View Full Version : Maybe it's me...

Lady Vader
May 20th, 2005, 03:48:39 PM
Hell, it's always me...

Anyways, I'm feeling a little uneasy about the idea being tossed around about retsarting the boards afresh each year. I don't exactly want to lose everything I've built up (with the help of others). :\

Zereth Lancer
May 20th, 2005, 05:06:40 PM
I agree with you. I don't like the thought of working an entire year to get somewhere and then be back in where you started again. I think it will end up limiting the amount of characters a person had because they won't be able to play all those chars and keep restarting them.

I've spent the last four years or so getting Zereth where he is now. And if I have to start over... Its just not worth it.

This is my oppinion atleast.

Lady Vader
May 20th, 2005, 05:16:04 PM
Well, what I'm reading is that they're saying you won't lose all that experience. But I don't see how that would work exactly if they want to keep restarting every year with something new, whether you RP your character as a Sith or Bounty Hunter, or whatever. I mean, what if you're like me where you have a bunch of characters for the sole purpose of seperating everything so you can RP all those types of classes (i.e. Jedi, Sith,. Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, etc)

I guess the idea they're throwing around just isn't doing it for me.

Now if they were throwing it around for the sole purpose of being part of the Storytelling forum, then I wouldn't have a problem. But it sounds to me like that want to make this for the whole board. So essentially, for those of us who do not want to do this... we're left alone in the cold. Essentially we wouldn't be able to participate due to the fact everything's all wacked. Not to mention if they so saw fit, they could write out TSO, or make a new leader for it, or even make them the "good" guys and the GJO the "bad".

It's just all too alternate reality/star treky for me. O_o

And lets not even go into the problems we'd have if long time members who have been away suddenly pop back in (i.e. Live Wire). That would open a new can of "what the hell is going on".

- - - - - - - - - -

Now, you're probably wondering why I'm posting all my concerns here and not in the main thread. Well, let me explain: it's no secret that i'm protective of TSO, and that I'm a subborn bitch at best. And chances are if i posted these concerns in the thread, I'd get shot down by a dozen or so folks telling me to stop living in the stone ages or what have you.

As silly as it sounds, I'm afraid to give my opinions anymore due to the fact some of the ppl on this board aren't very, shall we say, diplomatic or even sensative to what ppl may feel.

I'd rather I didn't have a new one torn into me. :x

(:lol I can even see it now... somewhere, deep in the bowels of this board, in the ever so secret Admin forum, there are those in there groaning at me for once again disagreeing with what they have proposed. And I didn't even have to use the Force to "see" that one. :p)

May 20th, 2005, 11:04:25 PM

Well, that was a joke and complete waste of time on my part.

Ok, so i expressed my concerns and I feel like I've been ignored. What a surprise... but then again I've come to expect this kind of behavior from the "leaders" of this board.

Well, since I won't be participating in their proposed idea (which I predict will eventually die anyways... it'll meet the same fates as any of the other ideas they've thrown out), I guess my characters will die.

It was fun while it lasted, but I suppose all good things must come to an end. :cry

Time to start looking for another home. :(

(Perhaps this is premature... perhaps I'm jumping to conclusions after feeling somewhat trounced. But what do you expect when each time you've expressed your opinion, you've met up with the same brick wall. It crushes your hope after awhile. :\ )

May 20th, 2005, 11:50:04 PM
Well, looks like we won't HAVE to restart our characters each time, though I still wish certain mods were more patient about explaining things.

Anyhow, we can keep RPing our characters as we want, even in these "restarts" they have. We'd just adapt to whatever story-arc they decide to choose.


Zereth Lancer
May 21st, 2005, 11:38:23 PM
I still don't like the idea. I almost don't feel like RPing here anymore if this happens. It just seems to ruin everything. I really don't want to leave here cuz of how much better this is then all the other SW RP forums I've seen and the fact that I'd hate to leave my 13 or so chars, that I've been working on for years, behind here and go somewhere else.

May 23rd, 2005, 10:35:53 AM
I feel your pain, Zereth. I really do.

The way I see it, this whole idea will either make or break SWF.

