be a discussion as the deadline approaches to determine if an extention would be a viable option. If there are, for example, several major threads going that would really be benefical to complete, but may not make it by the deadline, there should be a way to extend the deadline (through a vote or some process) to allow people to finish things up. If the majority of people are enjoying the timeline, and it is successful enough, then simply shutting it down after a year might not make sense either.
Some flexibility would be a good thing.
Morgan Evanar
May 23rd, 2005, 09:40:17 PM
I want to make my positions as clear as possible:
-I favor one "universe" for simplicity from my POV as a mod and keeping everyone on the same page to encourage less cliques.
-The current setup is neither Veteran friendly or Newbie friendly. It's not friendly.
-I like the storyarch concept a great deal, but I don't think we need to have a big bang every year (but I wouldn't really oppose it, either). A total backdrops every year might be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Then again, if we want to we should (not just the staff).
-We collectively should try to plan our RPs out in the open to allow for more input and particpation. I hope a new forum layout will help and encourage this.
-We have to decide this within the next week.
Rognan Dar
May 23rd, 2005, 09:48:18 PM
Everything said in favor of this idea sounds great, and I can't wait to see what happens.
Though, I do have a question concerning RPing in the story arc: When the time and place is all set up and we start out RPing and working around with the story, how are we going to keep things together? Example: people in this thread did this and people in this other thread are doing something that contridicts what others have already done. Are you going to keep a basic story line for the year or would it just be a free for all, do whatever you want within the year?
May 23rd, 2005, 09:49:48 PM
Perhaps a ironclad year-long story mandate is a bit much. I can certainly see where it might be expedient to extend the story if we're making headway close to the "deadline", but I still think we should participate with the idea of trying to make the story find some kind of closure in a year's time.
May 23rd, 2005, 09:53:27 PM
Originally posted by Rognan Dar
Everything said in favor of this idea sounds great, and I can't wait to see what happens.
Though, I do have a question concerning RPing in the story arc: When the time and place is all set up and we start out RPing and working around with the story, how are we going to keep things together? Example: people in this thread did this and people in this other thread are doing something that contridicts what others have already done. Are you going to keep a basic story line for the year or would it just be a free for all, do whatever you want within the year?
There is plenty of room for tangents, but by setting a theme, we all pretty much know that X amount of important things need to happen.
Morgan Evanar
May 23rd, 2005, 09:55:30 PM
Originally posted by Rognan Dar
Everything said in favor of this idea sounds great, and I can't wait to see what happens.
Though, I do have a question concerning RPing in the story arc: When the time and place is all set up and we start out RPing and working around with the story, how are we going to keep things together? Example: people in this thread did this and people in this other thread are doing something that contridicts what others have already done. Are you going to keep a basic story line for the year or would it just be a free for all, do whatever you want within the year? I think my above post answered some of your questions, but we're all starting in the same place, so that reduces a lot of possible issues.
Rognan Dar
May 23rd, 2005, 10:00:16 PM
Well, I ment more on if everyone doesn't read every thread thats made, considering that there will be a few, then if there is something done in that thread that everyone should know, and they dont find out, then is there going to be some sort of notice to such things?
Morgan Evanar
May 23rd, 2005, 10:01:02 PM
Yes, there was an IC news forum in part of the layout revamp.
Rognan Dar
May 23rd, 2005, 10:01:30 PM
Ok, I guess I missed that.
May 23rd, 2005, 10:41:05 PM
Originally posted by Charley
Perhaps a ironclad year-long story mandate is a bit much. I can certainly see where it might be expedient to extend the story if we're making headway close to the "deadline", but I still think we should participate with the idea of trying to make the story find some kind of closure in a year's time.
Well, lets just see how this first storyline goes, and adjust the time limit accordingly. Consider this first one an experement, and refine it after it is over.
May 23rd, 2005, 10:59:32 PM
Originally posted by Firebird1
Well, lets just see how this first storyline goes, and adjust the time limit accordingly. Consider this first one an experement, and refine it after it is over.
