View Full Version : APPLICATION: Darth Dread

Darth Dread
May 15th, 2005, 08:00:18 AM
Character name: Darth Dread

Character Profile: Dread is not liked by many people, This is because he is full of Hatred. He is very stubborn and inpatient. Lord Dread is also very possesive. He has long black hair and has an evil face. He uses a double-bladed lightsaber. He has dark peircing, green eyes.

Character History: Darth Dread's real name was Trik Verlaak. He was sold into slavery by the Hutts at a very young age. His family could not pay off the debts they owed on Nar Shaada. As slaves they were shipped to Tatooine. On the desert planet, a Jedi came to save most of the slaves from the Hutts. The hired bounty hunters protected the slaves from the Jedi by killing every single one of them except Trik. Trik escaped to the shipyard where he stole a ship and went to a remote planet, Hoth. From that day on he blamed the Jedi for the killing of his family and friends when it was really the Hutts fault. On Hoth, Trik found a mesteryious person who trained him in the ways of the Dark Side. Trik never new he was able to become a Force-user. He built a red lightsaber and killed every Hutt, bounty hunter, and Jedi he stumbled upon. His Dark Side Teacher dubed him the name Darth Dread. However, he is not a true Sith yet.

Character Motivations: Darth Dread wants to become a Sith first of all because of Revenge on the Hutts and Jedi for the killings of his friends and family. The other reason is, he thinks with the power he can learn from the Sith, he will be able to take over the galaxy and buld a Sith Empire with hos new knowlegde.

Character Skills: Darth Dread can use basic Dark Side powers like Force Lightning and Force Choke. He also has some main skills. They include: Repair, Computer Slicing, and Melee Combat.

Why should we accept you: Dread would make a good Sith because he is full of Hatred and will stand by The Sith through everything. Also he has all of the traits a Sith would have.

Roleplaying example: Darth Dread finds himself on the planet of IIum, where he is caught in a trap set by the Jedi. He was looking for new lightsaber crytals inside of the crystal cave. The Jedi were following hom there since he killed the Senator from Malastar. Five Jedi surrounded Dread as he ignited is bright red lightsaber. They engaged in a fierce fight. Darth Dread cut off the head of a Twilek Jedi. Then stabbed a Human Jedi in the heart. The the three remaning Jedi all lunged to kill Dread. He flipped to a higher latcorm in the crystal cave. The Jedi followed. Darth Dread killed another Human and an Enchani Jedi simotaneously. The remaning Jedi cut off Dread's left leg. He still put up a tough fight though, as he jumped foward an killed the last Jedi. Then he crawled to his ship. Darth Dread travled to Telos to get medical attention. The doctors put in a mechanical leg where the Jedi cut it off. Darth Dread then continued his hunt for Jedi, Hutts, and Bounty Hunters.

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Yes of course.

Have you read all the rules: Yes I have.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 15th, 2005, 10:10:23 AM
No. Application needs some work.

You say that Dread has already undergone some training. Generally, we ask that people start from the bottom and work their way up here – so people joining would have very limited, if any ability in the Force.

Darth Dread can use basic Dark Side powers like Force Lightning and Force Choke.

Here, these are advanced abilities. Lightning in particular is only used by Sith Knights and above. This, and your role-playing example, show that you’re already playing this character a higher level. If you could tone down the character, so that he has a couple of skills – maybe those slicing and repair skills – that would make the application more acceptable.

Darth Dread
May 15th, 2005, 10:28:26 AM
Character name: Darth Dread

Character Profile: Dread is not liked by many people, This is because he is full of Hatred. He is very stubborn and inpatient. Lord Dread is also very possesive. He has long black hair and has an evil face. He uses a double-bladed lightsaber. He has dark peircing, green eyes.

Character History: Darth Dread's real name was Trik Verlaak. He was sold into slavery by the Hutts at a very young age. His family could not pay off the debts they owed on Nar Shaada. As slaves they were shipped to Tatooine. On the desert planet, a Jedi came to save most of the slaves from the Hutts. The hired bounty hunters protected the slaves from the Jedi by killing every single one of them except Trik. Trik escaped to the shipyard where he stole a ship and went to a remote planet, Hoth. From that day on he blamed the Jedi for the killing of his family and friends when it was really the Hutts fault. On Hoth, Trik found a mesteryious person who trained him in the ways of the Dark Side. He built a red lightsaber and killed every Hutt, bounty hunter, and Jedi he stumbled upon. His Dark Side Teacher dubed him the name Darth Dread. However, he is not a true Sith yet.he does not know any powers of the force.

Character Motivations: Darth Dread wants to become a Sith first of all because of Revenge on the Hutts and Jedi for the killings of his friends and family. The other reason is, he thinks with the power he can learn from the Sith, he will be able to take over the galaxy and buld a Sith Empire with his new knowlegde.

Character Skills: Even thought he was dubed the name Darth, he has not learned the powers of the force. He s good at melee combat so he can wield a lightsaber. He also is a tremendous pilot and is good at repair and computer slicing.

Why should we accept you: Dread would make a good Sith because he is full of Hatred and will stand by The Sith through everything. Also he has all of the traits a Sith would have.

Roleplaying example: Darth Dread is on Telos trying to learn how to use the Force. He isn't doing so good however. His teacher recently died and now Dread is on his own. Darth Dread sees he is not making any progress in the ways of the Force. He decides to gear up, and go to Nar Shaada to kill Marla the Hutt. Marla the Hutt is the one who sold Dread's family into slavery. Not being able to use the Force, Dread must rely on his melle combat skills and his stealth ability. As he lands, he sees bounty hunters and guards locking the entrance to the Hutts palace. Dread killed all of the guards and sliced into the entrance computer. It opened and he ran in. Most of the guards attacked Dread. The others were to afraid of him. After Darth Dread killed the guards that attacked him, he open the main computer and unlocked all of the doors. Dread scurried into Marla the Hutts main chambers to go for the kill. Marla was asleep so Darth Dread ignited his lightsaber and killed him quietly. Just as he went to leave the floor opened and Dread fell to a Rancor pit. Stunned, he stood up dazed. The Gigantic Rancor grabbed him and chewed his left leg off. Before the Rancor could devour the rest of him, Dread cut the rancor hand off, and escaped. He got back to his ship and travled to Coruscant and got medical attention. He got a mechanical leg and went of to finish his hunt.

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Yes of course.

Have you read all the rules: Yes I have.

Is that better? ^