View Full Version : Readmittance Confirmed
Corin Zetith
May 3rd, 2005, 06:06:26 PM
OOC: Here is my starting thread; a possible request for a master. I have been accepted by the Jedi Council. Please PM me if anyone is interested in training Corin.
Corin Zetith, the last survivng member of the Royal Zetith Line of Naboo, traversed the halls of the jedi academy once more. The Recruitment center was beautiful in its simplistic architechtural design and colour. It was magnificent! The comforting and protective feelings brought by the walls of the grand monument only added to Corin's cheerfully facilitating anxiety. The council had reaccepted him for training as a jedi knight! As the feelings of newness and contentment were still present in the young man's mind, Corin's past was in the past. He was not thinking about the hardship, guilt, or pain of bygone years. Only the Force, the peace and fulfillment he was recieving at being accepted even after deserting the academy three years prior.
The elated young man continued his trek down the recruitment corridor towards the temple grounds and his ship, the Viela, to unload his belongings. Voicing aloud to himself as he went:
"Surely the Jedi Council is understanding as well as compassionate, for they have given me a second chance. A chance that I probably am undeserving of."
Corin opened up a com channel to his astromech droid still in the shuttle.
" the Viela's cargo hold and start unloading my things. We are staying after all."
Rognan Dar
May 6th, 2005, 11:41:34 PM
"Do you need a hand unloading?" Came a voice from behind Corin. Behind him stood a dark skinned man dressed in the normal Jedi attire. But what was different about Rognans' robes was they were not the normal colors of most Jedi. His vest was a light brown color. His inner robe was of a skin pink. And his outer robe was white, more like a really light grey. It was kind of the reverse of the standard.
"I'm Rognan Dar," he said, stretching out his hand in greetings. "I heard you were just accepted and thought you might need some help settling in."
Corin Zetith
May 7th, 2005, 08:41:07 PM
Corin turned around to face the voice. He noticed the man's inverted attire and his friendly attitude immediately. Corin smiled and took Rognan's hand with a similar aura of friendship and appreciation.
"Sure friend Rognan, I am heading to my shuttle right now. I would be honored for you to join me; thank you very much for your offer. Here's to me taking you up on it."
Corin, stood there momentarily at a loss for something appropriate to say.
"O yeah! My name is Corin Zetith. I was here a while back and the council has been kind enough to reaccept me for training as a padawan learner. By the way, cool robes. They are different; I like that."
Rognan Dar
May 7th, 2005, 11:34:12 PM
Rognan looked from Corin to his own robes, smiling as his gaze return.
"I thought I would try something different then normal. I'm glad you like it. Though, at times, it makes me stand out in a crowd. Not just because I look like a Jedi but because of the colors."
Motioning for Corin to lead the way to his shuttle, Rognan continued on.
"I did happen to have a peek at your record from last you were here. We are always happy to welcome people into the order; weither its there first time or not."
Corin Zetith
May 8th, 2005, 09:28:36 AM
Corin turned back the way he had been walking and continued to converse with Rognan.
"Thank you for your words of welcome. My ship is on the grounds, it will be the dirtiest and most ancient looking imperial class shuttle you have ever seen."
[I]Corin walked steadily for a while with Rognan and then spoke again.
"So Rognan, are you a jedi knight or just a padawan like myself?"
Corin sighed inwardly realizing if he had just stayed to keep up his training he would most likely be a knight by now.
Rognan Dar
May 8th, 2005, 10:05:07 PM
"No, I am not a padawan. Though, I'm sure you and I might have been at the same time. But things happen. As so, I have become a knight and member of the Jedi Council."
Rognan, at that moment, felt like he was speaking a little to highly of himself. So he changed the subject.
"So where is it that you have been this whole time? Just flying around in a shuttle?"
Corin Zetith
May 9th, 2005, 05:02:05 PM
Corin was silent for a moment. Then he spoke.
" I imagine that being gone for 3 years would make anyone wonder."
"I was occupied with some pressing personal matters at the time, which is my way of stating I really do not know why I left for so long. I left the academy because I thought I needed to clear my head for a while, to become reaquainted with who I really am. It sounds corny, I know, but thats all I got."
"I just never figured 'a while' would end up being 3 years. No matter, whatever has happened and wherever I have been is in the past. If you do not mind, I do not feel comfortable delving too deep into why I left the academy. To be honest, I do not know if I am even aware of the true reason why I left. Perhaps I will discover the reason whilst I continue my training."