I don't think it's a good idea to leave it open-ended from the start. We need to set a real goal and try to reach it. We just won't chop off our hand if we get stuck in the closing door, is all.
Morgan Evanar
May 23rd, 2005, 11:02:19 PM
Regardless of what we decided to do with the universe, we're going to try to do yearly overarching stories. Depending on how things go, we might want to do some smaller archs every 4-6 months.
I think, in the meantime, we need to focus on getting the show on the road.
May 23rd, 2005, 11:03:09 PM
I never said it had to be open ended, just take a measure of the pace and keep the storyline moving toward one direction.
Lion El' Jonson
May 24th, 2005, 01:14:05 AM
I propose that we seriously get this started, and worry about how long it's going to last after everything starts happening. I say we set a goal of a story-arc lasting one year, and set out to follow that goal. We can talk about extending or shortening the time limit after a couple of months, where we'll be able to gauge the community's response and adaptation to these changes. I'm not a mod, but we need action now, before our lethargy drives this place into the ground.
After all, once this gets going, we're going to have at least a year to debate time constraints. ^_^;
Tiberius Anar
May 24th, 2005, 02:43:53 AM
If we want to take action asap I want to suggest this. This may be reversing, it probably is, but I am going to pitch for a one time re-set along the following line.
We transplant everything backwards in time to the day that the Emperor died.
We arrange it so that all the major canon characters we can spare are dead. Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Lando etc.
We place our own RP'ers in key positions to ensure that this does not stop the Civil War. (e.g. We put some people in charge of the Rebel Alliance fleets. We do the same for the Imperials)
We establish a story arc between the Imperials and the Rebels which will provide a backdrop for the other groups and non-aligned characters and an impetous for those who are aligned to write regularly. (I say Empire hunting for the Emperor's clone, fleets scouring the Galaxy for him etc in the same way that Vader searched for the Rebels in ESB)
At the end of the year or, if it comes sooner end of this story arc, we establish a new Imperial-Rebel Story arc that leads on from the previous one and is dependant upon its outcome.
We keep whatever was gathered during the story arc- group alignments, ranks whatever else you like- and we carry on through to the end of the next story arc (or the end of the following year) we establish the next one. And so on and so on. (N.B. As things develop we can move away from the Imperial-Rebel centric story arcs to Jedi- Sith or Galaxy-Vong or whatever else becomes possible)
In a single action we revitalise the boards completely (the reset), we provide an impetus for relatively speedy rping (time limit) and will be able to revitalise and renergise the boards at regular intervals (eposodic story arcs), but still allow for slower posting and character development for those not involved directly with the story arc and we keep everyone together plus we get to start again at an exciting point in the SW universe.
Drin Kizael
May 24th, 2005, 06:48:20 AM
That sounds like what we are doing.
Reboot for now. Talk about the new event/story arc/restart when it comes time.
Retrofit characters to "some time after" RotJ. Some will need or want rewrites to work, but not necessarily required for all players.
Setting the stories in this era will insure the that civil war is still continuing. Neither the Empire nor Rebellion has won yet. Jedi and Force Sensitive heroes will have motivation to come out of hiding with the loss of Luke. Dark Siders will have motivation to make their moves in the power vacuum.
Original Trilogy characters died at Endor. Was anything said about EU characters? I was kinda hoping to play Garm again.
If not, I understand. If I can, I'd like to be part of the kick-start thread.
Tiberius Anar
May 24th, 2005, 06:57:00 AM
What I laid out is a plan to put into effect, as opposed to a summary of the cases.
And the later story arcs would not be accompanied by re-sets, just to make that clear.
May 24th, 2005, 07:30:27 AM
Originally posted by Drin Kizael
Original Trilogy characters died at Endor. Was anything said about EU characters? I was kinda hoping to play Garm again.
If not, I understand. If I can, I'd like to be part of the kick-start thread. I would very much appreciate that characters used here are original to their own respective authors (created by the poster), not borrowed from other authors.
