View Full Version : Display Cases

Apr 8th, 2005, 08:31:09 AM
They won't be selling them at C3, but the company making them is going to provide some info on them. Crap, they're going to be at least $100. But it looks so sweet..........
You can find more info here;

Apr 8th, 2005, 11:58:20 AM
Oh man, they make me want to break open all of my figures!

Apr 8th, 2005, 02:44:07 PM
Open them!!!! It's not like they're going to be worth that much more carded years from now. Then you'd get to take snazzy pics of them and post em. ;) The only reason to hold off is that you may want to wait until you get a big enough place to plan your collection and display out.

Apr 9th, 2005, 03:01:08 PM
That's the reason why I think I'll wait before opening any figures. They're all safely tucked away in boxes right now and I just don't have the space to place them all right now.