"Please understand I mean you no disrespect, Rognan, but I truly cannot answer that question."
The two men arrived at Corin's shuttle and were greeted with a welcoming toodle from Sketch, Corin's astromech.
Rognan Dar
May 10th, 2005, 03:27:26 PM
Rognan nodded his head toward the droid, but didn't say anything to it.
"My question was not to pry, but just for a basic understanding of what happened and where you were. Person growth can be found in many different ways. If it helped you to be gone for that long, in order to get yourself ready, then all the better.
Every Jedi walks a different path. They all lead to the same place, but you have to find which way will work for you. Some, even Jedi Masters, dont even know where they are going or where they should be going. We only know what the Force lets us know."
Corin Zetith
May 10th, 2005, 09:59:33 PM
Corin nodded in understanding. He did not know for sure what he had gained from his time away from the academy. He was however, certain that whatever he did take away from his experience was positive.
"Thanks very much for helping me, I was afraid I might have to take more than one trip."
Corin said this with as much sarcasm as he could. His reasons for such sarcasm were sound. He only had 3 items to be carried inside. He picked up a large duffel along with a side satchel. Their was one medium sized bag left. Corin turned to Rognan after grabbing the bulk of his luggage.
"Would you mind grabbing that last bag and hitting the closing latch on the ramp please?"
Corin turned towards the masssive academy building in helpless wonder and awe.
"Now I can search for a room, any suggestions?"
Rognan Dar
May 10th, 2005, 10:51:06 PM
Rognan did as Corin asked and picked up the bag, closing the hatch before leaving.
"A room? Well, its first come first served. If you can find a room then by all means go for it. It really all depends on how high up you want to be. The ground floor is, as far as I know, taken up. And so are the next few floors. could get lucky and find one that is unoccupied. Though the chances are very low. If you dont mind searching around, then I'm sure you could find one."
Walking beside Corin, the two of them made their way into the building. Rognan opened the door for Corin and followed him in.
"How long did you stay the first time you were hear? Were you able to get a training and some training in before leaving?"
Corin Zetith
May 11th, 2005, 08:19:09 PM
"My stay here at the academy was brief, only about a half a year or so. I did undergo some traing with my old teacher, Master Q'Dunn. I sparred once or twice with padawans like myself and knights also, but I have had very little training in matters concerning the Living Force."
Corin looked away from Rognan, and rather shame-faced, he spoke again:
"My master and I did train enough to know that I have a handicap. I have no ability concerning the powers of telekinesis. I cannot so much as move a grain of sand through the force itself. I believe that this may have been part of what had discouraged me to continue with my training."
As the two men conversed, they passed many rooms in the academy, none of which looked vacant.
Rognan Dar
May 11th, 2005, 11:28:53 PM
Rognan had heard of this 'handicap.' There were quite a few people that he knew that had a very hard time with telekinesis. It was just something beyond him. He was quite gifted in telekinesis so it was hard to really understand how it would be without it.
"I wouldn't worry to much about your handicap. If you can't do it then its not what the Force wants of you. For all our weaknesses we have other strengths. You just got to find yours. And who knows, you might later on be able to use telekinesis."
Corin Zetith
May 12th, 2005, 11:08:13 AM
"I hope you are right, Rognan."
Corin shrugged and since he did not have much else to say, he occupied himself with the rooms they were passing. The two men had to move up a to the higher level floors until finally finding some rooms that were available. Corin pressed the controls to a vacant room and stepped inside. The room was very simple, possessing only the necessities. A few chairs surrounding a small dining table, a refresher, food prep unit, and a single bed. The far wall of the compartment was entirely made of plexiglass and offered a very dizying yet beautiful view of Coruscant's cityscape.
"This one seems like it will suffice. The view is quite nice and there is ample room for my belongings."
Corin set his bags on the bed and turned towards his new friend.
"I thank you very much for the conversation and the company, Rognan. It is nice to finally be settled into this place. My training will soon begin and I am glad I am already familiar with some people here at the academy."
Rognan Dar
May 12th, 2005, 12:13:46 PM
Setting the bag that he was caring onto the bed, Rognan faces Corin with a smile.
"Whatever I can do to make it better for you here is my duty and pleasure. If yu ever need anything else just give me a call. Feel free to roam around and talk to other padawans. I'm sure a master will be apointed to you at any time. And if you need anything else, the other padawans should know how to help you."
Corin Zetith
May 12th, 2005, 01:51:48 PM
"Thank you again Rognan."
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