Kieran Devaneaux
May 24th, 2005, 09:18:30 AM
I disagree entirely with changing the storylines for the following reason: A few people, myself included, have written up elaborate character histories BASED ON THE CURRENT TIMELINE. This change to the storyline will have us all stuck in rewrites...and with me especially, it took a particularly long time to write up the original, and it also involved several add-ons.
I, personally, have grown used to the current timeline and storylines...I think the original idea proposed last year with the return of a unified Empire, rather than going back fifty years into the past from the current storyline, would have been better off...but some of the ideas (i.e. the incomplete, damaged DS2, killed-off main characters, finding Palpatine clones, etc.) could be incorporated into the earlier proposal. That's just me, however.
-Josh, the insane voice behind the Devaneaux family
May 24th, 2005, 09:59:22 AM
Originally posted by Gav Mortis
Personally speaking, looking at this thread and the immediate issue here: I am finding myself somewhat confused as to why LV/AB is so strongly opposed to this idea of story arc resets and what have you. I am not suggesting that she shouldn't oppose it, she being a veteran and paying member has more right to than half the people here in fairness, but in order to accomodate for everyone and smooth things over here for all as much as possible, I think it would be prudent for Rie and all those opposed to the roleplaying reset to come forward and simply post, in as honest and concisely as possible, listing your concerns and what you disagree with, etc.
Once we have a crystal clear idea of what the problems are and on what scale (ie. number of people) we are talking about, then we can start discussing a possible solution and/or help clear up the doubts, worries and concerns of these guys.
Thanks Dru. All I wanted was for someone to acknowledge me without brushing me aside.
Basically, my concern was this: I have absolutely NO problem with a new story arc. Hell, if that's what people need to get their decrepid characters out of the funk, so be it.
But for me, my characters do not yet feel decrepid or in a funk. I still had ideas and plans for them in the current tiemline. Starting a new timeline essentially closes that door to me and perhaps some others that feel the same (I especially feel for those that only just joined a few months ago or a year where they have built up characters in the current timeline, as Kieran pointed out. Basically their stories are to be torn down at this point and they'll have to restart... again. For some, this can be very frusterating.)
Anyways, what I thought would work better for both sides of the fence is not to make these story arcs the end all and be all timeline for the entire board. That essentially forces everyone to have to fall in line with this in order to continue to participate with this RP community.
Between yesterday evening and today, I've had time to cool my jets and think (amazing what sleep can do for you). At this point, I'm not fighting for myself. I've had a glorious 6 year run that I'm extremely proud of (yes, even the Itala bits). My characters have meat to them, a solid background.
I am now fighting for those who do not wish to fall in line with the rest of the crowd where they will essentially have to start their characters over again for the sake of being able to participate with the rest of the board; who want to be able to continue in the current timeline without being ignored or shunned.
Is there no way of accomodating both types? Is there no way of perhaps making a story arc/alternate reality (which I feel these story arcs really boil down to) forum and a continued current timeline forum? Is there no room for compromise, to come somewhere in the middle? Even the ideas Keiran proposed can still be done.
I just want to get along..... :(
Ishan Shade
May 24th, 2005, 10:01:53 AM
Originally posted by Kieran Devaneaux
I, personally, have grown used to the current timeline and storylines...
While everyone has grown used to the current timeline and storylines, nobody is RPing anymore. There is a huge stalemate due to this factor...SWFans needs something new, and fast. I'm sure with a little tweaking you could fit your backstory to the new storyarcs.
Drin Kizael
May 24th, 2005, 10:27:40 AM
Originally posted by SWFans.Net
I would very much appreciate that characters used here are original to their own respective authors (created by the poster), not borrowed from other authors.
Awwww. Okay fine. :\ :(
But I hope if you do a kick-start thread or some kind of annual event thread that you use those characters as NPC's. Garm Bel Iblis could be a major catalyst for the Rebellion. Zahn, Stackpole, and even some of KJA's characters (the one 'reformed' dark jedi whose name eludes me at least) would be interesing to mention as being behind the scenes, if only for gamemaster purposes.
