View Full Version : APPLICATION: Baralai Lotus

Baralai Lotus
Apr 27th, 2005, 09:44:42 PM
Character name: Baralai Lotus

Character Profile: Baralai is a black haired male, with a terrifying demeanor. Usually found smoking, he can always be seen writing down notes or killing those he thinks are sinners. His larger counterpart, Victor, is always seen at his side. Victor is a bodyguard of sorts, but his real purpose is unknown. Baralai is a talkative character, always loving to have a chat with anyone. Highly intellectual, he is someone to be feared. He loves what he calls, "The hunt", a race of sorts. He chases down victims he has been stalking for months, biding his time, and then kills them. This stalking method is what gets Baralai so excited. The simple prospect of hunting someone like an animal is what makes him happy. They never know he's there, and yet, there always afraid someone is watching them. This fear they supply is his fuel to life.

Character History: Baralai was raised in a simple family. He had a loving mother and father, and was raised to be a good child. However, during his childhood, he realized the fraility of life. He discovered it when he killed his pet lizard. He was petting it, and squeezed it until it died. Blood on his hands from age five, he was amazed at the power he was given. The power to destroy life.

As time went by, Baralai grew into a young man, feeling a wonderful connection between himself and the life he led. He realized the joys of taking life, and only took the lives of animals as a child, but was losing interest. He wanted more, he needed more. He turned to humans, and after befriending and sleeping with a girl he knew, he killed her. Keeping her organs as prizes, he fled his home with them.

He hasn't returned since that day. But, as he grew older he realized an even greater power. The power to create life, the power to be God. He loved the idea of it, and set out to learn the power of alchemy. He would read tomes upon tomes of legend, and eventually he discovered an art that still existed. Sith Alchemy, the ability to bend life around you to create a new one. If droids could be created to be almost human, then why not create a new human? It was possible afterall, giving life, it could be done.

He set out to try on his own. He had many failed attempts, the girl he killed did have some purpose. She was the part of many failed experiments, but her heart was the only succesful part. Victor was created from modern mechanics and a human heart. Although much less than human, he was the first succesful experiment. Baralai eventually realized he could not do what he wanted without the amazing gifts of the Sith. So, he has traveled here, seeking their wisdom and their power. . .so that he can be God.

Character Motivations: He needs the power and tutelage they can offer. He needs someone who can teach him the art of Sith Alchemy. His goal is to one day have the power to create and destroy life, to play God. He is obsessed with this goal and will do anything to reach it. He has no connection to the Jedi, but he does know who they are. He has encountered them on several occasions, but has luckily evaded capture. He wants to join the Sith to prove to the world that power comes from desire, and the will to not stop at whatever you want. . .even if that means death. He wants this more than anything, and will go to any means to prove his loyalty.

Character Skills: Mechanical skills, skilled knife and whip fighter, skilled in medicine, some basic alchemical skills, and little computer knowledge.

Why should we accept you: My character will bring a lot of power to the Order. He will hopefully one day become a master of Sith Alchemy and revive a dead art. His possibilities are limitless, and he will do to the best of his ability. He will remain loyal to his Master and the Order, while still retaining his own character values. He won't stray, and he will only serve to learn more, to become stronger than he is.

Roleplaying example: http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38195

Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Yes

Have you read the rules: Hey, I made a new thread didn't I?

Zereth Lancer
Apr 27th, 2005, 10:03:53 PM
Hmm... Very... interesting, to say the least. I am not aware of anyone within the our order that actualy practices Alchemy. Excepy, perhaps, Je'gan but I am not sure about that. I personaly think having an Alchemist might spice up things around here.

I say Yes

Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 28th, 2005, 08:25:03 AM
...*blink* Je'gan's an alchemist? He's read some books on it, but that's about it...


Baralai Lotus
Apr 29th, 2005, 10:55:33 PM
Does this mean I'm in? And btw, who is that in your avatar Je'gan. . .it's killing me.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 29th, 2005, 11:48:35 PM
No, I am afraid not. You need a total of five yes votes before being let in. You'll just have to wait for the other voters to arrive. I would apologize for the wait but I'm not that nice. You don't get into the sith order to be nice or be treated nice. If you want to be treated nice then go next door to the Jedi Recruiter. But we have a policy (among many) that the jedi do not have... We let you blow stuff up! *Goes to work making a Sith Order Recruitment Movie*.

Dasquian Belargic
May 5th, 2005, 02:08:01 AM
Voting YARRRR, matey*


May 5th, 2005, 01:06:23 PM
I'd say yes, but... I don't quite understand the Sith Alchemy. I'm assuming it requires the person to be a Force-user, am I correct?

If my assumption is correct, then I vote yes. It'll be interesting to see how his view on 'sinners' applies to those already in the Sith Order.

Baralai Lotus
May 15th, 2005, 10:58:59 AM
WHO IS THE LAST TO VOTE!!!! GRAH! lol, jk I hope that person gets on soon though. I must know. . .I must. . .

Dasquian Belargic
May 18th, 2005, 07:10:57 AM
Im guessing you'll have to wait for LV to get back from seeing Episode 3.

Baralai Lotus
May 18th, 2005, 04:57:54 PM
GRAH!!!! I hate waiting. . .does anyone think she'll say no? I mean, I've read the other applications and you guys have shot them down big time. I just wanna know if my chances are good. . .I think so, and BTW. . .EPISODE III WILL BE AMAZING!!! I'm goin to see it tonight!

Baralai Lotus
May 21st, 2005, 03:27:10 PM
*waits* *waits patiently* *prays* *gnaws on elbow* *chews off arm* *bleeds continuosly* *spells out the letters "LV" with blood and using his knubbies* *passes out*-Translation- Waiting patiently, must not become a nuisance, I'm so hungry. I wonder what I taste like, AGH! AGH! I'm bleeding! I'm bleeeddd. . . LV. . . .

May 23rd, 2005, 03:03:13 PM
After much pondering and thinking (read: missing this thread completely) I vote...


(Sorry for the delay ^_^; )

Wow... did he just bleed for me? :D

Baralai Lotus
May 24th, 2005, 12:49:02 PM

IT HAS BEGUN!!!! FINISH HIM!!! *Mortal Kombat music kicks in*

So then, what next?

Lady Vader
May 26th, 2005, 01:05:03 PM
Go post! Make threads! Etc etc.

And what with the new Storyarc, TSO will change a wee bit, but you will see all that in the private forum I am about to give you access to. :)