View Full Version : TV Spots
Darth McBain
Apr 2nd, 2005, 10:21:07 AM
Wow!!! I know it goes without saying that we're all psyched for Ep. III, but these really got my blood pumping some more for it...
Apr 2nd, 2005, 04:22:27 PM
Pretty cool stuff, all signs are still overwhelmingly positive!
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 2nd, 2005, 05:59:32 PM
They were great the Tragedy one is very sad :(
Apr 2nd, 2005, 09:20:38 PM
Saw those late last night. Sweeeeeet.
Apr 2nd, 2005, 11:44:37 PM
My only fear...the lava surfing. I hope it doesn't look corny and cheap.
But the Anakin and Yoda dialogue is teh sexy.
Gav Mortis
Apr 3rd, 2005, 08:16:18 PM
Please, use spoiler tags.
Apr 4th, 2005, 10:38:11 AM
Apr 7th, 2005, 09:37:06 AM
What do you guys think about Padme's line: Anakin you're breaking my heart!
I know it's out of context and to some it may sound cheesy, but I LOVE IT. It actually hurts a little bit inside when she says it, I can feel her pain.
Apr 7th, 2005, 11:53:20 AM
I guess the affect it will have on me will depend on what comes out of Anakin's mouth just before that. ;)
In a vacuum though you're right, it does hurt a little.
Darth McBain
Apr 7th, 2005, 12:51:14 PM
I personally loved that line - a lot of people seem to have an issue with it, but I thought it was a great line and well delivered - I too can feel her pain.
Apr 7th, 2005, 01:42:05 PM
Who's having an issue with it? And why?
Darth McBain
Apr 7th, 2005, 04:02:36 PM
Originally posted by JMK
Who's having an issue with it? And why?
A lot of the "fans" that post on TF.N... I personally think it comes down to the usual syndrome where it's the "in" thing to bash Star Wars.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 7th, 2005, 04:59:37 PM
I seen some fans on BOM forums too that say it is awful I have defended it saying see it in Context. It is hard to judge that line in a teaser.
Apr 7th, 2005, 06:29:02 PM
That's just the way it's going to be with Star Wars fans. In TPM and AotC fans were saying that Portman was wooden and emotionless, even in the romantic scenes. Now that she's gushing and seemingly pouring her heart out, there's a new group of people (actually it's probably largely the same group of clowns) who are saying she's too emotional.
Apr 7th, 2005, 06:53:54 PM
You have to admit though that in half a second she is expressing more emotion than in previous films combined.
Still I love the line.
Darth McBain
Apr 7th, 2005, 07:38:39 PM
Originally posted by JMK
That's just the way it's going to be with Star Wars fans. In TPM and AotC fans were saying that Portman was wooden and emotionless, even in the romantic scenes. Now that she's gushing and seemingly pouring her heart out, there's a new group of people (actually it's probably largely the same group of clowns) who are saying she's too emotional.
Well said... Just take it for what it is. Is the acting perfect - no. Was it perfect in the OT? No. There will always be people to nitpick every detail and dump on it, it's just sad that people are dumping on it saying the movie sucks and it isn't even out yet. If after you see it and then that's how you feel - fine - everyone's entitled to an opinion, but it just seems so "cool" to dump on starwars that people will find anything they don't like and use that to dump on it...
Oh well, c'est la vie...
Apr 7th, 2005, 07:52:15 PM
Everything gets built up so that others can bring them down. Since TPM critically 'bombed', it became cool to bash Star Wars. Or is it all Jar Jar's fault? ;)
Apr 7th, 2005, 09:28:05 PM
I have close friends, Star Wars' fans who hate the prequels, yet spent 350 dollars on toys last saturday.
You'll never understand them. Though I don't judge them since I was formally introduced to Star Wars with the Special Edition re-release (was born in 1983). I don't have to fight with childhood memories and pre-conceptions on how I thought the Universe worked, I simply love the movies for what they are, epics in space.
Rognan Dar
Apr 7th, 2005, 09:35:25 PM
That line of Padme's is a big insight as to what is happening between Anakin and Padme. I loved it. It was full of emotion, which is something thats been missing in the movies. But then, Jedi are not suppose to be emotional...of forget it.
Anyway, Padme was very unemotional in the first two movies. Even in the beginning of AOTC, when they land and the ship blows up and her handfmaiden dies...she really wasn't all that convinsing with her brief guilt and sadness. But I can push all that aside to see how it all works out in the next movie. ;)
Apr 8th, 2005, 06:34:05 AM
You're right. Padme's 'sadness' over the death of her handmaiden was laughable. It was so stiff and stilted, thankfully it happened in the first couple minutes and we quickly forgot about it.