I'd love to help out in that area if you want. :D
Anbira Hicchoru
May 24th, 2005, 10:38:01 AM
Originally posted by Ishan Shade
While everyone has grown used to the current timeline and storylines, nobody is RPing anymore. There is a huge stalemate due to this factor...SWFans needs something new, and fast. I'm sure with a little tweaking you could fit your backstory to the new storyarcs.
Plus, everybody is tweaking their stories for the new arcs. It isn't just new guys. I'll be the first to tell you that I love all of my original characters to death. With the exception of a scant few, they have been a great pleasure to RP and I've invested a ton of time into them. That being said, I'm still excited in modifying them for a new universe, because I love roleplaying in a fresh environment with them.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 24th, 2005, 10:45:05 AM
Is there no way of accomodating both types? Is there no way of perhaps making a story arc/alternate reality (which I feel these story arcs really boil down to) forum and a continued current timeline forum? Is there no room for compromise, to come somewhere in the middle? It has already been stated many times over that splitting the universe into two different 'parellel' galaxies is not an option. We don't have 500 individual RPers, and most of us, you included, only have time to RP in one galaxy. If we split it, we'll just die faster. <--recap thread. For the staff to edit when new developments occur. PLEASE READ THIS.
Mandy with an I
May 24th, 2005, 11:22:58 AM
^ Thank you, thank you, thank you. Maybe now we can have one clear idea thread without a million repeat questions.
Everybody is tweaking their stories for the new arcs. It isn't just new guys. I'll be the first to tell you that I love all of my original characters to death. With the exception of a scant few, they have been a great pleasure to RP and I've invested a ton of time into them. That being said, I'm still excited in modifying them for a new universe, because I love roleplaying in a fresh environment with them.
^^ quoted for great truth. I've only recently started 2 of my characters, they are both less then a year "old" (approx.) and I'm simply altering parts of their backstory, not the entire thing.
Kieran - can't you take the base idea for your characters (IE. father vs. son, right?) and simply change a few things to make them fit? Then you'd have the same basic "story" for them, one that you could bring into other story-arcs if we do indeed change them again.
I know I've put a lot of work into certain characters recently (I wrote a HUGE backstory for Kyashi, which I'm keeping semi-intact for the new setting. Some of it will have to change, but I can salvage most of it.), but I'd rather have to change things to make things better then come to post and wonder why the hell I'm still a member here.
I would like to think I'm speaking for a lot of people who are sick of being in a rut, and need a change or we're all going to end up being AWOL. :(
Lilaena De'Ville
May 24th, 2005, 11:24:53 AM
I'd put up a poll thread, but the ability to cheat on polls because you have multiple accounts is too great. I believe we were planning on having an up or down vote at some point?
Lady Vader
May 24th, 2005, 11:37:47 AM
Alright. I know I'm out-numbered in my views, but thankfully I have become apathetic. So, you'll be happy to know that I am laying down my sword and accepting what the fates have dished out.
Now I just have to figure out what the hell I'm gonna do with my characters. >_<
(I'll come bug some of ya to pick your brains for ideas. :p )
Another question that just struck me... Is it being made a solid written in stone rule that we can only play 5 characters per arc? I mean, 5 main characters I can understand, yes, but what about bit characters that have accounts that are associated with said main characters, but not always RPed, BUT can stand on their own in a RP where said main character isn't, but only as a bit part? (i.e. Iesis, Shenraun, etc)
If that didn't make an iota of sense, I can try to reword it. O_o
Anbira Hicchoru
May 24th, 2005, 11:41:28 AM
Five is an arbitrary number. Might be ten, might be three, and it isn't set in stone. But the gist of making a timeline that has a finite scope is that you can spend your time fleshing out a smaller number of characters, rather than being spread thin over way too many. It's all about personal prerogative.
