View Full Version : The Stage Is Set (TSO Sith & personnel)

Lady Vader
Apr 12th, 2005, 02:57:40 PM
LV sat alone in the Elder's Chamber, brooding and mulling over the visions she and some of the other Elder's had had as of late. In the beginning, they had merely been small prodings at the back of their minds, foreshadowing something that was coming in the future. Those premonitions had gotten stronger as time had progressed, prompting the high threat status the Order had implimented upon Corellia and it's surrounding planets.

Most of the Order's fleet had been brought home, leaving a few ships for the planets held under the Order's flag. The local militia had been brought into force to protect each planet as was needed. Even the Saiatah had been ordered home, dropping her passengers off at various destinations. She herself had undergone a small change from casino ship to squadron holder.

And due to the projects at the shipyard either having been rushed or stopped all together had alerted Telan to their side. The Grand Admiral's fleet and soldiers were sitting comfortably beside Corellia, alert and watchful.

The shield about the Palace was up now around the clock, as well as the planetary shield. All ships going in and out were questioned and battered for code upon code to ensure nothing peculiar slipped in or out. The orbital platforms had been rbought to full capacity, their guns charged and ready. Each planet in the system that bore the Order's flag had been given a flag ship with it's own fighter squadron. On the ground, the planets had compiled a militia, bringing their armies to speed as to the status of the Order. Those planets in the system that were yet not under the TSO flag had been warned of what the Elder's had been feeling as of late, and were encouraged to act accordingly to protect themselves. Whether they chose to or not was up to them, however TSO would send help if they required it.

As for the sensetive materials in the Palace itself, all the information TSO had, had been moved off planet to a secret location. Some may have viewed that as an extreme move, but LV and those Elder's that had seen the shadow coming had felt it prudent. The vast library was now bare, all it's information stored and moved, the Sith holocron the Order possessed and various other Sith artifacts were gone as well. All that remained in the Palace were the Sith runes and magics that had been placed within the hallways, and the Sith and guards themselves. She could feel each individual mind as each Sith went about his or her business, whether it was reading a datapad of information, training, walking in the garden, or meditating. Moving everyone off the planet if need be would be difficult at best, but it could be done. She had even had a special transport made ready for Shenraun, to allow his massive body to be transported safely.

Now alone, and able to think with all the major projects out of the way, LV wondered if they had done the right thing, by assuming the worst. And then she shook her head. They had done the right thing to survive and to keep spreading their teachings. Regardless of whether something happened to them or not, they were prepared.

And she would rather be prepared than sorry.

Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 13th, 2005, 08:38:07 AM
Je'gan was the first to arrive, a still-young figure in unmitigated black; the cloak that obscured his tunic and breeches stirred as if it was alive, even when he was not moving nor in any current of air. His hands, surprisingly, were covered in drying blood, and the lightsabres at his belt were daubed liberally in blood was well. A few spatters decorated his clothing, all but the cloak, which was covered in tiny spots of ash: the Shadow had consumed the blood.

"I found a Rivin sympathizer among our minor Adepts," he said tersely. Peremptorily, he gestured as he took his seat: a servant entered and presented him with a bowl of water and a towel. Absently, the Sith Knight began to wash his hands, shaking droplets of cold water and rehydrated blood from his fingertips. He had no problems with blood as a decoration - he simply did not like the fact that it impaired his mobility when fully dry. However slight that impairment, it was still too much.

He had been keeping an eye on the affairs of the populus, albeit aware that he was very much the weapon and not the wielder in that concern. Called in to suppress incidents of public discontent and interrogate prisoners, Je'gan's expertise in mentalics was matched by his lack of talent in the area of public relations - compared to Southstar, at least. Brooding in his chair, he stared off at nothing. Southstar should be here, and privatly Je'gan was hoping that the older Knight arrived sooner rather than later. He trusted, fully trusted, few of his compatriots, but Southstar came closer than most to having his complete faith.

