View Full Version : On my own (closed)

Alexia Sturkov
Apr 26th, 2005, 10:49:37 PM
Jezreal had woken up, showered, and eaten a quick meal before she headed out into the training grounds. She found an outside area that was empty and walked in the center. She had been in here the day before filling it with rocks of every shape and size. Southstar had told her to experiment with her abilities. Yesterday she had come up with the idea of seeing how many objects she could lift and control at a single time. She looked around the trainings grounds. There must have been somewhere from two hundred to four hundred rocks and pebbles filling the area.

Jezreal walked carefuly over the rocks until she reached the middle. ten by ten foot circle had been cleared of rocks and a dirty nerf hide mat sat on the ground in the very center. Jezreal went over and saw down on the mat. She closed her eyes, relaxed, and focused the force around her.

Alexia Sturkov
May 6th, 2005, 11:44:00 PM
Jezreal's eyes remained shut as she layed her hands down on her legs and then turned them palm up with the back of her hands resting on her legs. She summoned the force to her and through her and into the rocks around her. Those of the rocks closer to her rose of the ground by five inches. They floated there for a minute and a half and then the next row of rocks rose from the ground. Jezreal continued this pattern until she had reached the fifth row. There where only five more rows but each one contained more rocks then the last and required more time for her to consentrate.

Alexia Sturkov
May 21st, 2005, 11:26:45 PM
Jezreal could feel the force flowing stronger and stronger through her with every rock that she lifted. The mental strain also increased as each rock rose. The sixth row rose up and joined its brethren in the air. Now Her mind was pounding. Shockwaves of mental stress filled her head and just when she felt that her head would explode... A cool calm suddenly came. The pain was gone and she feld completely emerged in the force. Such a connection was all but uncommon but it was a first for her. She lifted up the next row of rocks and then the next and so one until all ten rows where airborn.

A faint smile crossed her lips and then she set themm all down, one row at a time. During the entire excerise she had opened her eyes several times, not trusting what the force was telling her and choosing to rely on her pitiful human sense of sight.

She didn't want to make that mistake again. She some cloth from the bottom of her cloak and blindfolded herself with it. Once blindfolder she sat, unmoving, for close to ten minutes. She reconnected herself to the force as she had done just a moment ago. It was easier now, still diffult but not as much as before. She kept her hands limp at her sides and concentrated.

The rocks rose again. Not in a single row at a time, as before, but two rows at a time. Soon all the rocks where in the air again and then Jezreal did something she had never attempted before. All the rocks flew up and congregated five feet above her head. They all clusted together for a moment before falling down and turning into a halo that surouned Jezreal's head. The rocks started to spin around her head. There was not much space between the rocks and her body, if she lost he concentration for a moment the entire mass could plow into her, causing surtain death.

But she was unafraid and continued to spin the rocks. She then split a large portion of the rocks off from the main mass and hade them create a arc of their own. They spun in a circle outside of the first one. Soon Jezreal created a third group of spinning rocks and then a fourth and a fifth. Soon all the rocks where zooming around the space around her body. Jezreal continued this until she had complete control over the rocks and could change and move them around with ease.

Then she did something truely daring. She used the little bit of mental energy that was not controlling the rocks and summoned the force around her own body. She lifted off the ground, still in a seated postion. She rose into the nexus of the rock storm. Air and rock swished around her. Her hair flew in all direction. The image would be something extrodanary to see if there had been anyone to see it. She sat in that blissful place.

The force was strong in her and through it she was strong. She didn't know how long she sat in the maelstorm but eventualy her mental energy began to wane. A sign eminnated from her lips and she gathered the force to her again. A massive blase of force energy errupted around her, sending the rocks flying away in every direction. She fell to the ground and landed on her feet.

"Wow" She said to herself. The boom created by the blast would have been heard by half the order. Jezreal smiled and walked towards the exit. The blindfold still covered her face but she relied on the force to be her eyes for now. She made her way to her room and, apon entering it, felt suddenly fatigued and flopped down on her bed and was asleep in second.