View Full Version : Lunch (Iaura/J'ktal/training)

James Prent
Apr 19th, 2005, 06:29:04 PM
James checked her chrono, noting that her padawan wasn't late yet. She was cleaning up after a morning training session that had left both master and padawan as sweaty messes. There was a technique that could be used to suppress the sweat glands, but James had not spent the time to learn it. Plus, it would be too advanced to teach Iaura at this early stage. Instead, they were building up to her future lightsaber training, going through movements and excercises to build up the girl's muscles.

It was good training for James as well, and she was finding ways to input the advice J'ktal, her other padawan, was giving her in their sessions. Yes, she was the teacher when it came to the ways of the Force, but he was vastly skilled in combat and was giving her some pointers. More than just pointers, really. James didn't want to explain their master/padawan relationship to anyone, and hoped no one asked.

She had also extended an invitation to J'ktal for lunch that day, but had not made it mandatory. They could go over these lessons privately. However, James liked to think outside the box and teach her students creatively.

The Jedi Knight looked down towards her wrist, but stopped and unbuckled the chrono and shoved it into a pocket of her robes.

J'ktal Anajii
Apr 19th, 2005, 06:53:07 PM
Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill was a frequent haunt for many Jedi, as it stood on the grounds of the Order, but it was someplace that J'ktal did not choose to attend terribly often, having discovered many finer dining establishments, as well as high-class bars only minutes away by speeder.

But, there was something to be said about eating in the 'club hangout,' and he had to admit that the food wasn't too bad, though it was far from what he could cook up in his own kitchen. Donning a short sleeved black silk shirt over a black undershirt, and charcoal silver slacks, the Death-Shadow was at his casual state upon entering the establishment, checking his very expensive watch to make sure he was on time, even though his internal clock told him he was. Dim compared to the bright lights outside, the Bar and Grill caused him to pause momentarily to let his pink eyes adjust before he spotted James at a table, and approached.

"Good anfternoon, Master Prent," he greeted her as he took a seat. "Hope you have forgiven me for trouncing you at lazer tag the other night." A rare grin graced his angular features as he settled himself in his seat.

James Prent
Apr 19th, 2005, 10:10:38 PM
James grinned, "I thought it was agreed we tied." She looked towards the door as it opened and closed again. "Did you happen to see Iaura on your way over?"

She pushed a menu over towards him, but kept her hands on top of her own.

J'ktal Anajii
Apr 20th, 2005, 07:35:14 AM
The gray-furred mongoose took only a cursory glance at the menu before setting it aside. "Tied, a terribly interesting concept for a final score of twenty-three to seven," he quipped dryly, though he figured that James would be used to his sense of humor by then to take it as a joke.

"No, but then again I was not really looking for her," J'ktal said, then nudged the salt shaker just a tad so that it would be perfectly in line with the pepper. "In case you would care for a more interesting sort of challenge, I have a set of sensory augmented holo-visors on their way from the Laboratory. As long as I am away from the Corps, they insist I keep up at least certain levels of training, and playing those virtual reality simulators they dream up apparently qualify. Stunningly real, though, those programs. Should arrive in a week or so."

James Prent
Apr 21st, 2005, 12:06:03 PM
"Really?" James looked interested. "So it's like a starfighter sim, only not for starfighters."

The door opened again, and she looked up. Nope. "Well, if you want t' order now you can, or we can still wait."

Apr 22nd, 2005, 11:50:55 AM
Iaura stepped inside and looked around for James. Spotting her she hurried over.

"Sorry," she said, as she took a seat at the table. "Am I awfully late? It took me longer than I thought to get here."

James Prent
Apr 22nd, 2005, 02:51:27 PM
She shook her head, "No worries, you're fine. Looks like we can order now, then." James smiled at her padawans, and waved over a droid to take their order.

"I'll have the bantha burger, no onions, and we won't need those." She indicated the silverware the droid was starting to set down for them. "But does the burger come with fries?"

"Yes." The droid picked up the forks and knives it had put on the table, secreting them away into a hidden compartment.

"Then I would like a side of ranch to dip 'em in. And water is fine to drink." She nodded to J'ktal, so he could order next.

J'ktal Anajii
Apr 22nd, 2005, 05:17:27 PM
"I will have the Nar Shadda strip steak, medium rare, with the baked potato and fettucini alfredo. And a grape Nehi to drink," J'ktal placed his order, then spared a glance at the other two to quell any comments about his chice of drink.

With the removal of their flatware, J'ktal presumed to know what was going to happen, but that wasn't going to dissuade him from ordering what he wanted to eat. Well, perhaps it did a little. After all, he had been wanting soup more than a baked potato. Folding his paws neatly in his lap, the mongoose leaned back in his seat and waited for Iaura to place her order before saying, "My apologies, Master Prent, but I hope there is not a long trainging session planned for this afternoon. I have an... appoiintment I must keep this evening."

Apr 30th, 2005, 12:46:32 PM
"Er...I'll have the burger too," Iaura said vaguely as she hadn't looked at the menu.

She then turned back to the others but kept quiet.

James Prent
May 6th, 2005, 12:35:03 PM
James smiled at both of them, and then explained what they were going to be doing. "As you can see, I had the silverware taken away. You've both been working on telekinesis a bit, and today we're going to have a ... well not a trial by fire. Sort of a trial by food.

"When the food gets here you can eat, but you can't use your hands." To demonstrate, she lifted her water glass with the Force and brought it slowly to her lips and took a sip before replacing it on the table.

Jul 13th, 2005, 02:00:17 PM
"Sounds fun," Iaura said with a smile. "I hope this place won't mind if we make a mess," she added.