Apr 8th, 2005, 01:12:57 PM
And Portman has become a great actress in the last three years. She'll do a good job.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 8th, 2005, 01:28:58 PM
Just watch "Garden State" or "Closer" to see how good of a crier she is now. :cry makes me cry thinking about it.
Of course I had to hit my husband when he said he wanted to comfort her. :mad
Apr 8th, 2005, 02:12:33 PM
Take back that hit!
There's nothing wrong with what he said. In fact, if he said anything otherwise you should be checking his temperature!
Apr 8th, 2005, 09:41:28 PM
I just rewatched the deleted AOTC scenes the other day. Some of Portman's best scenes were left on the cutting room floor. The scenes at her parent's house really fleshed out the love story and you could actually see her starting to fall for Anakin. It's a shame those didn't make the cut, people would cut her some slack.
Rognan Dar
Apr 8th, 2005, 11:21:10 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
I just rewatched the deleted AOTC scenes the other day. Some of Portman's best scenes were left on the cutting room floor. The scenes at her parent's house really fleshed out the love story and you could actually see her starting to fall for Anakin. It's a shame those didn't make the cut, people would cut her some slack.
I agree. That would have been a good scene to leave in. It added so much more depth to the movie then all these fake looking picnic...thing. I didn't like the picnic. Maybe its because right after that they go to the fireplace scene and that is even worse. I just think so far she has had the wrong moments to try and be padme. I think she is going to do the best in the 3rd movie.
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Of course I had to hit my husband when he said he wanted to comfort her. :mad
Man, I knew you were mean and abusive...but come on. Give him a break. Its not like a he hasn't said something like that for the whole time you two have been married. Maybe you shoud look into that.
Apr 9th, 2005, 02:50:15 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
I just rewatched the deleted AOTC scenes the other day. Some of Portman's best scenes were left on the cutting room floor. The scenes at her parent's house really fleshed out the love story and you could actually see her starting to fall for Anakin. It's a shame those didn't make the cut, people would cut her some slack.
Yeah, after buying the DVD and seeing that scene, I couldn't believe that Lucas had left it out. It fleshed out so much. Like I said at the time, I didn't have any feeling whatsoever that Padme was falling for Anakin until she actually told him that she loved him. I thought that deleted scene would have painted a far clearer picture.
Rognan Dar
Apr 9th, 2005, 11:29:59 PM
Well, if you listen and look for it, you can her Padme dancing around the fact that she might or does like him, jsut doesn't say it right off. I noticed something like this in the fireplace scene. But yeah, there is no real indication that she is going for him. Not to mention she is like what, 5 years older then him, if not more? She could have just about any guy she wanted if she tried.
Apr 10th, 2005, 01:42:43 PM
I have a theory about the lack of emotion in the first 2 prequels, which might help to show that there's some kind of method to GL's perceived madness, so to speak.
Watch AOTC in particular, and look at how wooden everyone is. It's obvious that GL gave them the direction not to use hand gestures at all. Period. In general, everyone stands there with their arms at their sides and never moves them. It looks artificial and too well-controlled. Once I noticed it, it was very hard to un-notice it.
Well, it's obvious now that ROTS is going to be a highly emotional movie (I too love the Tragedy commercial, and love Padme's "you're breaking my heart" line), and perhaps GL was trying to set up a true dichotomoy between the characters during the first 2 prequels and now during ROTS. People stayed controlled and stiff, but now that events are overwhelming, their emotion is simply pouring out of them, and they can no longer control it. In effect, keeping them stiff and wooden in the first 2 prequels will make the emotional content all the more overwhelming in ROTS, because we might feel that they're so overcome by emotion that they're losing self-control, and in a sense, becoming more their true selves.
*whew* Did that make sense? Or am I overthinking things?
Apr 10th, 2005, 02:42:31 PM
Yeah, maybe there's something to that, but I think that if that's Lucas' validation for choosing to go at it the way he has, then he cheated a lot of people. TPM could have been a lot better than it was and AotC has room for improvement as well. In a way, if what you're saying has any truth to it, then the first 2 movies were essentially sacrificial lambs leading up to this one.
Nice observation though.
Apr 10th, 2005, 05:19:40 PM
Originally posted by JMK
Yeah, maybe there's something to that, but I think that if that's Lucas' validation for choosing to go at it the way he has, then he cheated a lot of people. TPM could have been a lot better than it was and AotC has room for improvement as well. In a way, if what you're saying has any truth to it, then the first 2 movies were essentially sacrificial lambs leading up to this one.
