View Full Version : My Exciting Life (updated because stuff is happening!)

Mandy with an I
Apr 19th, 2005, 11:02:20 PM
Because life is crappy, and you know, I don't feel like spending what little time I have at home posting. Not that I don't love you all ;)

A co-worker who I personally hate has given her one weeks notice, which means, I'm probably going to be working a few more hours. I've also been training someone, so I'm working more shifts for that. I'm really burnt out from work. :|

I have normal "RL" crap going on - doing my taxes, shopping, movies, laundry, tv, reading and hopefully working out (someday!).

I also found out my Grandpa is dying - he's in the hospital, and my sister said it sounds like he only has about a week left. He lives 5 hours away, so I'll most likely be going to a funeral sometime soon.

So, I haven't really been thinking about rping, or posting, or much of anything besides sleeping. I'll try to keep up with the few rps I have now, but if I go missing for a few days, don't worry. :)

Soraya Taveres
Apr 20th, 2005, 08:14:51 AM

sorry about your grandad ...

Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 20th, 2005, 09:48:13 AM
*huggles!* Sorry to hear, Dae-dae. :(

Mandy with an I
Apr 20th, 2005, 09:49:47 AM

To be honest, it's better this way. He had strokes before, and couldn't talk, or really walk for years. Now he would only be kept alive if they hooked him up to a feeding tube and oxygen, which isn't really living. He's already signed papers saying that he doesn't want to be kept "alive" like that so :(

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 20th, 2005, 10:05:35 AM
:: huggles you ::

You know where I am if you need a shoulder to lean on, Dae-chan.

Kieran Devaneaux
Apr 20th, 2005, 02:26:38 PM
I lost my grandmother two and a half years ago; I understand how you're feelin'. *hugs* We're here when you need us.

Apr 20th, 2005, 11:06:16 PM
Take care! Hope everything works out for the best.

Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 21st, 2005, 07:49:51 AM
Man...life is really loading it on for you. I'm sorry and you and your grandfather are in my prayers.

Apr 21st, 2005, 09:01:01 AM
Originally posted by Je'gan Olra'en
Man...life is really loading it on for you.

:lol I'm really used to it, so...yeah. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, guys. I appreciate it.

At least my tax return was $1000 ^_^; That was a nice surprize.

Lady Vader
Apr 21st, 2005, 01:10:16 PM
:hug Dae


Mandy with an I
Apr 26th, 2005, 08:32:10 AM
Funeral is on Thursday, we just got the call about him yesterday morning.

I'm hoping I'll be able to at least get that day off - we're short staffed, but damn it, I work my butt off all the time and cover for other people, I should at least get this one day off. :(

Kieran Devaneaux
Apr 26th, 2005, 08:37:22 AM
The hell with them - if they can't understand the fact you just lost a member of your family, then you ought to find another place of employment. One that actually gives a damn.

At least he's at peace - my condolences to you.


Wei Wu Wei
Apr 26th, 2005, 12:14:25 PM
If you need to talk to someone after all this, feel free to get a hold of me. I'm sure you'll get to go to your grandfather's funeral.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 26th, 2005, 06:05:21 PM
:hug's for Daedae. You better get the day off!!

Apr 26th, 2005, 07:35:35 PM
Take care of yourself, Dae. I'm thinking about you... clean thoughts, honest! :uhoh

Mandy with an I
Apr 26th, 2005, 09:52:38 PM
Updated because I'm feeling really pissed off.

1. My uncle is a dick, and his gf is not treating my Grandmother very nicely. I will probably be going across the border to help her move sometime in the next few weeks.

2. My aunt who recently had her voice-box removed because she had cancer has cancer. Again. On her lungs. So I may or may not being going with her and my cousin to Chemo in Hamilton. She weighs frickin 109 lbs, and my mum doesn't think she's going to make it through this. :(

3. I have a horrible tooth-ache and am really freaking tired of having to deal with horrible news all the time. So I apologise if I'm a bit nasty to anyone I normally wouldn't be nasty to. :|

(yeah, yeah, not like I post often or with many of you, but if I disappear for a few days, you'll know where I am :P)

Lilaena De'Ville
May 11th, 2005, 11:07:10 PM
:hug stay safe sweetie

Lion El' Jonson
May 12th, 2005, 05:52:05 AM
I'm sorry, Dae. Really sorry.

We all wuvs you. :)

Je'gan Olra'en
May 12th, 2005, 08:29:32 AM


Take care.

Loki Ahmrah
May 13th, 2005, 08:11:25 PM
1. Good luck with the rescue operation. Kick the door down and fireman's lift gran out of the house to freedom. :cool

2. Your aunt will be in my thoughts. As will your family, having the toll this sort of ordeal takes on people, I sincerely wish her a swift recovery.

3. Mints, pizza, ice-cream cake and soda. You'll get no tooth-ache sympathy from me, your majesty! :mneh

Mandy with an I
May 13th, 2005, 08:20:50 PM
I can't help that I have a sweet-tooth! :cry

And I have the *semi* flu...Ice-cream cake is good for that ^_^;

Loki Ahmrah
May 13th, 2005, 08:58:33 PM
But now you're sweet tooth has become a sore tooth! >D

What you need is Benylin and Lemsip, girl. Get that down you and you'll be on your way to recovery. Plus if you drink it too often, you start to feel a little stoned. :)

Mandy with an I
May 13th, 2005, 10:12:06 PM
which is EXACTLY what I need!

I almost got hit by a car crossing the road today, so I don't think any meds would be a good idea. :lol

Soraya Taveres
May 16th, 2005, 03:30:59 AM
Originally posted by Dae Jinn
2. My aunt who recently had her voice-box removed because she had cancer has cancer. Again. On her lungs. So I may or may not being going with her and my cousin to Chemo in Hamilton. She weighs frickin 109 lbs, and my mum doesn't think she's going to make it through this. :(

heh. my mom, who is suffering from motor neurone disease, recently got diagnosed with some other weird inexplicable syndrome. they found a tumour in her uterus, one which releases freak hormones or evil cells of doom or something. these cells float about her body and then, when they finally decide that they feel like it, WHAM, they turn cancerous. so no, it's not ordinary cancer, it's freak unidentified cancer that no one really knows anything about, i.e. origins, cause, cure, blahblah. she's being treated with chemo right now ... which is kinda sorta really really risky for her, seeing as how she's already so bloody weak from mnd. but, hey, she's the strongest woman i know, and i already threatened her that i'd fail miserably in life if she doesn't get better and soon, so ... hopefully it'll be ok. oh and guess what ? when they took her to the hospital for the medical check-up thingy, the doctors got well scared at first because they couldn't find her veins or something, since she's so skinny.

so now my mommy has not only one, but TWO rare diseases, neither of which are linked to each other in any way. kinda defeats the whole purpose of them being RARE and all, don'tcha think ?