As for me, it's breaking it, and I'm actually considering in ending my RP career. I just don't see a place for me here anymore. :(

May 23rd, 2005, 04:11:52 PM
Oh they better not! I've put in so much time on some of these threads and into my character's development. Plus, not a lot happens in a single year. I remember mine and Je'gan's training thread, just one, took over a year to complete.

I know I haven't been keeping up with what's going on in the Mod thread, mainly because the summer sucks up all my time, but I'm about to put in my 2 cents as well. If that starts happening... screw it. I won't RP here.

Does anyone think that a collective petition not to do so from us at TSO might help? On second thought, it might just cause anger towards TSO. Either way, LV and Zereth, I'm with you on this one.

May 23rd, 2005, 04:25:53 PM
I came to a sickening realization today that if this idea goes through, I can participate half-heartedly with my sub-characters, but essentially all would end for AB and LV.

Sure we could continue our RPs and stories in the storytelling forum, but as I found out today, not everyone is going to want to continue RPing in the current timeline once these damn story arcs occurr.

So, essentially, we're screwed.

Ever get the feeling we're just peons in the grand scheme of things?

EDIT: Something just occured to me... If they decide to go with this idea our current timeline ceases to exist. But nothing is holding us here if we want to maintain what we have. We could always just split from SWF (man, I feel like I'm talking treason or something). I guess I just don't see the point of sticking around if we are shunned even though they claim we are members of this board. I'm sure we three aren't the ONLY ones that feel this idea is a bad one.

Well, let me clarify: This idea is good so long as it is not forced to be the end all and be all timeline for the entire board. That in itself is forcing us to accept something we don't want to. And being members here and PAYING for our board, we should have a say.

This idea should be made so that it is either seperate from the current timeline or at best kept as a seperate RP entity. Again, it should not be THE timeline.


The sound you just heard was the board shooting itself in the foot.

(Who would have thought the last Star Wars movie ever to be made would be the signaling of the death of SWF. :cry )

May 23rd, 2005, 05:00:35 PM
It feels like everyone ouside TSO is trying to dictate to us what we should or should not do. I can see how the reset thing might be needed within the Jedi order, they have like a million plus 1 members. But we have such a small amount that it is easier to control and keep organized. I really don't think that a reset would be benificial to us at all, whereas it might help the bigger organizations.

I really don't see what the big deal is about major continuity. If we keep bickering over these things then sw-fans won't be very hospitable to anyone new. I don't mind the whole switching of power back to the Empire and all of that, it's the deletion of my character's history and development that bothers me.

BTW, shouldn't there at least be a vote by the paying members?

May 23rd, 2005, 05:02:49 PM
You'd think, huh?

Why don't you bring it up in the mod forum. Seriously. I'd post it, but I have a reputation of always standing against radical ideas placed at this board. It might be more openly received by you rather than by me.

May 23rd, 2005, 07:20:37 PM
Ok, guys, you're gonna have to go post over the two threads going now for this idea:

Here http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=38319

and here http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=38409

Mostly the last link is where they're eatting me alive and thinking I'm the only one opposed to this.

Gawd, I really am starting to hate some of these people. Really really.

Darth Vader
May 23rd, 2005, 07:27:18 PM
I'm one of those people, I suppose. Please remove my access to this and other hidden TSO forums.

Lady Vader
May 23rd, 2005, 07:39:16 PM
No, you are not one of the hated. And perhaps hated is too strong a word... something said out of frusteration.

I could never hate anybody.

None the less, I will do as you ask. I'll miss you. :(

Darth Vader
May 23rd, 2005, 07:56:09 PM
How? I've barely been here in the past 2.5 years? O_o

I'll be around on fans, but I really don't have any place in any of TSO's decision making anymore.

Zereth Lancer
May 23rd, 2005, 10:04:26 PM
Well, I don't hate the whole reset Idea I just have a feeling that once the groups we currently have are gone then we're gonna have a hecka of a hard time getting them going again. I personaly think that if the board resets and the groups are destroyed then the Sith Order will never rise again becuase there are not enough members to keep it going, especialy if a bunch of the sith RPers leave because of the reset. I think the reset will keep the board alive but I think it will also kill it in ways. Like I said I think it will kill group RPing as we know it. A year really isn't long enough for a group to exist. You'd just finaly have all the internal structure figured out and you'd get all your key members together and such then then your year will be up and you'll have to start all over again.