Lady Vader
May 24th, 2005, 11:44:02 AM
OK, that's what I was hoping it was.
Like I said, I understand having a handful of mains, but I like the freedom of having bits so i can throw them about. Luckily it doesn't take too much brain power to write a bit into something and then have them removed from the story once their usefulness is up.
Kelt Simoson
May 24th, 2005, 11:49:01 AM
I know this may sound like an odd question but may i ask in regard to equal oppertunities in the story arc? For exsample, Charley you might be playing a Jedi Master which of course will have more bearing on the story more so than say a newbie as a Jedi Padawan.
Are the lower ranked characters in any form going to have to weave their own reason as to why their to take such a noticible place in a story or is it irrelivent to what importance you are in the story in question as long as you are participating and doing you're bit within that set story?
I understand the chain of popularity IC obviously, the more you write and take part the more you are to be noticed but i mean from a IC point of view.
Anbira Hicchoru
May 24th, 2005, 12:05:44 PM
It's a little bit either way. I know that several of the more experienced RPers will be making characters that are relatively inexperienced. I am doing this with Anbira, as he will return to being a Jedi Knight.
People who are quite new will still have to start at a lower level, but those who have previously gained experience here can choose whether or not to play it forward, if you will.
Mandy with an I
May 24th, 2005, 12:27:59 PM
The way I see it, if you earned a rank of Knight in this story-line, you can at least go to that point, strength-wise.
BUT, seeing as most Force-users would be spread out, I would imagine there would be some who (through the usual routes) would have some abilities that they learned on their own.
*I'm rushing off to work right now, so if this isn't right, someone please correct me. :)
Lilaena De'Ville
May 24th, 2005, 12:35:33 PM
The way it is now: Everyone started off as a n00b with no training or Force experience. After 4-6 years of RPing, we have several masters of the Force now.
The way it will be: You can keep your rank after the reset. IF you want to. If you don't want to, you can start your character a low on the totem pole as you like. You could also take the rank from one character and transfer it to another, as long as you've done the training and earned the rank. For example: I could make Lilaena a non-force sensistive, and make Arya Ravenwing a Jedi Master, after the reset.
I don't really understand the rest of the concern.
May 24th, 2005, 04:06:11 PM
As long as we are on the topic of the Force and Jedi. Will there be any stronger guidelines toward Jedi and their powers.
IE only a few Sith if more then 2 should even be able to toss lightning. A limit on how many things you can do with the force in one move. If you look at the movies they rarely do more then one thing with the force at any given time.
I think the most i saw was Dooku in the Anakin and Obi fight.
I guess i just wanna know will there be stronger restrictions or clearer guidelines on force use?
edit: Oh i have another question my character has been Imperial since i came to these boards. So hes been somewhat self taught and trained. Learning through his actions and training through exploration. Being as I am currently the only force sensitive imperial how do ranks and stuff like that apply to me?
Lion El' Jonson
May 24th, 2005, 06:54:48 PM
Originally posted by Tear
edit: Oh i have another question my character has been Imperial since i came to these boards. So hes been somewhat self taught and trained. Learning through his actions and training through exploration. Being as I am currently the only force sensitive imperial how do ranks and stuff like that apply to me?
Well, for one thing, you'd be a much different character. If I remember correctly, the Emperor killed off several force-sensitive military personnel to prevent them from developing their powers, and conscripted several others into being Dark Jedi or (possibly) his Royal Guards. There would be ways of retaining your force abilities and still holding a military commission, but you wouldn't be able to go into a force meditation on the bridge without Imperial Intel's Security Plant stunning you and reporting your abilities to his superiors. Generally, you could have some powers, but you'd have to be discreet about using them.
May 24th, 2005, 07:37:22 PM
I was more aiming at what rank would i be? Would i still be considered to have the strength of a padawan simply because ive had no formal master and training? Or can i decide to not have a "rank" and dictate my power realistically.