Nice observation though.
Thanks...although I do agree with your assessment completely. My theory could also be called an attempt to rationalize GL's mistakes, and that's not exactly what I want to to. Although I have enjoyed the prequels, especially AOTC, I'm the first person to admit that he's made some mistakes, and some of them have been big ones, unfortunately :\ . But man, am I ever still psyched about ROTS, don't get me wrong on that...May 19th can't get here soon enough, as far as I'm concerned.
Of course, if my theory holds true, then it will go down in history alongside GL's assertion that from the get-go, Luke and Leia were always meant to be brother and sister, and gee whiz, there were all these clues scattered along the way to point us in that direction. :lol
Apr 10th, 2005, 07:05:31 PM
I'll never believe that Lucas always intended for Luke and Leia to be siblings. There's just too much lusting on Luke's part in ANH for that. I've also read stuff that indicates "the other" Yoda spoke of in ESB wasn't decided on until one of the early drafts of ROTJ. I think it's in the Annotated Screenplays.
Apr 10th, 2005, 07:44:15 PM
Gary Kurtz has confirmed that the brother-sister relationship never came up until ROTJ was in development. Apparently they were going to introduce a new female character and make her Luke's sister, but then at the last minute, the whole Luke-Leia thing was created. So for GL to insist that the idea was there the whole time is ridiculous.
I still go icky icky goo whenever I watch ESB and see Leia plant that big wet one of Luke, eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww! :evil
Apr 10th, 2005, 08:14:13 PM
For Lucas to try and say something like that is ridiculous! There's no way he always intended for them to be siblings. Leia's of the archetype of the damsel in distress, except she's empowered. There was nothing to indicate that she and Luke were related. At all. Everyone except for Lucas says that they first learned of the relationship as they began production of RotJ.
Apr 18th, 2005, 09:15:28 PM
New Spots:
I don't know guys, but they didn't do anything for me. Not a single chill, especially compared to the other ads. Granted they don't show you much that we hadn't seen before, but if I were not a hardcore fan I wouldn't be psyched to see the movie after watching them.
And what's that feathery thing Obi-Wan rides? Looks kinda lame IMO
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 18th, 2005, 09:45:48 PM
Jedi Action two wasn't bad. The other two, I just didn't like the music, seemed way too upbeat for this movie. Should have used Duel of the Fates or Leia's theme would have worked better. The footage that was new looks great though.
Sanis Prent
Apr 18th, 2005, 10:08:08 PM
RIP Plo Koon >D
Also, the splash shot of the Venerator Star Destroyer is awesome
Sanis Prent
Apr 18th, 2005, 10:13:10 PM
Originally posted by JediBoricua
And what's that feathery thing Obi-Wan rides? Looks kinda lame IMO
It's a Boga. It is lame.
Apr 19th, 2005, 06:38:35 AM
The Boga is just another thing that Lucas created just because he could. It's like that giant dragonfly that Yoda is supposed to ride on Kashyyyk. THAT is going to be lame.
Apr 19th, 2005, 07:49:11 AM
The new spots don't offer that much, just some new shots of things we've already seen, but we do get to see more of General Grievous which is good. I imagine this is it until the release of the movie next month.
Darth McBain
Apr 19th, 2005, 09:19:01 AM
Good spots - although you're right, they don't offer too much more that we haven't already seen. I thought the Boga looked pretty cool, actually.
Apr 19th, 2005, 09:50:48 AM
Oh I agree - it looks great, but I think the idea of having it there at all is a little off. To me it screams: "Why have Obi-Wan ride a speeder, we've already designed one of those...let's make a new beast of burden = more toys to sell!"
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 19th, 2005, 11:53:48 AM
Well I think it looks cool too no different than those ugly Tauntauns from the ESB :p
Apr 19th, 2005, 12:12:22 PM
You have a point just seems to me that these Boga are a little...superfluous.
Apr 19th, 2005, 04:17:57 PM
Especially when you are surrounded by droids and machines that fire lasers...
Sanis Prent
Apr 19th, 2005, 05:16:12 PM
Originally posted by JediBoricua
Especially when you are surrounded by droids and machines that fire lasers...
Well, they've combined the two before and it was fine. The Boga just looks silly.
May 5th, 2005, 01:08:26 PM
2 new tv spots. One focusing on Anakin's turn, the other focusing on Padme. I was just thinking that we've seen and heard very little from her so far, so now that's taken care of. I think these are the best ones yet in terms of relaying the emotion of the story.
May 5th, 2005, 01:39:29 PM
Are they in the OS?