Another thing, ranks. It was said that we could keep our ranks, along with history, but what happens then? So I'm a sith knight still but there is no Sith order and no Sith council so how in the blue galaxy am I suppost to get a promotion to lord and then master? There is just no way unless a group is set up and even then there is not really enough time before the next reset for me to get that promotion.

Just my thoughts of the day. If I offend anyone I did not mean to and I apoligize.

May 24th, 2005, 10:08:26 AM
You didn't offend anyone. :)

As for what you mentioned about the promotions, please ask that question in the first link I provided above. As I don't have the full details of what the hell's going on, it'd be best for you to ask the brains behind these plans.

Lady Vader
May 24th, 2005, 11:14:15 AM
Well, guys, I fought what I could, but I'm just out-numbered by overwhelming odds.

I'm just going to go with the flow and deal with what's being dished out.

It's either that, or leaving the community. But that's not a victory I want to give them.

Anyways, we can still RP TSO being a part of the galaxy somehow. We'll just have to figure out how. It's either that or every man for himself or in pairs.

It leaves a foul taste in my mind to even give in, but if you want to survive, sometimes you have to give in... and bide your time.

I really do predict that this isn't going to save the board. The inactivity hasn't been so much due to ppl being bored of their characters. It's just because ppl are doing other things... they're outgrowing this sort of hobby. I know that's what's been happening with me at least.

Anyways, that aside, we can go into the thread Jen started in the Discussion forum here at TSO and see how we can hash out our characters.

But remember... the storytelling forum will always be there. This current tiemline doesn't have to die so long as there are those of us who are willing to continue to play in it.

Anyways, good luck and all that jazz. :)

May 24th, 2005, 12:59:40 PM
Alright, since its been established that I can keep my character's history intact, I don't think I'll leave. I figure if we in TSo can stick together we might have a chance.

One thing I hate is the idea of moving the Sith to the always two rule. What will happen is that all us in TSO will be pushed out and two of the big players outside of TSO will take over Sith happenings.

I say let's go with it so long as TSO stays intact and do our best to retain what power and prestige we have. Last thing I want to see is TSO being secluded on Korriban while everyone has their fun. If the reset is steered towards assembling a new general story while maintaining the respective influence levels, I'll settle. But the way it looks, it seems TSO is going to be forced out.

I apologize if all that isn't too clear. To keep it simple: I just don't want to loose everything I've done.

Lady Vader
May 24th, 2005, 01:40:05 PM
Don't worry, Southstar. We won't lose anything.

The reason I'm moving TSO to Korriban is mostly because we really should be based on a Sith planet. Besides the fact that the storyline they're choosing falls right after ROTJ, save the Empire is still in control.

Think of it as if the Empire taking over plot we'd come up with a few months ago had come to fruitition. The same thing would have happened where we would have moved, keeping a finnger-hold in Corellia's dealings.

Except with this, we're going to "fast forward" the idea.

Basically, we would have set-up shop on Corellia, and succeeded with the building of the Palace and all that, being something like a small group Palaptine could have set up. But when the Rebelllion started to appear to gain a foot-hold, he would have ordered us to Korriban, while still keeping an ear on Corellia through the Prime Minister who was loyal to the Empire and Palpatine (our beloved Saiatah Commander is going to become that Prime Minister).

No one would have known about us save for Palpy and Vader and the Prime Minister.

Now with both Sith gone, the only one left that knows fo us is the Prime Minister, and he feels he must follow loyalty through us as if through Palpy.

But we will maintain our place on Korriban so as to keep ourselves secret. The Empire has become somewhat untrusting of Sith, yet some are still loyal to them due to Palpatine's rule. We merely reveal ourselves to those who are loyal, and dispatch with those who are not.

From there, knowing that the Jedi are just a rag-tag group, we can fan out and begin eliminating them.

But we must also watch out for those Sith who are not with us.

Remember the golden rule: If you are not with us, then you are against us.

Ppl wanted to see true Sith on the boards, fine. Then lets start maiming and killing those who are not with us in our plan to restore order to the galaxy.