Still, that wasn't what it had been in Je'gan's Apprentice days. The young Knight had become self-sufficient in a great many ways - perhaps all ways. He sometimes thought, though he knew the disadvantages of the idea outwieghed the advantages, that he would do better working alone, not as a part of TSO. He certainly wouldn't have to deal with Kathrine, for one.

But self-sufficient he had become, and powerful in his way. Through intense labour and research - before both the Sith library and his own had been packed off, albeit to different destinations - he had overcome his disadvantage in the area of precognition. He, too, was beginning to feel the coming storm, though not nearly as much as Lady Vader.

To whom, at last, he spoke, though his eyes stayed on the wall.

"I'm fairly sure that that was the last one: I've gone through all of our staff and Adepts. In many cases, productive servants only required a bit of brainwashing, but this is the fifth I've killed for being an outright Rivin or Vill sympathizer. Or for being useless."

He dried his hands on the small towel and gestured the servant back outside, blanking the last thirty seconds of the girl's memory in the process. "We've let too much trash into our ranks. Fortunately, that trash has been removed. I am pleased to report that our training program is doing as well as ever, and that my primary Apprentice, Phoenix Whyte, is ready for Knighthood." The Sith Knight smiled faintly, a hint of predator's gleam in his eyes. "Whyte is perhaps the most talented Apprentice I have ever trained. He is a credit to the Order."

Lady Vader
Apr 13th, 2005, 01:37:18 PM
LV regarded the young man, and let a small smile crease her features. "That is good to hear, Je'gan. And in times like these, we need news like that."

While the premonitions she had had before would only come upon her meditating, now they seemed to come more frequently as waking dreams. She was not afraid of the coming storm, only wary of it.

She straightened, looking at the other empty seats before looking back at Je'gan.

"The Order has finished it's last preparation as of yestedray for the impending danger we have been feeling as of late. I do not think we can prepare any further." She scowled. "Now, we wait to see what will come."

She hated waiting. And yet, she knew it was part of the process.

And even if it came down to having to remove themselves, they would still be able to keep tendrils in place, thanks to their reputation and employed diplomats.

Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 13th, 2005, 04:32:35 PM
Je'gan nodded thoughtfully, a part of his mind playing with the oddness of it all. He still had not gotten used to the fact that he could speak with Lady Vader as, if not exactly an equal, than at least a respected coworker, perhaps even a peer of sorts. It hadn't been very many years ago that his only contact with LV had been chastisement, the circumstances which preceded the Duvall incident being prominent. Looking back, he shook his head at his own stupidity in those times. Were he to see an Apprentice acting now as he had acted then...

Suffice it to say that Darth Vader's 'You deserve death' echoed in his mind for more than one reason. A harsh, ironic smile came to Je'gan's face as he observed a bit of blood fixed under a fingernail.

"I assume," he said at length, "that our policy of public innocence is at an end?"

Apr 13th, 2005, 09:00:59 PM
"That," Southstar said as he entered the room. "Depends on the perspective you're looking from."

He bowed with his hands behind his back. In them was a datapad clenched tightly. "Lady Vader." He nodded towards his former apprentice. "And Je'gan."

"You wouldn't believe the notifications coming in from the town centers. People are scared, even without precognitions of their own."

Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2005, 02:27:45 PM
"I'm not surprised." LV added to Southstar's statement. "We've done all we can to safeguard our assests."

She leaned forward. "And if anything, whatever comes to pass, will only make us more to be the," She gestured quotation marks with her fingers, " 'good guys'."

She smiled. "I'm not owrried as to what may come... I'm actually looking forward to it."

Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 14th, 2005, 04:06:56 PM
"A bit of change," Je'gan added, nodding in quiet agreement. "A chance for some concerted action at last."

Apr 14th, 2005, 05:36:37 PM
Southstar, however, did not share the same excited anticipation as Lady Vader, a lot was at stake. Je'gan was correct about concerted action. Perhaps it would give him a chance to brighten his own public image.