Morgan Evanar
May 24th, 2005, 07:40:11 PM
^You've been around for a while and are a sensible guy, don't worry about it too much. If someone feels that you're godmoding, believe me, we'll hear about it :p
Lance Casey
May 25th, 2005, 12:05:11 AM
Most people will not remember me but I was an active poster during th ez board era, but when we switched over to this board, I lost the desire, time(senior year of high school and college) Now that I have a degree, I will have time to post and the idea of this reboot interests me. I have read most of the posts about this but I am still confused on one thing about the reboot. Will the story from the previous carry over and you can pick up were you left off or do you start completely over?
Also, is there any way we could have some closure to the old history that leads into this new universe, kinda like a Crisis on Multipple Earths thing where the current incarnations of characters can be brought to a close?
Lilaena De'Ville
May 25th, 2005, 12:10:41 AM
We're not RPing a closure. Whenever we try to RP into a change, it never happens. We're going to cut off, and restart. Those that want to continue older threads may continue to do so, but all new threads will occur in the new universe.
The story/backstory from the 'old' will not carry over in the timeline, except in such a way as one might wish to write it into their backstory. But basically, no. Our universe is 50+ years after RotJ, and the new one will be ten minutes after RotJ.
Drin Kizael
May 26th, 2005, 06:17:26 AM
So... is that effective now? Or is there an official start date we should wait for?
May 26th, 2005, 06:57:46 AM
There will be an official start, I'm sure.
Dasquian Belargic
May 26th, 2005, 09:57:46 AM
Originally posted by Drin Kizael
So... is that effective now? Or is there an official start date we should wait for?
The forums need to be tinkered with and such like before it starts. But yes, there will be annoucement for when thens are under way. Hopefully some time within the next week or so.
Morgan Evanar
May 26th, 2005, 10:02:14 AM
Hopefully this weekend. The forums as a whole need some things changed, like an archive so the place doesn't crash horribly when we start advertising.
May 30th, 2005, 01:14:07 AM
I see some new threads kicking off the new arc. So just to be official and to let everyone whos waiting to begin...
Is the new story arc under way? Should we begin?
Dasquian Belargic
May 30th, 2005, 01:17:49 AM
It cetainly looks like it ;)
Tiberius Anar
May 30th, 2005, 09:33:20 AM
I do think we need an opening crawl to head the three roleplaying forums. As suggested by s'il to make it all neat and official looking. Just something like:
Star Wars Fans
Episode I: Death of An Empire
The Rebellion has struck a great blow against the Empire, they have killed the Emperor. LUKE SKYWALKER has vanquished the evil tyrant and his henchman DARTH VADER.
But a terrible price has been paid. Many lives including those of Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo and Chewbacca have been lost and the Battle of Endor still rages. Across the Galaxy the news travels and beings everywhere wonder if they are witnessing the Death of the Empire....
Then we can replace it with something simialr as each story arc is decided.
Morgan Evanar
May 30th, 2005, 09:35:05 AM
I don't think we can do a crawl, but that would be a good thing to sticky on the RP forums.
Tiberius Anar
May 30th, 2005, 09:38:32 AM
That's what I meant.
(If we did it in really big letter it would crawl as people scroll.)
Khendon Sevon
May 30th, 2005, 09:58:51 AM
Originally posted by Tear
Being as I am currently the only force sensitive imperial how do ranks and stuff like that apply to me?
*Blinks* The only force sensitive Imperial? You mean excluding Darth Viscera, Khendon, Taylor, and a slew of other names?
Adia Issoris
May 30th, 2005, 10:02:54 AM
Taylor isn't around.
I'll let Visc speak for himself.
I'm Force Sensitive and was selected for that reason.
Tiberius Anar
May 30th, 2005, 10:12:54 AM
I hadn't notice this little slip up. Yes there are other force sensitive Imperials. I think that perhaps there is a danger that we will become force user heavy. Might I suggest that Tear be force sensitive but untrained. A few intuitive flashes, a sixth sense if you will, and a few skills that he can use to great effect against opponents? As opposed to being fully trained.