May 5th, 2005, 01:48:37 PM
Yessir they are:
Darth McBain
May 5th, 2005, 01:55:06 PM
Good spots - thanks for the heads up...
Jedi Master Carr
May 5th, 2005, 05:16:27 PM
I loved both of them I loved Palpatine's line Once again the Sith will rule the galaxy
Darth McBain
May 5th, 2005, 07:52:38 PM
Yeah, that line rocked... He sounded so rotten when he said it.
May 5th, 2005, 09:20:19 PM
Thank You kind sir!
For some reason the Padme one is showing me an older TV Spot.
May 6th, 2005, 06:55:40 AM
I loved Padme's line: You're going to kill him, aren't you?
Nathanial K'cansce
May 6th, 2005, 07:46:00 AM
I dunno, but something about Palpatine's demonic rotten voice irked the living daylights out of me. It just doesn't seem natural, nor do I think it fits all too well.
With that said, I love these new spots!
May 8th, 2005, 06:13:41 PM
Originally posted by JMK
Yessir they are:
I actually just discovered these 2 news ads today at the official website, and Seduction in particular just blew me away. These ads, combined with the current 87% rating at Rotten Tomatoes, are adding up to what I think is almost a guaranteed winner that will make the circle truly complete. :)
Anbira Hicchoru
May 8th, 2005, 06:15:39 PM
Originally posted by Jinn Fizz
I actually just discovered these 2 news ads today at the official website, and Seduction in particular just blew me away. These ads, combined with the current 87% rating at Rotten Tomatoes, are adding up to what I think is almost a guaranteed winner that will make the circle truly complete. :)
I don't expect the RT buzz to maintain :) It's the nature of these things to be overwhelmingly positive in the beginning.
May 8th, 2005, 07:37:54 PM
It's definetly going to level off at some point. I don't expect it to get as low as TPM and AotC, but somewhere around 75% fresh sounds right.
May 8th, 2005, 08:54:32 PM
Oh yeah, I figure it will drop before all is said and done, but I seriously doubt it will drop into "Rotten" territory. :)
Anbira Hicchoru
May 8th, 2005, 09:02:36 PM
Well that doesn't mean anything, since even the Phantom Menace is technically "fresh"
May 9th, 2005, 06:37:25 AM
Yep, 62% fresh to be exact. 1% fresher than AotC...try to figure that one out!
Jedi Master Carr
May 9th, 2005, 08:32:20 AM
Funny enough AOTC is now 65% fresh, some where between the release and now it went up, got me when.
May 9th, 2005, 09:35:01 AM
More like since last week AotC has went from 61% to 65% fresh. :lol
Darth McBain
May 12th, 2005, 09:12:33 AM
There's a new TV spot on the official site - good stuff...
May 12th, 2005, 09:32:35 AM
They just can't let us be can they?
Memo to Lucasfilm: Stop adding to our anticipation! :shootin
Darth McBain
May 12th, 2005, 10:44:46 AM
I have to say, I was surprised to see yet another TV spot... I figured they'd have stopped a while ago, but they seem to keep coming...
Nathanial K'cansce
May 12th, 2005, 10:59:27 AM
They should stop! Didn't they have 12 TV spots for AotC? I think 3 came after the movie came out, though. So this might be the last for a while.
And speaking of which, this one, I think, is my favorite. Help me, May-19th-iobi. You're my only hope. :(
May 12th, 2005, 11:49:11 AM
I think that had the best music of any ad we've seen so far. I like how it stresses the tragic elements of the story. Gotta go ..... need a ... tissue.....
May 12th, 2005, 11:59:55 AM
Yeah, the background music used in 'end of war' is by far the eeriest and creepiest seen so far in the prequels. A great choice and a big exclamation point on what the tone of this movie will be.
Darth McBain
May 12th, 2005, 01:19:31 PM
Yeah, this ad was really something - most of it was stuff we'd already seen, but how they presented it, along with their choice of music, really makes it stand out emotionally.
May 14th, 2005, 09:34:24 PM
More TV spots. Just head over to the OS to check em out. :)
Anbira Hicchoru
May 14th, 2005, 09:57:10 PM
Awesome spots
Darth McBain
May 15th, 2005, 08:44:18 PM
Nice, I like the brothers one. I still like the end of the war one best, but this one was really good. And while it wasn't exclusively for Ep. III, the other one (celebrations) was good too.
Anbira Hicchoru
May 15th, 2005, 08:54:31 PM
End of the War > *
May 16th, 2005, 08:16:47 PM
Another tv spot added: "Sith Happens". Don't go out of your way to see this one. It's really nothing special.
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