"I suppose you should take a look at this." He said and changed the subject. Handing the datapad first to Lady Vader he gave a brief description of what it was about as there as quite a bit of reading. "There's a political instability on Kashyyyk. Not completely directed against us though there are those opposed. The ruling group are loosing favor and are likely to be overthrown. The likely politcal group to succeed might be difficult to work with. They may not like our 'protection' of their planet."

"Under normal circumstances we'd simply make them like it. But with the New Republic poised to attack, it might embolden them. Especially with our resources so devoted to Corellia."

Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 16th, 2005, 03:05:20 PM
Je'gan frowned thoughtfully.

"You're our political guru, Southstar: would Kashyyyk benefit from a Sith presence?"

Zereth Lancer
Apr 17th, 2005, 10:23:57 PM
The door opened and the hooded form of Zereth walked in. He took his seat and look around at his fellow eldars with his burning red eyes, He said nothing for the moment for Je'gan had asked Southstar a question.

Zereth had spent the entire day flying his ship around in space to make sure the security was tip top. After he had found a few loop holes and closed them he returned and headed straight for this meeting. He had grabbed his hood cloak and thrown it over his black flight suit.

Apr 18th, 2005, 12:34:06 AM
"Kashyyyk? Not as much as the Sith Order would." He said to Je'gan. "But there is little we can do with all our resources tied up on Corellia. These rebels couldn't have picked a worse time with those warmongers in the Republic setting their crosshairs on us." He shifted his feet and looked back at Zereth who had just arrived. "I swear, the reprecussions from Rivin's escapade are causing us more grief than I thought."

He turned his head to stare into the shadow created by Zereth's hood. "How are you Zereth?"

Zereth Lancer
Apr 19th, 2005, 09:16:21 PM
Zereth was suprised with the question, but did not let it show. People didn't normaly asked him how he was. He wondered if this question had a hidden meaning behind it but, alas, he could tell not. "I am fine," He started, "I've spent the last few days flying through the security and closing up all the loose ends. I've made sure that the security is tight enough that no one should be able to infiltrate the planet easily. I think we are near as alert and ready as we could be."

Lady Vader
Apr 20th, 2005, 05:29:34 PM
LV looked over the datapad as Southstar explained and greeted Zereth. Once she was done, she handed the datapad to Je'gan so he too could see it.

"Kashyyyk has certainly been a helpful asset to the Order, but I do not think we would lose anything of significance if it were to fall from our grasp." She raised a hand to fend off a comment Southstar was about to make. "However, if you feel it is noteworthy to keep it, then perhaps our Imperial allies could help us in that regard. I know they also have an interest in Kashyyyk, if not at least for the "service" the wookiees can give them."

Apr 20th, 2005, 11:03:48 PM
He heard Lady Vader out and then spoke. "However there is the issue that if we allowed Kashyyyk to fall from our grasp that other systems would too leave. I know the Hutt's would be eager to do so. We can't simply sit on the Corellian system and expect things be easy. The Republic would have attacked sooner had we not several systems supporting us. A lot of our troops, the very ones standing guard to prevent against a Republic invasion, are not of the Corellian system. Valuable resources aside, should we allow our protectorate over these systems to slip from our grasp, we will suffer grave consequences."

Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 22nd, 2005, 04:38:42 PM
"We cannot appear weak. Aside from the obvious consequences upon our control over Corellia itself..."

Je'gan let himself trail off as he considered the situation, toying with it in his head.

"We are Sith - and that means control. Absolute, unwavering control."

Lady Vader
Apr 22nd, 2005, 04:42:49 PM
LV sat back in her seat. "Then what do you propose we do about Kashyyyk in light of our preperations for what we may be facing here on the home-front?"

Zereth Lancer
Apr 22nd, 2005, 09:46:12 PM
"We go in," Zereth said "Flex a little muscle, strike some fear into the people, and in the end have Kashyyyk under our thumb again." He looked around the circle. "We could perhaps used politics but I think putting down the ones resisting our control the most and such." He was not a tactician in anyway and he was at a loss when planning such things at this. He would leave the real planning to Southstar, Je'gan and LV. But he felt he would, to use an anceint expression, put in his two cense.