Dasquian Belargic
May 30th, 2005, 10:16:16 AM
Originally posted by Tiberius Anar
I hadn't notice this little slip up. Yes there are other force sensitive Imperials. I think that perhaps there is a danger that we will become force user heavy. Might I suggest that Tear be force sensitive but untrained. A few intuitive flashes, a sixth sense if you will, and a few skills that he can use to great effect against opponents? As opposed to being fully trained.
yes, I think we need to avoid the Force users becoming too frequent in the Empire and Rebellion
Navaria Tarkin
May 30th, 2005, 10:20:03 AM
Tho obviously Miranda has Force potential, she is much like Luke. Hasn't been trained at all. She is clueless to her power but is good at reading people etc... ;) But anything fancy, she can't do crap. I am going to keep her away from Force stuff as much as possible.
Anbira Hicchoru
May 30th, 2005, 02:10:50 PM
The rumors of a Darth Decepis influencing Imperial policy will be largely unsubstantiated ;)
May 31st, 2005, 01:36:55 AM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
*Blinks* The only force sensitive Imperial? You mean excluding Darth Viscera, Khendon, Taylor, and a slew of other names?
Guess what i meant by that was active force users in the Sovereignty. You were a rare occurance and Viscera was even more rare. Taylor is gone and the other names before the story arc where....unheard of.
So it was only me at the time.
As for the force sensitive issue i want to keep Tear trained, if you can put it that way. Hes more of a wreckless force user. He was trained in the very basics and has learned the rest from himself and observing Vader in secret.
Using the force will pretty much be a trade off of power and health. Because he wasnt properly trained in the dark arts.
Mild uses of the force minimal effect, maybe a bleeding nose. Stronger more powerful surges like lifting heavy objects etc more deadly effects, internal bleeding etc.
Its something i wish to develop into the character.
Tiberius Anar
May 31st, 2005, 02:03:19 AM
Musing here: Severe limitations of that sort would make him less powerful than a jedi or a sith. He'd be practically untrained- hardly a force user more like a force-occasionabl dabbler. We would hardly be too force-user heavy if it was like that. I could accept that. What does everyone else think.?
Jun 1st, 2005, 01:49:31 AM
I wouldnt say less powerful then either. Hes just a rogue force user. If he was weaker then either Vader wouldnt have used him to hunt Jedi.
Tear can be extremely powerful but theres always the chance that a powerful act will kill or severly harm himself.
Plus it doesnt really need your acception Tib thats the character im choosing to play. I'll choose the strength he requires in different situations and the consequences of each to make a better story.
Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 1st, 2005, 04:28:35 AM
I think saying that he can be 'extremely powerful' is pushing it, somewhat. Just as the point was raised that non-Imperial types shouldn't be allowed to simply assume the rank of Admiral etc, Imperials shouldn't allowed to simply assume the rank of Jedi Knight/Master (or Sith, Dark Jedi, whatever you're going for) - though, of course, that's not to say that you couldn't be a Force User, just that you'd have to progress as everyone else had to.
Mild uses of the force minimal effect, maybe a bleeding nose. Stronger more powerful surges like lifting heavy objects etc more deadly effects, internal bleeding etc.
That sounds plausible. The Dark Side would, after all, ravage his body over time - even more so if he hadn't the best of control over it.
Jun 1st, 2005, 03:52:42 PM
I dont want anyone to think i intend to be all powerful in the ways of the force. Im positive if Tear ran into a Jedi Master or even a well trained knight he would be swatted down like a knat. :p
I just intend to give the Jedi a run for their money for the purpose of a good story. I roleplayed the same way before the restart and I never heard any complaints from any of the Jedi i ran into. I was just there to give them a good fight in the name of the darkside.
I just want to roleplay a dark Jedi in the Empire thats all. The same as i did before except this time he has a very apparent affliction.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2005, 03:23:09 AM
:):thumbup Fair enough, then.
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