May 26th, 2005, 07:37:48 AM
It's not that different than what we've been doing, its just the history that has changed. Personally, I'd love to kill and maim some Jedi but there are so many rules against such things; short of creating a character for your other character to kill. Personally, I think the whole reset is too ambitious and large of a project to work. I'm still in favor of letting the whole rise of the Empire thing play itself out. It's nearly entirely the same as the reset with the exception of having to rewrite their history.

I really don't think this reset idea is going to happen, personally. It's got some steam now, but within two weeks I think everyone will be all excited about something new.

And I agree with you, we should show them what Sith is all about. If people think the boards need some livening up then we need to get to it. We (those in TSO) should put together an uncomplicated second option and present it to whoever makes the decisions around here.

Lady Vader
May 26th, 2005, 11:03:58 AM
to whoever makes the decisions around here.

HAHAHAHAHA! I think I just choked on my coffee! :lol:lol:lol

Yeah, that seems to be everyone locked away in the ever-so-secret admin forum. Good luck in getting their attention. *shrug*

As I stated elsewhere on this board, lets bide our time. You're right in thinking this thing is causing a stir now (though the stir seems to be backfiring in some respects as we are losing some good RPers and making others very uncertain of the future). But in a couple of months, before the year is up, it will have died down to nothing again.

This is why I'm looking to backup everything here at TSO on a board I created a few days ago. SWF isn't going to be around forever, seeing as how we have to pay to keep it running. It's much more economical to backup everyting to a freebee board. Besides the fact I'd actually have admin rights to it. What a concept.

Southstar..... if you check out what profile I gave LV in the Character Discussion thread in OOC, you'll see how I'm integrating TSO into this storyarc, keeping some of the True Timeline in place (just moving it as a chunk back in time) and tweaking it a bit.

We will maintain TSO as a very small group, with each of us spanning out into the universe in pairs and decimating those who oppose us. But at least we will have a home base to come back to and gather our thoughts together.

(About the yearly reset... it may or may not occur due to the unpopularity of it and the fact that the story may be going strong at said point. So don't worry about the year thing too much.)

May 26th, 2005, 03:58:55 PM
OK. so the whole Rise of the empire thing isn't happening, we're just stopping the current timeline and stepping back to post rotj era, correct?

Now here's where it gets trickier, what happens to the planets TSO had a protectorate over in this timeline? Or hasn't anything been decided yet.

Lady Vader
May 26th, 2005, 06:28:39 PM
No planets.
No one has anything.

Everything belongs to Empire basically.

May 30th, 2005, 06:41:28 PM
OK, that simplifies things a lot. Now the next question, who is running the Empire?

Salem Ave
May 31st, 2005, 03:42:52 AM
^ That's being sorted out at present.

May 31st, 2005, 09:35:49 AM
OK, Instead of reading it through, I'd rather just know the answer once its been decided.

Question 2: I've read the "intro" to basically what the Sith Order will become should this restart go through. When are we going to discuss our story while the Empire is out stomping on rebels?

Salem Ave
May 31st, 2005, 09:37:28 AM
The restart has gone through, Southstar. The board has been archived, and people have already begun roleplaying in the new setting.

May 31st, 2005, 09:47:55 AM

*feels dumb*

My fault. I really haven't been looking around much lately as I haven't had the time. Well, now that I'm up to speed I might as well figure out what I'm doing then.

Thanks for informing me.

Zereth Lancer
May 31st, 2005, 09:11:49 PM
Is the Sith order forum going to change? (The subforums, names, ect) Or are we keeping the same look as we have been?

Salem Ave
Jun 1st, 2005, 04:37:20 AM
IIRC, LV posted some plans for revamping the forums quite recently - since the group would be relocated to Korriban. I also sent her the stuff necessary for re-doing the graphics, so I'm guessing she is having a go at that too :)

Lady Vader
Jun 1st, 2005, 12:27:48 PM
I sure am having a go at it. :)

I'm gonna see about uploading the stuffs today and sending in the request to Ogre. However, I think he's been quite busy as of late, so the changes may not go through for some time. It's up to his timetable.

(Still working on getting some good picks of Korriban from the respective games that featured the planet. In the meantime, I'll just reuse some of the existing banners.)