Apr 23rd, 2005, 01:36:15 PM
"We can't simply hope it turns out for the best. Yet diverting resources from Corellia is out fo the question." For a second he wondered if the Republic might have something to do with this. "Do we want to risk sending a Knight or master?"

Lady Vader
Apr 26th, 2005, 12:21:15 PM
LV thought for a moment. "We could send a Knight. Just to gather information and to observe. If anything looks suspicious in what is going on, then they can report back to us and we can see about sending a small force out." She tapped a finger against her chin. "The forces we have here are sufficient, and anything we deploy to Kashyyyk will quickly be filled in by Telan's forces."

Apr 28th, 2005, 10:12:02 PM
Southstar nodded after Lady Vader had spoke. "Very well. We can ask for volunteers or instruct one that we see fit to go. I personally prefer the latter as not everyone who might volunteer would be fit for the job."

Sasha Kovalev
May 16th, 2005, 11:17:02 AM
Sasha had entered the room only moments before – moments enough to know that this discussion was about and to hear the plans to possibly send a knight to Kashyyyk to observe. He knew that Lady Vader would perhaps refuse to let him go – what with him still being considered on probation, but he was going to push the envelope. It would perhaps mean that his escort would have to go along, but that wasn’t his fault, so far as he saw it. He wasn’t the one who felt he needed one.

“I would be willing to go.” He stated, finally speaking up in the discussion.

And if you don’t trust my observations, you can always ask my escort.

These words were not spoken, but he did leave the thoughts hanging out there. It was perhaps a hint of attitude expressed in them, but it was nothing to show displeasure with the Order. It was merely displeasure with not being trusted.

But Sasha, before his departure a few years ago, had always been loyal to the Order. He had been hard working – had severed his own hand from his wrist at the command of his master to prove his dedication. And now that he had returned, he intended to prove to them, to his master, for once and for all, that his decisions in the past had been made wisely, and that his return was not only for his benefit, but for the benefit of the Order.

Je'gan Olra'en
May 19th, 2005, 11:50:42 AM
"A chance to prove yourself again, Kovalev, hm?"

Je'gan didn't know Sasha, but in his capacity as both an Elder and as a Sith he knew of him. That was his job: to know what constituted a potential threat. Until Kovalev showed to Je'gan's satisfaction that he was loyal...

Well, he didn't intend to trust his fellow Knight. Certainly not a Knight as powerful as Southstar, without Southstar's proven dedication.

"I see no reason why you shouldn't have that chance."

Sasha Kovalev
May 19th, 2005, 02:19:59 PM
His head swiveled to face the one who had spoken. Blue eyes that some often described as violet focused on his fellow member of the order. On a fellow knight. There was nothing in his eyes of arrogance or malice or anger. But there was a seriousness to them. An expression of determination.

And slowly he nodded.

“Yes.” He replied in answer to the suggestion that it was an opportunity to prove himself. The young man’s head cocked slightly at an angle that might have expressed pride. He had known that the road would not be an easy one, and he would not be bullied. He was, afterall, a knight of the Sith.

And when Je'gan had added that he saw no reasons for objection, Sasha had turned to look at the others, awaiting their opinions as well. Despite the lack of trust, he respect his elders and respected his peers and would, without question, respect their decision. Whether he was chosen to go or not.

(ooc: I realize I jumped in late on this and there isn’t actually the opportunity for him to go any more. If everyone is ok with finishing off this thread with him being told he had to stay behind, that would be cool….if you all don’t mind.)

May 23rd, 2005, 04:46:25 PM
Southstar had remembered Sasha from back when he himself was an apprentice. However, instead of growing together in the Sith Order, Sasha had parted ways with the Sith Order. Resentment was the best way to describe his attitude towards Sasha, though he was open to giving him a chance to prove his loyalty to the Order. Kashyyyk was a matter of importance for the Sith, not a trial ground.

"Your ambition to serve the order is appreciated, Sasha. But perhaps it would be best to send another." He said carefully.